
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply[R : Type](expected: Expr[String], found: Expr[String], listener: Expr[RecorderListener[String, R]])(implicit evidence$1: Type[R], qctx: Quotes): Expr[R]

captures a method invocation in the shape of assertEquals(expected, found).

captures a method invocation in the shape of assertEquals(expected, found).

def apply[R : Type](expected: Expr[String], found: Expr[String], message: Expr[String], listener: Expr[RecorderListener[String, R]])(implicit evidence$2: Type[R], qctx: Quotes): Expr[R]

captures a method invocation in the shape of assertEquals(expected, found).

captures a method invocation in the shape of assertEquals(expected, found).