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activateLanguage(String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.LanguageService
Activates a language.
active - Variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QLanguage
application - Static variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QApplication
Application - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model
The Application Entity that holds data for Application
Application() - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.Application
ApplicationRepository - Interface in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.repository
An interface Repository provides abstract methods for crud operations
AR - Enum constant in enum class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.util.LanguagesEnum
ASCENDING - Enum constant in enum class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.criteria.KeySearchCriteria.SortType


build() - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.criteria.KeySearchCriteria.KeySearchCriteriaBuilder


checksum - Variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QApplication
com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.criteria - package com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.criteria
com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.dto - package com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.dto
com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.exception - package com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.exception
com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.mapper - package com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.mapper
com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model - package com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model
com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.repository - package com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.repository
com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service - package com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service
com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.util - package com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.util
compare(KeyService.TranslationKV, KeyService.TranslationKV) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.KeyService.TranslationKV
compareTo(KeyService.TranslationKV) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.KeyService.TranslationKV
content - Variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QTemplate
createCriteria() - Static method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.criteria.KeySearchCriteria.KeySearchCriteriaBuilder
createGroup(GroupDTO) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.GroupService
Creates a group.
createHssfWorkbook() - Static method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.util.WorkbookUtil
Creates a new instance of the HSSFWorkbook class.
createKey(KeyDTO, boolean) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.KeyService
Creates a translation Key and it's translations.
createKeys(List<KeyDTO>, boolean) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.KeyService
Creates a translation for each item of the given list.
createLanguage(LanguageDTO) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.LanguageService
Creates a new language.
createLanguage(LanguageDTO, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.LanguageService
Creates a language and adds given prefix before each available translation.
createLanguage(LanguageDTO, String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.LanguageService
Creates a language and adds given prefix before each available translation.
createLanguageIfNotExists(LanguageDTO) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.LanguageService
Checks if a language does not exist and then creates it.
createTemplate(TemplateDTO) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.TemplateService
Creates a template.


DA - Enum constant in enum class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.util.LanguagesEnum
data - Static variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QData
data - Variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QKey
data - Variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QLanguage
Data - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model
The Data entity, that holds the data of a lexicon translation.
Data() - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.Data
DataRepository - Interface in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.repository
A Repository interface for Data.
dbversion - Variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QApplication
dbversion - Variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QData
dbversion - Variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QGroup
dbversion - Variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QKey
dbversion - Variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QLanguage
dbversion - Variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QTemplate
DE - Enum constant in enum class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.util.LanguagesEnum
deactivateLanguage(String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.LanguageService
Deactivates a language.
deleteGroup(String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.GroupService
Deletes a group.
deleteKey(String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.KeyService
Deletes a key and its values for the lexicon.
deleteKeys(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.KeyService
Deletes multiple Keys.
deleteKeysByGroupId(String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.KeyService
Deletes all Keys of a group.
deleteLanguage(String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.LanguageService
Deletes a language by given id.
deleteLanguageTranslations(String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.GroupService
Deletes all translations of a given group for given language.
deleteLanguageTranslationsByLocale(String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.GroupService
Deletes all translation of a given group by given locale.
deleteTemplate(String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.TemplateService
Deletes a persisted template by given id.
DESCENDING - Enum constant in enum class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.criteria.KeySearchCriteria.SortType
description - Variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QGroup
downloadLanguage(String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.LanguageService
Given an existing language id, it returns the byte representation of an excel file that contains all the keys and the values for that translation.


EL - Enum constant in enum class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.util.LanguagesEnum
EN - Enum constant in enum class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.util.LanguagesEnum
equals(Object) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.KeyService.TranslationKV
ES - Enum constant in enum class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.util.LanguagesEnum
executedOn - Variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QApplication


