Class LegacyStoreLayout

All Implemented Interfaces:
DataAccessor, GatewayDataUpdater, StoreLayout

public class LegacyStoreLayout extends Object implements StoreLayout, DataAccessor, GatewayDataUpdater
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Counts the number of channels present in the store.
    countChannelsInGuild(long guildId)
    Counts the number of channels present in the store for the given guild ID.
    Counts the number of emojis present in the store.
    countEmojisInGuild(long guildId)
    Counts the number of emojis present in the store for the given guild ID.
    Counts the exact number of members for the given guild ID.
    Counts the number of guilds present in the store.
    Counts the number of members present in the store.
    countMembersInGuild(long guildId)
    Counts the number of members present in the store for the given guild ID.
    Counts the number of messages present in the store.
    countMessagesInChannel(long channelId)
    Counts the number of messages present in the store for the given channel ID.
    Counts the number of presences present in the store.
    countPresencesInGuild(long guildId)
    Counts the number of presences present in the store for the given guild ID.
    Counts the number of roles present in the store.
    countRolesInGuild(long guildId)
    Counts the number of roles present in the store for the given guild ID.
    Counts the number of stickers present in the store.
    countStickersInGuild(long guildId)
    Counts the number of stickers present in the store for the given guild ID.
    Counts the number of users present in the store.
    Counts the number of voice states present in the store.
    countVoiceStatesInChannel(long guildId, long channelId)
    Counts the number of voice states present in the store for the given channel ID.
    Counts the number of voice states present in the store for the given guild ID.
    getChannelById(long channelId)
    Retrieves data for the channel corresponding to the given channel ID.
    Retrieves data for all channels present in the store.
    getChannelsInGuild(long guildId)
    Retrieves data for all channels present in the store for the given guild ID.
    Returns a DataAccessor that defines action handlers for reading data from the store.
    getEmojiById(long guildId, long emojiId)
    Retrieves data for the emoji corresponding to the given guild ID and emoji ID.
    Retrieves data for all emojis present in the store.
    getEmojisInGuild(long guildId)
    Retrieves data for all emojis present in the store for the given guild ID.
    getExactMembersInGuild(long guildId)
    Retrieves data for all members for the given guild ID.
    Returns a GatewayDataUpdater that defines action handlers for updates received from the Discord gateway.
    getGuildById(long guildId)
    Retrieves data for the guild corresponding to the given guild ID.
    Retrieves data for all guilds present in the store.
    getMemberById(long guildId, long userId)
    Retrieves data for the member corresponding to the given guild ID and user ID.
    Retrieves data for all members present in the store.
    getMembersInGuild(long guildId)
    Retrieves data for all members present in the store for the given guild ID.
    getMembersInThread(long threadId)
    Retrieves data for all thread members present in the store for the given thread ID.
    getMessageById(long channelId, long messageId)
    Retrieves data for the message corresponding to the given channel ID and message ID.
    Retrieves data for all messages present in the store.
    getMessagesInChannel(long channelId)
    Retrieves data for all messages present in the store for the given channel ID.
    getPresenceById(long guildId, long userId)
    Retrieves data for the presence corresponding to the given guild ID and user ID.
    Retrieves data for all presences present in the store.
    getPresencesInGuild(long guildId)
    Retrieves data for all presences present in the store for the given guild ID.
    getRoleById(long guildId, long roleId)
    Retrieves data for the role corresponding to the given guild ID and role ID.
    Retrieves data for all roles present in the store.
    getRolesInGuild(long guildId)
    Retrieves data for all roles present in the store for the given guild ID.
    Retrieves data for the stage instance corresponding to the given channel ID.
    getStickerById(long guildId, long stickerId)
    Retrieves data for the sticker corresponding to the given guild ID and sticker ID.
    Retrieves data for all stickers present in the store.
    getStickersInGuild(long guildId)
    Retrieves data for all stickers present in the store for the given guild ID.
    getThreadMemberById(long threadId, long userId)
    Retrieves data for the thread member corresponding to the given thread ID and user ID.
    getUserById(long userId)
    Retrieves data for the user corresponding to the given user ID.
    Retrieves data for all users present in the store.
    getVoiceStateById(long guildId, long userId)
    Retrieves data for the voice state corresponding to the given guild ID and user ID.
    Retrieves data for all voice states present in the store.
    getVoiceStatesInChannel(long guildId, long channelId)
    Retrieves data for all voice states present in the store for the given guild ID and channel ID.
    getVoiceStatesInGuild(long guildId)
    Retrieves data for all voice states present in the store for the given guild ID.
    of( storeService)
    onChannelCreate(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.ChannelCreate dispatch)
    Updates the internal state of the store according to the given ChannelCreate gateway dispatch.
    onChannelDelete(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.ChannelDelete dispatch)
    Updates the internal state of the store according to the given ChannelDelete gateway dispatch.
    onChannelUpdate(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.ChannelUpdate dispatch)
    Updates the internal state of the store according to the given ChannelUpdate gateway dispatch.
    onGuildCreate(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.GuildCreate dispatch)
    Updates the internal state of the store according to the given GuildCreate gateway dispatch.
    onGuildDelete(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.GuildDelete dispatch)
    Updates the internal state of the store according to the given GuildDelete gateway dispatch.
    onGuildEmojisUpdate(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.GuildEmojisUpdate dispatch)
    Updates the internal state of the store according to the given GuildEmojisUpdate gateway dispatch.
    onGuildMemberAdd(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.GuildMemberAdd dispatch)
    Updates the internal state of the store according to the given GuildMemberAdd gateway dispatch.
    onGuildMemberRemove(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.GuildMemberRemove dispatch)
    Updates the internal state of the store according to the given GuildMemberRemove gateway dispatch.
    onGuildMembersChunk(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.GuildMembersChunk dispatch)
    Updates the internal state of the store according to the given GuildMembersChunk gateway dispatch.
    Invoked to indicate that all members for the specified guild ID were received.
    onGuildMemberUpdate(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.GuildMemberUpdate dispatch)
    Updates the internal state of the store according to the given GuildMemberUpdate gateway dispatch.
    onGuildRoleCreate(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.GuildRoleCreate dispatch)
    Updates the internal state of the store according to the given GuildRoleCreate gateway dispatch.
    onGuildRoleDelete(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.GuildRoleDelete dispatch)
    Updates the internal state of the store according to the given GuildRoleDelete gateway dispatch.
    onGuildRoleUpdate(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.GuildRoleUpdate dispatch)
    Updates the internal state of the store according to the given GuildRoleUpdate gateway dispatch.
    onGuildStickersUpdate(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.GuildStickersUpdate dispatch)
    Updates the internal state of the store according to the given GuildStickersUpdate gateway dispatch.
    onGuildUpdate(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.GuildUpdate dispatch)
    Updates the internal state of the store according to the given GuildUpdate gateway dispatch.
    onMessageCreate(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.MessageCreate dispatch)
    Updates the internal state of the store according to the given MessageCreate gateway dispatch.
    onMessageDelete(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.MessageDelete dispatch)
    Updates the internal state of the store according to the given MessageDelete gateway dispatch.
    onMessageDeleteBulk(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.MessageDeleteBulk dispatch)
    Updates the internal state of the store according to the given MessageDeleteBulk gateway dispatch.
    onMessageReactionAdd(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.MessageReactionAdd dispatch)
    Updates the internal state of the store according to the given MessageReactionAdd gateway dispatch.
    onMessageReactionRemove(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.MessageReactionRemove dispatch)
    Updates the internal state of the store according to the given MessageReactionRemove gateway dispatch.
    onMessageReactionRemoveAll(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.MessageReactionRemoveAll dispatch)
    Updates the internal state of the store according to the given MessageReactionRemoveAll gateway dispatch.
    onMessageReactionRemoveEmoji(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.MessageReactionRemoveEmoji dispatch)
    Updates the internal state of the store according to the given MessageReactionRemoveEmoji gateway dispatch.
    onMessageUpdate(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.MessageUpdate dispatch)
    Updates the internal state of the store according to the given MessageUpdate gateway dispatch.
    onPresenceUpdate(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.PresenceUpdate dispatch)
    Updates the internal state of the store according to the given PresenceUpdate gateway dispatch.
    onReady(discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.Ready dispatch)
    Updates the internal state of the store according to the given Ready gateway dispatch.
    onShardInvalidation(int shardIndex, InvalidationCause cause)
    Handles the invalidation of a specific shard.
    onStageInstanceCreate(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.StageInstanceCreate dispatch)
    Updates the internal state of the store according to the given StageInstanceCreate gateway dispatch.
    onStageInstanceDelete(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.StageInstanceDelete dispatch)
    Updates the internal state of the store according to the given StageInstanceCreate gateway dispatch.
    onStageInstanceUpdate(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.StageInstanceUpdate dispatch)
    Updates the internal state of the store according to the given StageInstanceCreate gateway dispatch.
    onThreadCreate(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.ThreadCreate dispatch)
    Updates the internal state of the store according to the given ThreadCreate gateway dispatch.
    onThreadDelete(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.ThreadDelete dispatch)
    Updates the internal state of the store according to the given ThreadDelete gateway dispatch.
    onThreadListSync(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.ThreadListSync dispatch)
    Updates the internal state of the store according to the given ThreadListSync gateway dispatch.
    onThreadMembersUpdate(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.ThreadMembersUpdate dispatch)
    Updates the internal state of the store according to the given ThreadMembersUpdate gateway dispatch.
    onThreadMemberUpdate(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.ThreadMemberUpdate dispatch)
    Updates the internal state of the store according to the given ThreadMemberUpdate gateway dispatch.
    onThreadUpdate(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.ThreadUpdate dispatch)
    Updates the internal state of the store according to the given ThreadUpdate gateway dispatch.
    onUserUpdate(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.UserUpdate dispatch)
    Updates the internal state of the store according to the given UserUpdate gateway dispatch.
    onVoiceStateUpdateDispatch(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.VoiceStateUpdateDispatch dispatch)
    Updates the internal state of the store according to the given VoiceStateUpdateDispatch gateway dispatch.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

