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AnnotationExtensionsKt - Class in com.expedia.graphql.schema.extensions


com.expedia.graphql - package com.expedia.graphql
com.expedia.graphql.annotations - package com.expedia.graphql.annotations
com.expedia.graphql.schema - package com.expedia.graphql.schema
com.expedia.graphql.schema.exceptions - package com.expedia.graphql.schema.exceptions
com.expedia.graphql.schema.extensions - package com.expedia.graphql.schema.extensions
com.expedia.graphql.schema.generator.directive - package com.expedia.graphql.schema.generator.directive
com.expedia.graphql.schema.hooks - package com.expedia.graphql.schema.hooks
component1() - Method in class com.expedia.graphql.schema.Parameter
component1() - Method in class com.expedia.graphql.schema.SchemaGeneratorConfig
component1() - Method in class com.expedia.graphql.TopLevelObjectDef
The target object
component2() - Method in class com.expedia.graphql.schema.Parameter
component2() - Method in class com.expedia.graphql.schema.SchemaGeneratorConfig
component2() - Method in class com.expedia.graphql.TopLevelObjectDef
Optional class of the target
component3() - Method in class com.expedia.graphql.schema.SchemaGeneratorConfig
component4() - Method in class com.expedia.graphql.schema.SchemaGeneratorConfig
component5() - Method in class com.expedia.graphql.schema.SchemaGeneratorConfig
ConflictingTypesException - Exception in com.expedia.graphql.schema.exceptions
Thrown when the schema being generated has two classes with the same GraphQLType name, but they are not the same Kotlin class. We can not have the full package or classpath info in the GraphQLType so all names must be unique.
ConflictingTypesException(kClass1, kClass2) - Constructor for exception com.expedia.graphql.schema.exceptions.ConflictingTypesException
Thrown when the schema being generated has two classes with the same GraphQLType name, but they are not the same Kotlin class. We can not have the full package or classpath info in the GraphQLType so all names must be unique.
copy(klazz, annotations) - Method in class com.expedia.graphql.schema.Parameter
Custom wrapper for a class and its annotations
copy(supportedPackages, topLevelQueryName, topLevelMutationName, hooks, dataFetcherFactory) - Method in class com.expedia.graphql.schema.SchemaGeneratorConfig
Settings for generating the schema.
copy(obj, klazz) - Method in class com.expedia.graphql.TopLevelObjectDef
Encapsulates an object to use as a target for schema generation and the class to be used for reflection.
CouldNotGetJvmNameOfKTypeException - Exception in com.expedia.graphql.schema.exceptions
Thrown when trying to generate a class and cannot resolve the jvm erasure name.
CouldNotGetJvmNameOfKTypeException(kType) - Constructor for exception com.expedia.graphql.schema.exceptions.CouldNotGetJvmNameOfKTypeException
Thrown when trying to generate a class and cannot resolve the jvm erasure name.
CouldNotGetNameOfAnnotationException - Exception in com.expedia.graphql.schema.exceptions
Thrown when unable to get the annotaiton name of a KAnnotatedElement.
CouldNotGetNameOfAnnotationException(kClass) - Constructor for exception com.expedia.graphql.schema.exceptions.CouldNotGetNameOfAnnotationException
Thrown when unable to get the annotaiton name of a KAnnotatedElement.
CouldNotGetNameOfEnumException - Exception in com.expedia.graphql.schema.exceptions
Thrown when trying to generate an enum class and cannot resolve the simple name.
CouldNotGetNameOfEnumException(kclass) - Constructor for exception com.expedia.graphql.schema.exceptions.CouldNotGetNameOfEnumException
Thrown when trying to generate an enum class and cannot resolve the simple name.


