



package protocols

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. protocols
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. case class AwsJson1_0(http: Option[List[String]] = None, eventStreamHttp: Option[List[String]] = None) extends HttpConfiguration with Product with Serializable

    An RPC-based protocol that sends JSON payloads.

    An RPC-based protocol that sends JSON payloads. This protocol does not use HTTP binding traits.


    The priority ordered list of supported HTTP protocol versions.


    The priority ordered list of supported HTTP protocol versions that are required when using event streams with the service. If not set, this value defaults to the value of the http member. Any entry in eventStreamHttp MUST also appear in http.

  2. case class AwsJson1_1(http: Option[List[String]] = None, eventStreamHttp: Option[List[String]] = None) extends HttpConfiguration with Product with Serializable

    An RPC-based protocol that sends JSON payloads.

    An RPC-based protocol that sends JSON payloads. This protocol does not use HTTP binding traits.


    The priority ordered list of supported HTTP protocol versions.


    The priority ordered list of supported HTTP protocol versions that are required when using event streams with the service. If not set, this value defaults to the value of the http member. Any entry in eventStreamHttp MUST also appear in http.

  3. case class AwsQueryCompatible() extends Product with Serializable

    Enable backward compatibility when migrating from awsQuery to awsJson protocol

  4. case class AwsQueryError(code: String, httpResponseCode: Int) extends Product with Serializable

    Provides the value in the 'Code' distinguishing field and HTTP response code for an operation error.

    Provides the value in the 'Code' distinguishing field and HTTP response code for an operation error.


    The value used to distinguish this error shape during serialization.


    The HTTP response code used on a response containing this error shape.

  5. sealed abstract class ChecksumAlgorithm extends Value

  6. type ChecksumAlgorithmSet = protocols.ChecksumAlgorithmSet.Type
  7. type Ec2QueryName = protocols.Ec2QueryName.Type

    Indicates the serialized name of a structure member when that structure is serialized for the input of an EC2 operation.

  8. case class HttpChecksum(requestAlgorithmMember: Option[String] = None, requestChecksumRequired: Option[Boolean] = None, requestValidationModeMember: Option[String] = None, responseAlgorithms: Option[Set[ChecksumAlgorithm]] = None) extends Product with Serializable

    Indicates that an operation supports checksum validation.

    Indicates that an operation supports checksum validation.


    Defines a top-level operation input member that is used to configure request checksum behavior.


    Indicates an operation requires a checksum in its HTTP request.


    Defines a top-level operation input member used to opt-in to response checksum validation.


    Defines the checksum algorithms clients should look for when performing HTTP response checksum validation.

  9. trait HttpConfiguration extends AnyRef

    Contains HTTP protocol configuration for HTTP-based protocols.

  10. case class RestJson1(http: Option[List[String]] = None, eventStreamHttp: Option[List[String]] = None) extends HttpConfiguration with Product with Serializable

    A RESTful protocol that sends JSON in structured payloads.

    A RESTful protocol that sends JSON in structured payloads.


    The priority ordered list of supported HTTP protocol versions.


    The priority ordered list of supported HTTP protocol versions that are required when using event streams with the service. If not set, this value defaults to the value of the http member. Any entry in eventStreamHttp MUST also appear in http.

  11. type StringList = protocols.StringList.Type

Deprecated Type Members

  1. case class AwsQuery() extends Product with Serializable

    An RPC-based protocol that sends 'POST' requests in the body as x-www-form-urlencoded strings and responses in XML documents.

    An RPC-based protocol that sends 'POST' requests in the body as x-www-form-urlencoded strings and responses in XML documents. This protocol does not use HTTP binding traits.


    (Since version N/A) N/A

  2. case class Ec2Query() extends Product with Serializable

    An RPC-based protocol that sends 'POST' requests in the body as Amazon EC2 formatted x-www-form-urlencoded strings and responses in XML documents.

    An RPC-based protocol that sends 'POST' requests in the body as Amazon EC2 formatted x-www-form-urlencoded strings and responses in XML documents. This protocol does not use HTTP binding traits.


    (Since version N/A) N/A

  3. case class RestXml(http: Option[List[String]] = None, eventStreamHttp: Option[List[String]] = None, noErrorWrapping: Option[Boolean] = None) extends HttpConfiguration with Product with Serializable

    A RESTful protocol that sends XML in structured payloads.

    A RESTful protocol that sends XML in structured payloads.


    The priority ordered list of supported HTTP protocol versions.


    The priority ordered list of supported HTTP protocol versions that are required when using event streams with the service. If not set, this value defaults to the value of the http member. Any entry in eventStreamHttp MUST also appear in http.


    Disables the serialization wrapping of error properties in an 'Error' XML element.


    (Since version N/A) N/A

Value Members

  1. object AwsJson1_0 extends Companion[AwsJson1_0] with Serializable
  2. object AwsJson1_1 extends Companion[AwsJson1_1] with Serializable
  3. object AwsQuery extends Companion[AwsQuery] with Serializable
  4. object AwsQueryCompatible extends Companion[AwsQueryCompatible] with Serializable
  5. object AwsQueryError extends Companion[AwsQueryError] with Serializable
  6. object ChecksumAlgorithm extends Enumeration[ChecksumAlgorithm] with Companion[ChecksumAlgorithm] with Serializable
  7. object ChecksumAlgorithmSet extends Newtype[Set[ChecksumAlgorithm]]
  8. object Ec2Query extends Companion[Ec2Query] with Serializable
  9. object Ec2QueryName extends Newtype[String]

    Indicates the serialized name of a structure member when that structure is serialized for the input of an EC2 operation.

  10. object HttpChecksum extends Companion[HttpChecksum] with Serializable
  11. object RestJson1 extends Companion[RestJson1] with Serializable
  12. object RestXml extends Companion[RestXml] with Serializable
  13. object StringList extends Newtype[List[String]]

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