    Methods inherited from interface

  • Method Details

    • of

      public static LegacyStoreLayout of( storeService)
    • getDataAccessor

      public DataAccessor getDataAccessor()
      Description copied from interface: StoreLayout
      Returns a DataAccessor that defines action handlers for reading data from the store.
      Specified by:
      getDataAccessor in interface StoreLayout
      a DataAccessor
    • getGatewayDataUpdater

      public GatewayDataUpdater getGatewayDataUpdater()
      Description copied from interface: StoreLayout
      Returns a GatewayDataUpdater that defines action handlers for updates received from the Discord gateway.
      Specified by:
      getGatewayDataUpdater in interface StoreLayout
      a GatewayDataUpdater
    • countChannels

      public Mono<Long> countChannels()
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Counts the number of channels present in the store.
      Specified by:
      countChannels in interface DataAccessor
      A Mono emitting the channel count
    • countChannelsInGuild

      public Mono<Long> countChannelsInGuild(long guildId)
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Counts the number of channels present in the store for the given guild ID.
      Specified by:
      countChannelsInGuild in interface DataAccessor
      guildId - the guild ID
      A Mono emitting the channel count
    • countStickers

      public Mono<Long> countStickers()
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Counts the number of stickers present in the store.
      Specified by:
      countStickers in interface DataAccessor
      A Mono emitting the sticker count
    • countStickersInGuild

      public Mono<Long> countStickersInGuild(long guildId)
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Counts the number of stickers present in the store for the given guild ID.
      Specified by:
      countStickersInGuild in interface DataAccessor
      guildId - the guild ID
      A Mono emitting the sticker count
    • countEmojis

      public Mono<Long> countEmojis()
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Counts the number of emojis present in the store.
      Specified by:
      countEmojis in interface DataAccessor
      A Mono emitting the emoji count
    • countEmojisInGuild

      public Mono<Long> countEmojisInGuild(long guildId)
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Counts the number of emojis present in the store for the given guild ID.
      Specified by:
      countEmojisInGuild in interface DataAccessor
      guildId - the guild ID
      A Mono emitting the emoji count
    • countGuilds

      public Mono<Long> countGuilds()
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Counts the number of guilds present in the store.
      Specified by:
      countGuilds in interface DataAccessor
      A Mono emitting the guild count
    • countMembers

