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ActionType - Enum in discord4j.core.object.audit
Activity - Class in discord4j.core.object.presence
Activity.Type - Enum in discord4j.core.object.presence
The type of "action" for an activity.
ActivityBean - Class in
ActivityBean(GameResponse) - Constructor for class
ActivityBean() - Constructor for class
add(T[], T) - Static method in class discord4j.core.util.ArrayUtil
add(long[], long) - Static method in class discord4j.core.util.ArrayUtil
addAll(long[], long[]) - Static method in class discord4j.core.util.ArrayUtil
addChannel(String, Channel.Type) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.GuildCreateSpec
Adds the channel to the list of channels for the created Guild.
addEveryoneRole(Consumer<? super RoleCreateSpec>) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.GuildCreateSpec
Sets the default @everyone role for the created Guild.
addField(String, String, boolean) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.EmbedCreateSpec
Adds a field to the embed.
addFile(String, InputStream) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.MessageCreateSpec
Adds a file as attachment to the created Message.
addFileSpoiler(String, InputStream) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.MessageCreateSpec
Adds a spoiler file as attachment to the created Message.
addMemberOverwrite(Snowflake, PermissionOverwrite) - Method in interface discord4j.core.object.entity.GuildChannel
Requests to add a permission overwrite for the given member.
addMemberOverwrite(Snowflake, PermissionOverwrite, String) - Method in interface discord4j.core.object.entity.GuildChannel
Requests to add a permission overwrite for the given member while optionally specifying a reason.
addReaction(ReactionEmoji) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Message
Requests to add a reaction on this message.
addRole(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Member
Requests to add a role to this member.
addRole(Snowflake, String) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Member
Requests to add a role to this member while optionally specifying the reason.
addRole(Consumer<? super RoleCreateSpec>) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.GuildCreateSpec
Adds the role spec to the list of roles for the created Guild.
addRole(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.GuildEmojiCreateSpec
Adds a role for which the created GuildEmoji will be whitelisted.
addRoleOverwrite(Snowflake, PermissionOverwrite) - Method in interface discord4j.core.object.entity.GuildChannel
Requests to add a permission overwrite for the given role.
addRoleOverwrite(Snowflake, PermissionOverwrite, String) - Method in interface discord4j.core.object.entity.GuildChannel
Requests to add a permission overwrite for the given role while optionally specifying a reason.
AFK_CHANNEL - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey
AFK_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey
all() - Static method in class discord4j.core.object.util.PermissionSet
Returns a PermissionSet containing all permissions.
ALLOW - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey
AlreadyConnectedException - Exception in discord4j.core
Unchecked exception indicating that an attempt to create a connection has failed because an active connection to the same destination already exists.
AlreadyConnectedException() - Constructor for exception discord4j.core.AlreadyConnectedException
and(PermissionSet) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.util.PermissionSet
Performs a logical AND of this permission set with the other permission set.
andNot(PermissionSet) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.util.PermissionSet
Performs a logical AND NOT of this permission set with the other permission set.
APPLICATION_ID - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey
ApplicationInfo - Class in discord4j.core.object.entity
Represents the Current (typically) Application Information.
ApplicationInfo(ServiceMediator, ApplicationInfoBean) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.object.entity.ApplicationInfo
Constructs a ApplicationInfo with an associated ServiceMediator and Discord data.
ApplicationInfoBean - Class in
ApplicationInfoBean(ApplicationInfoResponse) - Constructor for class
ApplicationInfoBean() - Constructor for class
ArrayUtil - Class in discord4j.core.util
ArrayUtil() - Constructor for class discord4j.core.util.ArrayUtil
asBigInteger() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.util.Snowflake
Gets the unsigned ID of this Snowflake as a BigInteger.
asCustomEmoji() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.reaction.ReactionEmoji
Gets this emoji as downcasted to a custom reaction emoji.
asEnumSet() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.util.PermissionSet
Gets this PermissionSet as an EnumSet.
asFormat() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.GuildEmoji
Gets the formatted version of this emoji (i.e., to display in the client).
asLong() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.util.Snowflake
Gets the unsigned ID of this Snowflake as a primitive long.
asMember(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Member
asMember(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.User
Requests to retrieve this user as a Member.
asRequest() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.AuditLogQuerySpec
asRequest() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.BanQuerySpec
asRequest() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.CategoryCreateSpec
asRequest() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.CategoryEditSpec
asRequest() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.EmbedCreateSpec
asRequest() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.GuildCreateSpec
asRequest() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.GuildEditSpec
asRequest() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.GuildEmojiCreateSpec
asRequest() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.GuildEmojiEditSpec
asRequest() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.GuildMemberEditSpec
asRequest() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.InviteCreateSpec
asRequest() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.MessageCreateSpec
asRequest() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.MessageEditSpec
asRequest() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.NewsChannelCreateSpec
asRequest() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.NewsChannelEditSpec
asRequest() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.RoleCreateSpec
asRequest() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.RoleEditSpec
asRequest() - Method in interface discord4j.core.spec.Spec
asRequest() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.StoreChannelCreateSpec
asRequest() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.StoreChannelEditSpec
asRequest() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.TextChannelCreateSpec
asRequest() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.TextChannelEditSpec
asRequest() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.UserEditSpec
asRequest() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.VoiceChannelCreateSpec
asRequest() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.VoiceChannelEditSpec
asRequest() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.VoiceChannelJoinSpec
asRequest() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.WebhookCreateSpec
asRequest() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.WebhookEditSpec
asStatusUpdate() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.presence.Presence
asString() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.util.Snowflake
Gets the unsigned ID of this Snowflake as an object String.
asUnicodeEmoji() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.reaction.ReactionEmoji
Gets this emoji downcasted to a unicode reaction emoji.
Attachment - Class in discord4j.core.object.entity
A Discord attachment.
Attachment(ServiceMediator, AttachmentBean) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.object.entity.Attachment
Constructs an Attachment with an associated ServiceMediator and Discord data.
AttachmentBean - Class in
AttachmentBean(AttachmentResponse) - Constructor for class
AttachmentBean() - Constructor for class
AuditLogChange<T> - Class in discord4j.core.object.audit
AuditLogChange(T, T) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.object.audit.AuditLogChange
AuditLogEntry - Class in discord4j.core.object.audit
AuditLogEntry(ServiceMediator, AuditLogEntryBean) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.object.audit.AuditLogEntry
AuditLogEntryBean - Class in
AuditLogEntryBean(AuditLogEntryResponse) - Constructor for class
AuditLogEntryBean() - Constructor for class
AuditLogQuerySpec - Class in discord4j.core.spec
A spec used to query audit log entries that match the specified filter.
AuditLogQuerySpec() - Constructor for class discord4j.core.spec.AuditLogQuerySpec
AuditLogUtil - Class in discord4j.core.util
AuditLogUtil() - Constructor for class discord4j.core.util.AuditLogUtil
AuditSpec<T> - Interface in discord4j.core.spec
A spec which can optionally have a reason in the audit logs when built.


Ban - Class in discord4j.core.object
A Discord ban.
Ban(ServiceMediator, BanBean) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.object.Ban
Constructs a Ban with an associated ServiceMediator and Discord data.
ban(Snowflake, Consumer<? super BanQuerySpec>) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to ban the specified user.
ban(Consumer<? super BanQuerySpec>) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Member
Requests to ban this user.
BanBean - Class in
BanBean(BanResponse) - Constructor for class
BanBean() - Constructor for class
BanEvent - Class in discord4j.core.event.domain.guild
Dispatched when a user is banned from a guild.
BanEvent(DiscordClient, User, long) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.BanEvent
BANNER - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey
BanQuerySpec - Class in discord4j.core.spec
A spec used to configure a user ban.
BanQuerySpec() - Constructor for class discord4j.core.spec.BanQuerySpec
BaseGuildBean - Class in
BaseGuildBean(GuildCreate) - Constructor for class
BaseGuildBean(GuildUpdate) - Constructor for class
BaseGuildBean(GuildResponse) - Constructor for class
BaseGuildBean(BaseGuildBean) - Constructor for class
BaseGuildBean() - Constructor for class
BITRATE - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey
build() - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClientBuilder
Create a client ready to connect to Discord.
build() - Method in class discord4j.core.shard.ShardingClientBuilder
Create a sequence of DiscordClientBuilders each representing a shard, up to the resulting shard count, filtering out values not matching the predicate given by ShardingClientBuilder.getShardIndexFilter().
bulkDelete(Publisher<Snowflake>) - Method in interface discord4j.core.object.entity.GuildMessageChannel
Requests to bulk delete the supplied message IDs.


Categorizable - Interface in discord4j.core.object.trait
A trait for objects that can contain a Category.
Category - Class in discord4j.core.object.entity
A Discord category.
Category(ServiceMediator, ChannelBean) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.object.entity.Category
Constructs an Category with an associated ServiceMediator and Discord data.
CategoryCreateEvent - Class in
Dispatched when a Category is created in a guild.
CategoryCreateEvent(DiscordClient, Category) - Constructor for class
CategoryCreateSpec - Class in discord4j.core.spec
A spec used to configure and create a Category.
CategoryCreateSpec() - Constructor for class discord4j.core.spec.CategoryCreateSpec
CategoryDeleteEvent - Class in
Dispatched when a Category is deleted in a guild.
CategoryDeleteEvent(DiscordClient, Category) - Constructor for class
CategoryEditSpec - Class in discord4j.core.spec
A spec used to edit an existing Category.
CategoryEditSpec() - Constructor for class discord4j.core.spec.CategoryEditSpec
CategoryUpdateEvent - Class in
Dispatched when a Category is updated in a guild.
CategoryUpdateEvent(DiscordClient, Category, Category) - Constructor for class
changeCollector() - Static method in class discord4j.core.util.AuditLogUtil
ChangeKey<T> - Class in discord4j.core.object.audit
changePosition(int) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Role
Requests to change this role's position.
changeSelfNickname(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to change the bot user's nickname in this guild.
Channel - Interface in discord4j.core.object.entity
A Discord channel.
Channel.Type - Enum in discord4j.core.object.entity
Represents the various types of channels.
CHANNEL_ID - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.OptionKey
CHANNEL_TYPE - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey
ChannelBean - Class in
ChannelBean(GatewayChannelResponse, long) - Constructor for class
ChannelBean(GatewayChannelResponse) - Constructor for class
ChannelBean(ChannelResponse) - Constructor for class
ChannelBean(long, int) - Constructor for class
ChannelBean() - Constructor for class
ChannelEvent - Class in
Represents an event related to a Channel.
ChannelEvent(DiscordClient) - Constructor for class
ClientConfig - Class in discord4j.core
for removal in v3.1 since shard info will become available from each event
COLOR - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey
compareTo(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.util.Snowflake
Compares this snowflake to the specified snowflake.
computeBasePermissions(PermissionSet, List<PermissionSet>) - Static method in class discord4j.core.util.PermissionUtil
Computes the permissions granted by a member's roles.
computePermissions(PermissionSet, PermissionOverwrite, List<PermissionOverwrite>, PermissionOverwrite) - Static method in class discord4j.core.util.PermissionUtil
Computes the permissions of a member taking into account permission overwrites.
ConnectedGatewayObserver(FluxSink<Integer>) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.shard.ShardingClientBuilder.ConnectedGatewayObserver
ConnectedObserver - Class in discord4j.core
Allows notifying an externally managed sink for GatewayObserver.CONNECTED events.
ConnectedObserver(Consumer<IdentifyOptions>) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.ConnectedObserver
ConnectEvent - Class in discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle
Indicates that a gateway connection is successful.
ConnectEvent(DiscordClient) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle.ConnectEvent
contains(Object) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.util.PermissionSet
contains(long[], long) - Static method in class discord4j.core.util.ArrayUtil
containsStore(Class<?>) - Method in class discord4j.core.shard.ShardingJdkStoreRegistry
containsStore(Class<?>) - Method in interface discord4j.core.shard.ShardingStoreRegistry
CONTENT_FILTER_LEVEL - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey
COUNT - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.OptionKey
count() - Method in class discord4j.core.shard.ShardAwareStore
createCategory(Consumer<? super CategoryCreateSpec>) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to create a category.
createEmbed(Consumer<? super EmbedCreateSpec>) - Method in interface discord4j.core.object.entity.MessageChannel
Requests to create a message with only an MessageCreateSpec.setEmbed(Consumer).
createEmoji(Consumer<? super GuildEmojiCreateSpec>) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to create an emoji.
createGuild(Consumer<? super GuildCreateSpec>) - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClient
Requests to create a guild.
createInvite(Consumer<? super InviteCreateSpec>) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.VoiceChannel
createInvite(Consumer<? super InviteCreateSpec>) - Method in interface discord4j.core.object.trait.Invitable
Requests to create an invite.
createMessage(Consumer<? super MessageCreateSpec>) - Method in interface discord4j.core.object.entity.MessageChannel
Requests to create a message.
createMessage(String) - Method in interface discord4j.core.object.entity.MessageChannel
Requests to create a message with only content.
createNewsChannel(Consumer<? super NewsChannelCreateSpec>) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to create a news channel.
createOptionMap(AuditLogEntryOptionsResponse) - Static method in class discord4j.core.util.AuditLogUtil
createRole(Consumer<? super RoleCreateSpec>) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to create a role.
createStoreChannel(Consumer<? super StoreChannelCreateSpec>) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to create a store channel.
createTextChannel(Consumer<? super TextChannelCreateSpec>) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to create a text channel.
createVoiceChannel(Consumer<? super VoiceChannelCreateSpec>) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to create a voice channel.
createWebhook(Consumer<? super WebhookCreateSpec>) - Method in interface discord4j.core.object.entity.GuildMessageChannel
Requests to create a webhook.
custom(GuildEmoji) - Static method in class discord4j.core.object.reaction.ReactionEmoji
Constructs a ReactionEmoji using information from a known guild emoji.
custom(Snowflake, String, boolean) - Static method in class discord4j.core.object.reaction.ReactionEmoji
Constructs a ReactionEmoji for a custom emoji using the given information.


DEFAULT_COLOR - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Role
The default Color of a Role.
DEFAULT_OFFLINE - Static variable in class
delete() - Method in interface discord4j.core.object.entity.Channel
Requests to delete this channel.
delete(String) - Method in interface discord4j.core.object.entity.Channel
Requests to delete this channel while optionally specifying a reason.
delete() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to delete this guild.
delete() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.GuildEmoji
Requests to delete this emoji.
delete(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.GuildEmoji
Requests to delete this emoji while optionally specifying a reason.
delete() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Message
Requests to delete this message.
delete(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Message
Requests to delete this message while optionally specifying a reason.
delete() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Role
Requests to delete this role.
delete(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Role
Requests to delete this role while optionally specifying the reason.
delete() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Webhook
Requests to delete this webhook.
delete(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Webhook
Requests to delete this webhook while optionally specifying a reason.
delete() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.ExtendedPermissionOverwrite
Requests to delete this permission overwrite.
delete(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.ExtendedPermissionOverwrite
Requests to delete this permission overwrite while optionally specifying a reason.
delete() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Invite
Requests to delete this invite.
delete(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Invite
Requests to delete this invite while optionally specifying a reason.
delete(K) - Method in class discord4j.core.shard.ShardAwareStore
delete(Publisher<K>) - Method in class discord4j.core.shard.ShardAwareStore
DELETE_MEMBER_DAYS - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.OptionKey
deleteAll() - Method in class discord4j.core.shard.ShardAwareStore
deleteInRange(K, K) - Method in class discord4j.core.shard.ShardAwareStore
DENY - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey
DisconnectEvent - Class in discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle
Indicates that a gateway connection is disconnected.
DisconnectEvent(DiscordClient) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle.DisconnectEvent
discord4j.core - package discord4j.core
Components used to build and interact with Discord4J clients.
discord4j.core.event - package discord4j.core.event
Discord event domain model.
discord4j.core.event.dispatch - package discord4j.core.event.dispatch
Mappers between Dispatch and Event.
discord4j.core.event.domain - package discord4j.core.event.domain
Domain model for general events. - package
Domain model for channel events.
discord4j.core.event.domain.guild - package discord4j.core.event.domain.guild
Domain model for guild events.
discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle - package discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle
Domain model for gateway lifecycle events.
discord4j.core.event.domain.message - package discord4j.core.event.domain.message
Domain model for message events.
discord4j.core.event.domain.role - package discord4j.core.event.domain.role
Domain model for role events.
discord4j.core.object - package discord4j.core.object
Discord entity and object domain model.
discord4j.core.object.audit - package discord4j.core.object.audit
Classes representing the audit log domain model. - package
Data classes supporting the entity model. - package
Data classes that are persisted or cached to Store objects. - package
Embed-related data classes.
discord4j.core.object.entity - package discord4j.core.object.entity
Discord entity domain model.
discord4j.core.object.presence - package discord4j.core.object.presence
Classes supporting presence functionality.
discord4j.core.object.reaction - package discord4j.core.object.reaction
Classes supporting reaction functionality like ReactionEmoji
discord4j.core.object.trait - package discord4j.core.object.trait
Representation of common capabilities across the entity domain model.
discord4j.core.object.util - package discord4j.core.object.util
Common utilities to manipulate entities, like IDs, images and permissions.
discord4j.core.shard - package discord4j.core.shard
Core components for building sharding clients.
discord4j.core.spec - package discord4j.core.spec
Spec contract and implementations to build requests to Discord.
discord4j.core.util - package discord4j.core.util
Core utilities to manipulate objects.
DISCORD_EPOCH - Static variable in class discord4j.core.util.EntityUtil
The UNIX time that represents Discord's epoch (January 1, 2015).
DiscordClient - Class in discord4j.core
A high-level abstraction of common Discord operations such as entity retrieval and Discord shard manipulation.
DiscordClientBuilder - Class in discord4j.core
Builder suited for creating a DiscordClient.
DiscordClientBuilder(String) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.DiscordClientBuilder
Initialize a new builder with the given token.
DiscordObject - Interface in discord4j.core.object
An object characterized by the Discord platform.
DispatchContext<D extends Dispatch> - Class in discord4j.core.event.dispatch
Represents gateway dispatch data enriched with context for processing through a DispatchHandler defined under DispatchHandlers
DispatchHandler<D extends Dispatch,E extends Event> - Interface in discord4j.core.event.dispatch
Handler for the gateway Dispatch events.
DispatchHandlers - Class in discord4j.core.event.dispatch
Registry for Dispatch to Event mapping operations.
DispatchHandlers() - Constructor for class discord4j.core.event.dispatch.DispatchHandlers
dispose() - Method in class discord4j.core.shard.ShardAwareStoreService
doNotDisturb() - Static method in class discord4j.core.object.presence.Presence
doNotDisturb(Activity) - Static method in class discord4j.core.object.presence.Presence


