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beginBatchEdit() - function in android.widget.DeviceLoginButton
beginBatchEdit() - function in android.widget.LoginButton
BLACK - enum entry in com.facebook.login.widget.ToolTipPopup.Style

The tool tip will be shown with a black style; including a black background and black arrows.

BLUE - enum entry in com.facebook.login.widget.ToolTipPopup.Style

The tool tip will be shown with a blue style; including a blue background and blue arrows.

bringChildToFront(View) - function in android.view.ProfilePictureView
bringPointIntoView(Integer) - function in android.widget.DeviceLoginButton
bringPointIntoView(Integer) - function in android.widget.LoginButton
bringToFront() - function in android.view.DeviceLoginButton
bringToFront() - function in android.view.LoginButton
bringToFront() - function in android.view.ProfilePictureView
buildDrawingCache() - function in android.view.DeviceLoginButton
buildDrawingCache(Boolean) - function in android.view.DeviceLoginButton
buildDrawingCache() - function in android.view.LoginButton
buildDrawingCache(Boolean) - function in android.view.LoginButton
buildDrawingCache() - function in android.view.ProfilePictureView
buildDrawingCache(Boolean) - function in android.view.ProfilePictureView
buildLayer() - function in android.view.DeviceLoginButton
buildLayer() - function in android.view.LoginButton
buildLayer() - function in android.view.ProfilePictureView
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