      public Mono<Long> countMembers()
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Counts the number of members present in the store.
      Specified by:
      countMembers in interface DataAccessor
      A Mono emitting the member count
    • countMembersInGuild

      public Mono<Long> countMembersInGuild(long guildId)
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Counts the number of members present in the store for the given guild ID.
      Specified by:
      countMembersInGuild in interface DataAccessor
      guildId - the guild ID
      A Mono emitting the member count
    • countExactMembersInGuild

      public Mono<Long> countExactMembersInGuild(long guildId)
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Counts the exact number of members for the given guild ID. If some members are not present in the store and thus is not able to return an accurate count, it will error with ExactResultNotAvailableException.
      Specified by:
      countExactMembersInGuild in interface DataAccessor
      guildId - the guild ID
      A Mono emitting the member count
    • countMessages

      public Mono<Long> countMessages()
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Counts the number of messages present in the store.
      Specified by:
      countMessages in interface DataAccessor
      A Mono emitting the message count
    • countMessagesInChannel

      public Mono<Long> countMessagesInChannel(long channelId)
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Counts the number of messages present in the store for the given channel ID.
      Specified by:
      countMessagesInChannel in interface DataAccessor
      channelId - the channel ID
      A Mono emitting the message count
    • countPresences

      public Mono<Long> countPresences()
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Counts the number of presences present in the store.
      Specified by:
      countPresences in interface DataAccessor
      A Mono emitting the presence count
    • countPresencesInGuild

      public Mono<Long> countPresencesInGuild(long guildId)
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Counts the number of presences present in the store for the given guild ID.
      Specified by:
      countPresencesInGuild in interface DataAccessor
      guildId - the guild ID
      A Mono emitting the presence count
    • countRoles

      public Mono<Long> countRoles()
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Counts the number of roles present in the store.
      Specified by:
      countRoles in interface DataAccessor
      A Mono emitting the role count
    • countRolesInGuild

      public Mono<Long> countRolesInGuild(long guildId)
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Counts the number of roles present in the store for the given guild ID.
      Specified by:
      countRolesInGuild in interface DataAccessor
      guildId - the guild ID
      A Mono emitting the role count
    • countUsers

      public Mono<Long> countUsers()
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Counts the number of users present in the store.
      Specified by:
      countUsers in interface DataAccessor
      A Mono emitting the user count
    • countVoiceStates

      public Mono<Long> countVoiceStates()
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Counts the number of voice states present in the store.
      Specified by:
      countVoiceStates in interface DataAccessor
      A Mono emitting the voice state count
    • countVoiceStatesInGuild

      public Mono<Long> countVoiceStatesInGuild(long guildId)
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Counts the number of voice states present in the store for the given guild ID.
      Specified by:
      countVoiceStatesInGuild in interface DataAccessor
      guildId - the guild ID
      A Mono emitting the voice state count
    • countVoiceStatesInChannel

      public Mono<Long> countVoiceStatesInChannel(long guildId, long channelId)
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Counts the number of voice states present in the store for the given channel ID.
      Specified by:
      countVoiceStatesInChannel in interface DataAccessor
      guildId - the guild ID
      channelId - the channel ID
      A Mono emitting the voice state count
    • getChannels

      public Flux<discord4j.discordjson.json.ChannelData> getChannels()
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Retrieves data for all channels present in the store.
      Specified by:
      getChannels in interface DataAccessor
      A Flux emitting the channels, or empty if none is present
    • getChannelsInGuild

      public Flux<discord4j.discordjson.json.ChannelData> getChannelsInGuild(long guildId)
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Retrieves data for all channels present in the store for the given guild ID.
      Specified by:
      getChannelsInGuild in interface DataAccessor
      guildId - the guild ID
      A Flux emitting the channels, or empty if none is present
    • getChannelById

      public Mono<discord4j.discordjson.json.ChannelData> getChannelById(long channelId)
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Retrieves data for the channel corresponding to the given channel ID.
      Specified by:
      getChannelById in interface DataAccessor
      channelId - the channel ID
      A Mono emitting the channel, or empty if not found
    • getStickers

      public Flux<discord4j.discordjson.json.StickerData> getStickers()
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Retrieves data for all stickers present in the store.
      Specified by:
      getStickers in interface DataAccessor
      A Flux emitting the stickers, or empty if none is present
    • getStickersInGuild

      public Flux<discord4j.discordjson.json.StickerData> getStickersInGuild(long guildId)
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Retrieves data for all stickers present in the store for the given guild ID.
      Specified by:
      getStickersInGuild in interface DataAccessor
      guildId - the guild ID
      A Flux emitting the stickers, or empty if none is present
    • getStickerById

      public Mono<discord4j.discordjson.json.StickerData> getStickerById(long guildId, long stickerId)
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Retrieves data for the sticker corresponding to the given guild ID and sticker ID.
      Specified by:
      getStickerById in interface DataAccessor
      guildId - the guild ID
      stickerId - the sticker ID
      A Mono emitting the sticker, or empty if not found
    • getEmojis

      public Flux<discord4j.discordjson.json.EmojiData> getEmojis()
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Retrieves data for all emojis present in the store.
      Specified by:
      getEmojis in interface DataAccessor
      A Flux emitting the emojis, or empty if none is present
    • getEmojisInGuild

      public Flux<discord4j.discordjson.json.EmojiData> getEmojisInGuild(long guildId)
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Retrieves data for all emojis present in the store for the given guild ID.
      Specified by:
      getEmojisInGuild in interface DataAccessor
      guildId - the guild ID
      A Flux emitting the emojis, or empty if none is present
    • getEmojiById

      public Mono<discord4j.discordjson.json.EmojiData> getEmojiById(long guildId, long emojiId)
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Retrieves data for the emoji corresponding to the given guild ID and emoji ID.
      Specified by:
      getEmojiById in interface DataAccessor
      guildId - the guild ID
      emojiId - the emoji ID
      A Mono emitting the emoji, or empty if not found
    • getGuilds

      public Flux<discord4j.discordjson.json.GuildData> getGuilds()
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Retrieves data for all guilds present in the store.
      Specified by:
      getGuilds in interface DataAccessor
      A Flux emitting the guilds, or empty if none is present
    • getGuildById