edit(Consumer<? super UserEditSpec>) - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClient
Requests to edit this client (i.e., modify the current bot user).
edit(Consumer<? super CategoryEditSpec>) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Category
Requests to edit this category.
edit(Consumer<? super GuildEditSpec>) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to edit this guild.
edit(Consumer<? super GuildEmojiEditSpec>) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.GuildEmoji
Requests to edit this guild emoji.
edit(Consumer<? super GuildMemberEditSpec>) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Member
Requests to edit this member.
edit(Consumer<? super MessageEditSpec>) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Message
Requests to edit this message.
edit(Consumer<? super NewsChannelEditSpec>) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.NewsChannel
Requests to edit this news channel.
edit(Consumer<? super RoleEditSpec>) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Role
Requests to edit this role.
edit(Consumer<? super StoreChannelEditSpec>) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.StoreChannel
Requests to edit this store channel.
edit(Consumer<? super TextChannelEditSpec>) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.TextChannel
Requests to edit this text channel.
edit(Consumer<? super VoiceChannelEditSpec>) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.VoiceChannel
Requests to edit a voice channel.
edit(Consumer<? super WebhookEditSpec>) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Webhook
Requests to edit this webhook.
Embed - Class in discord4j.core.object
A Discord embed.
Embed(ServiceMediator, EmbedBean) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.object.Embed
Constructs an Embed with an associated ServiceMediator and Discord data.
Embed.Author - Class in discord4j.core.object
An image for a Discord embed.
Embed.Field - Class in discord4j.core.object
A field for a Discord embed.
Embed.Footer - Class in discord4j.core.object
A footer for a Discord embed.
Embed.Image - Class in discord4j.core.object
An image for a Discord embed.
Embed.Provider - Class in discord4j.core.object
A provider for a Discord embed.
Embed.Thumbnail - Class in discord4j.core.object
A thumbnail for a Discord embed.
Embed.Type - Enum in discord4j.core.object
Represents the various types of embeds.
Embed.Video - Class in discord4j.core.object
A video for a Discord embed.
EmbedAuthorBean - Class in
EmbedAuthorBean(EmbedAuthorResponse) - Constructor for class
EmbedAuthorBean() - Constructor for class
EmbedBean - Class in
EmbedBean(EmbedResponse) - Constructor for class
EmbedBean() - Constructor for class
EmbedCreateSpec - Class in discord4j.core.spec
A spec used to configure and send an embed.
EmbedCreateSpec() - Constructor for class discord4j.core.spec.EmbedCreateSpec
EmbedFieldBean - Class in
EmbedFieldBean(EmbedFieldEntity) - Constructor for class
EmbedFieldBean() - Constructor for class
EmbedFooterBean - Class in
EmbedFooterBean(EmbedFooterResponse) - Constructor for class
EmbedFooterBean() - Constructor for class
EmbedImageBean - Class in
EmbedImageBean(EmbedImageResponse) - Constructor for class
EmbedImageBean() - Constructor for class
EmbedProviderBean - Class in
EmbedProviderBean(EmbedProviderResponse) - Constructor for class
EmbedProviderBean() - Constructor for class
EmbedThumbnailBean - Class in
EmbedThumbnailBean(EmbedThumbnailResponse) - Constructor for class
EmbedThumbnailBean() - Constructor for class
EmbedVideoBean - Class in
EmbedVideoBean(EmbedVideoResponse) - Constructor for class
EmbedVideoBean() - Constructor for class
EmojisUpdateEvent - Class in discord4j.core.event.domain.guild
Dispatched when an emoji is added/deleted/or edited in a guild.
EmojisUpdateEvent(DiscordClient, long, Set<GuildEmoji>) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.EmojisUpdateEvent
Entity - Interface in discord4j.core.object.entity
An uniquely identifiable object by Snowflake.
EntityUtil - Class in discord4j.core.util
An utility class for entity processing.
equals(Object) - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle.ReadyEvent.Guild
equals(Object) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.ApplicationInfo
equals(Object) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Attachment
equals(Object) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
equals(Object) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.GuildEmoji
equals(Object) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Message
equals(Object) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Role
equals(Object) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.User
equals(Object) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Webhook
equals(Object) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.reaction.ReactionEmoji.Custom
equals(Object) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.reaction.ReactionEmoji.Unicode
equals(Object) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.util.Image
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this Image.
equals(Object) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.util.PermissionSet
equals(Object) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.util.Snowflake
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this Snowflake.
equals(Entity, Object) - Static method in class discord4j.core.util.EntityUtil
An utility that checks for equality between an entity and a generic object.
Event - Class in discord4j.core.event.domain
Represents a Discord real-time event used to track a client's state.
Event(DiscordClient) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.event.domain.Event
EventDispatcher - Class in discord4j.core.event
Distributes events to subscribers.
EventDispatcher(FluxProcessor<Event, Event>, Scheduler) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.event.EventDispatcher
Creates a new event dispatcher using the given processor and thread model.
ExtendedInvite - Class in discord4j.core.object
Metadata for a Discord invite.
ExtendedInvite(ServiceMediator, ExtendedInviteBean) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.object.ExtendedInvite
Constructs a ExtendedInvite with an associated ServiceMediator and Discord data.
ExtendedInviteBean - Class in
ExtendedInviteBean(InviteResponse) - Constructor for class
ExtendedInviteBean() - Constructor for class
ExtendedPermissionOverwrite - Class in discord4j.core.object
A Discord permission overwrite.
ExtendedPermissionOverwrite(ServiceMediator, PermissionOverwriteBean, long, long) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.object.ExtendedPermissionOverwrite
Constructs a ExtendedPermissionOverwrite with an associated ServiceMediator and Discord data.


find(K) - Method in class discord4j.core.shard.ShardAwareStore
findInRange(K, K) - Method in class discord4j.core.shard.ShardAwareStore
forMember(Snowflake, PermissionSet, PermissionSet) - Static method in class discord4j.core.object.PermissionOverwrite
Constructs a PermissionOverwrite targeting a Member.
forRole(Snowflake, PermissionSet, PermissionSet) - Static method in class discord4j.core.object.PermissionOverwrite
Constructs a PermissionOverwrite targeting a Role.