DataFetcherExecutionPredicate - Class in com.expedia.graphql.schema.hooks
Perform runtime evaluations of each parameter passed to any KotlinDataFetcher.
DataFetcherExecutionPredicate() - Constructor for class com.expedia.graphql.schema.hooks.DataFetcherExecutionPredicate
Perform runtime evaluations of each parameter passed to any KotlinDataFetcher.
description() - Method in interface com.expedia.graphql.annotations.GraphQLDirective
didGenerateDataFetcher($this, function, dataFetcher) - Static method in class com.expedia.graphql.schema.hooks.SchemaGeneratorHooks.DefaultImpls
Called after converting the function to a data fetcher allowing wrapping the fetcher to modify data or instrument it. This is more useful than the graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation as you have the function type here
didGenerateDataFetcher(function, dataFetcher) - Method in interface com.expedia.graphql.schema.hooks.SchemaGeneratorHooks
Called after converting the function to a data fetcher allowing wrapping the fetcher to modify data or instrument it. This is more useful than the graphql.execution.instrumentation.Instrumentation as you have the function type here
didGenerateGraphQLType($this, type, generatedType) - Static method in class com.expedia.graphql.schema.hooks.SchemaGeneratorHooks.DefaultImpls
Called after wrapping the type based on nullity but before adding the generated type to the schema
didGenerateGraphQLType(type, generatedType) - Method in interface com.expedia.graphql.schema.hooks.SchemaGeneratorHooks
Called after wrapping the type based on nullity but before adding the generated type to the schema
didGenerateMutationType($this, function, fieldDefinition) - Static method in class com.expedia.graphql.schema.hooks.SchemaGeneratorHooks.DefaultImpls
Called after converting the function to a field definition but before adding to the schema to allow customization
didGenerateMutationType(function, fieldDefinition) - Method in interface com.expedia.graphql.schema.hooks.SchemaGeneratorHooks
Called after converting the function to a field definition but before adding to the schema to allow customization
didGenerateQueryType($this, function, fieldDefinition) - Static method in class com.expedia.graphql.schema.hooks.SchemaGeneratorHooks.DefaultImpls
Called after converting the function to a field definition but before adding to the schema to allow customization
didGenerateQueryType(function, fieldDefinition) - Method in interface com.expedia.graphql.schema.hooks.SchemaGeneratorHooks
Called after converting the function to a field definition but before adding to the schema to allow customization
DirectiveWiringHelper - Class in com.expedia.graphql.schema.generator.directive
Based on
DirectiveWiringHelper(wiringFactory, manualWiring) - Constructor for class com.expedia.graphql.schema.generator.directive.DirectiveWiringHelper
Based on


equals(p) - Method in class com.expedia.graphql.schema.Parameter
equals(p) - Method in class com.expedia.graphql.schema.SchemaGeneratorConfig
equals(p) - Method in class com.expedia.graphql.TopLevelObjectDef
evaluate(value, parameter, argumentName, environment) - Method in class com.expedia.graphql.schema.hooks.DataFetcherExecutionPredicate
Evaluate if the value passed respects some constraints.
execute(value, parameter, argumentName, environment) - Method in class com.expedia.graphql.schema.hooks.DataFetcherExecutionPredicate
Perform the predicate logic by evaluating the argument and its value Then depending on the result either returning the value itself to continue the datafetcher invocation or break the data fetching execution.


get(environment) - Method in class com.expedia.graphql.schema.KotlinDataFetcher
getAnnotations() - Method in class com.expedia.graphql.schema.Parameter
getDataFetcherExecutionPredicate($this) - Static method in class com.expedia.graphql.schema.hooks.SchemaGeneratorHooks.DefaultImpls
Execute a predicate on each function parameters after their deserialization If the execution is unsuccessful the onFailure method will be invoked
getDataFetcherExecutionPredicate() - Method in interface com.expedia.graphql.schema.hooks.SchemaGeneratorHooks
Execute a predicate on each function parameters after their deserialization If the execution is unsuccessful the onFailure method will be invoked
getDataFetcherFactory() - Method in class com.expedia.graphql.schema.SchemaGeneratorConfig
getDeepName($receiver) - Static method in class com.expedia.graphql.schema.extensions.GraphQLTypeExtensionsKt
Renders a readable string from the given graphql type no matter how deeply nested Eg: [Int]!
getHooks() - Method in class com.expedia.graphql.schema.SchemaGeneratorConfig
getKlazz() - Method in class com.expedia.graphql.schema.Parameter
getKlazz() - Method in class com.expedia.graphql.TopLevelObjectDef
Optional class of the target
getObj() - Method in class com.expedia.graphql.TopLevelObjectDef
The target object
getSupportedPackages() - Method in class com.expedia.graphql.schema.SchemaGeneratorConfig
getTopLevelMutationName() - Method in class com.expedia.graphql.schema.SchemaGeneratorConfig
getTopLevelQueryName() - Method in class com.expedia.graphql.schema.SchemaGeneratorConfig
GraphQLContext - Interface in com.expedia.graphql.annotations
Mark something for the GraphQL context.
GraphQLDescription - Interface in com.expedia.graphql.annotations
Set the GraphQL description to be picked up by the schema generator.
GraphQLDirective - Interface in com.expedia.graphql.annotations
Meta annotation used to denote an annotation as a GraphQL directive.
GraphQLID - Interface in com.expedia.graphql.annotations
Used to indicate that a property of type Int, String, Long, java.util.UUID is a GraphqQL Scalar ID
GraphQLIgnore - Interface in com.expedia.graphql.annotations
Mark something to be ignored by the GraphQL schema generator.
GraphQLKotlinException - Exception in com.expedia.graphql.schema.exceptions
Base exception that all our library exceptions extend from.
GraphQLKotlinException(message, throwable) - Constructor for exception com.expedia.graphql.schema.exceptions.GraphQLKotlinException
Base exception that all our library exceptions extend from.
GraphQLKotlinException() - Constructor for exception com.expedia.graphql.schema.exceptions.GraphQLKotlinException
Base exception that all our library exceptions extend from.
GraphQLTypeExtensionsKt - Class in com.expedia.graphql.schema.extensions


