Class Point2D

    • Field Detail

      • x

        public double x
      • y

        public double y
      • dimensions

        public static final int dimensions
        The number of components in the 2D point. Always 2.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • Point2D

        public Point2D()
      • Point2D

        public Point2D​(double x,
                       double y)
      • Point2D

        public Point2D​(Point2D other)
    • Method Detail

      • construct

        public static Point2D construct​(double x,
                                        double y)
      • setCoords

        public void setCoords​(double x,
                              double y)
      • setCoords

        public void setCoords​(Point2D other)
      • setCoords

        public void setCoords​(double[] pair)
      • queryCoords

        public void queryCoords​(double[] pair)
      • isEqual

        public boolean isEqual​(Point2D other)
      • isEqual

        public boolean isEqual​(double x_,
                               double y_)
      • isEqual

        public boolean isEqual​(Point2D other,
                               double tol)
      • isEqual

        public boolean isEqual​(double[] coord,
                               double tol)
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Point2D other)
      • sub

        public void sub​(Point2D other)
      • add

        public void add​(Point2D other)
      • negate

        public void negate()
      • negate

        public void negate​(Point2D other)
      • interpolate

        public void interpolate​(Point2D other,
                                double alpha)
        Performs linear interpolation between this and another point and assigns the result to this point. The result point is guaranteed to be between the input points, when alpha is between 0 and 1.
        other - another point of interpolation.
        alpha - the interpolation factor. Same as lerp(this, other, alpha, this).
      • interpolate

        public void interpolate​(Point2D p1,
                                Point2D p2,
                                double alpha)
        Performs linear interpolation between p1 and p2 and assigns the result to this point. The result point is guaranteed to be between the input points, when alpha is between 0 and 1.
        p1 - start point of interpolation.
        p2 - end point of interpolation.
        alpha - the interpolation factor. Same as lerp(p1, p2, alpha, this).
      • lerp

        public static void lerp​(Point2D startPoint,
                                Point2D endPoint,
                                double t,
                                Point2D dst)
        Performs linear interpolation of two points in a consistent way (the result point is guaranteed to be between the start_point and end_point).
        startPoint - start point of interpolation.
        endPoint - end point of interpolation.
        t - the interpolation factor. Value of 0 corresponds to start_point and value of 1 to the end_point.
        dst - result of the interpolation.
      • scaleAdd

        public void scaleAdd​(double f,
                             Point2D shift)
        Calculates this = this * f + shift
        f -
        shift -
      • scaleAdd

        public void scaleAdd​(double f,
                             Point2D other,
                             Point2D shift)
        Calculates this = other * f + shift
        f -
        other -
        shift -
      • scale

        public void scale​(double f,
                          Point2D other)
        Calculates this = other * f
        f -
        other -
      • scale

        public void scale​(double f)
        Calculates this = this * f
        f -
      • div

        public void div​(double f)
      • compare

        public int compare​(Point2D other)
      • compareX

        public int compareX​(Point2D other)
        Compares two vertices lexicographically by x.
      • normalize

        public void normalize​(Point2D other)
      • normalize

        public void normalize()
      • length

        public double length()
      • sqrLength

        public double sqrLength()
      • distance

        public static double distance​(Point2D pt1,
                                      Point2D pt2)
      • dotProduct

        public double dotProduct​(Point2D other)
      • dotProduct

        public static double dotProduct​(double x1,
                                        double y1,
                                        double x2,
                                        double y2)
      • crossProduct

        public double crossProduct​(Point2D other)
      • crossProduct

        public static double crossProduct​(double x1,
                                          double y1,
                                          double x2,
                                          double y2)
      • rotateDirect

        public void rotateDirect​(double Cos,
                                 double Sin)
      • rotateReverse

        public void rotateReverse​(double Cos,
                                  double Sin)
      • leftPerpendicular

        public void leftPerpendicular()
      • leftPerpendicular

        public void leftPerpendicular​(Point2D pt)
      • rightPerpendicular

        public void rightPerpendicular()
      • rightPerpendicular

        public void rightPerpendicular​(Point2D pt)
      • isFinite

        public boolean isFinite()
        Checks if the point is finite.
        true if x and y are finite values.
      • getQuarter

        public int getQuarter()
      • compareVectors

        public static int compareVectors​(Point2D v1,
                                         Point2D v2)
        Assume vector v_1 and v_2 have same origin. The function compares the vectors by the angle (the angle between the x axis and the vector in the counter clockwise direction). > > \ / V3 \ / V1 ----------------/-------------------->x In this example, _CompareVectors(V1, V2) == -1. \ _CompareVectors(V1, V3) == -1 \ V2 _CompareVectors(V2, V3) == 1 > Note: the method assumes that the vectors are of non-zero length.
      • sqrDistance

