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Accordion - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.layouts
Used to define the accordion-shaped layout for a Granite UI dialog and/or to set up an Accordion widget
ACCORDION - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ResourceTypes
AccordionPanel - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.layouts
Used to set up a specific Accordion panel item in an accordion-shaped Granite UI dialog or within an Accordion widget
AccordionVariant - Enum in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.layouts
Contains possible values of Accordion.variant() property
ACS_LIST - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ResourceTypes
ACTION_REFRESH_PAGE - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.editconfig.listener.ListenerConstants
ACTION_REFRESH_PARENT - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.editconfig.listener.ListenerConstants
ACTION_REFRESH_SELF - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.editconfig.listener.ListenerConstants
ActionConstants - Class in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.editconfig
Contains most common string values for the EditConfig.actions() property
AdaptationUtil - Class in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.utils
Contains utility methods for adaptation and conversion of entities involved in Sing injectors processing.
Adapts - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers
Used to annotate a custom class that can be passed as an argument in an adaptTo() method of a ToolKit entity, such as a Source or a Target.
adaptTo(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Source
Adapts the current Source instance to the provided type
adaptTo(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Target
Adapts the current Target instance to the provided type
addTarget(Target) - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Target
Appends an existing Target object as a child of the current instance.
addTarget(Target, Target) - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Target
Adds an existing Target object as a child of the current instance.
addTarget(Target, Target, boolean) - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Target
Adds an existing Target object as a child of the current instance.
addTarget(Target, int) - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Target
Adds an existing Target object as a child of the current instance.
AemComponent - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.main
Represents the back-end part of an AEM component - an entity used to supply component metadata in accordance with Adobe Granite API.

ALERT - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ResourceTypes
Alert - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets
Used to set up Alert component in Granite UI
ALL_NOT_BLANK - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ValueRestrictions
AllowedChildren - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.policies
Allows specifying the set of allowed child components for an AEM container component.
AllowedChildrenConfig - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.policies
Represents a collection of rules to specify the list of allowed components for parsys-like components
AllowElement - Enum in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte
Contains possible values for the HtmlPasteRules.allowLists() and HtmlPasteRules.allowTables() properties
ANCHOR_BUTTON - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ResourceTypes
AnchorButton - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets
Used to set up AnchorButton component in Granite UI.
AnnotationRendering - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta
Defines settings for rendering data declared by an annotation in a Granite UI entity.
apply(String) - Method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.StringTransformation
Applies a transformation to the provided string
apply(Object) - Method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.i18n.NativeLocaleDetector
Retrieves a locale value for the provided adaptable object
apply(Object) - Method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.i18n.PageLocaleDetector
Retrieves a locale value for the provided adaptable object
Attribute - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.attribute
Used to set up global HTML attributes that are added to a rendered HTML tag
attribute(String, String) - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Target
Sets a string attribute of the current instance.
attribute(String, String[]) - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Target
Sets an attribute of the current instance as an array of strings.
attribute(String, boolean) - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Target
Sets a boolean attribute of the current instance.
attribute(String, boolean[]) - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Target
Sets an attribute of the current instance as an array of boolean values.
attribute(String, long) - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Target
Sets an attribute of the current instance as a long-typed number.
attribute(String, long[]) - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Target
Sets an attribute of the current instance as an array of long-typed numbers.
attribute(String, double) - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Target
Sets an attribute of the current instance as a double-typed number.
attribute(String, double[]) - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Target
Sets an attribute of the current instance as an array of double-typed numbers.
attribute(String, Date) - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Target
Sets an attribute of the current instance as a Date object.
attribute(String, Date[]) - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Target
Sets an attribute of the current instance as an array of Date objects.
attributes(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Target
Assigns attributes to the current instance based on the provided Map.
attributes(Annotation) - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Target
Assigns attributes to the current instance based on the provided Annotation object.
attributes(Annotation, Predicate<Method>) - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Target
Assigns attributes to the current instance based on the provided Annotation object.
AUTOCOMPLETE - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ResourceTypes
Autocomplete - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.autocomplete
Used to set up Coral 2 Autocomplete component in Granite UI
AUTOCOMPLETE_LIST - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ResourceTypes
AUTOCOMPLETE_TAG - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ResourceTypes
AutocompleteDatasource - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.autocomplete
Used to set up Autocomplete.datasource() property
AutocompleteList - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.autocomplete
Used to set up Autocomplete.options() property
AutocompleteTag - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.autocomplete
Used to set up Autocomplete.values() property


BEGIN_POPOVER - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures
BUTTON - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ResourceTypes
Button - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.button
Used to set up Button component in Granite UI
BUTTON_GROUP - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ResourceTypes
ButtonGroup - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.buttongroup
Used to set up ButtonGroup component in Granite UI
ButtonGroupItem - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.buttongroup
Used to define an option within the ButtonGroup.items() set See documentation on ButtonGroup component
ButtonType - Enum in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.button
Contains possible values of Button.type() property


