Class HVDatumTransformation

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public abstract class HVDatumTransformation
    extends Object
    implements Serializable
    The GeographicTransformation class provides transformation between two different Geographic Coordinate Systems (GCS).
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • HVDatumTransformation

        public HVDatumTransformation()
    • Method Detail

      • create

        public static HVDatumTransformation create​(int wkid,
                                                   boolean inverted)
        Creates a geographic transformation between two different Geographic Coordinate Systems (GCS) using a well known ID (wkid)for the transformation. The Transformations are defined in a certain direction. A transformation may be defined as transforming points from GCS A to GCS B. If you want to transform from GCS B to GCS A you must invert the transformation.
        wkid - The Well Known ID of a geographic transformation.
        inverted - Whether the geographic transformation should be applied forward or reverse.
      • create

        public static HVDatumTransformation create​(String text,
                                                   boolean inverted)
        Creates a geographic transformation between two different Geographic Coordinate Systems(GCS) using a well well known text (wkt) for the transformation. Transformations are defined in a certain direction. A transformation may be defined as transforming points from GCS A to GCS B. But if you want to transform points from GCS B to GCS A you must invert the transformation and set the inverted boolean to true.
        text - The well known text string representing a geographic transformation from one geographic coordinate system (GCS) to another.
        inverted - Whether the geographic transformation should be applied forward or reverse.
      • create

        public static HVDatumTransformation create​( pe_geogtran_or_verttran,
                                                   boolean inverted)
      • getID

        public abstract int getID()
        Returns the latest well known ID for the transformation.
        The latest ID.
      • getLatestID

        public abstract int getLatestID()
        Returns the latest well known ID for the transformation Projection Engine knows about.
        The latest ID.
      • getOldID

        public abstract int getOldID()
        Returns the oldest value of the well known ID for the transformation. This ID is used for JSON serialization.
        The old ID.
      • getText

        public abstract String getText()
        Returns the well known text for the for the transformation.
        Well known text.
      • getTextExtended

        public abstract String getTextExtended​(int verbosity)
        Returns extended well known text for the transformation. The extended text contains authority information.
        verbosity - The verbosity of the output: -1 - same as get_text() 0 - means output the authority only for top level objects 1 - means add authority to all objects.
        Returns the well known text that contains extended information.
      • getText2

        public abstract String getText2()
        Returns the WKT 2 for the for the transformation.
        Well known text.
      • getText2

        public abstract String getText2​(int verbosity)
        Returns WKT2 for the transformation. The extended text contains authority information.
        verbosity - The verbosity of the output: -1 - same as get_text() 0 - means output the authority only for top level objects 1 - means add authority to all objects.
        Returns the well known text that contains extended information.
      • getName

        public abstract String getName()
        Returns the name of the transformation. Inverted transformations have tildas '~' prepended to their names.
      • getInputSpatialReference

        public abstract SpatialReference getInputSpatialReference()
        Returns the input spatial reference.
      • getOutputSpatialReference

        public abstract SpatialReference getOutputSpatialReference()
        Returns the output spatial reference.
      • getInverse

        public abstract HVDatumTransformation getInverse()
        Inverts the GeographicTransformation.

        Transformations are defined in a certain direction. A transformation may be defined as transforming from GCS A to GCS B. But if you want to transform from GCS B to GCS A you must use the inverted transformation. Using getInverse() you can create an inverted transformation from a GeographicTransformation. You may also use the inverted boolean upon creation in create(int, boolean) or create(String, boolean)

      • isInverted

        public abstract boolean isInverted()
        Indicates if the GeographicTransformation is inverted.

        Transformations are defined in a certain direction. A transformation may be defined as transforming points from GCS A to GCS B. But if you want to transform from GCS B to GCS A you must use the inverted transformation. You can create this either by setting the inverted boolean to true upon creation create(int, boolean) or create(String, boolean) or by using getInverse(). The method isInverted () returns true if the Geographic transformation is inverted.

        true if inverted and false otherwise.
      • referencesMissingData

        public abstract boolean referencesMissingData()
        Allows to check if the transformation references some missing data.
        Returns true if the transformation references missing data (grid files). When it returns false, the transformation can find all required data files. Note, missing data files are in location generally referred to by Spatial_reference::get_pedata_folder. To determine the name of the missing data, use getGridName method.
      • getGridName

        public abstract String getGridName()
        Allows to obtain a physical name of the resource that is required for this transformation. When the transformation does not require any physical files, the returned string will be empty.
      • getGridFiles

        public abstract List<String> getGridFiles()
        Allows to obtain physical file names of the resource that is used or required for this transformation. The file names include folder names and are relative to the pedata location. When the transformation does not require any physical files, the returned array will be empty.
      • getPeObjectCopy

        public abstract getPeObjectCopy()
        Returns a copy of the internal PE object this transformation wraps.
        A copy of PeObject