      public Mono<discord4j.discordjson.json.GuildData> getGuildById(long guildId)
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Retrieves data for the guild corresponding to the given guild ID.
      Specified by:
      getGuildById in interface DataAccessor
      guildId - the guild ID
      A Mono emitting the guild, or empty if not found
    • getMembers

      public Flux<discord4j.discordjson.json.MemberData> getMembers()
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Retrieves data for all members present in the store.
      Specified by:
      getMembers in interface DataAccessor
      A Flux emitting the members, or empty if none is present
    • getMembersInGuild

      public Flux<discord4j.discordjson.json.MemberData> getMembersInGuild(long guildId)
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Retrieves data for all members present in the store for the given guild ID.
      Specified by:
      getMembersInGuild in interface DataAccessor
      guildId - the guild ID
      A Flux emitting the members, or empty if none is present
    • getExactMembersInGuild

      public Flux<discord4j.discordjson.json.MemberData> getExactMembersInGuild(long guildId)
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Retrieves data for all members for the given guild ID. If some members are not present in the store and thus is not able to return the full member list of the guild, it will error with ExactResultNotAvailableException.
      Specified by:
      getExactMembersInGuild in interface DataAccessor
      guildId - the guild ID
      A Flux emitting the members, or ExactResultNotAvailableException if not all are present
    • getMemberById

      public Mono<discord4j.discordjson.json.MemberData> getMemberById(long guildId, long userId)
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Retrieves data for the member corresponding to the given guild ID and user ID.
      Specified by:
      getMemberById in interface DataAccessor
      guildId - the guild ID
      userId - the user ID
      A Mono emitting the member, or empty if not found
    • getMessages

      public Flux<discord4j.discordjson.json.MessageData> getMessages()
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Retrieves data for all messages present in the store.
      Specified by:
      getMessages in interface DataAccessor
      A Flux emitting the messages, or empty if none is present
    • getMessagesInChannel

      public Flux<discord4j.discordjson.json.MessageData> getMessagesInChannel(long channelId)
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Retrieves data for all messages present in the store for the given channel ID.
      Specified by:
      getMessagesInChannel in interface DataAccessor
      channelId - the channel ID
      A Flux emitting the messages, or empty if none is present
    • getMessageById

      public Mono<discord4j.discordjson.json.MessageData> getMessageById(long channelId, long messageId)
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Retrieves data for the message corresponding to the given channel ID and message ID.
      Specified by:
      getMessageById in interface DataAccessor
      channelId - the channel ID
      messageId - the message ID
      A Mono emitting the message, or empty if not found
    • getPresences

      public Flux<discord4j.discordjson.json.PresenceData> getPresences()
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Retrieves data for all presences present in the store.
      Specified by:
      getPresences in interface DataAccessor
      A Flux emitting the presences, or empty if none is present
    • getPresencesInGuild

      public Flux<discord4j.discordjson.json.PresenceData> getPresencesInGuild(long guildId)
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Retrieves data for all presences present in the store for the given guild ID.
      Specified by:
      getPresencesInGuild in interface DataAccessor
      guildId - the guild ID
      A Flux emitting the presences, or empty if none is present
    • getPresenceById

      public Mono<discord4j.discordjson.json.PresenceData> getPresenceById(long guildId, long userId)
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Retrieves data for the presence corresponding to the given guild ID and user ID.
      Specified by:
      getPresenceById in interface DataAccessor
      guildId - the guild ID
      userId - the user ID
      A Mono emitting the presence, or empty if not found
    • getRoles

      public Flux<discord4j.discordjson.json.RoleData> getRoles()
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Retrieves data for all roles present in the store.
      Specified by:
      getRoles in interface DataAccessor
      A Flux emitting the roles, or empty if none is present
    • getRolesInGuild

      public Flux<discord4j.discordjson.json.RoleData> getRolesInGuild(long guildId)
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Retrieves data for all roles present in the store for the given guild ID.
      Specified by:
      getRolesInGuild in interface DataAccessor
      guildId - the guild ID
      A Flux emitting the roles, or empty if none is present
    • getRoleById

      public Mono<discord4j.discordjson.json.RoleData> getRoleById(long guildId, long roleId)
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Retrieves data for the role corresponding to the given guild ID and role ID.
      Specified by:
      getRoleById in interface DataAccessor
      guildId - the guild ID
      roleId - the role ID
      A Mono emitting the role, or empty if not found
    • getUsers

      public Flux<discord4j.discordjson.json.UserData> getUsers()
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Retrieves data for all users present in the store.
      Specified by:
      getUsers in interface DataAccessor
      A Flux emitting the users, or empty if none is present
    • getUserById

      public Mono<discord4j.discordjson.json.UserData> getUserById(long userId)
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Retrieves data for the user corresponding to the given user ID.
      Specified by:
      getUserById in interface DataAccessor
      userId - the user ID
      A Mono emitting the user, or empty if not found
    • getVoiceStates

      public Flux<discord4j.discordjson.json.VoiceStateData> getVoiceStates()
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Retrieves data for all voice states present in the store.
      Specified by:
      getVoiceStates in interface DataAccessor
      A Flux emitting the voice states, or empty if none is present
    • getVoiceStatesInChannel

      public Flux<discord4j.discordjson.json.VoiceStateData> getVoiceStatesInChannel(long guildId, long channelId)
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Retrieves data for all voice states present in the store for the given guild ID and channel ID.
      Specified by:
      getVoiceStatesInChannel in interface DataAccessor
      guildId - the guild ID
      channelId - the channel ID
      A Flux emitting the voice states, or empty if none is present
    • getVoiceStatesInGuild

      public Flux<discord4j.discordjson.json.VoiceStateData> getVoiceStatesInGuild(long guildId)
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Retrieves data for all voice states present in the store for the given guild ID.
      Specified by:
      getVoiceStatesInGuild in interface DataAccessor
      guildId - the guild ID
      A Flux emitting the voice states, or empty if none is present
    • getVoiceStateById