GatewayLifecycleEvent - Class in discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle
Represents a lifecycle status change for a gateway connection.
GatewayLifecycleEvent(DiscordClient) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle.GatewayLifecycleEvent
getActionType() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.audit.AuditLogEntry
getActionType() - Method in class
getActivity() - Method in class
getActivity() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.presence.Presence
getAfkChannel() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to retrieve the AFK channel, if present.
getAfkChannelId() - Method in class
getAfkChannelId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Gets the ID of the AFK channel, if present.
getAfkTimeout() - Method in class
getAfkTimeout() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Gets the AFK timeout in seconds.
getAllow() - Method in class
getAllowed() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.PermissionOverwrite
Gets the permissions explicitly allowed by this overwrite.
getApplicationId() - Method in class
getApplicationId() - Method in class
getApplicationId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Gets the application ID of the guild creator if it is bot-created.
getApplicationId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.presence.Activity
Gets the application ID for the game, if present.
getApplicationInfo() - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClient
Requests to retrieve the application info.
getApproximateMemberCount() - Method in class
getApproximateMemberCount() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Invite
Gets approximate count of total members of the guild this invite is associated to, if present.
getApproximatePresenceCount() - Method in class
getApproximatePresenceCount() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Invite
Gets an approximate count of online members (only present when the target user is set) of the guild this invite is associated to, if present.
getAttachments() - Method in class
getAttachments() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Message
Gets any attached files.
getAuditLog() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to retrieve the audit log for this guild.
getAuditLog(Consumer<? super AuditLogQuerySpec>) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to retrieve the audit log for this guild.
getAuthor() - Method in class
getAuthor() - Method in class
getAuthor() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed
Gets the author information, if present.
getAuthor() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Message
Gets the author of this message, if present.
getAuthorAsMember() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Message
Requests to retrieve the author of this message as a member of the guild in which it was sent.
getAvatar() - Method in class
getAvatar() - Method in class
getAvatar(Image.Format) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.User
Gets the user's avatar.
getAvatar() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.User
Gets the user's effective avatar.
getAvatar() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Webhook
Gets the avatar of this webhook, if present.
getAvatarUrl(Image.Format) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.User
Gets the user's avatar URL, if present and in a supported format.
getAvatarUrl() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.User
Gets the user's effective avatar URL.
getBan(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to retrieve the ban for the specified user for this guild.
getBanner() - Method in class
getBanner(Image.Format) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Gets the banner of the guild.
getBannerUrl(Image.Format) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Gets the banner URL of the guild, if present and in a supported format.
getBans() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to retrieve all the bans for this guild.
getBasePermissions() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Member
Requests to calculate the permissions granted to this member by his roles in the guild.
getBitrate() - Method in class
getBitrate() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.VoiceChannel
Gets the bitrate (in bits) for this voice channel.
getCategory() - Method in class
Gets the Category that was created in this event.
getCategory() - Method in class
Gets the Category that was deleted in this event.
getCategory() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.VoiceChannel
getCategory() - Method in interface discord4j.core.object.trait.Categorizable
Requests to retrieve the category for this channel, if present.
getCategoryId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.VoiceChannel
getCategoryId() - Method in interface discord4j.core.object.trait.Categorizable
Gets the ID of the category for this channel, if present.
getChange(ChangeKey<T>) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.audit.AuditLogEntry
getChanges() - Method in class
getChannel() - Method in class
Gets the NewsChannel that was created in this event.
getChannel() - Method in class
Gets the NewsChannel that was deleted in this event.
getChannel() - Method in class
Requests to retrieve the MessageChannel the pinned/unpinned Message is in.
getChannel() - Method in class
Gets the PrivateChannel that was created in this event.
getChannel() - Method in class
Gets the PrivateChannel that was deleted in this event.
getChannel() - Method in class
Gets the StoreChannel that was created in this event.
getChannel() - Method in class
Gets the StoreChannel that was deleted in this event.
getChannel() - Method in class
Gets the TextChannel that was created in this event.
getChannel() - Method in class
Gets the TextChannel that was deleted in this event.
getChannel() - Method in class
Requests to retrieve the MessageChannel the user has started typing in.
getChannel() - Method in class
Gets the VoiceChannel that was created in this event.
getChannel() - Method in class
Gets the VoiceChannel that has been deleted in this event.
getChannel() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.MessageBulkDeleteEvent
Requests to retrieve the MessageChannel representation of the Channel the messages were deleted in.
getChannel() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.MessageDeleteEvent
Requests to retrieve the MessageChannel the Message was deleted from.
getChannel() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.MessageUpdateEvent
Requests to retrieve the MessageChannel containing the updated Message in this event.
getChannel() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.ReactionAddEvent
Requests to retrieve the MessageChannel the Message and reaction are in.
getChannel() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.ReactionRemoveAllEvent
Requests to retrieve the MessageChannel containing the Message and the removed reactions.
getChannel() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.ReactionRemoveEvent
Requests to retrieve the MessageChannel containing the Message the reaction was removed from.
getChannel() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.WebhooksUpdateEvent
Requests to retrieve the TextChannel the webhook belongs to.
getChannel() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Message
Requests to retrieve the channel the message was sent in.
getChannel() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Webhook
Requests to retrieve the channel this webhook is associated to.
getChannel() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.ExtendedPermissionOverwrite
Requests to retrieve the channel associated to this overwrite.
getChannel() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Invite
Requests to retrieve the channel this invite is associated to.
getChannel() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.VoiceState
Requests to retrieve the channel this user is connected to, if present.
getChannel(ServiceMediator, ChannelBean) - Static method in class discord4j.core.util.EntityUtil
An utility that converts some instance of ChannelBean to its associated Channel type.
getChannelById(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClient
Requests to retrieve the channel represented by the supplied ID.
getChannelById(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to retrieve the channel as represented by the supplied ID.
getChannelId() - Method in class
Gets the Snowflake ID of the MessageChannel the pinned/unpinned Message is in.
getChannelId() - Method in class
Gets the Snowflake ID of the MessageChannel the user has started typing in.
getChannelId() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.MessageBulkDeleteEvent
Gets the Snowflake ID of the MessageChannel the messages were deleted in.
getChannelId() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.MessageDeleteEvent
Gets the Snowflake ID of the MessageChannel the Message was deleted from.
getChannelId() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.MessageUpdateEvent
Gets the Snowflake ID of the MessageChannel containing the updated Message.
getChannelId() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.ReactionAddEvent
Gets the Snowflake ID of the MessageChannel the Message and reaction are in.
getChannelId() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.ReactionRemoveAllEvent
Gets the Snowflake ID of the channel containing the Message and the removed Reactions.
getChannelId() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.ReactionRemoveEvent
Gets the Snowflake ID of the MessageChannel containing the Message the reaction was removed from.
getChannelId() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.WebhooksUpdateEvent
Gets the Snowflake ID of the channel the webhook belongs to.
getChannelId() - Method in class
getChannelId() - Method in class
getChannelId() - Method in class
getChannelId() - Method in class
getChannelId() - Method in class
getChannelId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Message
Gets the ID of the channel the message was sent in.
getChannelId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Webhook
Gets the ID of the channel this webhook is associated to.
getChannelId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.ExtendedPermissionOverwrite
Gets the ID of the channel associated to this overwrite.
getChannelId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Invite
Gets the ID of the channel this invite is associated to.
getChannelId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.MessageReference
getChannelId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.VoiceState
Gets the channel ID this user is connected to, if present.
getChannels() - Method in class
getChannels() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Category
Requests to retrieve the channels residing in this category.
getChannels() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to retrieve the channels of the guild.
getChannelStore() - Method in class discord4j.core.StateHolder
getClient() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.Event
Get the DiscordClient that emitted this Event.
getClient() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.audit.AuditLogEntry
getClient() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Ban
getClient() - Method in interface discord4j.core.object.DiscordObject
Gets the DiscordClient associated to this object.
getClient() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed
getClient() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.ApplicationInfo
getClient() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Attachment
getClient() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
getClient() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.GuildEmoji
getClient() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Message
getClient() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Role
getClient() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.User
getClient() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Webhook
getClient() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.ExtendedPermissionOverwrite
getClient() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Invite
getClient() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.MessageReference
getClient() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.reaction.Reaction
getClient() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Region
getClient() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.VoiceState
getClient() - Method in class discord4j.core.ServiceMediator
Return the DiscordClient that is served by this instance.
getClientConfig() - Method in class discord4j.core.ServiceMediator
Return the current configuration for initiating gateway connections.
getCode() - Method in class
getCode() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Invite
Gets the invite code (unique ID).
getColor() - Method in class
getColor() - Method in class
getColor() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed
Gets the color of the embed, if present.
getColor() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Member
Requests to determine the Color this member would be visually represented in the Discord client.
getColor() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Role
Gets the color assigned to this role.
getConfig() - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClient
for removal in v3.1, as shard info will be available from every event.
getContent() - Method in class
getContent() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Message
Gets the contents of the message, if present.
getContentFilterLevel() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Gets the default explicit content filter level.
getCount() - Method in class
getCount() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.reaction.Reaction
Gets the number of people who reacted with this reaction's emoji.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class
getCreation() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.ExtendedInvite
Gets when this invite was created.
getCreator() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Webhook
Requests to retrieve the user this webhook was created by, if present.
getCreatorId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Webhook
Gets the ID of the user this webhook was created by.
getCurrent() - Method in class
Get the current, new, version of the Category that has been updated in this event.
getCurrent() - Method in class
Gets the current, new version of the NewsChannel that was updated in this event.
getCurrent() - Method in class
Gets the current, new version of the StoreChannel that was updated in this event.
getCurrent() - Method in class
Gets the current, new version of the TextChannel that was updated in this event.
getCurrent() - Method in class
Gets the current, new version of the VoiceChannel that was updated in this event.
getCurrent() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.GuildUpdateEvent
Gets the current version of the Guild involved in this event.
getCurrent() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.PresenceUpdateEvent
Gets the current, new version of the Presence.
getCurrent() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.role.RoleUpdateEvent
Gets the current, new version of the Role that was updated in the event.
getCurrent() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.UserUpdateEvent
Gets the current, new version of the User that has been updated in this event.
getCurrent() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.VoiceStateUpdateEvent
Gets the current, new, VoiceState that has been updated in this event.
getCurrentAttempt() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle.ReconnectEvent
Gets the current reconnect attempt.
getCurrentAttempt() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle.ReconnectFailEvent
Gets the current reconnect attempt.
getCurrentContent() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.MessageUpdateEvent
Gets the current, new, version of the Message's content in this event, if present.
getCurrentEmbeds() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.MessageUpdateEvent
Gets the current, new, version of the Message's Embed in this event.
getCurrentNickname() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.MemberUpdateEvent
Gets the current nickname of the Member involved in this event, if present.
getCurrentPartySize() - Method in class
getCurrentPartySize() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.presence.Activity
Gets the party's current size, if present.
getCurrentPartySizeLong() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.presence.Activity
Gets the party's current size, if present.
getCurrentPremiumSince() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.MemberUpdateEvent
Gets when the user used their Nitro boost on the guild, if present.
getCurrentRoles() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.MemberUpdateEvent
Gets a list of Snowflake IDs of roles the Member is currently assigned.
getCurrentValue() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.audit.AuditLogChange
getData() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.util.Image
Gets a data URI for this image.
getDefaultAvatarUrl() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.User
Gets the default avatar URL for this user.
getDefaultMessageNotifications() - Method in class
getDenied() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.PermissionOverwrite
Gets the permissions explicitly denied by this overwrite.
getDeny() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed
Gets the description of the embed, if present.
getDescription() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.ApplicationInfo
Gets the description of the app, if present.
getDescription() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Gets the description of the guild, if present.
getDetails() - Method in class
getDetails() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.presence.Activity
Gets what the player is currently doing, if present.
getDiscriminator() - Method in class
getDiscriminator() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.User
Gets the user's 4-digit discord-tag.
getDispatch() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.dispatch.DispatchContext
getDisplayName() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Member
Gets the name that is displayed in client.
getEditedTimestamp() - Method in class
getEditedTimestamp() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Message
Gets when this message was edited, if present.
getEffectivePermissions(Snowflake) - Method in interface discord4j.core.object.entity.GuildChannel
Gets the permissions for the given member, taking into account permission overwrites in this channel.
getEmbed() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed.Author
Gets the Embed associated to this object.
getEmbed() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed.Field
Gets the Embed associated to this object.
getEmbed() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed.Footer
Gets the Embed associated to this object.
getEmbed() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed.Image
Gets the Embed associated to this object.
getEmbed() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed.Provider
Gets the Embed associated to this object.
getEmbed() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed.Thumbnail
Gets the Embed associated to this object.
getEmbed() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed.Video
Gets the Embed associated to this object.
getEmbedChannel() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to retrieve the embedded channel, if present.
getEmbedChannelId() - Method in class
getEmbedChannelId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Gets the ID of the embedded channel, if present.
getEmbeds() - Method in class
getEmbeds() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Message
Gets any embedded content.
getEmoji() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.ReactionAddEvent
Gets the ReactionEmoji that was added to the Message in this event.
getEmoji() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.ReactionRemoveEvent
The ReactionEmoji that was removed from a message.
getEmoji() - Method in class
getEmoji() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.presence.Activity
Gets the emoji used for a custom status, if present.
getEmoji() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.reaction.Reaction
Gets this reaction's emoji.
getEmojiId() - Method in class
getEmojiIds() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Gets the guild's emoji's IDs.
getEmojiName() - Method in class
getEmojis() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.EmojisUpdateEvent
Gets a list of ALL emojis of the Guild.
getEmojis() - Method in class
getEmojis() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to retrieve the guild's emojis.
getEmojiString(ReactionEmoji) - Static method in class discord4j.core.util.EntityUtil
getEnd() - Method in class
getEnd() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.presence.Activity
Gets the UNIX time (in milliseconds) of when the activity ends, if present.
getEndpoint() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.VoiceServerUpdateEvent
Gets the voice server host's endpoint URL.
getEventDispatcher() - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClient
Gets the event dispatcher, allowing reactive subscription of client events.
getEventDispatcher() - Method in class discord4j.core.ServiceMediator
Return the event dispatching processor used by this client.
getEventProcessor() - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClientBuilder
getEventScheduler() - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClientBuilder
getEveryoneRole() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to retrieve the guild's @everyone Role.
getExpiration() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.ExtendedInvite
Gets the instant this invite expires, if possible.
getExplicitContentFilter() - Method in class
getExtension() - Method in enum discord4j.core.object.util.Image.Format
Gets the file extension associated with this format.
getFeatures() - Method in class
getFeatures() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Gets the enabled guild features.
getField() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.audit.OptionKey
getFields() - Method in class
getFields() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed
Gets the field information.
getFileName() - Method in class
getFilename() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Attachment
Gets the name of the file attached.
getFlag() - Method in enum discord4j.core.object.entity.Message.Flag
Gets the flag value as represented by Discord.
getFlags() - Method in class
getFlags() - Method in class
getFlags() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Message
Returns the flags of this Message, describing its features.
getFooter() - Method in class
getFooter() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed
Gets the footer information, if present.
getFormat() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.util.Image
Gets the format of the image.
getGatewayClient() - Method in class discord4j.core.ServiceMediator
Return the current client for Gateway operations.
getGatewayClientFactory() - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClientBuilder
getGatewayObserver() - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClientBuilder
getGatewayParameters() - Method in class discord4j.core.ClientConfig
Retrieves the set of query parameters used to establish a gateway URL connection.
getGatewayVersion() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle.ReadyEvent
Gets the gateway protocol version being used.
getGuild() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.BanEvent
Requests to retrieve the Guild the User was banned from.
getGuild() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.EmojisUpdateEvent
Requests to retrieve the Guild whose emojis have been updated.
getGuild() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.GuildCreateEvent
Gets the Guild that has become available in this event.
getGuild() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.GuildDeleteEvent
Gets the Guild involved in this event, if present.
getGuild() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.IntegrationsUpdateEvent
Requests to retrieve the Guild whose integrations have been updated.
getGuild() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.MemberChunkEvent
Requests to retrieve the Guild involved in the event.
getGuild() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.MemberJoinEvent
Requests to retrieve the Guild the Member has joined in this event.
getGuild() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.MemberLeaveEvent
Requests to retrieve the Guild that the User has left in this event.
getGuild() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.MemberUpdateEvent
Requests to retrieve the Guild involved in the event.
getGuild() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.UnbanEvent
Requests to retrieve the Guild the Member was unbanned from.
getGuild() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.MessageBulkDeleteEvent
Requests to retrieve the Guild the messages were deleted in.
getGuild() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.MessageCreateEvent
Requests to retrieve the Guild the Message was created in, if present.
getGuild() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.MessageUpdateEvent
Request to retrieve the Guild containing the updated Message in this event.
getGuild() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.ReactionAddEvent
Request to retrieve the Guild containing the Message and reaction, if present.
getGuild() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.ReactionRemoveAllEvent
Request to retrieve the Guild containing the Message the reactions were removed from, if present.
getGuild() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.ReactionRemoveEvent
Requests to retrieve the Guild the Message involved is in, if present.
getGuild() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.PresenceUpdateEvent
Gets the Guild containing the User whose presence has been updated.
getGuild() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.role.RoleCreateEvent
Requests to retrieve the Guild the Role was created in.
getGuild() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.role.RoleDeleteEvent
Requests to retrieve the Guild the Role was deleted in.
getGuild() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.VoiceServerUpdateEvent
Requests to retrieve the Guild whose voice server has been updated in this event.
getGuild() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.WebhooksUpdateEvent
Requests to retrieve the Guild that had a webhook updated in this event.
getGuild() - Method in interface discord4j.core.object.entity.GuildChannel
Requests to retrieve the guild this channel is associated to.
getGuild() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.GuildEmoji
Requests to retrieve the guild this emoji is associated to.
getGuild() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Member
Requests to retrieve the guild this user is associated to.
getGuild() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Message
Requests to retrieve the guild this message is associated to, if present.
getGuild() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Role
Requests to retireve the guild this role is associated to.
getGuild() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Webhook
Requests to retrieve the guild this webhook is associated to.
getGuild() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.ExtendedPermissionOverwrite
Requests to retrieve the guild associated to this overwrite.
getGuild() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Invite
Requests to retrieve the guild this invite is associated to.
getGuild() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.VoiceState
Requests to retrieve the guild this voice state is for.
getGuildById(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClient
Requests to retrieve the guild represented by the supplied ID.
getGuildEmojiById(Snowflake, Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClient
Requests to retrieve the guild emoji represented by the supplied IDs.
getGuildEmojiById(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to retrieve the guild emoji as represented by the supplied ID.
getGuildEmojiStore() - Method in class discord4j.core.StateHolder
getGuildId() - Method in class
Gets the Snowflake ID of the Guild the user has started typing in, if this happened in a guild.
getGuildId() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.BanEvent
Gets the Snowflake ID of the Guild in this event.
getGuildId() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.EmojisUpdateEvent
Gets the Snowflake ID of the Guild involved in the event.
getGuildId() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.GuildDeleteEvent
Gets the Snowflake ID of the Guild that is involved in the event.
getGuildId() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.IntegrationsUpdateEvent
The Snowflake ID of the Guild involved in this event.
getGuildId() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.MemberChunkEvent
Gets the Snowflake ID of the Guild involved in this event.
getGuildId() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.MemberJoinEvent
Gets the Snowflake ID of the Guild the Member has joined in this event.
getGuildId() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.MemberLeaveEvent
Gets the Snowflake ID of the Guild that the User has left in this event.
getGuildId() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.MemberUpdateEvent
Gets the Snowflake ID of the Guild involved in the event.
getGuildId() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.UnbanEvent
Gets the Snowflake ID of the Guild the User was unbanned from.
getGuildId() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.MessageBulkDeleteEvent
Gets the Snowflake ID of the Guild the messages were deleted in.
getGuildId() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.MessageCreateEvent
Gets the Snowflake ID of the Guild the Message was created in, if present.
getGuildId() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.MessageUpdateEvent
The Snowflake ID of the Guild containing the updated Message in this event, if present.
getGuildId() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.ReactionAddEvent
Gets the Snowflake ID of the Guild containing the Message and Reaction, if present.
getGuildId() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.ReactionRemoveAllEvent
Gets the Snowflake ID of the Guild containing the Message the reactions were removed from, if present.
getGuildId() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.ReactionRemoveEvent
Gets the Snowflake ID of the Guild the Message involved is in, if present.
getGuildId() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.PresenceUpdateEvent
Gets the Snowflake ID of the Guild containing the User whose presence has been updated.
getGuildId() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.role.RoleCreateEvent
Gets the Snowflake ID of the Guild the Role was created in.
getGuildId() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.role.RoleDeleteEvent
Gets the Snowflake ID of the Guild the Role was deleted in.
getGuildId() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.VoiceServerUpdateEvent
Gets the Snowflake ID of the guild whose voice server has been updated in this event.
getGuildId() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.WebhooksUpdateEvent
Gets the Snowflake ID of the guild that had a webhook updated in this event.
getGuildId() - Method in class
getGuildId() - Method in class
getGuildId() - Method in class
getGuildId() - Method in class
getGuildId() - Method in class
getGuildId() - Method in interface discord4j.core.object.entity.GuildChannel
Gets the ID of the guild this channel is associated to.
getGuildId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.GuildEmoji
Gets the ID of the guild this emoji is associated to.
getGuildId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Member
Gets the ID of the guild this user is associated to.
getGuildId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Role
Gets the ID of the guild this role is associated to.
getGuildId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Webhook
Gets the ID of the guild this webhook is associated to.
getGuildId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.ExtendedPermissionOverwrite
Gets the ID of the guild associated to this overwrite.
getGuildId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Invite
Gets the ID of the guild this invite is associated to.
getGuildId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.MessageReference
getGuildId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.VoiceState
Gets the guild ID this voice state is for.
getGuilds() - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClient
Requests to retrieve the guilds the current client is in.
getGuilds() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle.ReadyEvent
Gets a set of Unavailable ReadyEvent.Guild.
getGuildStore() - Method in class discord4j.core.StateHolder
getHash() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.util.Image
Gets the hash of the image.
getHeight() - Method in class
getHeight() - Method in class
getHeight() - Method in class
getHeight() - Method in class
getHeight() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed.Image
Gets the height of the image.
getHeight() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed.Thumbnail
Gets the height of the thumbnail.
getHeight() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed.Video
Gets the height of the video.
getHeight() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Attachment
Gets the height of the file, if present.
getHighestRole() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Member
Requests to retrieve the user's highest guild role.
getIcon() - Method in class
getIcon() - Method in class
getIcon(Image.Format) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.ApplicationInfo
Gets the icon URL of the application, if present and in a supported format.
getIcon(Image.Format) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Gets the icon of the guild.
getIconUrl() - Method in class
getIconUrl() - Method in class
getIconUrl() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed.Author
Gets the URL of the author icon (only supports http(s) and attachments).
getIconUrl() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed.Footer
The URL of the footer icon (only supports http(s) and attachments).
getIconUrl(Image.Format) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Gets the icon URL of the guild, if present and in a supported format.
getId() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle.ReadyEvent.Guild
Gets the Snowflake ID of the guild.
getId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.audit.AuditLogEntry
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.ApplicationInfo
getId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Attachment
getId() - Method in interface discord4j.core.object.entity.Entity
Gets the Snowflake that uniquely identifies this entity.
getId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
getId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.GuildEmoji
getId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Message
getId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Role
getId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.User
getId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Webhook
getId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.reaction.ReactionEmoji.Custom
getId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Region
Gets the unique ID for the region.
getIdentifyLimiter() - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClientBuilder
getIdentifyOptions() - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClientBuilder
getImage() - Method in class
getImage() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed
Gets the image information, if present.
getImage() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.GuildEmoji
Gets the image for this guild emoji.
getImageUrl() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.GuildEmoji
Gets the URL for this guild emoji.
getInitialPresence() - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClientBuilder
getInstance() - Method in class
getInvite(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClient
Requests to retrieve an invite.
getInviter() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.ExtendedInvite
Requests to retrieve the user who created the invite.
getInviterId() - Method in class
getInviterId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.ExtendedInvite
Gets the ID of the user who created the invite.
getInvites() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to retrieve the invites of the guild.
getInvites() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.VoiceChannel
getInvites() - Method in interface discord4j.core.object.trait.Invitable
Requests to retrieve this channel's invites.
getJacksonResourceProvider() - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClientBuilder
getJoinedAt() - Method in class
getJoinedAt() - Method in class
getJoinTime() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Gets when this guild was joined at, if present.
getJoinTime() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Member
Gets when the user joined the guild.
getKeyStore(Class<V>, int) - Method in class discord4j.core.shard.ShardingJdkStoreRegistry
getKeyStore(Class<V>, int) - Method in interface discord4j.core.shard.ShardingStoreRegistry
getLarge() - Method in class
getLargeImage() - Method in class
getLargeImageId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.presence.Activity
Gets the ID for a large asset of the activity, usually a Snowflake, if present.
getLargeText() - Method in class
getLargeText() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.presence.Activity
Gets the text displayed when hovering over the large image of the activity, if present.
getLastMessage() - Method in interface discord4j.core.object.entity.MessageChannel
Requests to retrieve the last message sent in this channel, if present.
getLastMessageId() - Method in class
getLastMessageId() - Method in interface discord4j.core.object.entity.MessageChannel
Gets the ID of the last message sent in this channel, if present.
getLastPinTimestamp() - Method in class
Gets the ISO8601 timestamp of when the last pinned Message w as pinned, if present.
getLastPinTimestamp() - Method in class
getLastPinTimestamp() - Method in interface discord4j.core.object.entity.MessageChannel
Gets when the last pinned message was pinned, if present.
getMaxAge() - Method in class
getMaxMembers() - Method in class
getMaxMembers() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Gets the maximum amount of members of the guild, if present.
getMaxPartySize() - Method in class
getMaxPartySize() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.presence.Activity
Gets the party's max size, if present.
getMaxPartySizeLong() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.presence.Activity
Gets the party's max size, if present.
getMaxPresences() - Method in class
getMaxPresences() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Gets the maximum amount of presences of the guild.
getMaxUses() - Method in class
getMaxUses() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.ExtendedInvite
Gets the max number of times this invite can be used.
getMember() - Method in class
Gets the Member who started typing, if this happened in a guild.
getMember() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.MemberJoinEvent
Gets the Member that has joined the Guild in this event.
getMember() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.MemberLeaveEvent
Gets the Member object of the User that has left the Guild in this event, if present.
getMember() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.MemberUpdateEvent
Requests to retrieve the Member involved in the event.
getMember() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.MessageCreateEvent
Gets the Member who has sent the Message created in this event, if present.
getMember() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.ReactionAddEvent
Gets the member who reacted, if present.
getMember() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.PresenceUpdateEvent
Requests to retrieve the Member object of the User involved in this event.
getMemberById(Snowflake, Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClient
Requests to retrieve the member represented by the supplied IDs.
getMemberById(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to retrieve the member as represented by the supplied ID.
getMemberCount() - Method in class
getMemberCount() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Gets the total number of members in the guild, if present.
getMemberId() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.MemberUpdateEvent
Gets the Snowflake ID of the Member involved in the event.
getMemberId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.PermissionOverwrite
Gets the ID of the member this overwrite targets.
getMembers() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.MemberChunkEvent
Gets a list of Members that have been streamed to the client in this event.
getMembers() - Method in class
getMembers() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to retrieve the members of the guild.
getMemberStore() - Method in class discord4j.core.StateHolder
getMention() - Method in interface discord4j.core.object.entity.Channel
Gets the raw mention.
getMention() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Role
Gets the raw mention.
getMention() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.User
Gets the raw mention.
getMentionRoles() - Method in class
getMentions() - Method in class
getMessage() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.MessageCreateEvent
Gets the Message that was created in this event.
getMessage() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.MessageDeleteEvent
Gets the Message that was deleted in this event, if present.
getMessage() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.MessageUpdateEvent
Requests to retrieve the Message that has been updated in this event.
getMessage() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.ReactionAddEvent
Request to retrieve the Message the reaction was added to in this event.
getMessage() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.ReactionRemoveAllEvent
Requests to retrieve the Message the reactions were removed from in this event.
getMessage() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.ReactionRemoveEvent
Requests to retrieve the Message the reaction was removed from.
getMessageById(Snowflake, Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClient
Requests to retrieve the message represented by the supplied IDs.
getMessageById(Snowflake) - Method in interface discord4j.core.object.entity.MessageChannel
Requests to retrieve the message as represented by the supplied ID.
getMessageId() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.MessageDeleteEvent
Gets the Snowflake ID of the Message that was deleted.
getMessageId() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.MessageUpdateEvent
Gets the Snowflake ID of the Message that has been updated in this event.
getMessageId() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.ReactionAddEvent
Gets the Snowflake ID of the Message the reaction was added to in this event.
getMessageId() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.ReactionRemoveAllEvent
Gets the Snowflake ID of the Message the reactions were removed from in this event.
getMessageId() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.ReactionRemoveEvent
Gets the Snowflake ID of the Message the reaction was removed from.
getMessageId() - Method in class
getMessageId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.MessageReference
getMessageIds() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.MessageBulkDeleteEvent
Gets a list of Snowflake IDs of the messages that were deleted.
getMessageReference() - Method in class
getMessageReference() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Message
Returns the MessageReference in this message (Server Following feature), if present.
getMessages() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.MessageBulkDeleteEvent
Gets a list of Message objects there were deleted in this event.
getMessagesAfter(Snowflake) - Method in interface discord4j.core.object.entity.MessageChannel
Requests to retrieve all messages after the specified ID.
getMessagesBefore(Snowflake) - Method in interface discord4j.core.object.entity.MessageChannel
Requests to retrieve all messages before the specified ID.
getMessageStore() - Method in class discord4j.core.StateHolder
getMfaLevel() - Method in class
getMfaLevel() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Gets the required MFA level for the guild.
getName() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed.Author
Gets the name of the author.
getName() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed.Field
Gets the name of the field.
getName() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed.Provider
Gets the name of the provider.
getName() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.ApplicationInfo
Gets the name of the app.
getName() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Gets the guild name.
getName() - Method in interface discord4j.core.object.entity.GuildChannel
Gets the name of the channel.
getName() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.GuildEmoji
Gets the emoji name.
getName() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Role
Gets the role name.
getName() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Webhook
Gets the default name of the webhook.
getName() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.presence.Activity
Gets the activity's name.
getName() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.reaction.ReactionEmoji.Custom
getName() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Region
Gets the name of the region.
getNewAvatar() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.PresenceUpdateEvent
Gets the User's new avatar, if present.
getNewDiscriminator() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.PresenceUpdateEvent
Gets the User's new discriminator, if present.
getNewsChannel() - Method in class
Gets the current, new version of the NewsChannel that was updated in this event as an optional value of a NewsChannel.
getNewsChannel() - Method in class
Gets the current, new version of the TextChannel that was updated in this event as an optional value of a NewsChannel.
getNewUsername() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.PresenceUpdateEvent
Gets the User's new username, if present.
getNick() - Method in class
getNickname() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Member
Gets the user's guild nickname (if one is set).
getNicknameMention() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Member
Gets the raw nickname mention.
getNotificationLevel() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Gets the default message notification level.
getOld() - Method in class
Gets the old version of the Category that has been updated in this event, if present.
getOld() - Method in class
Gets the old version of the NewsChannel that was updated in this event, if present.
getOld() - Method in class
Gets the old version of the StoreChannel that was updated in this event, if present.
getOld() - Method in class
Gets the old version of the TextChannel that was updated in this event, if present.
getOld() - Method in class
Gets the old version of the VoiceChannel that was updated in this event, if present.
getOld() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.GuildUpdateEvent
Gets the old version of the Guild involved in this event, if present.
getOld() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.MemberUpdateEvent
Gets the old version of the Member involved in the event, if present.
getOld() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.MessageUpdateEvent
Gets the old version of the updated Message, if present.
getOld() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.PresenceUpdateEvent
Gets the old version of the Presence that was changed, if present.
getOld() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.role.RoleUpdateEvent
Gets the old version of the Role that was updated in this event.
getOld() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.UserUpdateEvent
Gets the old version of the User that has been updated in this event, if present.
getOld() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.VoiceStateUpdateEvent
Gets the old VoiceState that has been updated in this event, if present.
getOldUser() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.PresenceUpdateEvent
Gets the old version of the User that was updated, if present.
getOldValue() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.audit.AuditLogChange
getOption(OptionKey<T>) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.audit.AuditLogEntry
getOptions() - Method in class
getOverwriteForMember(Snowflake) - Method in interface discord4j.core.object.entity.GuildChannel
Gets the permission overwrite targeting the given member.
getOverwriteForRole(Snowflake) - Method in interface discord4j.core.object.entity.GuildChannel
Gets the permission overwrite targeting the given role.
getOwner() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.ApplicationInfo
Requests to retrieve the owner of the application.
getOwner() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to retrieve the owner of the guild.
getOwnerId() - Method in class
getOwnerId() - Method in class
getOwnerId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.ApplicationInfo
Gets the ID of the owner of the application.
getOwnerId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Gets the ID of the owner of the guild.
getParentId() - Method in class
getPartyId() - Method in class
getPartyId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.presence.Activity
Gets the ID of the party, if present.
getPermissionOverwrites() - Method in class
getPermissionOverwrites() - Method in interface discord4j.core.object.entity.GuildChannel
Gets the permission overwrites for this channel.
getPermissions() - Method in class
getPermissions() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Role
Gets the permissions assigned to this role.
getPinnedMessages() - Method in interface discord4j.core.object.entity.MessageChannel
Requests to retrieve all the pinned messages for this channel.
getPosition() - Method in class
getPosition() - Method in class
getPosition() - Method in interface discord4j.core.object.entity.GuildChannel
Requests to retrieve the position of the channel relative to other channels in the guild.
getPosition() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Role
getPreferredLocale() - Method in class
getPreferredLocale() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Gets the preferred locale of the guild, only set if guild has the "DISCOVERABLE" feature, defaults to en-US.
getPremiumSince() - Method in class
getPremiumSubcriptionsCount() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Gets the total number of members in the guild with Subscription using Boost, if present.
getPremiumSubscriptionsCount() - Method in class
getPremiumTier() - Method in class
getPremiumTier() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Gets the Premium Tier for the guild
getPremiumTime() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Member
Gets when the user boost the guild, if present.
getPresence() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Member
Requests to retrieve the presence for this user for this guild.
getPresences() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to retrieve the presences of the guild.
getPresenceStore() - Method in class discord4j.core.StateHolder
getPrivateChannel() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.User
Requests to retrieve the private channel (DM) to this user.
getProvider() - Method in class
getProvider() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed
Gets the provider information, if present.
getProxyIconUrl() - Method in class
getProxyIconUrl() - Method in class
getProxyIconUrl() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed.Author
Gets a proxied URL of the author icon.
getProxyIconUrl() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed.Footer
Gets a proxied URL of the footer icon.
getProxyUrl() - Method in class
getProxyUrl() - Method in class
getProxyUrl() - Method in class
getProxyUrl() - Method in class
getProxyUrl() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed.Image
Gets a proxied URL of the image.
getProxyUrl() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed.Thumbnail
Gets a proxied URL of the thumbnail.
getProxyUrl() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed.Video
Gets a proxied source URL of the video.
getProxyUrl() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Attachment
Gets a proxied URL of the file.
getPruneCount(int) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to retrieve the number of users that will be pruned.
getRateLimitPerUser() - Method in class
getRateLimitPerUser() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.TextChannel
Gets the amount of seconds an user has to wait before sending another message (0-120).
getRaw() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.reaction.ReactionEmoji.Unicode
getRawPosition() - Method in interface discord4j.core.object.entity.GuildChannel
Gets the raw position of the channel as exposed by Discord.
getRawPosition() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Role
getRawValue() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.util.PermissionSet
Gets the raw value for this PermissionSet.
getReactions() - Method in class
getReactions() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Message
Gets the reactions to this message.
getReactors(ReactionEmoji) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Message
Requests to retrieve the reactors (users) for the specified emoji for this message.
getReason() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.audit.AuditLogEntry
getReason() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Ban
Gets the reason for the ban.
getReason() - Method in class
getReason() - Method in class
getReason() - Method in interface discord4j.core.spec.AuditSpec
Returns the current audit log reason set on the spec.
getReason() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.BanQuerySpec
getReason() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.CategoryCreateSpec
getReason() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.CategoryEditSpec
getReason() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.GuildEditSpec
getReason() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.GuildEmojiCreateSpec
getReason() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.GuildEmojiEditSpec
getReason() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.GuildMemberEditSpec
getReason() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.InviteCreateSpec
getReason() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.NewsChannelCreateSpec
getReason() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.NewsChannelEditSpec
getReason() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.RoleCreateSpec
getReason() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.RoleEditSpec
getReason() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.StoreChannelCreateSpec
getReason() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.StoreChannelEditSpec
getReason() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.TextChannelCreateSpec
getReason() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.TextChannelEditSpec
getReason() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.VoiceChannelCreateSpec
getReason() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.VoiceChannelEditSpec
getReason() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.WebhookCreateSpec
getReason() - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.WebhookEditSpec
getRecipientIds() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.PrivateChannel
Gets the IDs of the recipients for this private channel.
getRecipients() - Method in class
getRecipients() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.PrivateChannel
Requests to retrieve the recipients for this private channel.
getRegion() - Method in class
getRegion() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to retrieve the voice region for the guild.
getRegionId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Gets the voice region ID for the guild.
getRegions() - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClient
Requests to retrieve the voice regions that are available.
getRegions() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to retrieve the voice regions for the guild.
getResponseTime() - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClient
Gets the amount of time it last took Discord Gateway to respond to a heartbeat with an ack.
getResponsibleUserId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.audit.AuditLogEntry
getResponsibleUserId() - Method in class
getRestClient() - Method in class discord4j.core.ServiceMediator
Return the current client for REST operations providing a low-level way to perform requests.
getRetryOptions() - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClientBuilder
getRole() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.role.RoleCreateEvent
Gets the Role that was created in this event.
getRole() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.role.RoleDeleteEvent
Gets the Role that was deleted in this event, if present.
getRole() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.ExtendedPermissionOverwrite
Requests to retrieve the role this overwrite is associated to, if present.
getRoleById(Snowflake, Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClient
Requests to retrieve the role represented by the supplied IDs.
getRoleById(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to retrieve the role as represented by the supplied ID.
getRoleId() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.role.RoleDeleteEvent
Gets the Snowflake ID of the Role that was deleted in this event.
getRoleId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.PermissionOverwrite
Gets the ID of the role this overwrite targets.
getRoleIds() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Gets the guild's roles' IDs.
getRoleIds() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.GuildEmoji
Gets the IDs of the roles this emoji is whitelisted to.
getRoleIds() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Member
Gets the user's guild roles' IDs.
getRoleMentionIds() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Message
Gets the IDs of the roles specifically mentioned in this message.
getRoleMentions() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Message
Requests to retrieve the roles specifically mentioned in this message.
getRoles() - Method in class
getRoles() - Method in class
getRoles() - Method in class
getRoles() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to retrieve the guild's roles.
getRoles() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.GuildEmoji
Requests to retrieve the roles this emoji is whitelisted to.
getRoles() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Member
Requests to retrieve the user's guild roles.
getRoleStore() - Method in class discord4j.core.StateHolder
getRouterFactory() - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClientBuilder
getRouterFactory() - Method in class discord4j.core.shard.ShardingClientBuilder
getRouterOptions() - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClientBuilder
getRouterOptions() - Method in class discord4j.core.shard.ShardingClientBuilder
getSampleHostname() - Method in class
getSampleHostname() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Region
Gets an example hostname for the region.
getSamplePort() - Method in class
getSamplePort() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Region
Gets an example port for the region.
getSelf() - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClient
Requests to retrieve the bot user.
getSelf() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle.ReadyEvent
Gets the bot User.
getSelfId() - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClient
Gets the bot user's ID.
getSelfId() - Method in class discord4j.core.StateHolder
getSerialVersionUID() - Static method in class
getServiceMediator() - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClient
for removal in v3.1, ServiceMediator's role will be replaced by a number of other components
getServiceMediator() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.dispatch.DispatchContext
getSessionId() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle.ReadyEvent
Gets the current session ID of the connection.
getSessionId() - Method in class
getSessionId() - Method in class
getSessionId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.VoiceState
Gets the session ID for this voice state.
getShardCount() - Method in class discord4j.core.ClientConfig
The number of shards used to identify to the gateway.
getShardCount() - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClientBuilder
getShardCount() - Method in class discord4j.core.shard.ShardingClientBuilder
getShardIndex() - Method in class discord4j.core.ClientConfig
The current shard index used to identify to the gateway.
getShardIndex() - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClientBuilder
getShardIndexFilter() - Method in class discord4j.core.shard.ShardingClientBuilder
getShardingStoreRegistry() - Method in class discord4j.core.shard.ShardingClientBuilder
getSize() - Method in class
getSize() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Attachment
Gets the size of the file in bytes.
getSmallImage() - Method in class
getSmallImageId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.presence.Activity
Gets the ID for a small asset of the activity, usually a Snowflake, if present.
getSmallText() - Method in class
getSmallText() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.presence.Activity
Gets the text displayed when hovering over the small image of the activity, if present.
getSplash() - Method in class
getSplash(Image.Format) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Gets the splash of the guild.
getSplashUrl(Image.Format) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Gets the splash URL of the guild, if present and in a supported format.
getStart() - Method in class
getStart() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.presence.Activity
Gets the UNIX time (in milliseconds) of when the activity started, if present.
getStartTime() - Method in class
Gets the time at which the User started typing in this event.
getState() - Method in class
getState() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.presence.Activity
Gets the user's current party status, if present.
getStateHolder() - Method in class discord4j.core.ServiceMediator
Return access to the stored/cached values coming from real-time Gateway updates.
getStatus() - Method in class
getStatus() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.presence.Presence
getStoreService() - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClientBuilder
getStoreService() - Method in class discord4j.core.ServiceMediator
Return the current store factory.
getStreamingUrl() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.presence.Activity
Gets the stream URL, if present.
getSyncId() - Method in class
getSystemChannel() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to retrieve the channel to which system messages are sent, if present.
getSystemChannelId() - Method in class
getSystemChannelId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Gets the ID of the channel to which system messages are sent, if present.
getTargetId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.audit.AuditLogEntry
getTargetId() - Method in class
getTargetId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.PermissionOverwrite
Gets the ID of the entity this overwrite targets.
getTargetUser() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Invite
Requests to retrieve the target user this invite is associated to.
getTargetUserId() - Method in class
getTargetUserId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Invite
Gets the ID of the target user this invite is associated to, if present.
getText() - Method in class
getText() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed.Footer
Gets the footer text.
getTextChannel() - Method in class
Gets the current, new version of the NewsChannel that was updated in this event as an optional value of a TextChannel.
getTextChannel() - Method in class
Gets the current, new version of the TextChannel that was updated in this event as an optional value of a TextChannel.
getThumbnail() - Method in class
getThumbnail() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed
Gets the thumbnail information, if present.
getTimestamp() - Method in class
getTimestamp() - Method in class
getTimestamp() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed
Gets the timestamp of the embed content, if present.
getTimestamp() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Message
Gets when this message was sent.
getTimestamp() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.util.Snowflake
Gets the timestamp of this Snowflake.
getTitle() - Method in class
getTitle() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed
Gets the title of the embed, if present.
getToken() - Method in class discord4j.core.ClientConfig
The bot token used to identify to the gateway.
getToken() - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClientBuilder
getToken() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.VoiceServerUpdateEvent
Gets the voice connection token for the guild.
getToken() - Method in class
getToken() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Webhook
Gets the secure token of this webhook.
getToken() - Method in class discord4j.core.shard.ShardingClientBuilder
getTopic() - Method in class
getTopic() - Method in interface discord4j.core.object.entity.GuildMessageChannel
Gets the channel topic, if present
getTrace() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle.ReadyEvent
Gets the trace provided by Discord.
getTrace() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle.ResumeEvent
Gets the trace of the event.
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed
Gets the type of embed, if present.
getType() - Method in interface discord4j.core.object.entity.Channel
Gets the type of channel.
getType() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Message
Gets the type of message.
getType() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.PermissionOverwrite
Gets the type of the overwrite.
getType() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.presence.Activity
Gets the specific "action" for this activity.
getUnavailable() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed.Author
Gets the URL of the author.
getUrl() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed
Gets the URL of the embed, if present.
getUrl() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed.Image
Gets the source URL of the image (only supports http(s) and attachments).
getUrl() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed.Provider
Gets the URL of the provider.
getUrl() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed.Thumbnail
Gets the source URL of the thumbnail (only supports http(s) and attachments).
getUrl() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed.Video
Gets the source URL of the video.
getUrl() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Attachment
Gets the source URL of the file.
getUrl(String, Image.Format) - Static method in class discord4j.core.util.ImageUtil
Gets the URL utilizing a path and the Image.Format the URL should represent.
getUser() - Method in class
Requests to retrieve the User who has started typing in this event.
getUser() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.BanEvent
Gets the User that has been banned from the Guild.
getUser() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.MemberLeaveEvent
Gets the User that has left the Guild in this event.
getUser() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.UnbanEvent
Gets the User that has been unbanned in this event.
getUser() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.ReactionAddEvent
Requests to retrieve the User who added a reaction in this event.
getUser() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.ReactionRemoveEvent
Requests to retrieve the User who's reaction has been removed.
getUser() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.PresenceUpdateEvent
Requests to retrieve the User whose presence has been changed in this event.
getUser() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Ban
Gets the banned user.
getUser() - Method in class
getUser() - Method in class
getUser() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.GuildEmoji
Requests to retrieve the user that created this emoji.
getUser() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.ExtendedPermissionOverwrite
Requests to retrieve the user this overwrite is associated to, if present.
getUser() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.VoiceState
Requests to retrieve the user this voice state is for.
getUserById(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClient
Requests to retrieve the user represented by the supplied ID.
getUserId() - Method in class
Gets the Snowflake ID of the User who has started typing in this event.
getUserId() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.ReactionAddEvent
Gets the Snowflake ID of the User who added a reaction in this event.
getUserId() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.ReactionRemoveEvent
Gets the Snowflake ID of the User who's reaction has been removed.
getUserId() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.PresenceUpdateEvent
Gets the Snowflake ID of the User whose presence has been updated in this event.
getUserId() - Method in class
getUserId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.VoiceState
Gets the user ID this voice state is for.
getUserLimit() - Method in class
getUserLimit() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.VoiceChannel
Gets the user limit of this voice channel.
getUserMentionIds() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Message
Gets the IDs of the users specifically mentioned in this message.
getUserMentions() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Message
Requests to retrieve the users specifically mentioned in this message.
getUsername() - Method in class
getUsername() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.User
Gets the user's username, not unique across the platform.
getUsers() - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClient
Retrieve the currently stored (cached) users.
getUserStore() - Method in class discord4j.core.StateHolder
getUses() - Method in class
getUses() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.ExtendedInvite
Gets the number of times this invite has been used.
getValue() - Method in enum discord4j.core.object.audit.ActionType
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed.Field
Gets the value of the field.
getValue() - Method in enum discord4j.core.object.Embed.Type
Gets the underlying value as represented by Discord.
getValue() - Method in enum discord4j.core.object.entity.Channel.Type
Gets the underlying value as represented by Discord.
getValue() - Method in enum discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild.ContentFilterLevel
Gets the underlying value as represented by Discord.
getValue() - Method in enum discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild.MfaLevel
Gets the underlying value as represented by Discord.
getValue() - Method in enum discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild.NotificationLevel
Gets the underlying value as represented by Discord.
getValue() - Method in enum discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild.PremiumTier
Gets the underlying value as represented by Discord.
getValue() - Method in enum discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild.VerificationLevel
Gets the underlying value as represented by Discord.
getValue() - Method in enum discord4j.core.object.entity.Message.Flag
Gets the underlying value as represented by Discord.
getValue() - Method in enum discord4j.core.object.entity.Message.Type
Gets the underlying value as represented by Discord.
getValue() - Method in enum discord4j.core.object.PermissionOverwrite.Type
Gets the underlying value as represented by Discord.
getValue() - Method in enum discord4j.core.object.presence.Activity.Type
Gets the underlying value as represented by Discord.
getValue() - Method in enum discord4j.core.object.presence.Status
getValue() - Method in enum discord4j.core.object.util.Permission
Gets the permission's value.
getValueStore(Class<K>, Class<V>) - Method in class discord4j.core.shard.ShardingJdkStoreRegistry
getValueStore(Class<K>, Class<V>) - Method in interface discord4j.core.shard.ShardingStoreRegistry
getVanityUrlCode() - Method in class
getVanityUrlCode() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Gets the vanity url code of the guild, if present.
getVerificationLevel() - Method in class
getVerificationLevel() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Gets the level of verification required for the guild.
getVideo() - Method in class
getVideo() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed
Gets the video information, if present.
getVoiceClient() - Method in class discord4j.core.ServiceMediator
Return the current voice client to initiate voice gateway connections.
getVoiceConnectionScheduler() - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClientBuilder
getVoiceState() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Member
Requests to retrieve this user's voice state for this guild.
getVoiceStates() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to retrieve the voice states of the guild.
getVoiceStates() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.VoiceChannel
Requests to retrieve the voice states of this voice channel.
getVoiceStateStore() - Method in class discord4j.core.StateHolder
getWebhook() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Message
Requests to retrieve the webhook that generated this message, if present.
getWebhookById(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClient
Requests to retrieve the webhook represented by the supplied ID.
getWebhookId() - Method in class
getWebhookId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Message
Gets the ID the webhook that generated this message, if present.
getWebhooks() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to retrieve the webhooks of the guild.
getWebhooks() - Method in interface discord4j.core.object.entity.GuildMessageChannel
Requests to retrieve the webhooks of the channel.
getWidgetChannel() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to retrieve the channel for the server widget, if present.
getWidgetChannelId() - Method in class
getWidgetChannelId() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Gets the channel ID for the server widget, if present.
getWidth() - Method in class
getWidth() - Method in class
getWidth() - Method in class
getWidth() - Method in class
getWidth() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed.Image
Gets the width of the image.
getWidth() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed.Thumbnail
Gets the width of the thumbnail.
getWidth() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed.Video
Gets the width of the video.
getWidth() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Attachment
Gets the width of the file, if present.
Guild(long, boolean) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle.ReadyEvent.Guild
Guild - Class in discord4j.core.object.entity
A Discord guild.
Guild(ServiceMediator, BaseGuildBean) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Constructs an Guild with an associated ServiceMediator and Discord data.
Guild.ContentFilterLevel - Enum in discord4j.core.object.entity
Automatically scan and delete messages sent in the server that contain explicit content.
Guild.MfaLevel - Enum in discord4j.core.object.entity
Prevent potentially dangerous administrative actions for users without two-factor authentication enabled.
Guild.NotificationLevel - Enum in discord4j.core.object.entity
Determines whether Members who have not explicitly set their notification settings receive a notification for every message sent in the server or not.
Guild.PremiumTier - Enum in discord4j.core.object.entity
Represent the server Premium Tier (aka boost level) of the Guild
Guild.VerificationLevel - Enum in discord4j.core.object.entity
Members of the server must meet the following criteria before they can send messages in text channels or initiate a direct message conversation.
GuildBean - Class in
GuildBean(GuildCreate) - Constructor for class
GuildBean(GuildBean, GuildUpdate) - Constructor for class
GuildBean(GuildBean) - Constructor for class
GuildBean() - Constructor for class
GuildChannel - Interface in discord4j.core.object.entity
A Discord channel associated to a Guild.
GuildCreateEvent - Class in discord4j.core.event.domain.guild
Dispatched in three different scenarios: After the bot connects to Discord (after ReadyEvent is dispatched), this event will be dispatched for all guilds the bot is in on this shard. After an outage (in which many guild deletes will be dispatched), this event will be dispatched as guilds become available again. When the bot is added to a guild.
GuildCreateEvent(DiscordClient, Guild) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.GuildCreateEvent
GuildCreateSpec - Class in discord4j.core.spec
A spec used to configure and create a Guild.
GuildCreateSpec() - Constructor for class discord4j.core.spec.GuildCreateSpec
GuildDeleteEvent - Class in discord4j.core.event.domain.guild
Dispatched in two different scenarios: The bot is kicked from or leaves a guild. A guild becomes unavailable during an outage.
GuildDeleteEvent(DiscordClient, long, Guild, boolean) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.GuildDeleteEvent
GuildEditSpec - Class in discord4j.core.spec
A spec used to selectively modify properties from a Guild.
GuildEditSpec() - Constructor for class discord4j.core.spec.GuildEditSpec
GuildEmoji - Class in discord4j.core.object.entity
A Discord guild emoji.
GuildEmoji(ServiceMediator, GuildEmojiBean, long) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.object.entity.GuildEmoji
Constructs a GuildEmoji with an associated ServiceMediator and Discord data.
GuildEmojiBean - Class in
GuildEmojiBean(GuildEmojiResponse) - Constructor for class
GuildEmojiBean() - Constructor for class
GuildEmojiCreateSpec - Class in discord4j.core.spec
Spec used to create GuildEmoji objects.
GuildEmojiCreateSpec() - Constructor for class discord4j.core.spec.GuildEmojiCreateSpec
GuildEmojiEditSpec - Class in discord4j.core.spec
Spec used to modify an existing GuildEmoji.
GuildEmojiEditSpec() - Constructor for class discord4j.core.spec.GuildEmojiEditSpec
GuildEvent - Class in discord4j.core.event.domain.guild
Represents an event related to a Guild.
GuildEvent(DiscordClient) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.GuildEvent
GuildMemberEditSpec - Class in discord4j.core.spec
Spec used to modify guild members.
GuildMemberEditSpec() - Constructor for class discord4j.core.spec.GuildMemberEditSpec
GuildMessageChannel - Interface in discord4j.core.object.entity
A Discord channel that is associated to a Guild and can utilize messages.
GuildUpdateEvent - Class in discord4j.core.event.domain.guild
Dispatched when a guild is updated.
GuildUpdateEvent(DiscordClient, Guild, Guild) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.GuildUpdateEvent


