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KeyNotFoundInGraphQLContextException - class in com.expediagroup.graphql.generator.exceptions
Thrown when klazz key was not found in a GraphQLContext
KotlinDataFetcherFactoryProvider - class in com.expediagroup.graphql.generator.execution
DataFetcherFactoryProvider is used during schema construction to obtain DataFetcherFactory that should be used for target function and property resolution.
KotlinDirectiveWiringFactory - class in com.expediagroup.graphql.generator.directives
Wiring factory that is used to provide the directives.
KotlinFieldDirectiveEnvironment - class in com.expediagroup.graphql.generator.directives
KotlinFieldDirectiveEnvironment holds wiring information for applying directives on GraphQL fields.
KotlinSchemaDirectiveEnvironment - class in com.expediagroup.graphql.generator.directives
KotlinSchemaDirectiveEnvironment holds basic wiring information that includes target element and directive that is to be applied.
KotlinSchemaDirectiveWiring - class in com.expediagroup.graphql.generator.directives
KotlinSchemaDirectiveWiring is used for enhancing/updating GraphQL type based on the specified directives.
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