


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Type members


type CachedCompiler[F[_]] = CachedSchemaCompiler[[_] =>> RequestEncoder[F, _$2]]

Value members

Concrete methods

def fromEntityEncoder[F[_] : Concurrent, A](implicit evidence$1: Concurrent[F], entityEncoder: EntityEncoder[F, A]): RequestEncoder[F, A]
def fromEntityEncoderK[F[_] : Concurrent]: PolyFunction[[_] =>> EntityEncoder[F, _$10], [_] =>> RequestEncoder[F, _$11]]
def fromHttpEndpoint[F[_] : Concurrent, I](httpEndpoint: HttpEndpoint[I]): RequestEncoder[F, I]
def fromMetadataEncoder[F[_], A](metadataEncoder: Encoder[A]): RequestEncoder[F, A]
def fromMetadataEncoderK[F[_]]: PolyFunction[Encoder, [_] =>> RequestEncoder[F, _$6]]
def metadataRequestEncoder[F[_]]: RequestEncoder[F, Metadata]
def restSchemaCompiler[F[_]](metadataEncoderCompiler: CachedSchemaCompiler[Encoder], entityEncoderCompiler: CachedSchemaCompiler[[_] =>> EntityEncoder[F, _$20]])(implicit F: Concurrent[F]): CachedSchemaCompiler[[_] =>> RequestEncoder[F, _$21]]

A compiler for RequestEncoder that abides by REST-semantics : fields that are annotated with httpLabel, httpHeader, httpQuery ... are encoded as the corresponding metadata.

A compiler for RequestEncoder that abides by REST-semantics : fields that are annotated with httpLabel, httpHeader, httpQuery ... are encoded as the corresponding metadata.

The rest is used to formulate the body of the message.


def rpcSchemaCompiler[F[_]](entityEncoderCompiler: CachedSchemaCompiler[[_] =>> EntityEncoder[F, _$17]])(implicit F: Concurrent[F]): CachedSchemaCompiler[[_] =>> RequestEncoder[F, _$18]]

A compiler for RequestEncoder that encodes the whole data in the body of the request

A compiler for RequestEncoder that encodes the whole data in the body of the request