Characters - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte
Used to set up an entry in RichTextEditor#specialCharacters() array.
CHECKBOX - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ResourceTypes
Checkbox - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets
Used to set up Checkbox component in Granite UI
Child - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.injectors
Used on a field, a method, or a method parameter of a Sling model to inject either a secondary model derived from the current or a child (relative) resource or such a resource itself.
ChildEditConfig - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.editconfig
Defines the editing configuration for the Granite UI child components of the current component.
ChildInjector - Class in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors
Injects into a Sling model a child resource or a secondary model that is adapted from a child resource
ChildInjector() - Constructor for class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.ChildInjector
Children - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.injectors
Used on a field, a method, or a method parameter of a Sling model to inject a collection of either secondary models derived from the child (relative) resources or the resources themselves.
ChildrenInjector - Class in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors
Injects into a Sling model a collection of resources or secondary models that are derived from resources according to the type of the underlying array or the parameter type of the underlying collection
ChildrenInjector() - Constructor for class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.ChildrenInjector
ClassMember - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.main
Used to refer a particular member (field or method) of a class defined by the class reference and name
COLORFIELD - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ResourceTypes
ColorField - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.color
Used to set up ColorField component in Granite UI
ColorVariant - Enum in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.color
Contains possible values of ColorField.variant() property
Column - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.layouts
Used to define a specific column for the Fixed Columns widget or else a nested container withing a Granite UI dialog or a console page
com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.assets.dependson - package com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.assets.dependson
com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.container - package com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.container
com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.editconfig - package com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.editconfig
com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.editconfig.listener - package com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.editconfig.listener
com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.injectors - package com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.injectors
com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.layouts - package com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.layouts
com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.lists - package com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.lists
com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.main - package com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.main
com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta - package com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta
com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.policies - package com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.policies
com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets - package com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets
com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.accessory - package com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.accessory
com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.alert - package com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.alert
com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.attribute - package com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.attribute
com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.autocomplete - package com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.autocomplete
com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.button - package com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.button
com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.buttongroup - package com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.buttongroup
com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.color - package com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.color
com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.common - package com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.common
com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.datepicker - package com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.datepicker
com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.imageupload - package com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.imageupload - package - package
com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte - package com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte - package
com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.textarea - package com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.textarea
com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers - package com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers
com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.markers - package com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.markers
com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.runtime - package com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.runtime
com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core - package com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core
com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.authoring.models - package com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.authoring.models
com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors - package com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors
com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.filters - package com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.filters
com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.i18n - package com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.i18n
com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.utils - package com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.utils
com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.lists - package com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.lists
com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.lists.models - package com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.lists.models
com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.lists.models.internal - package com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.lists.models.internal
com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.lists.servlets - package com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.lists.servlets
com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.lists.utils - package com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.lists.utils - package - package
com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.optionprovider.servlets - package com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.optionprovider.servlets
com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.policymanagement.filters - package com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.policymanagement.filters
com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.policymanagement.models - package com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.policymanagement.models
CommonProperties - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.main
Used to define a collection of additional properties of an AEM component and/or Granite UI entity-defining node
CommonProperty - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.main
Used to populate the CommonProperties value with set of name-value string pairs.
COMPONENT - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.Scopes
CONTAINER - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ResourceTypes
CONTROL_ALL - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures.Popovers
CONTROL_CLOSE - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures
CONTROL_SAVE - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures
COPYMOVE - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.editconfig.ActionConstants
CORAL_FILEUPLOAD - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ResourceTypes
CoreConstants - Class in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core
Contains constant values used across the core module
CQ_CHILD_EDIT_CONFIG - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.Scopes
CQ_DESIGN_DIALOG - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.Scopes
CQ_DIALOG - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.Scopes
CQ_EDIT_CONFIG - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.Scopes
CQ_HTML_TAG - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.Scopes
createList(ResourceResolver, String, List<T>) - Static method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.lists.utils.ListHelper
Creates a list of entries under the given JCR path based on a list of arbitrary Sling models
createList(ResourceResolver, String, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.lists.utils.ListHelper
Creates a list of entries under the given path based on a key-value map.
createResourceList(ResourceResolver, String, Collection<Resource>) - Static method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.lists.utils.ListHelper
Creates a list of entries under the given path based on the list of Resource objects
createTarget(String) - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Target
Makes sure that a Target object resolvable from the current instance through the given path is created.


Data - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.attribute
Represents a name-value string pair used to populate array
DataSource - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets
Allows to define a datasource node for a Select or a RadioGroup annotation Use this to specify either an Exadel Toolbox List / ACS Commons list source or a custom datasource for selection
DATEPICKER - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ResourceTypes
DatePicker - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.datepicker
Used to set up DatePicker component in Granite UI
DatePickerType - Enum in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.datepicker
Contains possible values of DatePicker.type() property
DateTimeValue - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.datepicker
Used to set up DatePicker.minDate() and DatePicker.maxDate() values in an intuitive format
DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.Scopes
DEFAULT_MIME_TYPE - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.imageupload.ImageUploadConstants
DELETE - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.editconfig.ActionConstants
DependsOn - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.assets.dependson
Used to define dependsOn and dependsOnActon attributes as well as dependsOn-related parameters of the granite:data child node of the current widget node to engage DependsOn frontend routines
DependsOnActions - Class in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.assets.dependson
Presents the set of pre-defined action values for DependsOn and DependsOnTab annotations
DependsOnConfig - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.assets.dependson
Used to define the set of DependsOn actions for the current component
DependsOnParam - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.assets.dependson
Presents a name-value pair of granite:data attributes to be rendered as a DependsOn parameter
DependsOnRef - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.assets.dependson
Used to define dependsOnRef and dependsOnRefType attributes of granite:data child node of the current widget node to engage DependsOn frontend routines
DependsOnRefTypes - Enum in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.assets.dependson
Presents the set of possible dependsOnRef values to be used with DependsOnRef annotation
DependsOnTab - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.assets.dependson
Used to define dependsOn and dependsOnActon attributes of granite:data child node of the current tab node to engage DependsOn frontend routines
DependsOnTabConfig - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.assets.dependson
Used to define set of DependsOnTab actions for the current component
DesignDialog - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.main
Used to store generic properties of an AEM component's Design Dialog according to the Adobe specification
destroy() - Method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.policymanagement.filters.TopLevelPolicyFilter
Dialog - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.main
Used to store generic properties of a Granite UI Dialog and most common properties of an AEM Component according to the Adobe specification
DIALOG - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ResourceTypes
DialogField - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets
Used to define common properties of Granite UI dialog field
DISABLED - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.assets.dependson.DependsOnActions
Sets the field's disabled state based on the query result
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.policymanagement.filters.TopLevelPolicyFilter
doGet(SlingHttpServletRequest, SlingHttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.lists.servlets.ItemComponentsServlet
Processes GET requests to the current endpoint to add to the SlingHttpServletRequest a DataSource object filled with item components that are list items
doGet(SlingHttpServletRequest, SlingHttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.lists.servlets.ListsServlet
Processes GET requests to the current endpoint to add to the SlingHttpServletRequest a DataSource object filled with all child pages under the current root path, which are either lists themselves, or folders that may contain lists inside.
doGet(SlingHttpServletRequest, SlingHttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.optionprovider.servlets.OptionProviderServlet
Processes HTTP GET requests to the current endpoint and outputs a SimpleDataSource or a JSON string according to the query parameters
DropTargetConfig - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.editconfig
Defines a target for a drag-and-drop operation in Granite UI.