handle(DispatchContext<D>) - Method in interface discord4j.core.event.dispatch.DispatchHandler
Operates and transforms a Dispatch event with its context, from gateway to user-friendly Events, so it may be further routed to an event dispatcher downstream.
handle(DispatchContext<D>) - Static method in class discord4j.core.event.dispatch.DispatchHandlers
Process a Dispatch object wrapped with its context to potentially obtain an Event.
hasAnimatedAvatar() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.User
Gets if the user's avatar is animated.
hasGenericStores() - Method in class discord4j.core.shard.ShardAwareStoreService
hashCode() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle.ReadyEvent.Guild
hashCode() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.ApplicationInfo
hashCode() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Attachment
hashCode() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
hashCode() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.GuildEmoji
hashCode() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Message
hashCode() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Role
hashCode() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.User
hashCode() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Webhook
hashCode() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.reaction.ReactionEmoji.Custom
hashCode() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.reaction.ReactionEmoji.Unicode
hashCode() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.util.Image
Gets the hash code value of the Image.getData() data}.
hashCode() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.util.PermissionSet
hashCode() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.util.Snowflake
Gets the hash code value of the ID.
hashCode(Entity) - Static method in class discord4j.core.util.EntityUtil
An utility that gets the hash code of an entity.
hasHigherRoles(Iterable<Role>) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Member
Requests to determine if the position of this member's highest role is greater than the highest position of the provided roles or signal IllegalArgumentException if the provided roles are from a different guild than this member.
hasLongObjStores() - Method in class discord4j.core.shard.ShardAwareStoreService
HOIST - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey


ICON - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey
ID - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey
ID - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.OptionKey
idle() - Static method in class discord4j.core.object.presence.Presence
idle(Activity) - Static method in class discord4j.core.object.presence.Presence
Image - Class in discord4j.core.object.util
Represents a Discord image.
Image.Format - Enum in discord4j.core.object.util
The format of an image.
ImageUtil - Class in discord4j.core.util
An utility class for image processing.
init(StoreContext) - Method in class discord4j.core.shard.ShardAwareStoreService
init(StoreContext) - Method in class discord4j.core.shard.ShardingJdkStoreService
IntegrationsUpdateEvent - Class in discord4j.core.event.domain.guild
Dispatched when guild integrations are updated.
IntegrationsUpdateEvent(DiscordClient, long) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.IntegrationsUpdateEvent
invalidate() - Method in class discord4j.core.shard.ShardAwareStore
invalidateStores() - Method in class discord4j.core.StateHolder
invisible() - Static method in class discord4j.core.object.presence.Presence
Invitable - Interface in discord4j.core.object.trait
A trait for objects that can handle invites.
Invite - Class in discord4j.core.object
A Discord invite.
Invite(ServiceMediator, InviteBean) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.object.Invite
Constructs a Invite with an associated ServiceMediator and Discord data.
INVITE_CHANNEL_ID - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey
INVITE_CODE - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey
INVITE_MAX_AGE - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey
INVITE_MAX_USES - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey
INVITE_TEMPORARY - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey
INVITE_USES - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey
InviteBean - Class in
InviteBean(InviteResponse) - Constructor for class
InviteBean() - Constructor for class
InviteCreateSpec - Class in discord4j.core.spec
Spec used to create guild channel Invite objects.
InviteCreateSpec() - Constructor for class discord4j.core.spec.InviteCreateSpec
INVITER_ID - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey
isAnimated() - Method in class
isAnimated() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.GuildEmoji
Gets whether this emoji is animated.
isAnimated() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.reaction.ReactionEmoji.Custom
isAvailable() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle.ReadyEvent.Guild
Whether or not the Guild has been made available via a GuildCreateEvent
isBot() - Method in class
isBot() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.User
Gets whether the user is a bot.
isBotPublic() - Method in class
isBotRequireCodeGrant() - Method in class
isConnected() - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClient
Returns whether this client is currently connected to Discord Gateway.
isContentChanged() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.MessageUpdateEvent
Gets whether or not the content of the Message has been changed in this event.
isCustom() - Method in class
isCustom() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Region
Gets if this is a custom voice region.
isDeaf() - Method in class
isDeaf() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.VoiceState
Gets whether this user is deafened by the server.
isDeprecated() - Method in class
isDeprecated() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Region
Gets if this is a deprecated voice region.
isEmbedsChanged() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.MessageUpdateEvent
Gets whether or not the Embed in the Message has been changed in this event.
isEmojiAnimated() - Method in class
isEveryone() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Role
Gets whether this role corresponds to the @everyone role.
isHigher(Member) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Member
Requests to determine if this member is higher in the role hierarchy than the provided member or signal IllegalArgumentException if the provided member is in a different guild than this member.
isHigher(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Member
Requests to determine if this member is higher in the role hierarchy than the member as represented by the supplied ID or signal IllegalArgumentException if the member as represented by the supplied ID is in a different guild than this member.
isHoist() - Method in class
isHoisted() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Role
Gets whether if this role is pinned in the user listing.
isInline() - Method in class
isInline() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed.Field
Gets whether or not this field should display inline.
isInstance() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.presence.Activity
Gets whether or not the activity is an instanced game session.
isLarge() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Gets whether this guild is considered large, if present.
isManaged() - Method in class
isManaged() - Method in class
isManaged() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.GuildEmoji
Gets whether this emoji is managed.
isManaged() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Role
Gets whether this role is managed by an integration.
isMe() - Method in class
isMentionable() - Method in class
isMentionable() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Role
Gets whether this role is mentionable.
isMentionEveryone() - Method in class
isMute() - Method in class
isMuted() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.VoiceState
Gets whether this user is muted by the server.
isNsfw() - Method in class
isNsfw() - Method in interface discord4j.core.object.entity.GuildMessageChannel
Gets whether this channel is considered NSFW (Not Safe For Work).
isOptimal() - Method in class
isOptimal() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Region
Gets if the region is closest to the current user's serviceMediator.
isPinned() - Method in class
isPinned() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Message
Gets whether this message is pinned.
isPublic() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.ApplicationInfo
Gets whether only the app owner can join the app's bot to guilds.
isRequireColons() - Method in class
isRevoked() - Method in class
isRevoked() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.ExtendedInvite
Gets whether this invite is revoked.
isSelfDeaf() - Method in class
isSelfDeaf() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.VoiceState
Gets whether this user is locally deafened.
isSelfMute() - Method in class
isSelfMuted() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.VoiceState
Gets whether this user is locally muted.
isSelfStream() - Method in class
isSelfStreaming() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.VoiceState
Gets whether this user is streaming using "Go Live".
isSpoiler() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Attachment
Gets whether the attachment is a spoiler.
isSuppress() - Method in class
isSuppressed() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.VoiceState
Gets whether this user is muted by the current user.
isTemporary() - Method in class
isTts() - Method in class
isTts() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Message
Gets whether this was a TTS (Text-To-Speech) message.
isUnavailable() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.GuildDeleteEvent
Gets whether or not the Guild is now unavailable.
isUnavailable() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Gets whether this guild is unavailable, if present.
isVip() - Method in class
isVip() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Region
Gets if this is a VIP region.
isWidgetEnabled() - Method in class
isWidgetEnabled() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Gets whether this guild widget is enabled.
iterator() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.util.PermissionSet


join(Consumer<? super VoiceChannelJoinSpec>) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.VoiceChannel
Requests to the join this voice channel.


keys() - Method in class discord4j.core.shard.ShardAwareStore
kick(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to kick the specified user from this guild.
kick(Snowflake, String) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to kick the specified user from this guild while optionally specifying a reason.
kick() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Member
Requests to kick this member.
kick(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Member
Requests to kick this member while optionally specifying the reason.


leave() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to leave this guild.
listening(String) - Static method in class discord4j.core.object.presence.Activity
login() - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClient
Logs in the client to the gateway.
logout() - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClient
Logs out the client from the gateway.