hashCode() - Method in class com.expedia.graphql.schema.Parameter
hashCode() - Method in class com.expedia.graphql.schema.SchemaGeneratorConfig
hashCode() - Method in class com.expedia.graphql.TopLevelObjectDef


InvalidInputFieldTypeException - Exception in com.expedia.graphql.schema.exceptions
GraphQL Interfaces and Unions cannot be used as arguments. Specification reference:
InvalidInputFieldTypeException() - Constructor for exception com.expedia.graphql.schema.exceptions.InvalidInputFieldTypeException
GraphQL Interfaces and Unions cannot be used as arguments. Specification reference:
InvalidListTypeException - Exception in com.expedia.graphql.schema.exceptions
Thrown on mapping an invalid list type
InvalidListTypeException(type) - Constructor for exception com.expedia.graphql.schema.exceptions.InvalidListTypeException
Thrown on mapping an invalid list type
InvalidSchemaException - Exception in com.expedia.graphql.schema.exceptions
Exception thrown on schema creation if no queries and no mutations are specified.
InvalidSchemaException() - Constructor for exception com.expedia.graphql.schema.exceptions.InvalidSchemaException
Exception thrown on schema creation if no queries and no mutations are specified.
isValidFunction($this, function) - Static method in class com.expedia.graphql.schema.hooks.SchemaGeneratorHooks.DefaultImpls
Called when looking at the KClass functions to determine if it valid for adding to the generated schema. If any filter returns false, it is rejected.
isValidFunction(function) - Method in interface com.expedia.graphql.schema.hooks.SchemaGeneratorHooks
Called when looking at the KClass functions to determine if it valid for adding to the generated schema. If any filter returns false, it is rejected.
isValidProperty($this, property) - Static method in class com.expedia.graphql.schema.hooks.SchemaGeneratorHooks.DefaultImpls
Called when looking at the KClass properties to determine if it valid for adding to the generated schema. If any filter returns false, it is rejected.
isValidProperty(property) - Method in interface com.expedia.graphql.schema.hooks.SchemaGeneratorHooks
Called when looking at the KClass properties to determine if it valid for adding to the generated schema. If any filter returns false, it is rejected.


KClassExtensionsKt - Class in com.expedia.graphql.schema.extensions
KotlinDataFetcher - Class in com.expedia.graphql.schema
Simple DataFetcher that invokes function on the target object.
KotlinDataFetcher(target, fn, args, executionPredicate) - Constructor for class com.expedia.graphql.schema.KotlinDataFetcher
Simple DataFetcher that invokes function on the target object.
KotlinDataFetcherKt - Class in com.expedia.graphql.schema
KParameterExtensionsKt - Class in com.expedia.graphql.schema.extensions
KTypeExtensionsKt - Class in com.expedia.graphql.schema.extensions


locations() - Method in interface com.expedia.graphql.annotations.GraphQLDirective


name() - Method in interface com.expedia.graphql.annotations.GraphQLDirective
NestingNonNullTypeException - Exception in com.expedia.graphql.schema.exceptions
Throws on nesting a non-null graphql type twice.
NestingNonNullTypeException(gType, kType) - Constructor for exception com.expedia.graphql.schema.exceptions.NestingNonNullTypeException
Throws on nesting a non-null graphql type twice.