findAll() - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.GroupService
Fetches all groups.
findAllByOrderByNameAsc() - Method in interface com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.repository.LanguageRepository
findByActiveTrueOrderByNameAsc() - Method in interface com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.repository.LanguageRepository
A method that is used to retrieve a list of language with ascending order and active status true
findByKeyGroupIdAndLanguageLocale(String, String) - Method in interface com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.repository.DataRepository
An abstract method that is used to retrieve the data by the group id and the locale language code
findByKeyIdAndLanguageId(String, String) - Method in interface com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.repository.DataRepository
An abstract method that is used to retrieve data filtered by the key id and language id
findByKeyIdAndLanguageLocale(String, String) - Method in interface com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.repository.DataRepository
An abstract method that is used to retrieve the data by the keyId and locale code
findByKeyNameAndLanguageId(String, String) - Method in interface com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.repository.DataRepository
An abstract method that is used to retrieve data filtered by the key name and language id
findByKeyNameAndLanguageLocale(String, String) - Method in interface com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.repository.DataRepository
An abstract method that is used to retrieve the data by the key name and the locale language code
findByLocale(String) - Method in interface com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.repository.LanguageRepository
A declared method that is used to retrieve the language according to its locale
findByName(String) - Method in interface com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.repository.TemplateRepository
A method to retrieve the template by its name
findByNameAndGroupId(String, String) - Method in interface com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.repository.KeyRepository
A method declaration that the usage is to retrieve the key filtered by the key name and the group id that belongs to
findByNameAndLanguageId(String, String) - Method in interface com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.repository.TemplateRepository
An abstract method that is used to retrieve the name of the template by its name and the language id
findByNameAndLanguageLocale(String, String) - Method in interface com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.repository.TemplateRepository
An abstract method declaration to find the name of the template specified by its name and the language locale
findBySymbolicName(String) - Method in interface com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.repository.ApplicationRepository
An abstract declaration method that is used to retrieve the symbolic name
findByTitle(String) - Method in interface com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.repository.GroupRepository
An abstract method that is used to retrieve group by its title
findByTitle(String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.GroupService
Fetches a group by given title.
findKeys(KeySearchCriteria, boolean) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.KeyService
Finds all keys that match given criteria.
findTotalKeys(KeySearchCriteria) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.KeyService
Finds the total number of keys that match given criteria.
FR - Enum constant in enum class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.util.LanguagesEnum


getEffectiveLanguage(String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.LanguageService
Searches for a language matching the given locale.
getGroup(String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.GroupService
Fetches a group by given id.
getGroupByTitle(String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.GroupService
Fetches a group by given title.
getGroups() - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.GroupService
Fetches all groups.
getKeyById(String, boolean) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.KeyService
Fetches a persisted Key based on its id.
getKeyByName(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.KeyService
Fetches a persisted Key based on its name and group.
getKeysSortedByTranslation(String, String, KeySearchCriteria.SortType) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.KeyService
Fetches sorted Keys for given group name and locale.
getLanguage(String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.LanguageService
Fetches a language by given id.
getLanguageByLocale(String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.LanguageService
Fetches a language by given locale.
getLanguageByLocale(String, boolean) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.LanguageService
Fetches a language by given locale.
getLanguageName() - Method in enum class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.util.LanguagesEnum
getLanguages(boolean) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.LanguageService
Fetches all active languages.
getLastUpdateDateForLocale(String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.GroupService
Finds when was the last update of any key in given group for given locale.
getRemainingGroups(List<String>) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.GroupService
Fetches all included groups.
getTemplate(String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.TemplateService
Fetching a template that matches the given id.
getTemplateContentByName(String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.TemplateService
Fetches the content of a template matching the given name.
getTemplateContentByName(String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.TemplateService
Fetches the content of a template matching the given name and language.
getTranslation(String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.KeyService
Fetches a translation based on the Key name and the locale.
getTranslationForKeyGroupLocale(String, String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.KeyService
Finds the translated value of a key in given group name and locale
getTranslationsForGroupAndLocale(String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.KeyService
Fetches all translations of given group for given locale.
getTranslationsForGroupNameAndLocale(String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.KeyService
Fetches all translations of given group and given locale.
getTranslationsForGroupNameAndLocaleSorted(String, String, KeySearchCriteria.SortType) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.KeyService
Fetches sorted translations for given group name and locale.
getTranslationsForKeyName(String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.KeyService
Fetching all translations of a key in a given group.
getTranslationsForLocale(String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.KeyService
Fetches all translations for a locale.
getTranslationsForLocaleGroupByGroupTitle(String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.KeyService
Fetches all translations from all groups for a specific locale,groupby group title.
group - Static variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QGroup
group - Variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QKey
Group - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model
The Group entity, that holds the data of a lexicon group.
Group() - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.Group
GroupDTO - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.dto
A simple DTO(Data Transfer Object) that does not contain any business logic but is used in order to retrieve and store Group data information.
GroupDTO() - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.dto.GroupDTO
GroupMapper - Interface in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.mapper
An interface Mapper tha is used to map keys to values.
GroupMapperImpl - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.mapper
GroupMapperImpl() - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.mapper.GroupMapperImpl
GroupRepository - Interface in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.repository
An interface Repository for Group that is used to declare abstract methord for crud operations
GroupService - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service
A Service class for Group .
GroupService(GroupRepository, GroupMapper, LanguageRepository, DataRepository) - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.GroupService