MAX_CHARACTER_LENGTH - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.Embed
The maximum amount of total characters that can be present in an embed.
MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Message
The maximum amount of characters that can be in the contents of a message.
MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.Embed
The maximum amount of characters that can be in an embed description.
MAX_FIELDS - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.Embed
The maximum amount of fields that can be appended to an embed.
MAX_NAME_LENGTH - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.Embed.Author
The maximum amount of characters that can be in an author's name.
MAX_NAME_LENGTH - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.Embed.Field
The maximum amount of characters that can be in a field name.
MAX_REASON_LENGTH - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.AuditLogEntry
The maximum amount of characters that can be in an audit log reason.
MAX_TEXT_LENGTH - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.Embed.Footer
The maximum amount of characters that can be in a footer text.
MAX_TITLE_LENGTH - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.Embed
The maximum amount of characters that can be in an embed title.
MAX_VALUE_LENGTH - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.Embed.Field
The maximum amount of characters that can be in a field value.
Member - Class in discord4j.core.object.entity
A Discord guild member.
Member(ServiceMediator, MemberBean, UserBean, long) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.object.entity.Member
Constructs a Member with an associated ServiceMediator and Discord data.
MemberBean - Class in
MemberBean(GuildMemberResponse) - Constructor for class
MemberBean(MessageMember) - Constructor for class
MemberBean(MemberBean, GuildMemberUpdate) - Constructor for class
MemberBean(MemberBean) - Constructor for class
MemberBean() - Constructor for class
MemberChunkEvent - Class in discord4j.core.event.domain.guild
Dispatched as members are streamed to the client from Discord.
MemberChunkEvent(DiscordClient, long, Set<Member>) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.MemberChunkEvent
MemberJoinEvent - Class in discord4j.core.event.domain.guild
Dispatched when a user joins a guild.
MemberJoinEvent(DiscordClient, Member, long) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.MemberJoinEvent
MemberLeaveEvent - Class in discord4j.core.event.domain.guild
Dispatched when a user leaves a guild OR is kicked from it.
MemberLeaveEvent(DiscordClient, User, long, Member) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.MemberLeaveEvent
MEMBERS_REMOVED - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.OptionKey
MemberUpdateEvent - Class in discord4j.core.event.domain.guild
Dispatched when a user's nickname or roles change in a guild.
MemberUpdateEvent(DiscordClient, long, long, Member, long[], String, String) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.MemberUpdateEvent
MENTIONABLE - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey
mentionsEveryone() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Message
Gets whether this message mentions everyone.
Message - Class in discord4j.core.object.entity
A Discord message.
Message(ServiceMediator, MessageBean) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.object.entity.Message
Constructs a Message with an associated ServiceMediator and Discord data.
Message.Flag - Enum in discord4j.core.object.entity
Describes extra features of a message.
Message.Type - Enum in discord4j.core.object.entity
Represents the various types of messages.
MESSAGE_ID - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.OptionKey
MessageBean - Class in
MessageBean(MessageResponse) - Constructor for class
MessageBean(MessageCreate) - Constructor for class
MessageBean(MessageBean) - Constructor for class
MessageBean() - Constructor for class
MessageBulkDeleteEvent - Class in discord4j.core.event.domain.message
Dispatched when multiple messages are deleted at once.
MessageBulkDeleteEvent(DiscordClient, long[], long, long, Set<Message>) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.MessageBulkDeleteEvent
MessageChannel - Interface in discord4j.core.object.entity
A Discord channel that can utilize messages.
MessageCreateEvent - Class in discord4j.core.event.domain.message
Dispatched when a message is sent in a message channel.
MessageCreateEvent(DiscordClient, Message, Long, Member) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.MessageCreateEvent
MessageCreateSpec - Class in discord4j.core.spec
Spec used to create Messages to TextChannels.
MessageCreateSpec() - Constructor for class discord4j.core.spec.MessageCreateSpec
MessageDeleteEvent - Class in discord4j.core.event.domain.message
Dispatched when a message is deleted.
MessageDeleteEvent(DiscordClient, long, long, Message) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.MessageDeleteEvent
MessageEditSpec - Class in discord4j.core.spec
Spec used to edit Message entities this client has sent before.
MessageEditSpec() - Constructor for class discord4j.core.spec.MessageEditSpec
MessageEvent - Class in discord4j.core.event.domain.message
Represents an event related to a Message.
MessageEvent(DiscordClient) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.MessageEvent
MessageReference - Class in discord4j.core.object
A Message Reference used by the Server Following feature.
MessageReference(ServiceMediator, MessageReferenceBean) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.object.MessageReference
Constructs a MessageReference with an associated ServiceMediator and Discord data.
MessageReferenceBean - Class in
MessageReferenceBean(MessageReferenceResponse) - Constructor for class
MessageReferenceBean() - Constructor for class
MessageUpdateEvent - Class in discord4j.core.event.domain.message
Dispatched when a message is updated.
MessageUpdateEvent(DiscordClient, long, long, Long, Message, boolean, String, boolean, List<Embed>) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.MessageUpdateEvent
MFA_LEVEL - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey


NAME - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey
NewsChannel - Class in discord4j.core.object.entity
A Discord news channel.
NewsChannel(ServiceMediator, ChannelBean) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.object.entity.NewsChannel
Constructs an NewsChannel with an associated ServiceMediator and Discord data.
NewsChannelCreateEvent - Class in
Dispatched when a NewsChannel is created in a guild.
NewsChannelCreateEvent(DiscordClient, NewsChannel) - Constructor for class
NewsChannelCreateSpec - Class in discord4j.core.spec
Spec used to create guild NewsChannel entities.
NewsChannelCreateSpec() - Constructor for class discord4j.core.spec.NewsChannelCreateSpec
NewsChannelDeleteEvent - Class in
Dispatched when a NewsChannel is deleted in a guild.
NewsChannelDeleteEvent(DiscordClient, NewsChannel) - Constructor for class
NewsChannelEditSpec - Class in discord4j.core.spec
Spec used to modify a guild NewsChannel settings.
NewsChannelEditSpec() - Constructor for class discord4j.core.spec.NewsChannelEditSpec
NewsChannelUpdateEvent - Class in
Dispatched when a NewsChannel is updated in a guild.
NewsChannelUpdateEvent(DiscordClient, GuildMessageChannel, NewsChannel) - Constructor for class
none() - Static method in class discord4j.core.object.util.PermissionSet
Returns a PermissionSet containing no permissions.
not() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.util.PermissionSet
Performs a logical NOT of this permission set.
NOTIFICATION_LEVEL - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey
NSFW - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey


of(D, ServiceMediator) - Static method in class discord4j.core.event.dispatch.DispatchContext
of(int) - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.audit.ActionType
of(String) - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.Embed.Type
Gets the type of embed.
of(int) - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.entity.Channel.Type
Gets the type of channel.
of(int) - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild.ContentFilterLevel
Gets the content filter level of the guild.
of(int) - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild.MfaLevel
Gets the multi-factor authentication level of the guild.
of(int) - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild.NotificationLevel
Gets the notification level of the guild.
of(int) - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild.PremiumTier
Gets the Premium Tier (aka boost level) of the Guild.
of(int) - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild.VerificationLevel
Gets the verification level of the guild.
of(int) - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.entity.Message.Flag
Gets the flags of message.
of(int) - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.entity.Message.Type
Gets the type of message.
of(String) - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.PermissionOverwrite.Type
Gets the type of permission overwrite.
of(int) - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.presence.Activity.Type
Gets the type of activity.
of(String) - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.presence.Status
of(Long, String, boolean) - Static method in class discord4j.core.object.reaction.ReactionEmoji
Constructs a ReactionEmoji for generic emoji information.
of(long) - Static method in class discord4j.core.object.util.PermissionSet
Returns a PermissionSet containing all the permissions represented by the raw value.
of(Permission...) - Static method in class discord4j.core.object.util.PermissionSet
Returns a PermissionSet containing all the supplied permissions.
of(long) - Static method in class discord4j.core.object.util.Snowflake
Constructs a Snowflake utilizing an unsigned ID.
of(String) - Static method in class discord4j.core.object.util.Snowflake
Constructs a Snowflake utilizing an unsigned ID.
of(Instant) - Static method in class discord4j.core.object.util.Snowflake
Constructs a Snowflake utilizing a timestamp.
of(BigInteger) - Static method in class discord4j.core.object.util.Snowflake
Constructs a Snowflake utilizing a BigInteger representing an unsigned ID.
ofRaw(byte[], Image.Format) - Static method in class discord4j.core.object.util.Image
Constructs an Image utilizing raw image data.
ofUrl(String) - Static method in class discord4j.core.object.util.Image
Constructs an Image using the resource at the given url.
on(Class<E>) - Method in class discord4j.core.event.EventDispatcher
Retrieves a Flux with elements of the given Event type.
on(Class<E>, Function<E, Publisher<T>>) - Method in class discord4j.core.event.EventDispatcher
Retrieves a Flux with elements of the given Event type, processing them through a given Function.
online() - Static method in class discord4j.core.object.presence.Presence
online(Activity) - Static method in class discord4j.core.object.presence.Presence
onStateChange(ConnectionObserver.State, IdentifyOptions) - Method in class discord4j.core.ConnectedObserver
onStateChange(ConnectionObserver.State, IdentifyOptions) - Method in class discord4j.core.shard.ShardingClientBuilder.ConnectedGatewayObserver
onStateChange(ConnectionObserver.State, IdentifyOptions) - Method in class discord4j.core.StoreInvalidator
OptionKey<T> - Class in discord4j.core.object.audit
or(PermissionSet) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.util.PermissionSet
Performs a logical OR of this permission set with the other permission set.
OVERWRITES - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey
OWNER - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey


paginateAfter(Function<Map<String, Object>, Flux<T>>, ToLongFunction<T>, long, int) - Static method in class discord4j.core.util.PaginationUtil
paginateBefore(Function<Map<String, Object>, Flux<T>>, ToLongFunction<T>, long, int) - Static method in class discord4j.core.util.PaginationUtil
PaginationUtil - Class in discord4j.core.util
PaginationUtil() - Constructor for class discord4j.core.util.PaginationUtil
Permission - Enum in discord4j.core.object.util
Permissions are a way to limit and grant certain abilities to users.
PermissionOverwrite - Class in discord4j.core.object
PermissionOverwrite.Type - Enum in discord4j.core.object
The type of entity a PermissionOverwrite is for.
PermissionOverwriteBean - Class in
PermissionOverwriteBean(OverwriteEntity) - Constructor for class
PermissionOverwriteBean() - Constructor for class
PERMISSIONS - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey
PermissionSet - Class in discord4j.core.object.util
An immutable, specialized Set<Permission>.
PermissionUtil - Class in discord4j.core.util
PermissionUtil() - Constructor for class discord4j.core.util.PermissionUtil
pin() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Message
Requests to pin this message.
PinsUpdateEvent - Class in
Dispatched when a message is pinned or unpinned in a message channel.
PinsUpdateEvent(DiscordClient, long, Instant) - Constructor for class
playing(String) - Static method in class discord4j.core.object.presence.Activity
POSITION - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey
Presence - Class in discord4j.core.object.presence
A Discord presence.
Presence(PresenceBean) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.object.presence.Presence
PresenceBean - Class in
PresenceBean(PresenceResponse) - Constructor for class
PresenceBean(PresenceUpdate) - Constructor for class
PresenceBean(GuildCreate.Presence) - Constructor for class
PresenceBean() - Constructor for class
PresenceUpdateEvent - Class in discord4j.core.event.domain
Dispatched when a user's presence changes.
PresenceUpdateEvent(DiscordClient, long, User, JsonNode, Presence, Presence) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.event.domain.PresenceUpdateEvent
PrivateChannel - Class in discord4j.core.object.entity
A Discord private channel (also known as a DM).
PrivateChannel(ServiceMediator, ChannelBean) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.object.entity.PrivateChannel
Constructs an PrivateChannel with an associated ServiceMediator and Discord data.
PrivateChannelCreateEvent - Class in
Dispatched when a PrivateChannel is created.
PrivateChannelCreateEvent(DiscordClient, PrivateChannel) - Constructor for class
PrivateChannelDeleteEvent - Class in
TODO what does this mean?
PrivateChannelDeleteEvent(DiscordClient, PrivateChannel) - Constructor for class
provideGenericStore(Class<K>, Class<V>) - Method in class discord4j.core.shard.ShardAwareStoreService
provideGenericStore(Class<K>, Class<V>) - Method in class discord4j.core.shard.ShardingJdkStoreService
provideLongObjStore(Class<V>) - Method in class discord4j.core.shard.ShardAwareStoreService
prune(int) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to prune users.
prune(int, String) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to prune users while optionally specifying a reason.
PRUNE_DAYS - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey
publish(Event) - Method in class discord4j.core.event.EventDispatcher
Publishes an Event to the dispatcher.
putStore(Class<V>, Store<K, V>) - Method in class discord4j.core.shard.ShardingJdkStoreRegistry
putStore(Class<V>, Store<K, V>) - Method in interface discord4j.core.shard.ShardingStoreRegistry


RATE_LIMIT_PER_USER - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey
Reaction - Class in discord4j.core.object.reaction
A Discord message reaction.
Reaction(ServiceMediator, ReactionBean) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.object.reaction.Reaction
Constructs a Reaction with an associated ServiceMediator and Discord data.
ReactionAddEvent - Class in discord4j.core.event.domain.message
Dispatched when a reaction is added to a message.
ReactionAddEvent(DiscordClient, long, long, long, Long, ReactionEmoji, Member) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.ReactionAddEvent
ReactionBean - Class in
ReactionBean(ReactionResponse) - Constructor for class
ReactionBean(int, boolean, Long, String, boolean) - Constructor for class
ReactionBean(ReactionBean) - Constructor for class
ReactionBean() - Constructor for class
ReactionEmoji - Class in discord4j.core.object.reaction
An emoji used for message reactions, provides factory methods such as ReactionEmoji.unicode(String) and others to generate reactions.
ReactionEmoji() - Constructor for class discord4j.core.object.reaction.ReactionEmoji
ReactionEmoji.Custom - Class in discord4j.core.object.reaction
ReactionEmoji.Unicode - Class in discord4j.core.object.reaction
ReactionRemoveAllEvent - Class in discord4j.core.event.domain.message
Dispatched when all of the reactions on a message are removed.
ReactionRemoveAllEvent(DiscordClient, long, long, Long) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.ReactionRemoveAllEvent
ReactionRemoveEvent - Class in discord4j.core.event.domain.message
Dispatched when a reaction is removed on a message.
ReactionRemoveEvent(DiscordClient, long, long, long, Long, ReactionEmoji) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.ReactionRemoveEvent
ReadyEvent - Class in discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle
Dispatched when an initial connection to the Discord gateway has been established.
ReadyEvent(DiscordClient, int, User, Set<ReadyEvent.Guild>, String, String[]) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle.ReadyEvent
ReadyEvent.Guild - Class in discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle
An incomplete Guild provided by Discord upon the ready event
ReconnectEvent - Class in discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle
Indicates that a gateway connection has correctly reconnected.
ReconnectEvent(DiscordClient, int) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle.ReconnectEvent
ReconnectFailEvent - Class in discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle
Indicates that a reconnection attempt has failed and a new attempt should be scheduled, in that case, this event will be followed by a ReconnectStartEvent.
ReconnectFailEvent(DiscordClient, int) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle.ReconnectFailEvent
ReconnectStartEvent - Class in discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle
Indicates that a gateway connection is starting a reconnect attempt.
ReconnectStartEvent(DiscordClient) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle.ReconnectStartEvent
REGION - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey
Region - Class in discord4j.core.object
A Discord voice region.
Region(ServiceMediator, RegionBean) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.object.Region
Constructs a Region with an associated ServiceMediator and Discord data.
RegionBean - Class in
RegionBean(VoiceRegionResponse) - Constructor for class
RegionBean() - Constructor for class
remove(T[], T) - Static method in class discord4j.core.util.ArrayUtil
remove(long[], long) - Static method in class discord4j.core.util.ArrayUtil
removeAllReactions() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Message
Requests to remove all the reactions on this message.
removeReaction(ReactionEmoji, Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Message
Requests to remove a reaction from a specified user on this message.
removeRole(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Member
Requests to remove a role from this member.
removeRole(Snowflake, String) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Member
Requests to remove a role from this member while optionally specifying the reason.
removeSelfReaction(ReactionEmoji) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Message
Requests to remove a reaction from the current user on this message.
replace(T[], T, T) - Static method in class discord4j.core.util.ArrayUtil
requireCodeGrant() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.ApplicationInfo
Gets whether the app's bot will only join upon completion of the full OAuth2 code grant flow.
requiresColons() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.GuildEmoji
Gets whether this emoji must be wrapped in colons.
requiresMfa() - Method in enum discord4j.core.object.util.Permission
Gets whether the permission requires the owner account to use multi-factor authentication when used on a guild that has server-side MFA enabled.
ResumeEvent - Class in discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle
Dispatched when the gateway connection is successfully resumed.
ResumeEvent(DiscordClient, String[]) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle.ResumeEvent
RichActivityBean - Class in
RichActivityBean(GameResponse) - Constructor for class
RichActivityBean() - Constructor for class
Role - Class in discord4j.core.object.entity
A Discord role.
Role(ServiceMediator, RoleBean, long) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.object.entity.Role
Constructs a Role with an associated ServiceMediator and Discord data.
ROLE_NAME - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.OptionKey
RoleBean - Class in
RoleBean(RoleResponse) - Constructor for class
RoleBean() - Constructor for class
RoleCreateEvent - Class in discord4j.core.event.domain.role
Dispatched when a role is created in a guild.
RoleCreateEvent(DiscordClient, long, Role) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.event.domain.role.RoleCreateEvent
RoleCreateSpec - Class in discord4j.core.spec
Spec used to create a new guild Role entity.
RoleCreateSpec() - Constructor for class discord4j.core.spec.RoleCreateSpec
RoleDeleteEvent - Class in discord4j.core.event.domain.role
Dispatched when a role is deleted in a guild.
RoleDeleteEvent(DiscordClient, long, long, Role) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.event.domain.role.RoleDeleteEvent
RoleEditSpec - Class in discord4j.core.spec
Spec used to modify a guild Role.
RoleEditSpec() - Constructor for class discord4j.core.spec.RoleEditSpec
RoleEvent - Class in discord4j.core.event.domain.role
Represents an event related to a Role.
RoleEvent(DiscordClient) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.event.domain.role.RoleEvent
ROLES_ADD - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey
ROLES_REMOVE - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey
RoleUpdateEvent - Class in discord4j.core.event.domain.role
Dispatched when a role is updated in a guild.
RoleUpdateEvent(DiscordClient, Role, Role) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.event.domain.role.RoleUpdateEvent


