Package com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model

package com.eurodyn.qlack.fuse.lexicon.model
  • Classes
    The Application Entity that holds data for Application
    The Data entity, that holds the data of a lexicon translation.
    The Group entity, that holds the data of a lexicon group.
    The Key entity, that holds the key of a lexicon translation.
    The Language entity, that holds data of a lexicon language.
    QApplication is a Querydsl query type for Application
    QData is a Querydsl query type for Data
    QGroup is a Querydsl query type for Group
    QKey is a Querydsl query type for Key
    QLanguage is a Querydsl query type for Language
    QTemplate is a Querydsl query type for Template
    The Template entity, that holds the data of a lexicon template.