      public Mono<discord4j.discordjson.json.VoiceStateData> getVoiceStateById(long guildId, long userId)
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Retrieves data for the voice state corresponding to the given guild ID and user ID.
      Specified by:
      getVoiceStateById in interface DataAccessor
      guildId - the guild ID
      userId - the user ID
      A Mono emitting the voice state, or empty if not found
    • getStageInstanceByChannelId

      public Mono<discord4j.discordjson.json.StageInstanceData> getStageInstanceByChannelId(long channelId)
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Retrieves data for the stage instance corresponding to the given channel ID.
      Specified by:
      getStageInstanceByChannelId in interface DataAccessor
      channelId - the channel ID
      A Mono emitting the stage instance data, or empty if not found
    • getThreadMemberById

      public Mono<discord4j.discordjson.json.ThreadMemberData> getThreadMemberById(long threadId, long userId)
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Retrieves data for the thread member corresponding to the given thread ID and user ID.
      Specified by:
      getThreadMemberById in interface DataAccessor
      threadId - the thread ID
      userId - the user ID
      A Mono emitting the thread member data, or empty if not found
    • getMembersInThread

      public Flux<discord4j.discordjson.json.ThreadMemberData> getMembersInThread(long threadId)
      Description copied from interface: DataAccessor
      Retrieves data for all thread members present in the store for the given thread ID.
      Specified by:
      getMembersInThread in interface DataAccessor
      threadId - the thread ID
      A Flux emitting the thread members, or empty if none is present
    • onChannelCreate

      public Mono<Void> onChannelCreate(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.ChannelCreate dispatch)
      Description copied from interface: GatewayDataUpdater
      Updates the internal state of the store according to the given ChannelCreate gateway dispatch. This will typically perform an insert operation on the related ChannelData, and add the ID to the list returned by GuildData.channels() if applicable.
      Specified by:
      onChannelCreate in interface GatewayDataUpdater
      shardIndex - the index of the shard where the dispatch comes from
      dispatch - the dispatch data coming from Discord gateway
      a Mono completing when the operation is done
    • onChannelDelete

      public Mono<discord4j.discordjson.json.ChannelData> onChannelDelete(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.ChannelDelete dispatch)
      Description copied from interface: GatewayDataUpdater
      Updates the internal state of the store according to the given ChannelDelete gateway dispatch. This will typically perform a delete operation on a related ChannelData that is already present in the store, and remove the ID from the list returned by GuildData.channels() if applicable.
      Specified by:
      onChannelDelete in interface GatewayDataUpdater
      shardIndex - the index of the shard where the dispatch comes from
      dispatch - the dispatch data coming from Discord gateway
      a Mono completing when the operation is done, optionally returning the old state of the ChannelData before the deletion
    • onChannelUpdate

      public Mono<discord4j.discordjson.json.ChannelData> onChannelUpdate(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.ChannelUpdate dispatch)
      Description copied from interface: GatewayDataUpdater
      Updates the internal state of the store according to the given ChannelUpdate gateway dispatch. This will typically perform an update operation on a related ChannelData that is already present in the store.
      Specified by:
      onChannelUpdate in interface GatewayDataUpdater
      shardIndex - the index of the shard where the dispatch comes from
      dispatch - the dispatch data coming from Discord gateway
      a Mono completing when the operation is done, optionally returning the old state of the ChannelData before the update
    • onGuildCreate

      public Mono<Void> onGuildCreate(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.GuildCreate dispatch)
      Description copied from interface: GatewayDataUpdater
      Updates the internal state of the store according to the given GuildCreate gateway dispatch. This will typically perform an insert operation on the related GuildData, as well as all associated entities received in the payload, such as channels, roles, emojis, members, voice states and presences.
      Specified by:
      onGuildCreate in interface GatewayDataUpdater
      shardIndex - the index of the shard where the dispatch comes from
      dispatch - the dispatch data coming from Discord gateway
      a Mono completing when the operation is done
    • onGuildDelete

      public Mono<discord4j.discordjson.json.GuildData> onGuildDelete(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.GuildDelete dispatch)
      Description copied from interface: GatewayDataUpdater
      Updates the internal state of the store according to the given GuildDelete gateway dispatch. This will typically perform a delete operation on a related GuildData that is already present in the store, and clean up all entities that are associated to that guild, such as the channels, the roles, the emojis, the members, the voice states and the messages.
      Specified by:
      onGuildDelete in interface GatewayDataUpdater
      shardIndex - the index of the shard where the dispatch comes from
      dispatch - the dispatch data coming from Discord gateway
      a Mono completing when the operation is done, optionally returning the old state of the GuildData before the deletion
    • onGuildStickersUpdate

      public Mono<Set<discord4j.discordjson.json.StickerData>> onGuildStickersUpdate(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.GuildStickersUpdate dispatch)
      Description copied from interface: GatewayDataUpdater
      Updates the internal state of the store according to the given GuildStickersUpdate gateway dispatch. This will typically perform an update operation on a related collection of StickerData that is already present in the store, and update the list returned by GuildData.stickers().
      Specified by:
      onGuildStickersUpdate in interface GatewayDataUpdater
      shardIndex - the index of the shard where the dispatch comes from
      dispatch - the dispatch data coming from Discord gateway
      a Mono completing when the operation is done, optionally returning the old state of the set of StickerData before the update
    • onGuildEmojisUpdate

      public Mono<Set<discord4j.discordjson.json.EmojiData>> onGuildEmojisUpdate(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.GuildEmojisUpdate dispatch)
      Description copied from interface: GatewayDataUpdater
      Updates the internal state of the store according to the given GuildEmojisUpdate gateway dispatch. This will typically perform an update operation on a related collection of EmojiData that is already present in the store, and update the list returned by GuildData.emojis().
      Specified by:
      onGuildEmojisUpdate in interface GatewayDataUpdater
      shardIndex - the index of the shard where the dispatch comes from
      dispatch - the dispatch data coming from Discord gateway
      a Mono completing when the operation is done, optionally returning the old state of the set of EmojiData before the update
    • onGuildMemberAdd