        public static double sqrDistance​(Point2D pt1,
                                         Point2D pt2)
      • sqrDistance

        public static double sqrDistance​(double x1,
                                         double y1,
                                         double x2,
                                         double y2)
      • setNaN

        public void setNaN()
      • isNaN

        public boolean isNaN()
      • isZero

        public boolean isZero()
      • norm

        public double norm​(int metric)
        Returns norm of the vector for a given metric
        metric - A value between 0 and 2 inclusive.
        Returns the following: When metric is 0 returns max(abs(x), abs(y)), when metric is 1 - Manhattan metric abs(x) + abs(y), when metric is 2 - Euclidian metric: length()
      • offset

        public double offset​(Point2D pt1,
                             Point2D pt2)
        Returns signed distance of this point from infinite line represented by pt_1...pt_2. The returned distance is positive if this point lies on the right-hand side of the line, negative otherwise. If the two input points are equal, the (positive) distance of this point to p_1 is returned.
      • orientationNonRobust

        public static int orientationNonRobust​(Point2D p,
                                               Point2D q,
                                               Point2D r)
        Calculates the orientation of the triangle formed by p->q->r, using simple cross product. Returns 1 for counter-clockwise, -1 for clockwise, and 0 for co-linear. Prone to roundoff errors, but fastest.
      • orientationRobust

        public static int orientationRobust​(Point2D p,
                                            Point2D q,
                                            Point2D r)
        Calculates the orientation of the triangle formed by p->q->r. Returns 1 for counter-clockwise, -1 for clockwise, and 0 for co-linear. May use high precision arithmetics for some special degenerate cases.
      • inCircleRobust

        public static int inCircleRobust​(Point2D p,
                                         Point2D q,
                                         Point2D r,
                                         Point2D s)
        Calculates if the point s is inside of the circumcircle inscribed by the clockwise oriented triangle p-q-r. Returns 1 for outside, -1 for inside, and 0 for cocircular. Note that the convention used here differs from what is commonly found in literature, which can define the relation in terms of a counter-clockwise oriented circle, and this flips the sign (think of the signed volume of the tetrahedron). May use high precision arithmetics for some special cases.
      • getAxis

        public double getAxis​(int ordinate)
        Deprecated. Use get(i) method instead
      • get

        public double get​(int i)
        Accesses the point components by index.
        i - The component index.
        get(0) returns x, and get(1) returns y.
      • set

        public void set​(int i,
                        double v)
        Sets the point components by index.
        i - The component index. 0 means x, 1 means y.
        v - The value to set.
      • compareZOrder

        public static int compareZOrder​(double x1,
                                        double y1,
                                        double x2,
                                        double y2)
        Compares two points spatially using z-order. The method can be used to sort an array of points such that most of the array neighbors are also spatially close to each other. Works only if double is IEEE 754 standard.
        x1 - The x coordinate of first point
        y1 - The y coordinate of first point
        x2 - The x coordinate of second point
        y2 - The y coordinate of second point
        Returns -1, 0, or 1, depending if first point is less than, equal to, or greater than the second one in the Morton order (lookup the Z-order curve on Wikipedia).
      • compareZOrder

        public static int compareZOrder​(Point2D pt1,
                                        Point2D pt2)
        Compares two points spatially using z-order. The method can be used to sort an array of points such that most of the array neighbors are also spatially close to each other. Works only if double is IEEE 754 standard.
        pt1 - The first point
        pt2 - The second point
        Returns -1, 0, or 1, depending if first point is less than, equal to, or greater than the second one in the Morton order (lookup the Z-order curve on Wikipedia).
      • getClosestCoordinate

        public static double getClosestCoordinate​(Point2D start_point,
                                                  Point2D end_point,
                                                  Point2D point_of_interest,
                                                  boolean extrapolate)
        Finds closest coordinate to a straight line defined by two endpoints and returns the interpolation factor. The closest point can be found then passing the returned value to Point_2D::lerp. Equivalent to Line::get_closest_coordinate.
        start_point - the start point of the line segment.
        end_point - the end point of the line segment.
        point_of_interest - the point to find the closest point to.
        extrapolate - When false, only points inside of the line segment are returned. When true, any point on an infinite line passing through thesegment can be returned.
        Returns the interpolation factor (t-parameter) that can be used to get the actual point on the line (use lerp() method for that).
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object