onFailure(evaluationResult, parameter, argumentName, environment) - Method in class com.expedia.graphql.schema.hooks.DataFetcherExecutionPredicate
If the test is unsuccessful, this function will be invoked.
onRewireGraphQLType($this, type, generatedType) - Static method in class com.expedia.graphql.schema.hooks.SchemaGeneratorHooks.DefaultImpls
Called after willGenerateGraphQLType and before didGenerateGraphQLType. Enables you to change the wiring, e.g. directives to alter data fetchers.
onRewireGraphQLType(type, generatedType) - Method in interface com.expedia.graphql.schema.hooks.SchemaGeneratorHooks
Called after willGenerateGraphQLType and before didGenerateGraphQLType. Enables you to change the wiring, e.g. directives to alter data fetchers.
onWire(generatedType) - Method in class com.expedia.graphql.schema.generator.directive.DirectiveWiringHelper


Parameter - Class in com.expedia.graphql.schema
Custom wrapper for a class and its annotations
Parameter(klazz, annotations) - Constructor for class com.expedia.graphql.schema.Parameter
Custom wrapper for a class and its annotations


SchemaGeneratorConfig - Class in com.expedia.graphql.schema
Settings for generating the schema.
SchemaGeneratorConfig(supportedPackages, topLevelQueryName, topLevelMutationName, hooks, dataFetcherFactory) - Constructor for class com.expedia.graphql.schema.SchemaGeneratorConfig
Settings for generating the schema.
SchemaGeneratorHooks - Interface in com.expedia.graphql.schema.hooks
Collection of all the hooks when generating a schema. Hooks are lifecycle events that are called and triggered while the schema is building that allow users to customize the schema.
SchemaGeneratorHooks.DefaultImpls - Class in com.expedia.graphql.schema.hooks
Collection of all the hooks when generating a schema. Hooks are lifecycle events that are called and triggered while the schema is building that allow users to customize the schema.


test(evaluationResult) - Method in class com.expedia.graphql.schema.hooks.DataFetcherExecutionPredicate
Assert that the result of the {@link #evaluate(T, Parameter, String, DataFetchingEnvironment)} method is as expected eg: the list of errors is empty
TopLevelObjectDef - Class in com.expedia.graphql
Encapsulates an object to use as a target for schema generation and the class to be used for reflection.
TopLevelObjectDef(obj, klazz) - Constructor for class com.expedia.graphql.TopLevelObjectDef
Encapsulates an object to use as a target for schema generation and the class to be used for reflection.
toSchema(queries, mutations, config) - Static method in class com.expedia.graphql.ToSchemaKt
Entry point to generate a graphql schema using reflection on the passed objects.
ToSchemaKt - Class in com.expedia.graphql
toString() - Method in class com.expedia.graphql.schema.Parameter
toString() - Method in class com.expedia.graphql.schema.SchemaGeneratorConfig
toString() - Method in class com.expedia.graphql.TopLevelObjectDef
TypeNotSupportedException - Exception in com.expedia.graphql.schema.exceptions
Thrown when the generator does not have a type to map to in GraphQL or in the hooks.
TypeNotSupportedException(typeName, packageList) - Constructor for exception com.expedia.graphql.schema.exceptions.TypeNotSupportedException
Thrown when the generator does not have a type to map to in GraphQL or in the hooks.


value() - Method in interface com.expedia.graphql.annotations.GraphQLDescription


willBuildSchema($this, builder) - Static method in class com.expedia.graphql.schema.hooks.SchemaGeneratorHooks.DefaultImpls
Called before the final GraphQL schema is built. This doesn't prevent the called from rebuilding the final schema using java-graphql's functionality
willBuildSchema(builder) - Method in interface com.expedia.graphql.schema.hooks.SchemaGeneratorHooks
Called before the final GraphQL schema is built. This doesn't prevent the called from rebuilding the final schema using java-graphql's functionality
willGenerateGraphQLType($this, type) - Static method in class com.expedia.graphql.schema.hooks.SchemaGeneratorHooks.DefaultImpls
Called before using reflection to generate the graphql object type for the given KType. This allows supporting objects that the caller does not want to use reflection on for special handling
willGenerateGraphQLType(type) - Method in interface com.expedia.graphql.schema.hooks.SchemaGeneratorHooks
Called before using reflection to generate the graphql object type for the given KType. This allows supporting objects that the caller does not want to use reflection on for special handling
willResolveMonad($this, type) - Static method in class com.expedia.graphql.schema.hooks.SchemaGeneratorHooks.DefaultImpls
Called before resolving a Monad or Future type to its wrapped KType. This allows for a custom resolver on how to extract the wrapped value.
willResolveMonad(type) - Method in interface com.expedia.graphql.schema.hooks.SchemaGeneratorHooks
Called before resolving a Monad or Future type to its wrapped KType. This allows for a custom resolver on how to extract the wrapped value.
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