EDIT - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.editconfig.ActionConstants
EDIT_ALL - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures.Popovers
EDIT_COPY - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures
EDIT_CUT - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures
EDIT_CUT_COPY_PASTEDEFAULT - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures.Popovers
EDIT_CUT_COPY_PASTEPLAIN - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures.Popovers
EDIT_CUT_COPY_PASTEWORDHTML - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures.Popovers
EDIT_PASTE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures
EDIT_PASTE_PLAINTEXT - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures
EDIT_PASTE_WORDHTML - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures
EditConfig - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.editconfig
Defines editing configuration for a Granite UI component.
EditConfigLayout - Enum in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.editconfig
Defines possible values of EditConfig.dialogLayout() property
EditorType - Class in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.editconfig
Contains most common string values for the InplaceEditingConfig.type() property
ElementVariant - Enum in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.common
Contains possible values for the variant (or similar) property of a Granite UI component, such as Button, AnchorButton, etc.
EMPTY - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.editconfig.EditorType
END_POPOVER - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures
ENSUREPARAGRAPH - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures.Panels.TablePanel
EToolboxList - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.injectors
Used on either a field, a method, or a method parameter of a Sling model to inject a EToolbox List obtained via ResourceResolver instance.
EToolboxListInjector - Class in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors
Injects into a Sling model entries of an EToolbox List obtained via a ResourceResolver instance
EToolboxListInjector() - Constructor for class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.EToolboxListInjector
EVENT_AFTER_CHILD_INSERT - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.editconfig.listener.ListenerConstants
EVENT_AFTER_COPY - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.editconfig.listener.ListenerConstants
EVENT_AFTER_DELETE - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.editconfig.listener.ListenerConstants
EVENT_AFTER_EDIT - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.editconfig.listener.ListenerConstants
EVENT_AFTER_INSERT - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.editconfig.listener.ListenerConstants
EVENT_AFTER_MOVE - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.editconfig.listener.ListenerConstants
EVENT_BEFORE_CHILD_INSERT - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.editconfig.listener.ListenerConstants
EVENT_BEFORE_COPY - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.editconfig.listener.ListenerConstants
EVENT_BEFORE_DELETE - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.editconfig.listener.ListenerConstants
EVENT_BEFORE_EDIT - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.editconfig.listener.ListenerConstants
EVENT_BEFORE_INSERT - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.editconfig.listener.ListenerConstants
EVENT_BEFORE_MOVE - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.editconfig.listener.ListenerConstants
ExceptionHandler - Interface in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.runtime
Implements handling exceptions thrown in the scope of a ToolKit routine.
exists(String) - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Target
Gets whether the specified path leads to a valid Target object associated with the current instance.
EXITTABLEEDITING - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures.Panels.TablePanel
Extends - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets
Used to mark that a field or method must inherit its ToolKit configuration from another field specified by the class reference and field/method name
extractComponentType(Type) - Static method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.utils.TypeUtil
Retrieves the Class<?> object that represents either the parameter type of collection or the element type of array.


FEATURE_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures
FETCH - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.assets.dependson.DependsOnActions
Asynchronous action to set value from request result
FIELDSET - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ResourceTypes
FieldSet - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets
Used to set up FieldSet component in Granite UI
FILEUPLOAD - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ResourceTypes
FileUpload - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets
Used to set up FileUpload component in Granite UI
findChild(Predicate<Target>) - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Target
Traverses downwards the line of children of the current Target until an instance matching the given predicate is found
findChildren(Predicate<Target>) - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Target
Traverses downwards the line of children of the current Target and collects the instances that meet the given criteria
findParent(Predicate<Target>) - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Target
Traverses upwards the line of parents of the current Target until an instance matching the given predicate is found
FINDREPLACE_ALL - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures.Popovers
FINDREPLACE_FIND - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures
FINDREPLACE_REPLACE - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures
FIXED_COLUMNS - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ResourceTypes
FixedColumns - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.layouts
Used to set up a Fixed Columns container within a Granite UI dialog or a console page
FORMAT_ALL - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures.Popovers
FORMAT_BOLD - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures
FORMAT_ITALIC - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures
FORMAT_UNDERLINE - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures
FormParameter - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.editconfig
Used to populate EditConfig.formParameters() setting.
FULLSCREEN_TOGGLE - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures


GenerateColorsState - Enum in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.color
Contains possible values of ColorField.autogenerateColors() property
getAttribute(String) - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Target
Retrieves an attribute of the current instance specified by name
getAttribute(String, String) - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Target
Retrieves an attribute of the current instance specified by name
getAttributes() - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Target
Retrieves the attributes of the current instance
getChildren() - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Target
Retrieves the collection of Target instances attached to the current instance.
getDeclaringClass() - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.MemberSource
Retrieves the class the underlying Java field or method is declared in
getFilteredResource(Resource, String, String) - Static method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.utils.InstantiationUtil
Gets an existing resource or else creates a new Resource that contains properties from the given current resource filtered with a predicate
getInfoRendererPath() - Method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.lists.models.internal.ListItemModel
Retrieves the path to a custom renderer for the info section of the List item.
getItemResType() - Method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.lists.models.internal.ListItemModel
Retrieves the resource type that defines the view and behavior of the Exadel Toolbox List this item belongs to
getList(ResourceResolver, String) - Static method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.lists.utils.ListHelper
Retrieves a collection of SimpleListItem values representing list entries stored under given path
getList(ResourceResolver, String, Class<T>) - Static method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.lists.utils.ListHelper
Retrieves a collection of items representing list entries stored under given path adapted to the provided itemType
getMap(ResourceResolver, String) - Static method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.lists.utils.ListHelper
Retrieves a collection of list entries stored under given path that is transformed into a key-value map.
getMap(ResourceResolver, String, String, Class<T>) - Static method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.lists.utils.ListHelper
Retrieves a collection of list entries stored under given path that is transformed into a key-value map.
getName() - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Source
Retrieves the name of the source
getName() - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Target
Retrieves the name of the current Target instance
getName() - Method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.ChildInjector
Retrieves the name of the current instance
getName() - Method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.ChildrenInjector
Retrieves the name of the current instance
getName() - Method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.EToolboxListInjector
Retrieves the name of the current instance
getName() - Method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.I18nInjector
Retrieves the name of the current instance
getName() - Method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.RequestParamInjector
Retrieves the name of the current instance
getName() - Method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.RequestSelectorsInjector
Retrieves the name of the current instance
getName() - Method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.RequestSuffixInjector
Retrieves the name of the current instance
getNamePostfix() - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Target
Retrieves the name postfix associated with the current instance
getNamePrefix() - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Target
Retrieves the name prefix associated with the current instance
getObjectInstance(Class<? extends T>) - Static method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.utils.InstantiationUtil
Creates a new instance of the specified Class
getOptions(SlingHttpServletRequest) - Method in class
Prepares Adobe Granite datasource options in the form of a synthetic resource
getOptions(SlingHttpServletRequest) - Method in interface
Prepares Adobe Granite datasource options in the form of a synthetic resource
getOrCreateTarget(String) - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Target
Retrieves a Target object associated with the current instance through the path specified.
getParent() - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Target
Retrieves the parent of the current Target instance
getPath() - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Target
Retrieves the path of the current Target instance.
getPreviewRendererPath() - Method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.lists.models.internal.ListItemModel
Retrieves the path to a custom renderer for the preview section of the List item.
getProperties() - Method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.lists.models.internal.ListItemModel
Retrieves the collection of properties of the current list item
getReportingClass() - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.MemberSource
Retrieves the class the underlying Java field or method is received from.
getRequest(Object) - Static method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.utils.AdaptationUtil
Retrieves a SlingHttpServletRequest instance from the provided adaptable object
getRequest(SlingHttpServletRequest, Resource) - Static method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.utils.AdaptationUtil
Retrieves a SlingHttpServletRequest instance from the provided initial request and the given Sling resource
getResource(Object) - Static method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.utils.AdaptationUtil
Retrieves a Resource instance from the provided adaptable object if it is assignable from SlingHttpServletRequest or Resource
getResourceList(ResourceResolver, String) - Static method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.lists.utils.ListHelper
Retrieves a collection of Sling Resources representing list entries stored under given path
getResourceMap(ResourceResolver, String) - Static method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.lists.utils.ListHelper
Retrieves a collection of list entries stored under given path that is transformed into a key-value map.
getResourceMap(ResourceResolver, String, String) - Static method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.lists.utils.ListHelper
Retrieves a collection of list entries stored under given path that is transformed into a key-value map.
getResourceResolver(Object) - Static method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.utils.AdaptationUtil
Retrieves a ResourceResolver instance from the provided adaptable object if it is assignable from Resource or SlingHttpServletRequest
getResourceType() - Method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.policymanagement.models.PageInfo
Gets the sling:resourceType of the current page
getRoot() - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Target
Retrieves the root node of the tree to which the current Target belongs
getScope() - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Target
Retrieves the scope this Target is associated with
getTarget(String) - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Target
Retrieves a Target object associated with the current instance through the path specified.
getTemplate() - Method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.policymanagement.models.PageInfo
Gets the cq:template value associated with the current page
getTitle() - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.lists.models.SimpleListItem
Gets the title part of this item
getValue(Object, String, Type, AnnotatedElement, DisposalCallbackRegistry) - Method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.ChildInjector
Attempts to inject a value into the given adaptable
getValue(Object, String, Type, AnnotatedElement, DisposalCallbackRegistry) - Method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.ChildrenInjector
Attempts to inject the collection of values into the given adaptable
getValue(Object, String, Type, AnnotatedElement, DisposalCallbackRegistry) - Method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.EToolboxListInjector
Attempts to inject list entries into the given adaptable
getValue(Object, String, Type, AnnotatedElement, DisposalCallbackRegistry) - Method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.I18nInjector
Attempts to inject an I18n object or an internationalized string into the current adaptable
getValue(Object, String, Type, AnnotatedElement, DisposalCallbackRegistry) - Method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.RequestParamInjector
Attempts to inject a value into the given adaptable
getValue(Object, String, Type, AnnotatedElement, DisposalCallbackRegistry) - Method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.RequestSelectorsInjector
Attempts to inject a value into the given adaptable
getValue(Object, String, Type, AnnotatedElement, DisposalCallbackRegistry) - Method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.RequestSuffixInjector
Attempts to inject a value into the given adaptable
getValue() - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.lists.models.SimpleListItem
Gets the value part of this item
getValueMap(Object) - Static method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.utils.AdaptationUtil
Retrieves the ValueMap instance from the provided adaptable if it is of type SlingHttpServletRequest, or Resource, or else ValueMap
getValueType() - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.MemberSource
Retrieves the return type of the underlying Java class member (field or method).
getWarningMessage() - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.Validator
In a validator class, returns an explanation why a tested value is invalid