hashCode() - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.KeyService.TranslationKV
HR - Enum constant in enum class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.util.LanguagesEnum


id - Variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QApplication
id - Variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QData
id - Variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QGroup
id - Variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QKey
id - Variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QLanguage
id - Variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QTemplate
inGroup(String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.criteria.KeySearchCriteria.KeySearchCriteriaBuilder
A Criteria query that searches the key using expression by inGroup
init() - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.LexiconConfigService
isLocaleRTL(String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.LanguageService
Checks if the syntax of the language is right to left.
IT - Enum constant in enum class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.util.LanguagesEnum


key - Variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QData
key - Static variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QKey
Key - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model
The Key entity, that holds the key of a lexicon translation.
Key() - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.Key
KeyDTO - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.dto
A simple DTO for Key class.
KeyDTO() - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.dto.KeyDTO
KeyMapper - Interface in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.mapper
An interface Mapper for Key to map its object with its value
KeyMapperImpl - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.mapper
KeyMapperImpl() - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.mapper.KeyMapperImpl
KeyRepository - Interface in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.repository
An interface KeyRepository that is used to declare crud methods
keys - Variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QGroup
KeySearchCriteria - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.criteria
A class that specifies the criteria that is used in order to search for a specific Key
KeySearchCriteria() - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.criteria.KeySearchCriteria
KeySearchCriteria.KeySearchCriteriaBuilder - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.criteria
A Criteria Builder class that is used to construct CriteriaQuery for searching a specific key object and its expression that is used to achieve it.
KeySearchCriteria.SortType - Enum Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.criteria
KeyService - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service
A Service class for Key that contains the implementations of crud methods .
KeyService(KeyRepository, GroupRepository, KeyMapper, DataRepository, LanguageRepository, GroupService) - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.KeyService
KeyService.TranslationKV - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service


language - Variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QData
language - Static variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QLanguage
language - Variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QTemplate
Language - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model
The Language entity, that holds data of a lexicon language.
Language() - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.Language
LanguageDTO - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.dto
A simple DTO (Data Transfer Object) class that does not contain any business logic.
LanguageDTO() - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.dto.LanguageDTO
LanguageMapper - Interface in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.mapper
A LanguageMapper interface that is is used to map the language data and their values.
LanguageMapperImpl - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.mapper
LanguageMapperImpl() - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.mapper.LanguageMapperImpl
LanguageProcessingException - Exception in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.exception
A class definition to throw Exception if anything wrong happens to language procedure
LanguageProcessingException(String) - Constructor for exception com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.exception.LanguageProcessingException
A method declaration that is used to throw exception message if anything wrong happens
LanguageRepository - Interface in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.repository
A Repository interface for Language object that is used in order to declare abstract methods for crud operations.
LanguagesEnum - Enum Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.util
A Util enum which provides languages name and locale
LanguageService - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service
A LanguageService class that is used to implement crud operations in database for Language entity.
LanguageService(KeyService, GroupService, LanguageRepository, KeyRepository, LanguageMapper) - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.LanguageService
lastUpdatedOn - Variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QData
LexiconConfigService - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service
A lexicon Service class that is used to configure lexicon data.
LexiconConfigService(GroupService, LanguageService, KeyService, ApplicationRepository) - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.LexiconConfigService
LexiconMapper<E,D> - Interface in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.mapper
A Generic Lexicon Mapper Interface
LexiconYMLProcessingException - Exception in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.exception
A class that is used to throw an Exception if anything wrong happens in lexicon yaml procedure
LexiconYMLProcessingException(String) - Constructor for exception com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.exception.LexiconYMLProcessingException
An abstract method that is used to throw an exception message if anything wrong happens to lexicon yaml procedure
locale - Variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QLanguage


