

package schematic

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. schematic
  2. ExistentialsPlatformCompat
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class Alt[F[_], S, A](label: String, instance: F[A], inject: (A) ⇒ S) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents a member of coproduct type (sealed trait)

  2. class ByteArray extends AnyRef
  3. type CollectionSchematic[F[_]] = Schematic[F] with Schematic[F] with Schematic[F] with Schematic[F]
  4. type Existential[F[_]] = F[_]
    Definition Classes
  5. trait ExistentialsPlatformCompat extends AnyRef
  6. sealed abstract class Field[F[_], S, A] extends AnyRef

    Represents a member of product type (case class)

  7. type NumericSchematic[F[_]] = Schematic[F] with Schematic[F] with Schematic[F] with Schematic[F] with Schematic[F]
  8. final case class OneOf[-S[_[_]], U, A](label: String, schema: Schema[S, A], inject: (A) ⇒ U) extends Product with Serializable
  9. final case class OptionalField[S[_[_]], Struct, A](label: String, schema: Schema[S, A], get: (Struct) ⇒ Option[A]) extends StructureField[S, Struct, Option[A]] with Product with Serializable
  10. trait PolyFunction[F[_], G[_]] extends AnyRef

    Natural transformation, turning a polymorphic type into another, whilst keeping the type parameter intact.

  11. type PrettyRepr[A] = Printer
  12. type PrimitiveSchematic[F[_]] = NumericSchematic[F] with Schematic[F] with Schematic[F] with Schematic[F]
  13. trait Printer extends AnyRef
  14. type Repr[A] = String
  15. final case class RequiredField[S[_[_]], Struct, A](label: String, schema: Schema[S, A], get: (Struct) ⇒ A) extends StructureField[S, Struct, A] with Product with Serializable
  16. trait Schema[-S[_[_]], A] extends AnyRef

    Purposefully open interface meant to enable building schemas as values, in an extensible manner.

    Purposefully open interface meant to enable building schemas as values, in an extensible manner.

    The metamodel gets inferred automatically via contravariance.

  17. trait SchematicPretty extends Mixin[PrettyRepr] with GenericAritySchematic[PrettyRepr]
  18. trait SchematicRepr extends Mixin[Repr] with GenericAritySchematic[Repr]
  19. type Static[A] = A with Tag
  20. abstract class StaticImpl extends AnyRef
  21. sealed abstract class StructureField[-S[_[_]], Struct, A] extends AnyRef

    Represents a member of product type (case class)

  22. trait StubSchematic[F[_]] extends Mixin[F] with schematic.javatime.StubSchematic[F] with GenericAritySchematic[F]
  23. type Wrapped[F[_], G[_], A] = F[G[A]]

Value Members

  1. object Alt extends Serializable
  2. object ByteArray
  3. object Existential
  4. object Field
  5. object OneOf extends Serializable
  6. object PolyFunction
  7. object Printer
  8. object Schema
  9. object Schematic
  10. object SchematicPretty extends SchematicPretty
  11. object SchematicRepr extends SchematicRepr
  12. object Static extends StaticImpl
  13. object bigdecimal
  14. object bigint
  15. object bijection

    Provides capabilities to express a bijection between a type contained within the metamodel and one that is not.

  16. object boolean
  17. object byte
  18. object bytes
  19. object double
  20. object enumeration
  21. object float
  22. object instant
  23. object int
  24. object javatime
  25. object list
  26. object localDate
  27. object long
  28. object map

    Provides schematic functions to model maps/dictionaries.

  29. object offsetDateTime
  30. object set
  31. object short
  32. object string
  33. object struct
  34. object suspended

    Provides capabilities to suspend encoders/decoders, which is useful for recursive datatypes

  35. object union

    Provides functions to model coproducts (sealed-hints).

  36. object unit
  37. object uuid
  38. object vector

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