handle(Exception) - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.runtime.ExceptionHandler
Handles an exception
handle(String, Exception) - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.runtime.ExceptionHandler
Handles an exception with a supplementary message
Handler - Interface in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers
Presents an abstraction of logic for handling a manageable annotation.
Handles - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers
Used to specify one or more ToolKit annotations processed by a handler class, and also to marshal invocation order if multiple handlers are attached to the same annotation
HEADING - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ResourceTypes
Heading - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets
Used to set up Heading component in Granite UI
HIDDEN - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ResourceTypes
Hidden - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets
Used to set up Hidden component in Granite UI
HtmlLinkRules - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte
Used to set up HTML link rules for a RichTextEditor control
HtmlPasteRules - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte
Used to set up HTML paste rules for a RichTextEditor control
HtmlTag - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.main
Used to define decoration tag of an AEM component according to the Adobe specification
HYBRID - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.editconfig.EditorType
HYPERLINK - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ResourceTypes
Hyperlink - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets
Used to set up Hyperlink component in Granite UI.


I18N - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.injectors
Used on either a field, a method, or a method parameter of a Sling model to inject an I18n object or a particular internationalized string.
I18nInjector - Class in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors
Injects into a Sling model an I18n object that corresponds to the current locale, or else an internationalized string value
I18nInjector() - Constructor for class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.I18nInjector
IconMapping - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte
Used to set up an entry in RichTextEditor.icons() array.
Ignore - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.accessory
Used to specify class members and/or sections that could have been rendered into this dialog or dialog part but should be instead ignored (skipped).
IGNORE_FRESHNESS_TOGGLER - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ResourceTypes.Service
IgnoreFreshnessToggler - Class in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.authoring.models
Represents the back-end part of the IgnoreFreshnessToggler component for Granite UI dialogs.
IgnoreFreshnessToggler() - Constructor for class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.authoring.models.IgnoreFreshnessToggler
IMAGE_IMAGEPROPS - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures
ImageUpload - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.imageupload
Used to set up an image uploader in Granite UI based on cq/gui/components/authoring/dialog/fileupload Granite component
ImageUploadConstants - Class in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.imageupload
Contains common string constants used for ImageUpload setup
INCLUDE - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ResourceTypes
Include - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets
Used to set up Include component in Granite UI.
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.policymanagement.filters.TopLevelPolicyFilter
InplaceEditingConfig - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.editconfig
Defines a child in-place editor for this component.
INSERT - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.editconfig.ActionConstants
INSERTCOLUMN_AFTER - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures.Panels.TablePanel
INSERTCOLUMN_BEFORE - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures.Panels.TablePanel
INSERTROW_AFTER - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures.Panels.TablePanel
INSERTROW_BEFORE - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures.Panels.TablePanel
InstantiationUtil - Class in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.utils
Contains utility methods for creating instances ob objects
isApplicableTo(Object) - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.Validator
When implemented in a validator class, used to define if this validation is relevant for a value
isEmpty() - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Target
Gets whether the current Target is in a non-initialized state.
isSame(Source) - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Source
Gets whether this Source instance is the same source as the provided other.
isSlingRequestAdapter(ModelFactory, Type) - Static method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.utils.TypeUtil
Gets whether the given type is a SlingHttpServletRequest adapter
isSlingRequestAdapter(ModelFactory, Class<?>) - Static method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.utils.TypeUtil
Gets whether the given type is a SlingHttpServletRequest adapter
isValid() - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Source
Indicates whether this source is valid for rendering
isValidArray(Type, Class<?>...) - Static method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.utils.TypeUtil
Gets whether the provided Type of Java class member is a parametrized collection type and checks whether its parameter type matches the list of allowed value types
isValidCollection(Type, Class<?>...) - Static method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.utils.TypeUtil
Retrieves whether the provided Type of Java class member is a parametrized collection type and its parameter type matches the list of allowed value types
isValidMap(Type, Class<?>...) - Static method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.utils.TypeUtil
Retrieves whether the provided Type of Java class member is a parametrized Map type and its parameter type matches the list of allowed value types
isValidObjectType(Type, Class<?>...) - Static method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.utils.TypeUtil
Gets whether the provided Type of Java class member is eligible for injection
isValidRawType(Type, Class<?>) - Static method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.utils.TypeUtil
Retrieves whether the provided Type of Java class member is a parameterized type and checks if the specified raw member type is compatible with the allowedType parameter
ItemComponentsServlet - Class in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.lists.servlets
Provides the collection of AEM resources that will represent Exadel Toolbox Lists items.
ItemComponentsServlet() - Constructor for class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.lists.servlets.ItemComponentsServlet


JCR_PATH - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ValueRestrictions
JUSTIFY_ALL - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures.Popovers
JUSTIFY_CENTER - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures
JUSTIFY_LEFT - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures
JUSTIFY_RIGHT - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures


LayoutType - Enum in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.layouts
Enumerates available layout modes for such layouts as Tabs
LinkCheckerVariant - Enum in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.common
Contains possible values of x-cq-linkchecker property
LINKS_ALL - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures.Popovers
LINKS_ANCHOR - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures
LINKS_MODIFY_DELETE - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures.Popovers
LINKS_MODIFYLINK - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures
LINKS_UNLINK - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures
LinkTarget - Enum in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte
Contains possible values of HtmlLinkRules.targetExternal() and HtmlLinkRules.targetInternal() properties
LIST_ITEM_RESOURCE_TYPE - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.lists.ListConstants
LIST_TEMPLATE_NAME - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.lists.ListConstants
ListConstants - Class in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.lists
Contains constant values used across lists module
Listener - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.editconfig.listener
Used to define the cq:listeners node of a Granite UI component configuration
ListenerConstants - Class in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.editconfig.listener
Contains string constants used to populate the cq:EditListenersConfig node of Granite UI component setup
ListHelper - Class in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.lists.utils
Contains methods for manipulating EToolbox Lists
ListItem - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.lists
Marker added to AEM components that can serve as Exadel Toolbox Lists items
ListItemModel - Class in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.lists.models.internal
Adapter class for a Sling resource representing a generic list item
ListItemModel() - Constructor for class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.lists.models.internal.ListItemModel
LISTS_ALL - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures.Popovers
LISTS_INDENT - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures
LISTS_ORDERED - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures
LISTS_ORDERED_UNORDERD - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures.Popovers
LISTS_OUTDENT - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures
LISTS_UNORDERED - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures
ListsServlet - Class in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.lists.servlets
Provides the collection of AEM resources that either represent Exadel Toolbox Lists or serve as folders for Exadel Toolbox Lists to be displayed in the Exadel Toolbox Lists console
ListsServlet() - Constructor for class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.lists.servlets.ListsServlet


MemberSource - Interface in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers
Extends the Source interface with methods specific for sources based on Java classes' fields and methods
MERGECELLS - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures.Panels.TablePanel
MERGECELLS_DOWN - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures.Panels.TablePanel
MERGECELLS_RIGHT - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures.Panels.TablePanel
MIME_TYPE_GIF - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.imageupload.ImageUploadConstants
MIME_TYPE_JPG - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.imageupload.ImageUploadConstants
MIME_TYPE_PNG - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.imageupload.ImageUploadConstants
MIME_TYPE_SVG - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.imageupload.ImageUploadConstants
MISCTOOLS_ALL - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures.Popovers
MISCTOOLS_SOURCEEDIT - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures
MISCTOOLS_SPECIALCHARS - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures
MODIFYTABLEANDCELL - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures.Panels.TablePanel
MULTIFIELD - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ResourceTypes
MultiField - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets
Used to set up Multifield component in Granite UI
Multiple - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.accessory
When appended to a field that has a valid widget annotation (such as TextField, Select, etc.) indicates that an arbitrary array of widgets of this type should be rendered instead of a singular widget.


NAME - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.ChildInjector
NAME - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.ChildrenInjector
NAME - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.EToolboxListInjector
NAME - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.I18nInjector
NAME - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.RequestParamInjector
NAME - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.RequestSelectorsInjector
NAME - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.RequestSuffixInjector
namePostfix(String) - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Target
Assigns the name postfix to the current instance.
namePrefix(String) - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Target
Assigns the name prefix to the current instance.
NativeLocaleDetector - Class in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.i18n
Used in I18nInjector to provide the fallback locale detection functionality.
NativeLocaleDetector() - Constructor for class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.i18n.NativeLocaleDetector
NESTED_CHECKBOX_LIST - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ResourceTypes
NN_ITEM - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.CoreConstants
NN_LIST - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.CoreConstants
NodeFilter - Enum in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.common
Contains possible values of filter property of node picking components such as PathField
NON_NEGATIVE - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ValueRestrictions
NonGhostFilter - Class in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.filters
Tests a Resource for not being null and not representing a ghost component
NonGhostFilter() - Constructor for class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.filters.NonGhostFilter
NonNullFilter - Class in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.filters
Tests a Resource for not being null
NonNullFilter() - Constructor for class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.filters.NonNullFilter
NOT_BLANK - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ValueRestrictions
NOT_BLANK_OR_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ValueRestrictions
NUMBER - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ValueRestrictions
NUMBERFIELD - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ResourceTypes
NumberField - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets
Used to set up NumberField component in Granite UI


Option - Annotation Type in
Used to define an option within the Select.options() set See documentation on Select component
OPTION_PROVIDER - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ResourceTypes
OptionProvider - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.common
Represents a provider of options for option-selecting Granite UI components, such as Select or RadioGroup.
OptionProviderService - Interface in
Prepares option sets for Granite-compliant custom data sources used in Granite UI.
OptionProviderServiceImpl - Class in
Implements OptionProviderService to prepare option sets for Granite-compliant custom data sources used in Granite UI widgets
OptionProviderServiceImpl() - Constructor for class
OptionProviderServlet - Class in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.optionprovider.servlets
Allows setting custom data source for a widget that is supporting Granite datasources, such as a RadioGroup or a Select.
OptionProviderServlet() - Constructor for class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.optionprovider.servlets.OptionProviderServlet
OptionSource - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.common
Represents a single option source that can be defined for an OptionProvider.
OptionSourceParameters - Class in
Parses and serves user-specified settings for arranging a datasource for the current request
Orientation - Enum in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.common
Contains possible values describing the orientation of a component


