Class ConfigurationOptions

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class ConfigurationOptions extends Object
Various settings for controlling the input and output of a Configuration
  • Constructor Details

    • ConfigurationOptions

      protected ConfigurationOptions(Configuration configuration)
  • Method Details

    • configuration

      public Configuration configuration()
      Returns the Configuration that this object is responsible for.
      Parent configuration
    • pathSeparator

      public char pathSeparator()
      Gets the char that will be used to separate ConfigurationSections

      This value does not affect how the Configuration is stored, only in how you access the data. The default value is '.'.

      Path separator
    • pathSeparator

      public ConfigurationOptions pathSeparator(char value)
      Sets the char that will be used to separate ConfigurationSections

      This value does not affect how the Configuration is stored, only in how you access the data. The default value is '.'.

      value - Path separator
      This object, for chaining
    • copyDefaults

      public boolean copyDefaults()
      Checks if the Configuration should copy values from its default Configuration directly.

      If this is true, all values in the default Configuration will be directly copied, making it impossible to distinguish between values that were set and values that are provided by default. As a result, ConfigurationSection.contains(String) will always return the same value as ConfigurationSection.isSet(String). The default value is false.

      Whether or not defaults are directly copied
    • copyDefaults

      public ConfigurationOptions copyDefaults(boolean value)
      Sets if the Configuration should copy values from its default Configuration directly.

      If this is true, all values in the default Configuration will be directly copied, making it impossible to distinguish between values that were set and values that are provided by default. As a result, ConfigurationSection.contains(String) will always return the same value as ConfigurationSection.isSet(String). The default value is false.

      value - Whether or not defaults are directly copied
      This object, for chaining