All Classes and Interfaces

The Application Entity that holds data for Application
An interface Repository provides abstract methods for crud operations
The Data entity, that holds the data of a lexicon translation.
A Repository interface for Data.
The Group entity, that holds the data of a lexicon group.
A simple DTO(Data Transfer Object) that does not contain any business logic but is used in order to retrieve and store Group data information.
An interface Mapper tha is used to map keys to values.
An interface Repository for Group that is used to declare abstract methord for crud operations
A Service class for Group .
The Key entity, that holds the key of a lexicon translation.
A simple DTO for Key class.
An interface Mapper for Key to map its object with its value
An interface KeyRepository that is used to declare crud methods
A class that specifies the criteria that is used in order to search for a specific Key
A Criteria Builder class that is used to construct CriteriaQuery for searching a specific key object and its expression that is used to achieve it.
A Service class for Key that contains the implementations of crud methods .
The Language entity, that holds data of a lexicon language.
A simple DTO (Data Transfer Object) class that does not contain any business logic.
A LanguageMapper interface that is is used to map the language data and their values.
A class definition to throw Exception if anything wrong happens to language procedure
A Repository interface for Language object that is used in order to declare abstract methods for crud operations.
A Util enum which provides languages name and locale
A LanguageService class that is used to implement crud operations in database for Language entity.
A lexicon Service class that is used to configure lexicon data.
A Generic Lexicon Mapper Interface
A class that is used to throw an Exception if anything wrong happens in lexicon yaml procedure
QApplication is a Querydsl query type for Application
QData is a Querydsl query type for Data
QGroup is a Querydsl query type for Group
QKey is a Querydsl query type for Key
QLanguage is a Querydsl query type for Language
QTemplate is a Querydsl query type for Template
The Template entity, that holds the data of a lexicon template.
A simple DTO (Data Transfer Object) that does not contain any business logic.
An interface TemplateMapper that is used to map the Template objects with their values.
An Exception class that is used to throw a message that something wrong happens to template procedure
A Template Repository interface that is used to define abstract methods for crud operations for the Template entity.
A Template Service class contains the implementations of crud operations to database for template entity and language.
A Util class for the LanguageService class operations.