
Type members


case class IllegalWithContainersCall() extends IllegalStateException

Starts a single container before all tests and stop it after all tests

Starts a single container before all tests and stop it after all tests


class MysqlSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with TestContainerForAll {

 // You need to override `containerDef` with needed container definition
 override val containerDef = MySQLContainer.Def()

 // To use containers in tests you need to use `withContainers` function
 it should "test" in withContainers { mysqlContainer =>
   // Inside your test body you can do with your container whatever you want to

Starts a single container before each test and stop it after each test

Starts a single container before each test and stop it after each test


class MysqlSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with TestContainerForEach {

 // You need to override `containerDef` with needed container definition
 override val containerDef = MySQLContainer.Def()

 // To use containers in tests you need to use `withContainers` function
 it should "test" in withContainers { mysqlContainer =>
   // Inside your test body you can do with your container whatever you want to
trait TestContainersForAll extends TestContainersSuite with DockerImageNameConverters

Starts containers before all tests and stop then after all tests

Starts containers before all tests and stop then after all tests


class ExampleSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with TestContainersForAll {

 // First of all, you need to declare, which containers you want to use
 override type Containers = MySQLContainer and PostgreSQLContainer

 // After that, you need to describe, how you want to start them,
 // In this method you can use any intermediate logic.
 // You can pass parameters between containers, for example.
 override def startContainers(): Containers = {
   val container1 = MySQLContainer.Def().start()
   val container2 = PostgreSQLContainer.Def().start()
   container1 and container2

 // `withContainers` function supports multiple containers:
 it should "test" in withContainers { case mysqlContainer and pgContainer =>
   // Inside your test body you can do with your containers whatever you want to
   assert(mysqlContainer.jdbcUrl.nonEmpty && pgContainer.jdbcUrl.nonEmpty)

trait TestContainersForEach extends TestContainersSuite with DockerImageNameConverters

Starts containers before each test and stop them after each test

Starts containers before each test and stop them after each test


class ExampleSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with TestContainersForEach {

 // First of all, you need to declare, which containers you want to use
 override type Containers = MySQLContainer and PostgreSQLContainer

 // After that, you need to describe, how you want to start them,
 // In this method you can use any intermediate logic.
 // You can pass parameters between containers, for example.
 override def startContainers(): Containers = {
   val container1 = MySQLContainer.Def().start()
   val container2 = PostgreSQLContainer.Def().start()
   container1 and container2

 // `withContainers` function supports multiple containers:
 it should "test" in withContainers { case mysqlContainer and pgContainer =>
   // Inside your test body you can do with your containers whatever you want to
   assert(mysqlContainer.jdbcUrl.nonEmpty && pgContainer.jdbcUrl.nonEmpty)