PageInfo - Class in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.policymanagement.models
Represents an AEM page resource that is used to determine templates' policies (designs) for the top level containers
PageInfo() - Constructor for class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.policymanagement.models.PageInfo
PageLocaleDetector - Class in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.i18n
Used in I18nInjector to provide detection of locale based on the current resource page
PageLocaleDetector() - Constructor for class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.i18n.PageLocaleDetector
PARAFORMAT - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures.Popovers
ParagraphFormat - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte
Used to set up an entry in RichTextEditor.formats() array.
PARAMETER_ID - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.CoreConstants
PARAMETER_NAME - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.CoreConstants
PASSFIELD - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ResourceTypes
Password - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets
Used to set up Password component in Granite UI
PasteMode - Enum in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte
Contains possible values of RichTextEditor.defaultPasteMode() property
PATHFIELD - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ResourceTypes
PathField - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets
Used to set up PathField component in Granite UI
Place - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.layouts
Used to specify the placement of a Granite UI component.
PLAINTEXT - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.editconfig.EditorType
PN_APPEND - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.CoreConstants
PN_ITEM_RESOURCE_TYPE - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.CoreConstants
PN_LIMIT - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.CoreConstants
PN_LIST_ITEM - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.CoreConstants
PN_OFFSET - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.CoreConstants
PN_PATH - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.CoreConstants
PN_PREPEND - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.CoreConstants
PN_SELECTED - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.CoreConstants
PN_TEXT - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.CoreConstants
PN_UPDATE_COMPONENT_LIST - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.CoreConstants
PN_VALUE - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.CoreConstants
PolicyMergeMode - Enum in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.policies
Defines possible values of AllowedChildren.mode() property
PolicyTarget - Enum in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.policies
Defines possible values of AllowedChildren.targetContainer() property
Position - Enum in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.common
Contains possible values describing the position of a component
POSITIVE - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ValueRestrictions
Properties - Annotation Type in
Represents a collection of additional properties that can be assigned to a Granite UI component
Property - Annotation Type in
Represents a name-value pair to be rendered as a Granite UI component's attribute and its value
PropertyRendering - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta
Defines settings for rendering a specific value of an annotation to a Granite/XML attribute.


RadioButton - Annotation Type in
Used to define an option within the RadioGroup.buttons() set
RADIOGROUP - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ResourceTypes
RadioGroup - Annotation Type in
Used to set up RadioGroup component in Granite UI
READONLY - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.assets.dependson.DependsOnActions
Sets the readonly marker of the field based on the query result
RELATIVE_PATH_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.CoreConstants
removeAttribute(String) - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Target
Removes an attribute of the current instance specified by name
REMOVECOLUMN - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures.Panels.TablePanel
REMOVEROW - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures.Panels.TablePanel
REMOVETABLE - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures.Panels.TablePanel
removeTarget(String) - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Target
Removes an existing Target related to the current instance through the given path
Replace - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.accessory
Used to specify a member of the current class or any of the superclasses that will be skipped and replaced by the current member, and the widget attached to it.
RequestParam - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.injectors
Used on either a field, a method, or a method parameter of a Sling model to inject a request parameter.
RequestParamInjector - Class in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors
Injects into a Sling model the value of a HTTP request parameter (multiple parameters) obtained via a SlingHttpServletRequest object
RequestParamInjector() - Constructor for class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.RequestParamInjector
RequestSelectors - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.injectors
Used on either a field, a method, or a method parameter of a Sling model to inject Sling request selectors.
RequestSelectorsInjector - Class in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors
Injects into a Sling model the value of the selectors property of the SlingHttpServletRequest obtained via RequestPathInfo
RequestSelectorsInjector() - Constructor for class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.RequestSelectorsInjector
RequestSuffix - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.injectors
Used on either a field, a method, or a method parameter of a Sling model to inject a Sling request suffix.
RequestSuffixInjector - Class in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors
Injects into a Sling model the value of the suffix or suffixResource properties of the SlingHttpServletRequest obtained via RequestPathInfo
RequestSuffixInjector() - Constructor for class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.RequestSuffixInjector
REQUIRED - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.assets.dependson.DependsOnActions
Sets the required marker of the field based on the query result
ResourceType - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta
Used to specify the sling:resourceType for an annotation describing a Granite UI component
ResourceTypes - Class in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta
Contains JCR paths of AEM / Granite UI components managed by the ToolKit
ResourceTypes.Service - Class in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta
RICHTEXT - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ResourceTypes
RichTextEditor - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte
Used to set up RichTextEditor component in Granite UI
RteFeatures - Class in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte
Contains string constants representing built-in features of RichTextEditor Granite UI component
RteFeatures.Panels - Class in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte
RteFeatures.Panels.TablePanel - Class in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte
RteFeatures.Popovers - Class in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte


Scopes - Class in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta
Enumerates the standard scopes that the ToolKit entities can belong to.
SELECT - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ResourceTypes
Select - Annotation Type in
Used to set up Select component in Granite UI
SELECTCOLUMN - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures.Panels.TablePanel
SelectionMode - Enum in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.common
Contains possible values defining the mode of selection in a Granite component containing options
SELECTROW - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures.Panels.TablePanel
SelectVariant - Enum in
Contains values defining the Select widget display mode
SEPARATOR - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures
SEPARATOR_AT - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.CoreConstants
SEPARATOR_COLON - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.CoreConstants
SEPARATOR_COMMA - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.CoreConstants
SEPARATOR_HYPHEN - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.CoreConstants
SEPARATOR_SLASH - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.CoreConstants
SEPARATOR_UNDERSCORE - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.CoreConstants
SET - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.assets.dependson.DependsOnActions
Sets the query result as field's value (undefined query result is skipped)
SET_IF_BLANK - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.assets.dependson.DependsOnActions
Sets the query result as field's value only if the current value is blank (undefined query result is skipped)
shouldTerminateOn(Class<? extends Exception>) - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.runtime.ExceptionHandler
Gets whether an exception of the specified class would cause the AEM Authoring Toolkit's Maven plugin to terminate.
SIMPLE_LIST_ITEM_RESOURCE_TYPE - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.lists.ListConstants
SimpleListItem - Interface in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.lists.models
Represents basic Exadel Toolbox List item which consists of jcr:title and value fields
Size - Enum in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.common
Contains possible values defining the size of a Granite component
Source - Interface in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers
Presents an abstraction of data source for rendering Granite UI entities.
SPELLCHECK_CHECKTEXT - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures
SPLITCELL_HORIZONTAL - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures.Panels.TablePanel
SPLITCELL_VERTICAL - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures.Panels.TablePanel
StatusVariant - Enum in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.common
Contains possible values for the statusVariant (or similar) property of a Granite UI component used to describe the status of an option or message
StringTransformation - Enum in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta
Enumerates transformations of a string value that can be applied when rendering as an attribute of a Granite UI entity
Style - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte
Used to set up an entry in RichTextEditor.styles() array.
STYLES - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures.Popovers
SUBSUPERSCRIPT_ALL - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures.Popovers
SUBSUPERSCRIPT_SUBSCRIPT - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures
SUBSUPERSCRIPT_SUPERSCRIPT - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures
SWITCH - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ResourceTypes
Switch - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets
Used to set up Switch component in Granite UI