      public Mono<Void> onGuildMemberAdd(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.GuildMemberAdd dispatch)
      Description copied from interface: GatewayDataUpdater
      Updates the internal state of the store according to the given GuildMemberAdd gateway dispatch. This will typically perform an insert operation on the related MemberData, add the ID of the member into the list returned by GuildData.members(), and increment the count returned by GuildCreateFields.memberCount().
      Specified by:
      onGuildMemberAdd in interface GatewayDataUpdater
      shardIndex - the index of the shard where the dispatch comes from
      dispatch - the dispatch data coming from Discord gateway
      a Mono completing when the operation is done
    • onGuildMemberRemove

      public Mono<discord4j.discordjson.json.MemberData> onGuildMemberRemove(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.GuildMemberRemove dispatch)
      Description copied from interface: GatewayDataUpdater
      Updates the internal state of the store according to the given GuildMemberRemove gateway dispatch. This will typically perform a delete operation on the related MemberData, remove the ID of the member from the list returned by GuildData.members(), and decrement the count returned by GuildCreateFields.memberCount().
      Specified by:
      onGuildMemberRemove in interface GatewayDataUpdater
      shardIndex - the index of the shard where the dispatch comes from
      dispatch - the dispatch data coming from Discord gateway
      a Mono completing when the operation is done, optionally returning the old state of the MemberData before the deletion
    • onGuildMembersChunk

      public Mono<Void> onGuildMembersChunk(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.GuildMembersChunk dispatch)
      Description copied from interface: GatewayDataUpdater
      Updates the internal state of the store according to the given GuildMembersChunk gateway dispatch. This will typically perform the same kind of operations than GatewayDataUpdater.onGuildMemberAdd(int, GuildMemberAdd), but adapted for whole chunks of members.
      Specified by:
      onGuildMembersChunk in interface GatewayDataUpdater
      shardIndex - the index of the shard where the dispatch comes from
      dispatch - the dispatch data coming from Discord gateway
      a Mono completing when the operation is done
    • onGuildMemberUpdate

      public Mono<discord4j.discordjson.json.MemberData> onGuildMemberUpdate(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.GuildMemberUpdate dispatch)
      Description copied from interface: GatewayDataUpdater
      Updates the internal state of the store according to the given GuildMemberUpdate gateway dispatch. This will typically perform an update operation on a related MemberData that is already present in the store.
      Specified by:
      onGuildMemberUpdate in interface GatewayDataUpdater
      shardIndex - the index of the shard where the dispatch comes from
      dispatch - the dispatch data coming from Discord gateway
      a Mono completing when the operation is done, optionally returning the old state of the MemberData before the update
    • onGuildRoleCreate

      public Mono<Void> onGuildRoleCreate(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.GuildRoleCreate dispatch)
      Description copied from interface: GatewayDataUpdater
      Updates the internal state of the store according to the given GuildRoleCreate gateway dispatch. This will typically perform an insert operation on the related RoleData, and add the role ID to the list returned by GuildData.roles().
      Specified by:
      onGuildRoleCreate in interface GatewayDataUpdater
      shardIndex - the index of the shard where the dispatch comes from
      dispatch - the dispatch data coming from Discord gateway
      a Mono completing when the operation is done
    • onGuildRoleDelete

      public Mono<discord4j.discordjson.json.RoleData> onGuildRoleDelete(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.GuildRoleDelete dispatch)
      Description copied from interface: GatewayDataUpdater
      Updates the internal state of the store according to the given GuildRoleDelete gateway dispatch. This will typically perform a delete operation on a related RoleData that is already present in the store, and remove the role ID from the list returned by GuildData.roles() and PartialMemberData.roles().
      Specified by:
      onGuildRoleDelete in interface GatewayDataUpdater
      shardIndex - the index of the shard where the dispatch comes from
      dispatch - the dispatch data coming from Discord gateway
      a Mono completing when the operation is done, optionally returning the old state of the RoleData before the deletion
    • onGuildRoleUpdate

      public Mono<discord4j.discordjson.json.RoleData> onGuildRoleUpdate(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.GuildRoleUpdate dispatch)
      Description copied from interface: GatewayDataUpdater
      Updates the internal state of the store according to the given GuildRoleUpdate gateway dispatch. This will typically perform an update operation on a related RoleData that is already present in the store.
      Specified by:
      onGuildRoleUpdate in interface GatewayDataUpdater
      shardIndex - the index of the shard where the dispatch comes from
      dispatch - the dispatch data coming from Discord gateway
      a Mono completing when the operation is done, optionally returning the old state of the RoleData before the update
    • onGuildUpdate

      public Mono<discord4j.discordjson.json.GuildData> onGuildUpdate(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.GuildUpdate dispatch)
      Description copied from interface: GatewayDataUpdater
      Updates the internal state of the store according to the given GuildUpdate gateway dispatch. This will typically perform an update operation on a related GuildData that is already present in the store.
      Specified by:
      onGuildUpdate in interface GatewayDataUpdater
      shardIndex - the index of the shard where the dispatch comes from
      dispatch - the dispatch data coming from Discord gateway
      a Mono completing when the operation is done, optionally returning the old state of the GuildData before the update
    • onShardInvalidation

      public Mono<Void> onShardInvalidation(int shardIndex, InvalidationCause cause)
      Description copied from interface: GatewayDataUpdater
      Handles the invalidation of a specific shard. When a shard is invalidated, all cached data related to it should be considered stale and the implementation may perform some cleanup work.
      Specified by:
      onShardInvalidation in interface GatewayDataUpdater
      shardIndex - the index of the shard to invalidate
      cause - the cause of the invalidation
      a Mono completing when the operation is done
    • onMessageCreate

      public Mono<Void> onMessageCreate(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.MessageCreate dispatch)
      Description copied from interface: GatewayDataUpdater
      Updates the internal state of the store according to the given MessageCreate gateway dispatch. This will typically perform an insert operation on the related MessageData, and update the last_message_id field of the channel where the message was sent in.
      Specified by:
      onMessageCreate in interface GatewayDataUpdater
      shardIndex - the index of the shard where the dispatch comes from
      dispatch - the dispatch data coming from Discord gateway
      a Mono completing when the operation is done
    • onMessageDelete

