Interface BeanProperty

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
BeanProperty.Std, BeanPropertyWriter, CreatorProperty, FieldProperty, InnerClassProperty, ManagedReferenceProperty, MethodProperty, ObjectIdProperty, SettableBeanProperty, SetterlessProperty, UnwrappingBeanPropertyWriter, ValueInjector

public interface BeanProperty
extends Named

Bean properties are logical entities that represent data that Java objects (POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects), sometimes also called "beans") contain; and that are accessed using accessors (methods like getters and setters, fields, contstructor parametrers). Instances allow access to annotations directly associated to property (via field or method), as well as contextual annotations (annotations for class that contains properties).

Instances are not typically passed when constructing serializers and deserializers, but rather only passed when context is known when ContextualSerializer and ContextualDeserializer resolution occurs (createContextual(...) method is called). References may (need to) be retained by serializers and deserializers, especially when further resolving dependant handlers like value serializers/deserializers or structured types.

Nested Class Summary
static class BeanProperty.Std
          Simple stand-alone implementation, useful as a placeholder or base class for more complex implementations.
Method Summary
<A extends Annotation>
getAnnotation(Class<A> acls)
          Method for finding annotation associated with this property; meaning annotation associated with one of entities used to access property.
<A extends Annotation>
getContextAnnotation(Class<A> acls)
          Method for finding annotation associated with context of this property; usually class in which member is declared (or its subtype if processing subtype).
 AnnotatedMember getMember()
          Method for accessing primary physical entity that represents the property; annotated field, method or constructor property.
 String getName()
          Method to get logical name of the property
 JavaType getType()
          Method to get declared type of the property.

Method Detail


String getName()
Method to get logical name of the property

Specified by:
getName in interface Named


JavaType getType()
Method to get declared type of the property.


<A extends Annotation> A getAnnotation(Class<A> acls)
Method for finding annotation associated with this property; meaning annotation associated with one of entities used to access property.


<A extends Annotation> A getContextAnnotation(Class<A> acls)
Method for finding annotation associated with context of this property; usually class in which member is declared (or its subtype if processing subtype).


AnnotatedMember getMember()
Method for accessing primary physical entity that represents the property; annotated field, method or constructor property.

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