save(K, V) - Method in class discord4j.core.shard.ShardAwareStore
save(Publisher<Tuple2<K, V>>) - Method in class discord4j.core.shard.ShardAwareStore
selfReacted() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.reaction.Reaction
Gets whether the current bot user reacted using this reaction's emoji.
ServiceMediator - Class in discord4j.core
ServiceMediator encapsulates the set of dependencies core module requires to function, giving access to resources currently in use.
ServiceMediator(GatewayClient, RestClient, StoreService, StateHolder, EventDispatcher, ClientConfig, VoiceClient) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.ServiceMediator
setActionType(int) - Method in class
setActionType(ActionType) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.AuditLogQuerySpec
Sets the query to return entries where the action type is the same as the one provided.
setActivity(ActivityBean) - Method in class
setAfkChannelId(Long) - Method in class
setAfkChannelId(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.GuildEditSpec
Sets the Snowflake identifier for the channel designated as AFK channel in this Guild.
setAfkTimeout(int) - Method in class
setAfkTimeout(int) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.GuildEditSpec
Sets the AFK timeout, in seconds, for this Guild.
setAllow(long) - Method in class
setAnimated(boolean) - Method in class
setApplicationId(Long) - Method in class
setApplicationId(Long) - Method in class
setApproximateMemberCount(Integer) - Method in class
setApproximatePresenceCount(Integer) - Method in class
setAttachments(AttachmentBean[]) - Method in class
setAuthor(EmbedAuthorBean) - Method in class
setAuthor(UserBean) - Method in class
setAuthor(String, String, String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.EmbedCreateSpec
Sets the author section of the embed.
setAvatar(String) - Method in class
setAvatar(String) - Method in class
setAvatar(Image) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.UserEditSpec
Sets the user's avatar.
setAvatar(Image) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.WebhookCreateSpec
Sets the image of the created Webhook.
setAvatar(Image) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.WebhookEditSpec
Sets the image of the modified Webhook.
setBanner(String) - Method in class
setBanner(Image) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.GuildEditSpec
Sets the banner image to display for the modified Guild.
setBitrate(Integer) - Method in class
setBitrate(int) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.VoiceChannelCreateSpec
Sets the bitrate for the created VoiceChannel.
setBitrate(int) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.VoiceChannelEditSpec
Sets the bitrate for the modified VoiceChannel.
setBot(boolean) - Method in class
setBotPublic(boolean) - Method in class
setBotRequireCodeGrant(boolean) - Method in class
setChanges(Map<String, AuditLogChange<?>>) - Method in class
setChannelId(long) - Method in class
setChannelId(long) - Method in class
setChannelId(Long) - Method in class
setChannelId(long) - Method in class
setChannels(long[]) - Method in class
setCode(String) - Method in class
setColor(Integer) - Method in class
setColor(int) - Method in class
setColor(Color) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.EmbedCreateSpec
Sets the color of the embed.
setColor(Color) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.RoleCreateSpec
Sets the color of the created Role.
setColor(Color) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.RoleEditSpec
Sets the new color of the Role.
setContent(String) - Method in class
setContent(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.MessageCreateSpec
Sets the created Message contents, up to 2000 characters.
setContent(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.MessageEditSpec
Sets the new contents for the edited Message.
setCount(int) - Method in class
setCreatedAt(String) - Method in class
setCurrentPartySize(Long) - Method in class
setCustom(boolean) - Method in class
setDeaf(boolean) - Method in class
setDeafen(boolean) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.GuildMemberEditSpec
Sets whether the targeted Member is deafened in voice channels, if they are connected to voice.
setDefaultMessageNotificationLevel(Guild.NotificationLevel) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.GuildCreateSpec
Sets the default message notification level for the created Guild.
setDefaultMessageNotifications(int) - Method in class
setDefaultMessageNotificationsLevel(Guild.NotificationLevel) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.GuildEditSpec
Sets the default message notification level for the modified Guild.
setDeleteMessageDays(int) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.BanQuerySpec
Sets the number of days to delete messages for (0-7).
setDeny(long) - Method in class
setDeprecated(boolean) - Method in class
setDescription(String) - Method in class
setDescription(String) - Method in class
setDescription(String) - Method in class
setDescription(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.EmbedCreateSpec
Sets the description of the embed.
setDetails(String) - Method in class
setDiscriminator(String) - Method in class
setEditedTimestamp(String) - Method in class
setEmbed(Consumer<? super EmbedCreateSpec>) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.MessageCreateSpec
Sets rich content to the created Message in the form of an Embed object.
setEmbed(Consumer<? super EmbedCreateSpec>) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.MessageEditSpec
Sets the new rich content for the edited Message.
setEmbedChannelId(Long) - Method in class
setEmbeds(EmbedBean[]) - Method in class
setEmoji(EmojiResponse) - Method in class
setEmojiAnimated(boolean) - Method in class
setEmojiId(Long) - Method in class
setEmojiName(String) - Method in class
setEmojis(long[]) - Method in class
setEnd(Long) - Method in class
setEventProcessor(FluxProcessor<Event, Event>) - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClientBuilder
Set a new FluxProcessor used to queue Discord events in conjunction with EventDispatcher.
setEventScheduler(Scheduler) - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClientBuilder
Set a new Scheduler used to publish events through EventDispatcher.
setExplicitContentFilter(int) - Method in class
setFeatures(String[]) - Method in class
setFields(EmbedFieldBean[]) - Method in class
setFileName(String) - Method in class
setFlags(Integer) - Method in class
setFooter(EmbedFooterBean) - Method in class
setFooter(String, String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.EmbedCreateSpec
Sets the footer of the embed.
setGatewayClientFactory(GatewayClientFactory) - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClientBuilder
Set a new GatewayClientFactory to this builder, allowing you to configure the underlying GatewayClient used when logging in with the resulting clients.
setGatewayObserver(GatewayObserver) - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClientBuilder
Set a new GatewayObserver to this builder.
setGuildId(long) - Method in class
setGuildId(Long) - Method in class
setGuildId(long) - Method in class
setGuildId(long) - Method in class
setHeight(Integer) - Method in class
setHeight(int) - Method in class
setHeight(int) - Method in class
setHeight(int) - Method in class
setHoist(boolean) - Method in class
setHoist(boolean) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.RoleCreateSpec
Sets whether the created Role should be displayed separately in the sidebar.
setHoist(boolean) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.RoleEditSpec
Sets whether the modified Role should be displayed separately in the sidebar.
setIcon(String) - Method in class
setIcon(String) - Method in class
setIcon(Image) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.GuildCreateSpec
Sets the image icon to display for the created Guild.
setIcon(Image) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.GuildEditSpec
Sets the image icon to display for the modified Guild.
setIconUrl(String) - Method in class
setIconUrl(String) - Method in class
setId(long) - Method in class
setId(long) - Method in class
setId(String) - Method in class
setId(long) - Method in class
setId(long) - Method in class
setId(long) - Method in class
setId(long) - Method in class
setId(long) - Method in class
setId(long) - Method in class
setId(long) - Method in class
setId(long) - Method in class
setId(long) - Method in class
setIdentifyLimiter(PayloadTransformer) - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClientBuilder
Set a new PayloadTransformer to this builder.
setIdentifyOptions(IdentifyOptions) - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClientBuilder
Set a new IdentifyOptions to this builder.
setImage(EmbedImageBean) - Method in class
setImage(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.EmbedCreateSpec
Sets the image of the embed.
setImage(Image) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.GuildEmojiCreateSpec
Sets the image for the created GuildEmoji.
setInitialPresence(Presence) - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClientBuilder
Set a new Presence object used when identifying to the Gateway.
setInline(boolean) - Method in class
setInstance(Boolean) - Method in class
setInviterId(long) - Method in class
setJacksonResourceProvider(JacksonResourceProvider) - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClientBuilder
Set a new JacksonResourceProvider to this builder, dedicated to provide an ObjectMapper for serialization and deserialization of data.
setJoinedAt(String) - Method in class
setJoinedAt(String) - Method in class
setLarge(boolean) - Method in class
setLargeImage(String) - Method in class
setLargeText(String) - Method in class
setLastMessageId(Long) - Method in class
setLastPinTimestamp(String) - Method in class
setManaged(boolean) - Method in class
setManaged(boolean) - Method in class
setMaxAge(int) - Method in class
setMaxAge(int) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.InviteCreateSpec
Sets the duration of the created Invite in seconds before expiration, or 0 to never expire.
setMaxMembers(Integer) - Method in class
setMaxPartySize(Long) - Method in class
setMaxPresences(Integer) - Method in class
setMaxUses(int) - Method in class
setMaxUses(int) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.InviteCreateSpec
Sets the maximum number of uses the created Invite has before expiring, or 0 for unlimited uses.
setMe(boolean) - Method in class
setMemberCount(int) - Method in class
setMembers(long[]) - Method in class
setMentionable(boolean) - Method in class
setMentionable(boolean) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.RoleCreateSpec
Sets whether the created Role should be mentionable.
setMentionable(boolean) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.RoleEditSpec
Sets whether the modified Role should be mentionable.
setMentionEveryone(boolean) - Method in class
setMentionRoles(long[]) - Method in class
setMentions(long[]) - Method in class
setMfaLevel(int) - Method in class
setMute(boolean) - Method in class
setMute(boolean) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.GuildMemberEditSpec
Sets whether the targeted Member is muted in voice channels, if they are connected to voice.
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.CategoryCreateSpec
Sets the name for the created Category.
setName(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.CategoryEditSpec
Sets the name for the Category.
setName(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.GuildCreateSpec
Sets the name for the created Guild.
setName(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.GuildEditSpec
Sets the modified Guild name.
setName(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.GuildEmojiCreateSpec
Sets the name for the created GuildEmoji.
setName(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.GuildEmojiEditSpec
Sets the name for the modified GuildEmoji.
setName(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.NewsChannelCreateSpec
Sets the name of the created NewsChannel.
setName(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.NewsChannelEditSpec
Sets the name of the modified NewsChannel.
setName(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.RoleCreateSpec
Sets the name of the created Role.
setName(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.RoleEditSpec
Sets the new name of the Role.
setName(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.StoreChannelCreateSpec
Sets the name for the created StoreChannel.
setName(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.StoreChannelEditSpec
Sets the name for the StoreChannel.
setName(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.TextChannelCreateSpec
Sets the name of the created TextChannel.
setName(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.TextChannelEditSpec
Sets the name of the modified TextChannel.
setName(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.VoiceChannelCreateSpec
Sets the name for the created VoiceChannel.
setName(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.VoiceChannelEditSpec
Sets the name for the modified VoiceChannel.
setName(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.WebhookCreateSpec
Sets the name of the created Webhook.
setName(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.WebhookEditSpec
Sets the name of the modified Webhook.
setNewVoiceChannel(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.GuildMemberEditSpec
Sets the new voice channel to move the targeted Member, if they are connected to voice.
setNick(String) - Method in class
setNickname(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.GuildMemberEditSpec
Sets a new nickname to the targeted Member.
setNonce(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.MessageCreateSpec
Sets a nonce that can be used for optimistic message sending.
setNsfw(boolean) - Method in class
setNsfw(boolean) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.NewsChannelCreateSpec
Sets whether the created NewsChannel is NSFW (not safe for work).
setNsfw(boolean) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.NewsChannelEditSpec
Sets whether the modified NewsChannel should be NSFW (not safe for work).
setNsfw(boolean) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.TextChannelCreateSpec
Sets whether the created TextChannel is NSFW (not safe for work).
setNsfw(boolean) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.TextChannelEditSpec
Sets whether the modified TextChannel should be NSFW (not safe for work).
setOptimal(boolean) - Method in class
setOptions(Map<String, ?>) - Method in class
setOwnerId(long) - Method in class
setOwnerId(long) - Method in class
setOwnerId(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.GuildEditSpec
Sets the new owner ID for this Guild.
setParentId(Long) - Method in class
setParentId(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.NewsChannelCreateSpec
Sets the identifier of the parent category of the created NewsChannel.
setParentId(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.NewsChannelEditSpec
Sets the identifier of the parent category of the modified NewsChannel.
setParentId(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.TextChannelCreateSpec
Sets the identifier of the parent category of the created TextChannel.
setParentId(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.TextChannelEditSpec
Sets the identifier of the parent category of the modified TextChannel.
setParentId(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.VoiceChannelCreateSpec
Sets the parent ID for the created VoiceChannel.
setParentId(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.VoiceChannelEditSpec
Sets the parent ID for the modified VoiceChannel.
setPartyId(String) - Method in class
setPermissionOverwrites(PermissionOverwriteBean[]) - Method in class
setPermissionOverwrites(Set<? extends PermissionOverwrite>) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.CategoryCreateSpec
Sets the permission overwrites for the created Category.
setPermissionOverwrites(Set<? extends PermissionOverwrite>) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.CategoryEditSpec
Sets the permission overwrites for the Category.
setPermissionOverwrites(Set<? extends PermissionOverwrite>) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.NewsChannelCreateSpec
Sets the created NewsChannel permission overwrites.
setPermissionOverwrites(Set<? extends PermissionOverwrite>) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.NewsChannelEditSpec
Sets the modified NewsChannel permission overwrites.
setPermissionOverwrites(Set<? extends PermissionOverwrite>) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.StoreChannelCreateSpec
Sets the permission overwrites for the created StoreChannel.
setPermissionOverwrites(Set<? extends PermissionOverwrite>) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.StoreChannelEditSpec
Sets the permission overwrites for the StoreChannel.
setPermissionOverwrites(Set<? extends PermissionOverwrite>) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.TextChannelCreateSpec
Sets the created TextChannel permission overwrites.
setPermissionOverwrites(Set<? extends PermissionOverwrite>) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.TextChannelEditSpec
Sets the modified TextChannel permission overwrites.
setPermissionOverwrites(Set<? extends PermissionOverwrite>) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.VoiceChannelCreateSpec
Sets the permission overwrites for the created VoiceChannel.
setPermissionOverwrites(Set<? extends PermissionOverwrite>) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.VoiceChannelEditSpec
Sets the permission overwrites for the modified VoiceChannel.
setPermissions(long) - Method in class
setPermissions(PermissionSet) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.RoleCreateSpec
Sets the enabled/disabled permissions, in the form of a PermissionSet for the created Role.
setPermissions(PermissionSet) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.RoleEditSpec
Sets the new permissions for the Role.
setPinned(boolean) - Method in class
setPosition(Integer) - Method in class
setPosition(int) - Method in class
setPosition(int) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.CategoryCreateSpec
Sets the position for the created Category.
setPosition(int) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.CategoryEditSpec
Sets the position for the Category.
setPosition(int) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.NewsChannelCreateSpec
Sets the sorting position of the created NewsChannel.
setPosition(int) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.NewsChannelEditSpec
Sets the position of the modified NewsChannel.
setPosition(int) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.StoreChannelCreateSpec
Sets the position for the created StoreChannel.
setPosition(int) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.StoreChannelEditSpec
Sets the position for the StoreChannel.
setPosition(int) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.TextChannelCreateSpec
Sets the sorting position of the created TextChannel.
setPosition(int) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.TextChannelEditSpec
Sets the position of the modified TextChannel.
setPosition(int) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.VoiceChannelCreateSpec
Sets the position for the created VoiceChannel.
setPosition(int) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.VoiceChannelEditSpec
Sets the position for the modified VoiceChannel.
setPreferredLocale(String) - Method in class
setPremiumSince(String) - Method in class
setPremiumSubscriptionsCount(Integer) - Method in class
setProvider(EmbedProviderBean) - Method in class
setProvider(AudioProvider) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.VoiceChannelJoinSpec
Configure the AudioProvider to use in the created VoiceConnection.
setProxyIconUrl(String) - Method in class
setProxyIconUrl(String) - Method in class
setProxyUrl(String) - Method in class
setProxyUrl(String) - Method in class
setProxyUrl(String) - Method in class
setProxyUrl(String) - Method in class
setRateLimitPerUser(Integer) - Method in class
setRateLimitPerUser(int) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.TextChannelCreateSpec
Sets the amount of seconds a user has to wait before sending another message to the created TextChannel, from 0 to 120.
setRateLimitPerUser(int) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.TextChannelEditSpec
Sets the amount of seconds a user has to wait before sending another message to the modified TextChannel, from 0 to 21600 seconds.
setReactions(ReactionBean[]) - Method in class
setReason(String) - Method in class
setReason(String) - Method in class
setReason(String) - Method in interface discord4j.core.spec.AuditSpec
Sets the reason to show in the audit logs when the spec is built.
setReason(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.BanQuerySpec
setReason(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.CategoryCreateSpec
setReason(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.CategoryEditSpec
setReason(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.GuildEditSpec
setReason(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.GuildEmojiCreateSpec
setReason(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.GuildEmojiEditSpec
setReason(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.GuildMemberEditSpec
setReason(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.InviteCreateSpec
setReason(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.NewsChannelCreateSpec
setReason(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.NewsChannelEditSpec
setReason(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.RoleCreateSpec
setReason(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.RoleEditSpec
setReason(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.StoreChannelCreateSpec
setReason(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.StoreChannelEditSpec
setReason(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.TextChannelCreateSpec
setReason(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.TextChannelEditSpec
setReason(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.VoiceChannelCreateSpec
setReason(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.VoiceChannelEditSpec
setReason(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.WebhookCreateSpec
setReason(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.WebhookEditSpec
setReceiver(AudioReceiver) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.VoiceChannelJoinSpec
Discord does not officially support bots receiving audio. It is not guaranteed that this functionality works properly. Use at your own risk.
setRecipients(long[]) - Method in class
setRegion(String) - Method in class
setRegion(Region) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.GuildCreateSpec
Sets the voice region for the created Guild.
setRegion(Region) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.GuildEditSpec
Sets the voice region for the modified Guild.
setRequireColons(boolean) - Method in class
setResponsibleUser(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.AuditLogQuerySpec
Sets the query to only return entries where the user specified is responsible for the action.
setResponsibleUserId(long) - Method in class
setRetryOptions(RetryOptions) - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClientBuilder
Set a new RetryOptions to this builder.
setRevoked(boolean) - Method in class
setRoles(long[]) - Method in class
setRoles(long[]) - Method in class
setRoles(long[]) - Method in class
setRoles(Set<Snowflake>) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.GuildEmojiEditSpec
Sets the list of roles for which the modified GuildEmoji will be whitelisted.
setRoles(Set<Snowflake>) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.GuildMemberEditSpec
Sets the new role identifiers the targeted Member is assigned.
setRouterFactory(RouterFactory) - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClientBuilder
Set a new RouterFactory used to create a Router that executes Discord REST API requests.
setRouterFactory(RouterFactory) - Method in class discord4j.core.shard.ShardingClientBuilder
Set a new RouterFactory used to create a Router that executes Discord REST API requests and will be shared across all sharding clients created by this builder.
setRouterOptions(RouterOptions) - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClientBuilder
Sets a new RouterOptions used to configure a RouterFactory.
setRouterOptions(RouterOptions) - Method in class discord4j.core.shard.ShardingClientBuilder
Sets a new RouterOptions used to configure a RouterFactory.
setSampleHostname(String) - Method in class
setSamplePort(int) - Method in class
setSelfDeaf(boolean) - Method in class
setSelfDeaf(boolean) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.VoiceChannelJoinSpec
Sets whether to deafen this client when establishing a VoiceConnection.
setSelfMute(boolean) - Method in class
setSelfMute(boolean) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.VoiceChannelJoinSpec
Sets whether to mute this client when establishing a VoiceConnection.
setSelfStream(Boolean) - Method in class
setSessionId(String) - Method in class
setSessionId(String) - Method in class
setShardCount(Integer) - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClientBuilder
Change the shard count.
setShardCount(Integer) - Method in class discord4j.core.shard.ShardingClientBuilder
Change the shard count value given to each resulting shard.
setShardIndex(Integer) - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClientBuilder
Change the shard index.
setShardIndexFilter(Predicate<Integer>) - Method in class discord4j.core.shard.ShardingClientBuilder
Set a new Predicate of shard index, indicating whether a shard should be created.
setShardingStoreRegistry(ShardingStoreRegistry) - Method in class discord4j.core.shard.ShardingClientBuilder
Set a new ShardingStoreRegistry used to coordinate stores across shards.
setSize(int) - Method in class
setSmallImage(String) - Method in class
setSmallText(String) - Method in class
setSplash(String) - Method in class
setSplash(Image) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.GuildEditSpec
Sets the splash image to display for the modified Guild.
setStart(Long) - Method in class
setState(String) - Method in class
setStatus(String) - Method in class
setStoreService(StoreService) - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClientBuilder
Set a new StoreService to this builder, used to create Store instances on login to cache entities.
setStoreService(StoreService) - Method in class discord4j.core.shard.ShardingClientBuilder
Set a new StoreService that will create a Store for each shard.
setSuppress(boolean) - Method in class
setSyncId(String) - Method in class
setSystemChannelId(Long) - Method in class
setTargetId(long) - Method in class
setTargetUserId(Long) - Method in class
setTemporary(boolean) - Method in class
setTemporary(boolean) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.InviteCreateSpec
Sets whether the created Invite only grants temporary membership.
setText(String) - Method in class
setThumbnail(EmbedThumbnailBean) - Method in class
setThumbnail(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.EmbedCreateSpec
Sets the thumbnail of the embed.
setTimestamp(String) - Method in class
setTimestamp(String) - Method in class
setTimestamp(Instant) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.EmbedCreateSpec
Sets the timestamp to display in the embed.
setTitle(String) - Method in class
setTitle(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.EmbedCreateSpec
Sets the title of the embed.
setToken(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClientBuilder
Change the token stored in this builder.
setToken(String) - Method in class
setToken(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.shard.ShardingClientBuilder
Change the token stored in this builder.
setTopic(String) - Method in class
setTopic(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.NewsChannelCreateSpec
Sets the created NewsChannel topic.
setTopic(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.NewsChannelEditSpec
Sets the topic of the modified NewsChannel.
setTopic(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.TextChannelCreateSpec
Sets the created TextChannel topic.
setTopic(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.TextChannelEditSpec
Sets the topic of the modified TextChannel.
setTts(boolean) - Method in class
setTts(boolean) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.MessageCreateSpec
Sets whether the created Message is a TTS message.
setType(int) - Method in class
setType(int) - Method in class
setType(String) - Method in class
setType(int) - Method in class
setType(String) - Method in class
setUnavailable(boolean) - Method in class
setUnique(boolean) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.InviteCreateSpec
Sets whether the created Invite is unique.
setUrl(String) - Method in class
setUrl(String) - Method in class
setUrl(String) - Method in class
setUrl(String) - Method in class
setUrl(String) - Method in class
setUrl(String) - Method in class
setUrl(String) - Method in class
setUrl(String) - Method in class
setUrl(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.EmbedCreateSpec
Sets the URL of the embed.
setUser(UserBean) - Method in class
setUser(long) - Method in class
setUserId(long) - Method in class
setUserLimit(Integer) - Method in class
setUserLimit(int) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.VoiceChannelCreateSpec
Sets the user limit for the created VoiceChannel.
setUserLimit(int) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.VoiceChannelEditSpec
Sets the user limit for the modified VoiceChannel.
setUsername(String) - Method in class
setUsername(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.UserEditSpec
Sets the user's username.
setUses(int) - Method in class
setValue(String) - Method in class
setVanityUrlCode(String) - Method in class
setVerificationLevel(int) - Method in class
setVerificationLevel(Guild.VerificationLevel) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.GuildCreateSpec
Sets the verification level required before a member can send messages in the created Guild.
setVerificationLevel(Guild.VerificationLevel) - Method in class discord4j.core.spec.GuildEditSpec
Sets the verification level required before a member can send messages in the modified Guild.
setVideo(EmbedVideoBean) - Method in class
setVip(boolean) - Method in class
setVoiceConnectionScheduler(Scheduler) - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClientBuilder
Set a new Scheduler for voice sending tasks.
setWebhookId(Long) - Method in class
setWidgetChannelId(Long) - Method in class
setWidgetEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class
setWidth(Integer) - Method in class
setWidth(int) - Method in class
setWidth(int) - Method in class
setWidth(int) - Method in class
ShardAwareStore<K extends Comparable<K>,V extends Serializable> - Class in discord4j.core.shard
ShardAwareStore(Store<K, V>, Set<K>) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.shard.ShardAwareStore
ShardAwareStoreService - Class in discord4j.core.shard
Factory that delegates the creation of the store to a backing factory and then wraps it into a ShardAwareStore.
ShardAwareStoreService(ShardingStoreRegistry, StoreService) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.shard.ShardAwareStoreService
ShardingClientBuilder - Class in discord4j.core.shard
Builder suited for creating a sequence of DiscordClient each dedicated to a shard, while allowing resource sharing and login coordination.
ShardingClientBuilder(String) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.shard.ShardingClientBuilder
Initialize a new builder with the given token.
ShardingClientBuilder.ConnectedGatewayObserver - Class in discord4j.core.shard
ShardingJdkStoreRegistry - Class in discord4j.core.shard
ShardingJdkStoreRegistry() - Constructor for class discord4j.core.shard.ShardingJdkStoreRegistry
ShardingJdkStoreService - Class in discord4j.core.shard
ShardingJdkStoreService(ShardingStoreRegistry) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.shard.ShardingJdkStoreService
ShardingStoreRegistry - Interface in discord4j.core.shard
size() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.util.PermissionSet
Snowflake - Class in discord4j.core.object.util
An unsigned 64-bit ID that is guaranteed to be unique across all of Discord, except in some unique scenarios in which child objects share their parent's ID.
Spec<T> - Interface in discord4j.core.spec
A contract specifying how an object should be built.
SPLASH - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey
SPOILER_PREFIX - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Attachment
The prefix of the name of files which are displayed as spoilers.
StateHolder - Class in discord4j.core
Holder for various pieces of state for use in caching.
Status - Enum in discord4j.core.object.presence
StoreChannel - Class in discord4j.core.object.entity
StoreChannel(ServiceMediator, ChannelBean) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.object.entity.StoreChannel
Constructs an StoreChannel with an associated ServiceMediator and Discord data.
StoreChannelCreateEvent - Class in
Dispatched when a StoreChannel is created in a guild.
StoreChannelCreateEvent(DiscordClient, StoreChannel) - Constructor for class
StoreChannelCreateSpec - Class in discord4j.core.spec
Spec used to create guild StoreChannel entities.
StoreChannelCreateSpec() - Constructor for class discord4j.core.spec.StoreChannelCreateSpec
StoreChannelDeleteEvent - Class in
Dispatched when a StoreChannel is deleted in a guild.
StoreChannelDeleteEvent(DiscordClient, StoreChannel) - Constructor for class
StoreChannelEditSpec - Class in discord4j.core.spec
Spec used to modify a guild StoreChannel settings.
StoreChannelEditSpec() - Constructor for class discord4j.core.spec.StoreChannelEditSpec
StoreChannelUpdateEvent - Class in
Dispatched when a StoreChannel is updated in a guild.
StoreChannelUpdateEvent(DiscordClient, StoreChannel, StoreChannel) - Constructor for class
StoreInvalidator - Class in discord4j.core
StoreInvalidator(StateHolder) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.StoreInvalidator
streaming(String, String) - Static method in class discord4j.core.object.presence.Activity
subtract(PermissionSet) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.util.PermissionSet
suppressEmbeds(boolean) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Message
Requests to suppress all embeds in this message.
SYSTEM_CHANNEL - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey


TextChannel - Class in discord4j.core.object.entity
A Discord text channel.
TextChannel(ServiceMediator, ChannelBean) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.object.entity.TextChannel
Constructs an TextChannel with an associated ServiceMediator and Discord data.
TextChannelCreateEvent - Class in
Dispatched when a TextChannel is created in a guild.
TextChannelCreateEvent(DiscordClient, TextChannel) - Constructor for class
TextChannelCreateSpec - Class in discord4j.core.spec
Spec used to create guild TextChannel entities.
TextChannelCreateSpec() - Constructor for class discord4j.core.spec.TextChannelCreateSpec
TextChannelDeleteEvent - Class in
Dispatched when a TextChannel is deleted in a guild.
TextChannelDeleteEvent(DiscordClient, TextChannel) - Constructor for class
TextChannelEditSpec - Class in discord4j.core.spec
Spec used to modify a guild TextChannel settings.
TextChannelEditSpec() - Constructor for class discord4j.core.spec.TextChannelEditSpec
TextChannelUpdateEvent - Class in
Dispatched when a TextChannel is updated in a guild.
TextChannelUpdateEvent(DiscordClient, GuildMessageChannel, TextChannel) - Constructor for class
throwUnsupportedDiscordValue(Object) - Static method in class discord4j.core.util.EntityUtil
Throws an UnsupportedOperationException for an unknown Discord value.
toObject(long[]) - Static method in class discord4j.core.util.ArrayUtil
TOPIC - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.BanEvent
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.EmojisUpdateEvent
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.GuildCreateEvent
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.GuildDeleteEvent
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.GuildUpdateEvent
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.IntegrationsUpdateEvent
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.MemberChunkEvent
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.MemberJoinEvent
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.MemberLeaveEvent
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.MemberUpdateEvent
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.UnbanEvent
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle.ConnectEvent
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle.DisconnectEvent
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle.ReadyEvent.Guild
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle.ReadyEvent
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle.ReconnectEvent
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle.ReconnectFailEvent
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle.ReconnectStartEvent
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.lifecycle.ResumeEvent
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.MessageBulkDeleteEvent
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.MessageCreateEvent
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.MessageDeleteEvent
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.MessageUpdateEvent
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.ReactionAddEvent
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.ReactionRemoveAllEvent
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.message.ReactionRemoveEvent
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.PresenceUpdateEvent
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.role.RoleCreateEvent
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.role.RoleDeleteEvent
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.role.RoleUpdateEvent
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.UserUpdateEvent
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.VoiceServerUpdateEvent
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.VoiceStateUpdateEvent
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.event.domain.WebhooksUpdateEvent
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.audit.AuditLogChange
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.audit.AuditLogEntry
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.audit.OptionKey
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Ban
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Embed
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.ApplicationInfo
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Attachment
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Category
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.GuildEmoji
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Member
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Message
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.NewsChannel
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.PrivateChannel
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Role
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.StoreChannel
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.TextChannel
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.User
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.VoiceChannel
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Webhook
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.ExtendedInvite
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Invite
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.MessageReference
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.PermissionOverwrite
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.presence.Activity
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.presence.Presence
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.reaction.Reaction
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.reaction.ReactionEmoji.Custom
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.reaction.ReactionEmoji.Unicode
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.Region
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.util.Image
Gets the String represents of this Image.
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.util.PermissionSet
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.util.Snowflake
Gets the String representation of this Snowflake.
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.VoiceState
toString() - Method in class discord4j.core.shard.ShardAwareStore
TYPE - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.OptionKey
type() - Method in interface discord4j.core.object.entity.MessageChannel
Requests to trigger the typing indicator in this channel.
typeUntil(Publisher<?>) - Method in interface discord4j.core.object.entity.MessageChannel
Requests to trigger the typing indicator in this channel.
TypingStartEvent - Class in
Dispatched when a user starts typing in a message channel.
TypingStartEvent(DiscordClient, long, Long, long, Instant, Member) - Constructor for class


unban(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to unban the specified user.
unban(Snowflake, String) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild
Requests to unban the specified user while optionally specifying a reason.
unban() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Member
Requests to unban this user.
unban(String) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Member
Requests to unban this user while optionally specifying the reason.
UnbanEvent - Class in discord4j.core.event.domain.guild
Dispatched when a user is unbanned from a guild.
UnbanEvent(DiscordClient, User, long) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.event.domain.guild.UnbanEvent
unicode(String) - Static method in class discord4j.core.object.reaction.ReactionEmoji
Constructs a ReactionEmoji for a unicode emoji.
unpin() - Method in class discord4j.core.object.entity.Message
Requests to unpin this message.
updatePresence(Presence) - Method in class discord4j.core.DiscordClient
Update this client Presence.
User - Class in discord4j.core.object.entity
A Discord user.
User(ServiceMediator, UserBean) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.object.entity.User
Constructs an User with an associated ServiceMediator and Discord data.
USER_AVATAR - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey
USER_DEAFENED - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey
USER_MUTED - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey
USER_NICK - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey
UserBean - Class in
UserBean(UserResponse) - Constructor for class
UserBean(UserBean) - Constructor for class
UserBean() - Constructor for class
UserEditSpec - Class in discord4j.core.spec
Spec used to modify the current user.
UserEditSpec() - Constructor for class discord4j.core.spec.UserEditSpec
UserUpdateEvent - Class in discord4j.core.event.domain
Dispatched when a user is updated.
UserUpdateEvent(DiscordClient, User, User) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.event.domain.UserUpdateEvent


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.audit.ActionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.Embed.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.entity.Channel.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild.ContentFilterLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild.MfaLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild.NotificationLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild.PremiumTier
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild.VerificationLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.entity.Message.Flag
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.entity.Message.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.PermissionOverwrite.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.presence.Activity.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.presence.Status
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.util.Image.Format
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.util.Permission
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.audit.ActionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.Embed.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.entity.Channel.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild.ContentFilterLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild.MfaLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild.NotificationLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild.PremiumTier
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.entity.Guild.VerificationLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.entity.Message.Flag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.entity.Message.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.PermissionOverwrite.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.presence.Activity.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.presence.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.util.Image.Format
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum discord4j.core.object.util.Permission
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class discord4j.core.shard.ShardAwareStore
VANITY_URL - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey
VERIFICATION_LEVEL - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey
VoiceChannel - Class in discord4j.core.object.entity
A Discord voice channel.
VoiceChannel(ServiceMediator, ChannelBean) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.object.entity.VoiceChannel
Constructs an VoiceChannel with an associated ServiceMediator and Discord data.
VoiceChannelCreateEvent - Class in
Dispatched when a VoiceChannel is created in a guild.
VoiceChannelCreateEvent(DiscordClient, VoiceChannel) - Constructor for class
VoiceChannelCreateSpec - Class in discord4j.core.spec
A spec used to configure and create a VoiceChannel.
VoiceChannelCreateSpec() - Constructor for class discord4j.core.spec.VoiceChannelCreateSpec
VoiceChannelDeleteEvent - Class in
Dispatched when a VoiceChannel is deleted in a guild.
VoiceChannelDeleteEvent(DiscordClient, VoiceChannel) - Constructor for class
VoiceChannelEditSpec - Class in discord4j.core.spec
Spec used to modify a VoiceChannel entity.
VoiceChannelEditSpec() - Constructor for class discord4j.core.spec.VoiceChannelEditSpec
VoiceChannelJoinSpec - Class in discord4j.core.spec
Spec used to request a connection to a VoiceChannel and handle the initialization of the resulting VoiceConnection.
VoiceChannelJoinSpec(ServiceMediator, VoiceChannel) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.spec.VoiceChannelJoinSpec
VoiceChannelUpdateEvent - Class in
Dispatched when a VoiceChannel is updated in a guild.
VoiceChannelUpdateEvent(DiscordClient, VoiceChannel, VoiceChannel) - Constructor for class
VoiceServerUpdateEvent - Class in discord4j.core.event.domain
Dispatched when initially connecting to a voice channel.
VoiceServerUpdateEvent(DiscordClient, String, long, String) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.event.domain.VoiceServerUpdateEvent
VoiceState - Class in discord4j.core.object
A Discord voice state.
VoiceState(ServiceMediator, VoiceStateBean) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.object.VoiceState
Constructs a VoiceState with an associated ServiceMediator and Discord data.
VoiceStateBean - Class in
VoiceStateBean(GuildCreate.VoiceState, long) - Constructor for class
VoiceStateBean(VoiceStateResponse) - Constructor for class
VoiceStateBean() - Constructor for class
VoiceStateUpdateEvent - Class in discord4j.core.event.domain
Dispatched when a user's voice state changes.
VoiceStateUpdateEvent(DiscordClient, VoiceState, VoiceState) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.event.domain.VoiceStateUpdateEvent


watching(String) - Static method in class discord4j.core.object.presence.Activity
Webhook - Class in discord4j.core.object.entity
A Discord webhook.
Webhook(ServiceMediator, WebhookBean) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.object.entity.Webhook
Constructs a Webhook with an associated ServiceMediator and Discord data.
WebhookBean - Class in
WebhookBean(WebhookResponse) - Constructor for class
WebhookBean() - Constructor for class
WebhookCreateSpec - Class in discord4j.core.spec
Spec used to create a Webhook entity.
WebhookCreateSpec() - Constructor for class discord4j.core.spec.WebhookCreateSpec
WebhookEditSpec - Class in discord4j.core.spec
Spec to modify a Webhook entity.
WebhookEditSpec() - Constructor for class discord4j.core.spec.WebhookEditSpec
WebhooksUpdateEvent - Class in discord4j.core.event.domain
Dispatched when a webhook is updated in a guild.
WebhooksUpdateEvent(DiscordClient, long, long) - Constructor for class discord4j.core.event.domain.WebhooksUpdateEvent
WIDGET_CHANNEL - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey
WIDGET_ENABLED - Static variable in class discord4j.core.object.audit.ChangeKey


xor(PermissionSet) - Method in class discord4j.core.object.util.PermissionSet
Performs a logical XOR of this permission set with the other permission set.
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