      public Mono<discord4j.discordjson.json.MessageData> onMessageDelete(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.MessageDelete dispatch)
      Description copied from interface: GatewayDataUpdater
      Updates the internal state of the store according to the given MessageDelete gateway dispatch. This will typically perform a delete operation on a related MessageData that is already present in the store.
      Specified by:
      onMessageDelete in interface GatewayDataUpdater
      shardIndex - the index of the shard where the dispatch comes from
      dispatch - the dispatch data coming from Discord gateway
      a Mono completing when the operation is done, optionally returning the old state of the MessageData before the deletion
    • onMessageDeleteBulk

      public Mono<Set<discord4j.discordjson.json.MessageData>> onMessageDeleteBulk(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.MessageDeleteBulk dispatch)
      Description copied from interface: GatewayDataUpdater
      Updates the internal state of the store according to the given MessageDeleteBulk gateway dispatch. This will typically perform a delete operation on a related collection of MessageData that is already present in the store.
      Specified by:
      onMessageDeleteBulk in interface GatewayDataUpdater
      shardIndex - the index of the shard where the dispatch comes from
      dispatch - the dispatch data coming from Discord gateway
      a Mono completing when the operation is done, optionally returning the old state of the set of MessageData before the deletion
    • onMessageReactionAdd

      public Mono<Void> onMessageReactionAdd(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.MessageReactionAdd dispatch)
      Description copied from interface: GatewayDataUpdater
      Updates the internal state of the store according to the given MessageReactionAdd gateway dispatch. This will typically perform an update operation on a related MessageData that is already present in the store in order to add the reaction.
      Specified by:
      onMessageReactionAdd in interface GatewayDataUpdater
      shardIndex - the index of the shard where the dispatch comes from
      dispatch - the dispatch data coming from Discord gateway
      a Mono completing when the operation is done
    • onMessageReactionRemove

      public Mono<Void> onMessageReactionRemove(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.MessageReactionRemove dispatch)
      Description copied from interface: GatewayDataUpdater
      Updates the internal state of the store according to the given MessageReactionRemove gateway dispatch. This will typically perform an update operation on a related MessageData that is already present in the store in order to remove the reaction.
      Specified by:
      onMessageReactionRemove in interface GatewayDataUpdater
      shardIndex - the index of the shard where the dispatch comes from
      dispatch - the dispatch data coming from Discord gateway
      a Mono completing when the operation is done
    • onMessageReactionRemoveAll

      public Mono<Void> onMessageReactionRemoveAll(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.MessageReactionRemoveAll dispatch)
      Description copied from interface: GatewayDataUpdater
      Updates the internal state of the store according to the given MessageReactionRemoveAll gateway dispatch. This will typically perform an update operation on a related MessageData that is already present in the store in order to remove all reactions.
      Specified by:
      onMessageReactionRemoveAll in interface GatewayDataUpdater
      shardIndex - the index of the shard where the dispatch comes from
      dispatch - the dispatch data coming from Discord gateway
      a Mono completing when the operation is done
    • onMessageReactionRemoveEmoji

      public Mono<Void> onMessageReactionRemoveEmoji(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.MessageReactionRemoveEmoji dispatch)
      Description copied from interface: GatewayDataUpdater
      Updates the internal state of the store according to the given MessageReactionRemoveEmoji gateway dispatch. This will typically perform an update operation on a related MessageData that is already present in the store in order to remove all reactions for a specific emoji.
      Specified by:
      onMessageReactionRemoveEmoji in interface GatewayDataUpdater
      shardIndex - the index of the shard where the dispatch comes from
      dispatch - the dispatch data coming from Discord gateway
      a Mono completing when the operation is done
    • onMessageUpdate

      public Mono<discord4j.discordjson.json.MessageData> onMessageUpdate(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.MessageUpdate dispatch)
      Description copied from interface: GatewayDataUpdater
      Updates the internal state of the store according to the given MessageUpdate gateway dispatch. This will typically perform an update operation on a related MessageData that is already present in the store.
      Specified by:
      onMessageUpdate in interface GatewayDataUpdater
      shardIndex - the index of the shard where the dispatch comes from
      dispatch - the dispatch data coming from Discord gateway
      a Mono completing when the operation is done, optionally returning the old state of the MessageData before the update
    • onPresenceUpdate

      public Mono<PresenceAndUserData> onPresenceUpdate(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.PresenceUpdate dispatch)
      Description copied from interface: GatewayDataUpdater
      Updates the internal state of the store according to the given PresenceUpdate gateway dispatch. This will typically perform an insert or an update operation on the related PresenceData, and update the related UserData to reflect the new presence.
      Specified by:
      onPresenceUpdate in interface GatewayDataUpdater
      shardIndex - the index of the shard where the dispatch comes from
      dispatch - the dispatch data coming from Discord gateway
      a Mono completing when the operation is done, optionally returning the old state of both the PresenceData and the UserData before the update
    • onReady

      public Mono<Void> onReady(discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.Ready dispatch)
      Description copied from interface: GatewayDataUpdater
      Updates the internal state of the store according to the given Ready gateway dispatch. This will typically perform an insert operation on the UserData that represents the self-user, and allocate the resources needed to receive further events happening on this shard index.
      Specified by:
      onReady in interface GatewayDataUpdater
      dispatch - the dispatch data coming from Discord gateway
      a Mono completing when the operation is done
    • onStageInstanceCreate

      public Mono<Void> onStageInstanceCreate(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.StageInstanceCreate dispatch)
      Description copied from interface: GatewayDataUpdater
      Updates the internal state of the store according to the given StageInstanceCreate gateway dispatch. This will typically perform an insert operation on the related StageInstanceData.
      Specified by:
      onStageInstanceCreate in interface GatewayDataUpdater
      shardIndex - the index of the shard where the dispatch comes from
      dispatch - the dispatch data coming from Discord gateway
      a Mono completing when the operation is done
    • onStageInstanceUpdate

      public Mono<discord4j.discordjson.json.StageInstanceData> onStageInstanceUpdate(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.StageInstanceUpdate dispatch)
      Description copied from interface: GatewayDataUpdater
      Updates the internal state of the store according to the given StageInstanceCreate gateway dispatch. This will typically perform an insert operation on the related StageInstanceData that is already present in the store.
      Specified by:
      onStageInstanceUpdate in interface GatewayDataUpdater
      shardIndex - the index of the shard where the dispatch comes from
      dispatch - the dispatch data coming from Discord gateway
      a Mono completing when the operation is done, returning the old state of the StageInstanceData before the update
    • onStageInstanceDelete