mapData(List<Data>, boolean) - Method in interface com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.mapper.KeyMapper
Maps tha Data
mapGroup(Group) - Method in interface com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.mapper.KeyMapper
Maps the Group value
mapToDTO(Group) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.mapper.GroupMapperImpl
mapToDTO(Key) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.mapper.KeyMapperImpl
mapToDTO(Key, boolean) - Method in interface com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.mapper.KeyMapper
Maps an entity Key to DTO
mapToDTO(Key, boolean) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.mapper.KeyMapperImpl
mapToDTO(Language) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.mapper.LanguageMapperImpl
mapToDTO(Template) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.mapper.TemplateMapperImpl
mapToDTO(E) - Method in interface com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.mapper.LexiconMapper
Maps an entity to a DTO.
mapToDTO(List<Group>) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.mapper.GroupMapperImpl
mapToDTO(List<Key>) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.mapper.KeyMapperImpl
mapToDTO(List<Language>) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.mapper.LanguageMapperImpl
mapToDTO(List<Template>) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.mapper.TemplateMapperImpl
mapToDTO(List<E>) - Method in interface com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.mapper.LexiconMapper
Maps a list of entities to a list of DTO's.
mapToEntity(GroupDTO) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.mapper.GroupMapperImpl
mapToEntity(KeyDTO) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.mapper.KeyMapperImpl
mapToEntity(LanguageDTO) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.mapper.LanguageMapperImpl
mapToEntity(TemplateDTO) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.mapper.TemplateMapperImpl
mapToEntity(D) - Method in interface com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.mapper.LexiconMapper
Maps a DTO to an entity.
mapToEntity(List<GroupDTO>) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.mapper.GroupMapperImpl
mapToEntity(List<KeyDTO>) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.mapper.KeyMapperImpl
mapToEntity(List<LanguageDTO>) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.mapper.LanguageMapperImpl
mapToEntity(List<TemplateDTO>) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.mapper.TemplateMapperImpl
mapToEntity(List<D>) - Method in interface com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.mapper.LexiconMapper
Maps a list of DTO's to a list of entities.
moveKey(String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.KeyService
Moves a Key to another group.
moveKeys(Collection<String>, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.KeyService
Moves multiple Keys to a new Group.


name - Variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QKey
name - Variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QLanguage
name - Variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QTemplate


processTemplate(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.TemplateService
processTemplate(String, Map<String, Object>, boolean) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.TemplateService
Creates a template from given argument and processes it with the given data.
processTemplateByName(String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.TemplateService
processTemplateByName(String, String, Map<String, Object>, boolean) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.TemplateService
Retrieves a template that matches the given name and language and then processes it with the given data.
processTemplateByNameAndLocale(String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.TemplateService
processTemplateByNameAndLocale(String, String, Map<String, Object>, boolean) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.TemplateService
Retrieves a template that matches the given name and language and then processes it with the given data.
PT - Enum constant in enum class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.util.LanguagesEnum


QApplication - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model
QApplication is a Querydsl query type for Application
QApplication(Path<? extends Application>) - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QApplication
QApplication(PathMetadata) - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QApplication
QApplication(String) - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QApplication
QData - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model
QData is a Querydsl query type for Data
QData(Path<? extends Data>) - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QData
QData(PathMetadata) - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QData
QData(PathMetadata, PathInits) - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QData
QData(Class<? extends Data>, PathMetadata, PathInits) - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QData
QData(String) - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QData
QGroup - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model
QGroup is a Querydsl query type for Group
QGroup(Path<? extends Group>) - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QGroup
QGroup(PathMetadata) - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QGroup
QGroup(String) - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QGroup
QKey - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model
QKey is a Querydsl query type for Key
QKey(Path<? extends Key>) - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QKey
QKey(PathMetadata) - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QKey
QKey(PathMetadata, PathInits) - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QKey
QKey(Class<? extends Key>, PathMetadata, PathInits) - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QKey
QKey(String) - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QKey
QLanguage - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model
QLanguage is a Querydsl query type for Language
QLanguage(Path<? extends Language>) - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QLanguage
QLanguage(PathMetadata) - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QLanguage
QLanguage(String) - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QLanguage
QTemplate - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model
QTemplate is a Querydsl query type for Template
QTemplate(Path<? extends Template>) - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QTemplate
QTemplate(PathMetadata) - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QTemplate
QTemplate(PathMetadata, PathInits) - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QTemplate
QTemplate(Class<? extends Template>, PathMetadata, PathInits) - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QTemplate
QTemplate(String) - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QTemplate


renameKey(String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.KeyService
Renames an existing Key.


