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BoltsMeasurementEventListener - class in com.facebook.internal
com.facebook.internal is solely for the use of other packages within the Facebook SDK for Android.
BoltsMeasurementEventListener.Companion - class in com.facebook.internal.BoltsMeasurementEventListener
BOOL - enum entry in com.facebook.appevents.cloudbridge.AppEventsConversionsAPITransformer.ValueTransformationType
build(File) - function in com.facebook.appevents.ml.Model.Companion
build(JSONObject) - function in com.facebook.appevents.ml.ModelManager.TaskHandler.Companion
build() - function in com.facebook.internal.ImageRequest.Builder
build(Throwable,InstrumentData.Type) - function in com.facebook.internal.instrument.InstrumentData.Builder
build(JSONArray) - function in com.facebook.internal.instrument.InstrumentData.Builder
build(String,String) - function in com.facebook.internal.instrument.InstrumentData.Builder
buildAppIndexingRequest(String,AccessToken,String,String) - function in com.facebook.appevents.codeless.ViewIndexer.Companion
buildUri(String,String,Bundle) - function in com.facebook.internal.Utility
bulkInsert(Uri,Array) - function in android.content.FacebookContentProvider
bulkInsert(Uri,Array) - function in android.content.FacebookInitProvider
BundleJSONConverter - class in com.facebook.internal
com.facebook.internal is solely for the use of other packages within the Facebook SDK for Android.
BundleJSONConverter.Setter - class in com.facebook.internal.BundleJSONConverter
BypassAppSwitch - enum entry in com.facebook.internal.FeatureManager.Feature
bytesToHex(ByteArray) - function in com.facebook.appevents.internal.AppEventUtility
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