      public Mono<discord4j.discordjson.json.StageInstanceData> onStageInstanceDelete(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.StageInstanceDelete dispatch)
      Description copied from interface: GatewayDataUpdater
      Updates the internal state of the store according to the given StageInstanceCreate gateway dispatch. This will typically perform an delete operation on the related StageInstanceData that is already present in the store.
      Specified by:
      onStageInstanceDelete in interface GatewayDataUpdater
      shardIndex - the index of the shard where the dispatch comes from
      dispatch - the dispatch data coming from Discord gateway
      a Mono completing when the operation is done, returning the old state of the StageInstanceData before the delete
    • onUserUpdate

      public Mono<discord4j.discordjson.json.UserData> onUserUpdate(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.UserUpdate dispatch)
      Description copied from interface: GatewayDataUpdater
      Updates the internal state of the store according to the given UserUpdate gateway dispatch. This will typically perform an update operation on a related UserData that is already present in the store.
      Specified by:
      onUserUpdate in interface GatewayDataUpdater
      shardIndex - the index of the shard where the dispatch comes from
      dispatch - the dispatch data coming from Discord gateway
      a Mono completing when the operation is done, optionally returning the old state of the UserData before the update
    • onVoiceStateUpdateDispatch

      public Mono<discord4j.discordjson.json.VoiceStateData> onVoiceStateUpdateDispatch(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.VoiceStateUpdateDispatch dispatch)
      Description copied from interface: GatewayDataUpdater
      Updates the internal state of the store according to the given VoiceStateUpdateDispatch gateway dispatch. This will typically perform an insert, update or delete operation on the related VoiceStateData.
      Specified by:
      onVoiceStateUpdateDispatch in interface GatewayDataUpdater
      shardIndex - the index of the shard where the dispatch comes from
      dispatch - the dispatch data coming from Discord gateway
      a Mono completing when the operation is done, optionally returning the old state of the VoiceStateData before the update
    • onGuildMembersCompletion

      public Mono<Void> onGuildMembersCompletion(long guildId)
      Description copied from interface: GatewayDataUpdater
      Invoked to indicate that all members for the specified guild ID were received. It serves as a hint to indicate to the store that information on the full member list for this specific guild may now be accurately returned, so that further calls to DataAccessor.countExactMembersInGuild(long) and DataAccessor.getExactMembersInGuild(long) with the same guild ID no longer fail.
      Specified by:
      onGuildMembersCompletion in interface GatewayDataUpdater
      guildId - the guild ID
      a Mono completing when the operation is done
    • onThreadCreate

      public Mono<Void> onThreadCreate(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.ThreadCreate dispatch)
      Description copied from interface: GatewayDataUpdater
      Updates the internal state of the store according to the given ThreadCreate gateway dispatch. This will typically perform an insert operation on the related ChannelData.
      Specified by:
      onThreadCreate in interface GatewayDataUpdater
      shardIndex - the index of the shard where the dispatch comes from
      dispatch - the dispatch data coming from Discord gateway
      a Mono completing when the operation is done
    • onThreadUpdate

      public Mono<discord4j.discordjson.json.ChannelData> onThreadUpdate(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.ThreadUpdate dispatch)
      Description copied from interface: GatewayDataUpdater
      Updates the internal state of the store according to the given ThreadUpdate gateway dispatch. This will typically perform an update operation on a related ChannelData that is already present in the store.
      Specified by:
      onThreadUpdate in interface GatewayDataUpdater
      shardIndex - the index of the shard where the dispatch comes from
      dispatch - the dispatch data coming from Discord gateway
      a Mono completing when the operation is done, optionally returning the old state of the ChannelData before the update
    • onThreadDelete

      public Mono<Void> onThreadDelete(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.ThreadDelete dispatch)
      Description copied from interface: GatewayDataUpdater
      Updates the internal state of the store according to the given ThreadDelete gateway dispatch. This will typically perform a delete operation on a related ChannelData that is already present in the store.
      Specified by:
      onThreadDelete in interface GatewayDataUpdater
      shardIndex - the index of the shard where the dispatch comes from
      dispatch - the dispatch data coming from Discord gateway
      a Mono completing when the operation is done
    • onThreadListSync

      public Mono<Void> onThreadListSync(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.ThreadListSync dispatch)
      Description copied from interface: GatewayDataUpdater
      Updates the internal state of the store according to the given ThreadListSync gateway dispatch. This will typically perform an update and delete operation on the related ChannelData and ThreadMemberData.
      Specified by:
      onThreadListSync in interface GatewayDataUpdater
      shardIndex - the index of the shard where the dispatch comes from
      dispatch - the dispatch data coming from Discord gateway
      a Mono completing when the operation is done
    • onThreadMemberUpdate

      public Mono<discord4j.discordjson.json.ThreadMemberData> onThreadMemberUpdate(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.ThreadMemberUpdate dispatch)
      Description copied from interface: GatewayDataUpdater
      Updates the internal state of the store according to the given ThreadMemberUpdate gateway dispatch. This will typically perform a delete operation on a related ThreadMemberData that is already present in the store.
      Specified by:
      onThreadMemberUpdate in interface GatewayDataUpdater
      shardIndex - the index of the shard where the dispatch comes from
      dispatch - the dispatch data coming from Discord gateway
      a Mono completing when the operation is done, optionally returning the old state of the ThreadMemberUpdate before the deletion
    • onThreadMembersUpdate

      public Mono<List<discord4j.discordjson.json.ThreadMemberData>> onThreadMembersUpdate(int shardIndex, discord4j.discordjson.json.gateway.ThreadMembersUpdate dispatch)
      Description copied from interface: GatewayDataUpdater
      Updates the internal state of the store according to the given ThreadMembersUpdate gateway dispatch. This will typically perform a delete operation on a related ThreadMemberData that is already present in the store.
      Specified by:
      onThreadMembersUpdate in interface GatewayDataUpdater
      shardIndex - the index of the shard where the dispatch comes from
      dispatch - the dispatch data coming from Discord gateway
      a Mono completing when the operation is done, optionally returning the old state of the list of ThreadMemberData before the deletion