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getExternalUri() - function in com.facebook.messenger.ShareToMessengerParamsBuilder
Gets an external URI that Messenger can use to download the content on Facebook's serversinstead of requiring the Messenger application to upload the content.
getExternalUri() - function in com.facebook.messenger.ShareToMessengerParams
An external URI that Messenger can use to download the content on Facebook's servers instead of requiring the Messenger application to upload the content.
getEXTRA_APP_ID() - function in com.facebook.messenger.MessengerUtils
getEXTRA_EXTERNAL_URI() - function in com.facebook.messenger.MessengerUtils
getEXTRA_IS_COMPOSE() - function in com.facebook.messenger.MessengerUtils
getEXTRA_IS_REPLY() - function in com.facebook.messenger.MessengerUtils
getEXTRA_METADATA() - function in com.facebook.messenger.MessengerUtils
getEXTRA_PARTICIPANTS() - function in com.facebook.messenger.MessengerUtils
getEXTRA_PROTOCOL_VERSION() - function in com.facebook.messenger.MessengerUtils
getEXTRA_REPLY_TOKEN_KEY() - function in com.facebook.messenger.MessengerUtils
getEXTRA_THREAD_TOKEN_KEY() - function in com.facebook.messenger.MessengerUtils
getMessengerThreadParamsForIntent(Intent) - function in com.facebook.messenger.MessengerUtils
When handling an Intent from Messenger, call this to parse the parameters of the intent.
getMetaData() - function in com.facebook.messenger.ShareToMessengerParamsBuilder
Gets the metadata to attach to the content to shared.
getMetadata() - function in com.facebook.messenger.MessengerThreadParams
Metadata that originated from content the app originally set when it sent the request to Messenger.
getMetaData() - function in com.facebook.messenger.ShareToMessengerParams
The metadata to attach to the content to shared.
getMimeType() - function in com.facebook.messenger.ShareToMessengerParamsBuilder
Gets the mime type of the content.
getMimeType() - function in com.facebook.messenger.ShareToMessengerParams
The mime type of the content.
getName() - function in com.facebook.messenger.MessengerThreadParams.Origin
getORCA_THREAD_CATEGORY_20150314() - function in com.facebook.messenger.MessengerUtils
getOrdinal() - function in com.facebook.messenger.MessengerThreadParams.Origin
getOrigin() - function in com.facebook.messenger.MessengerThreadParams
The origin of the flow that the user originated from.
getPACKAGE_NAME() - function in com.facebook.messenger.MessengerUtils
getParticipants() - function in com.facebook.messenger.MessengerThreadParams
The list of participants in the thread represented as App-scoped User IDs.
getPROTOCOL_VERSION_20150314() - function in com.facebook.messenger.MessengerUtils
getThreadToken() - function in com.facebook.messenger.MessengerThreadParams
A token representing the thread the user originated from.
getUri() - function in com.facebook.messenger.ShareToMessengerParamsBuilder
Gets the URI of the local image, video, or audio clip to send to messenger.
getUri() - function in com.facebook.messenger.ShareToMessengerParams
The URI of the local image, video, or audio clip to send to messenger.
getVALID_EXTERNAL_URI_SCHEMES() - function in com.facebook.messenger.ShareToMessengerParams.Companion
getVALID_MIME_TYPES() - function in com.facebook.messenger.ShareToMessengerParams.Companion
getVALID_URI_SCHEMES() - function in com.facebook.messenger.ShareToMessengerParams.Companion
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