setPageSizeWithPageNum(int, int) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.criteria.KeySearchCriteria.KeySearchCriteriaBuilder
A Criteria Query to search for a specific key using criteria such as number of page and the size of the page
SV - Enum constant in enum class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.util.LanguagesEnum
symbolicName - Variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QApplication


template - Static variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QTemplate
Template - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model
The Template entity, that holds the data of a lexicon template.
Template() - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.Template
TemplateDTO - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.dto
A simple DTO (Data Transfer Object) that does not contain any business logic.
TemplateDTO() - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.dto.TemplateDTO
TemplateMapper - Interface in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.mapper
An interface TemplateMapper that is used to map the Template objects with their values.
TemplateMapperImpl - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.mapper
TemplateMapperImpl() - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.mapper.TemplateMapperImpl
TemplateProcessingException - Exception in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.exception
An Exception class that is used to throw a message that something wrong happens to template procedure
TemplateProcessingException(String) - Constructor for exception com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.exception.TemplateProcessingException
An abstract method declaration that is used to throw an exception message for template procedure
TemplateRepository - Interface in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.repository
A Template Repository interface that is used to define abstract methods for crud operations for the Template entity.
templates - Variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QLanguage
TemplateService - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service
A Template Service class contains the implementations of crud operations to database for template entity and language.
TemplateService(TemplateRepository, LanguageRepository, TemplateMapper) - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.TemplateService
title - Variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QGroup
TranslationKV(KeySearchCriteria.SortType) - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.KeyService.TranslationKV
TranslationKV(String, String) - Constructor for class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.KeyService.TranslationKV


updateGroup(GroupDTO) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.GroupService
Updates a group.
updateLanguage(LanguageDTO) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.LanguageService
Updates name and locale of a language.
updateTemplate(TemplateDTO) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.TemplateService
Updates persisted template.
updateTranslation(String, String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.KeyService
Updates a translation based on it's Key and language ids.
updateTranslationByGroupId(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.KeyService
Updates a translation based on it's key name, language and group ids.
updateTranslationByKeyName(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.KeyService
Updates a translation based on it's key name and language id.
updateTranslationByLocale(String, String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.KeyService
Updates a translation based on it's Key id and locale.
updateTranslations(URL, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.LexiconConfigService
Processes a yaml file containing the QLACK lexicon configuration and then persists all lexicon components (languages, groups and translations).
updateTranslationsByGroupId(Map<String, String>, String, String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.KeyService
Updates multiple translations based on their key, group and language id.
updateTranslationsForKey(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.KeyService
Updates multiple translations of a Key.
updateTranslationsForKeyByLocale(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.KeyService
Updates multiple translations of a Key.
updateTranslationsForLanguage(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.KeyService
Updates translations of a language by given key ids.
updateTranslationsForLanguageByKeyName(String, String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.KeyService
Updates translations of a language by given key names.
uploadLanguage(String, byte[]) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.service.LanguageService
Given an excel file that contains all the keys and the values for a translation, persists the language and all it's keys and values.


value - Variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QData
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.criteria.KeySearchCriteria.SortType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.util.LanguagesEnum
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.criteria.KeySearchCriteria.SortType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.util.LanguagesEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.


withNameLike(String) - Method in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.criteria.KeySearchCriteria.KeySearchCriteriaBuilder
A method that is used to retrieve a specific key by its name
WorkbookUtil - Class in com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.util
A Util class for the LanguageService class operations.


_super - Variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QApplication
_super - Variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QData
_super - Variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QGroup
_super - Variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QKey
_super - Variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QLanguage
_super - Variable in class com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model.QTemplate
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