package weaver
- Alphabetic
- Public
- All
Type Members
- final case class AssertionException(message: String, locations: NonEmptyList[SourceLocation]) extends WeaverTestException with Product with Serializable
BaseSuiteClass extends AnyRef
- Annotations
- @EnableReflectiveInstantiation()
- final class CanceledException extends WeaverTestException
- trait EffectCompat[F[_]] extends AnyRef
- trait EffectSuite[F[_]] extends Suite[F] with EffectSuiteAux with weaver.SourceLocation.Here
EffectSuiteAux extends AnyRef
- Attributes
- protected
- class Expect extends Recorder[Boolean, Expectations] with UnaryRecorder[Boolean, Expectations] with ExpectSame
- case class Expectations(run: ValidatedNel[AssertionException, Unit]) extends Product with Serializable
- trait FunSuiteAux extends AnyRef
- abstract class FunSuiteF[F[_]] extends RunnableSuite[F] with FunSuiteAux
GlobalResourceBase extends AnyRef
Top-level instances of this trait are detected by the framework and used to manage the lifecycle of shared resources.
Top-level instances of this trait are detected by the framework and used to manage the lifecycle of shared resources.
The weaver.GlobalResourceF.Write store is a channel that lets you store resources (http/database clients) using some type-specific tags. We provide scala.reflect.ClassTag based implementation that works for that aren't subject to type-erasure (ie when a Scala type is equivalent to a JVM class)
Stored resources can be retrieved in test suites, by having your suite sport a constructor that takes a GlobalResourceF instance.
- Annotations
- @EnableReflectiveInstantiation()
- trait GlobalResourceF[F[_]] extends GlobalResourceBase
- final class IgnoredException extends WeaverTestException
- abstract class Log[F[_]] extends AnyRef
- trait LowPriorityImplicits extends AnyRef
- abstract class MutableFSuite[F[_]] extends RunnableSuite[F]
- sealed abstract class Platform extends AnyRef
ResourceTag[A] extends AnyRef
Rough type-tag, for which we provide a low effort instance based on classtags for classes that are not subject to type-erasure.
Rough type-tag, for which we provide a low effort instance based on classtags for classes that are not subject to type-erasure.
Because this type is used as an index in a map, you ought to make sure it implements proper equals/hashCode methods
- sealed trait Result extends AnyRef
RunnableSuite[F[_]] extends EffectSuite[F]
- Annotations
- @RunWith( cls = classOf[weaver.junit.WeaverRunner] )
- class Runner[F[_]] extends AnyRef
- final case class SourceLocation(filePath: String, fileRelativePath: String, line: Int) extends Product with Serializable
- trait SourceLocationMacro extends AnyRef
- trait Suite[F[_]] extends BaseSuiteClass
case class
TestName(name: String, location: SourceLocation, tags: Set[String]) extends Product with Serializable
An identifier to a test in a suite.
An identifier to a test in a suite.
The implicit conversion from String is used as a mean for IDEs to detect the location of individual tests.
- trait TestOutcome extends AnyRef
- sealed abstract class TestStatus extends AnyRef
UnsafeRun[F[_]] extends EffectCompat[F]
Abstraction allowing for running IO constructs unsafely.
Abstraction allowing for running IO constructs unsafely.
This is meant to delegate to library-specific constructs for running effect types.
- abstract class WeaverException extends RuntimeException
- sealed abstract class WeaverTestException extends WeaverException
Value Members
- object EffectSuite
- object Expectations extends Serializable
- object Formatter
- object GlobalResourceF
- object Log
- object LogFormatter
- object MemoisedResource
- object NotOurException
- object OurException
- object Platform
- object ResourceTag extends LowPriorityImplicits
- object Result
- object Runner
- object ScalaCompat
- object SourceLocation extends SourceLocationMacro with Serializable
- object TagAnalysisResult
- object Test
- object TestErrorFormatter
- object TestName extends Serializable
- object TestOutcome
- object TestStatus
- object macros