Tab - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.layouts
Used to define a specific Tab item in a multi-tab Granite UI dialog or within a Tabs widget
TAB_VISIBILITY - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.assets.dependson.DependsOnActions
Hides the tab (if applied to the tab) or element's parent tab (if applied to the element) if the query result is 'falsy'
TABLE - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures.Panels
TABLE_TABLE - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures
Tabs - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.layouts
Used to define the tabbed layout for a Granite UI dialog and/or to set up a Tabs widget
TABS - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ResourceTypes
TAG - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ResourceTypes
TagField - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets
Used to set up TagField element in Granite UI
TAGS - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ResourceTypes
Target - Interface in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers
Presents an abstraction of target entity for rendering AEM components and their configurations.
test(Object) - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.Validator
When implemented in a validator class, tests the provided Annotation, primitive, or primitive wrapper against some criteria
test(Resource) - Method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.filters.NonGhostFilter
test(Resource) - Method in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.filters.NonNullFilter
TEXT - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.editconfig.EditorType
TEXT - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ResourceTypes
Text - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets
Used to set up Text component in Granite UI.
TEXTAREA - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ResourceTypes
TextArea - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.textarea
Used to set up TextArea component in Granite UI
TextAreaResizeType - Enum in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.textarea
Contains possible values of TextArea.resize() property
TEXTFIELD - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.ResourceTypes
TextField - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets
Used to set up TextField component in Granite UI
TITLE - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.editconfig.EditorType
TopLevelPolicyFilter - Class in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.policymanagement.filters
Implements Filter in order to plug in the rendering flow of an AEM page in Touch UI edit mode for adding a utility JavaScript method (aekApplyTopLevelPolicy).
TopLevelPolicyFilter() - Constructor for class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.policymanagement.filters.TopLevelPolicyFilter
toString() - Method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.common.ElementVariant
toString() - Method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.common.Size
toString() - Method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.common.StatusVariant
tryAdaptTo(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.handlers.Source
Tries to adapt the current Source instance to the provided type
TypeHint - Enum in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.common
Contains possible values of DatePicker.typeHint() property and similar properties of other Granite UI components
TypeUtil - Class in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.core.injectors.utils
Contains utility methods for validating types of entities involved in Sing injectors processing.


UNDO_REDO - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures
UNDO_UNDO - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.RteFeatures
UPDATE_OPTIONS - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.assets.dependson.DependsOnActions
Refreshes the options set of a Coral3 Select widget with an OptionProvider


VALIDATE - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.assets.dependson.DependsOnActions
Sets the validation state of the field based on the query result
Validator - Interface in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta
Presents the abstraction of a routine used to validate annotations values before rendering them as Granite UI entity attributes
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.assets.dependson.DependsOnRefTypes
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.editconfig.EditConfigLayout
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.layouts.AccordionVariant
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.layouts.LayoutType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.main.WriteMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.StringTransformation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.policies.PolicyMergeMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.policies.PolicyTarget
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.button.ButtonType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.color.ColorVariant
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.color.GenerateColorsState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.common.ElementVariant
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.common.LinkCheckerVariant
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.common.NodeFilter
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.common.Orientation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.common.Position
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.common.SelectionMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.common.Size
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.common.StatusVariant
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.common.TypeHint
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.datepicker.DatePickerType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.AllowElement
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.LinkTarget
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.PasteMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.textarea.TextAreaResizeType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
ValueRestriction - Annotation Type in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta
Used to specify a value restriction applied to an annotation property
ValueRestrictions - Class in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta
Contains value restrictions processed by built-in Validator implementations
values() - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.assets.dependson.DependsOnRefTypes
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.editconfig.EditConfigLayout
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.layouts.AccordionVariant
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.layouts.LayoutType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.main.WriteMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.meta.StringTransformation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.policies.PolicyMergeMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.policies.PolicyTarget
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.button.ButtonType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.color.ColorVariant
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.color.GenerateColorsState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.common.ElementVariant
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.common.LinkCheckerVariant
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.common.NodeFilter
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.common.Orientation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.common.Position
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.common.SelectionMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.common.Size
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.common.StatusVariant
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.common.TypeHint
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.datepicker.DatePickerType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.AllowElement
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.LinkTarget
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.rte.PasteMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.widgets.textarea.TextAreaResizeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VISIBILITY - Static variable in class com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.assets.dependson.DependsOnActions
Hides the element if the query result is 'falsy'


WriteMode - Enum in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.annotations.main
Enumerates possible operating modes for the routines that interact with package data


_Default - Interface in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.markers
Used to mark an empty or default class reference
_Super - Interface in com.exadel.aem.toolkit.api.markers
Used to mark reference to a superclass of the current class, e.g.
A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P R S T U V W _ 
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