Class Color


public final class Color extends Object
  • Field Details

    • WHITE

      public static final Color WHITE
      The color white . Use DISCORD_WHITE for embeds.

      public static final Color DISCORD_WHITE
      The color white that can be used for Discord embeds. Passing WHITE to embed is ignored by Discord.

      public static final Color LIGHT_GRAY
      The color light gray .
    • GRAY

      public static final Color GRAY
      The color gray .

      public static final Color DARK_GRAY
      The color dark gray .
    • BLACK

      public static final Color BLACK
      The color black . Use DISCORD_BLACK for roles.

      public static final Color DISCORD_BLACK
      The color black that can be used for Discord roles. Passing BLACK as role color is ignored by Discord.
    • RED

      public static final Color RED
      The color red .
    • PINK

      public static final Color PINK
      The color pink .
    • ORANGE

      public static final Color ORANGE
      The color orange .
    • YELLOW

      public static final Color YELLOW
      The color yellow .
    • GREEN

      public static final Color GREEN
      The color green .

      public static final Color MAGENTA
      The color magenta .
    • CYAN

      public static final Color CYAN
      The color cyan .
    • BLUE

      public static final Color BLUE
      The color blue .

      public static final Color LIGHT_SEA_GREEN
      The color light sea green . This is a Discord color preset.

      public static final Color MEDIUM_SEA_GREEN
      The color medium sea green . This is a Discord color preset.

      public static final Color SUMMER_SKY
      The color summer sky . This is a Discord color preset.

      public static final Color DEEP_LILAC
      The color deep lilac . This is a Discord color preset.
    • RUBY

      public static final Color RUBY
      The color ruby . This is a Discord color preset.

      public static final Color MOON_YELLOW
      The color moon yellow . This is a Discord color preset.

      public static final Color TAHITI_GOLD
      The color tahiti gold . This is a Discord color preset.

      public static final Color CINNABAR
      The color cinnabar . This is a Discord color preset.

      public static final Color SUBMARINE
      The color submarine . This is a Discord color preset.
    • HOKI

      public static final Color HOKI
      The color hoki . This is a Discord color preset.
    • DEEP_SEA

      public static final Color DEEP_SEA
      The color deep sea . This is a Discord color preset.

      public static final Color SEA_GREEN
      The color sea green . This is a Discord color preset.

      public static final Color ENDEAVOUR
      The color endeavour . This is a Discord color preset.

      public static final Color VIVID_VIOLET
      The color vivid violet . This is a Discord color preset.

      public static final Color JAZZBERRY_JAM
      The color jazzberry jam . This is a Discord color preset.

      public static final Color DARK_GOLDENROD
      The color dark goldenrod . This is a Discord color preset.
    • RUST

      public static final Color RUST
      The color rust . This is a Discord color preset.
    • BROWN

      public static final Color BROWN
      The color brown . This is a Discord color preset.

      public static final Color GRAY_CHATEAU
      The color gray chateau . This is a Discord color preset.

      public static final Color BISMARK
      The color bismark . This is a Discord color preset.
  • Method Details

    • of

      public static Color of(float red, float green, float blue)
      Initializes a new instance of Color using the specified red, green, and blue values, which must be given as floats in the range of 0.0F-1.0F.
      red - The red component of the RGB value.
      green - The green component of the RGB value.
      blue - The blue component of the RGB value.
    • of

      public static Color of(int red, int green, int blue)
      Initializes a new instance of Color using the specified red, green, and blue values, which must be given as integers in the range of 0-255.
      red - The red component of the RGB value.
      green - The green component of the RGB value.
      blue - The blue component of the RGB value.
    • of

      public static Color of(int rgb)
      Initializes a new instance of Color using the specified RGB value. The blue value is in bits 0-7, green in bits 8-15, and red in bits 16-23.
      rgb - The RGB value.
    • getRGB

      public int getRGB()
      Returns the RGB value for this color. The blue value will be in bits 0-7, green in 8-15, and red in 16-23.
      The RGB value for this color.
    • getRed

      public int getRed()
      Returns the red value for this color, as an integer in the range 0-255.
      The red value for this color.
    • getGreen

      public int getGreen()
      Returns the green value for this color, as an integer in the range 0-255.
      The green value for this color.
    • getBlue

      public int getBlue()
      Returns the blue value for this color, as an integer in the range 0-255.
      The blue value for this color.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object