Class DeserializationConfig

  extended by com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.cfg.MapperConfig<T>
      extended by com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.cfg.MapperConfigBase<DeserializationFeature,DeserializationConfig>
          extended by com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationConfig
All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class DeserializationConfig
extends MapperConfigBase<DeserializationFeature,DeserializationConfig>

Object that contains baseline configuration for deserialization process. An instance is owned by ObjectMapper, which passes an immutable instance to be used for deserialization process.

Note that instances are considered immutable and as such no copies should need to be created (there are some implementation details with respect to mix-in annotations; where this is guaranteed as long as caller follow "copy-then-use" pattern)

Field Summary
protected  int _deserFeatures
          Set of features enabled; actual type (kind of features) depends on sub-classes.
protected  JsonNodeFactory _nodeFactory
          Factory used for constructing com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonNode instances.
protected  LinkedNode<DeserializationProblemHandler> _problemHandlers
          Linked list that contains all registered problem handlers.
Fields inherited from class com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.cfg.MapperConfigBase
_mixInAnnotations, _rootName, _subtypeResolver, _view
Fields inherited from class com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.cfg.MapperConfig
_base, _mapperFeatures
Constructor Summary
DeserializationConfig(BaseSettings base, SubtypeResolver str, Map<ClassKey,Class<?>> mixins)
          Constructor used by ObjectMapper to create default configuration object instance.
Method Summary
 AnnotationIntrospector getAnnotationIntrospector()
          Method for getting AnnotationIntrospector configured to introspect annotation values used for configuration.
 com.fasterxml.jackson.core.Base64Variant getBase64Variant()
          Method called during deserialization if Base64 encoded content needs to be decoded.
 VisibilityChecker<?> getDefaultVisibilityChecker()
          Accessor for object used for determining whether specific property elements (method, constructors, fields) can be auto-detected based on their visibility (access modifiers).
 int getDeserializationFeatures()
 JsonNodeFactory getNodeFactory()
 LinkedNode<DeserializationProblemHandler> getProblemHandlers()
          Method for getting head of the problem handler chain.
<T extends BeanDescription>
introspect(JavaType type)
          Method that will introspect full bean properties for the purpose of building a bean deserializer
 BeanDescription introspectClassAnnotations(JavaType type)
          Accessor for getting bean description that only contains class annotations: useful if no getter/setter/creator information is needed.
 BeanDescription introspectDirectClassAnnotations(JavaType type)
          Accessor for getting bean description that only contains immediate class annotations: ones from the class, and its direct mix-in, if any, but not from super types.
<T extends BeanDescription>
introspectForBuilder(JavaType type)
<T extends BeanDescription>
introspectForCreation(JavaType type)
          Method that will introspect subset of bean properties needed to construct bean instance.
 boolean isEnabled(DeserializationFeature f)
 boolean useRootWrapping()
          Accessor for checking whether configuration indicates that "root wrapping" (use of an extra property/name pair at root level) is expected or not.
 DeserializationConfig with(DeserializationFeature feature)
          Fluent factory method that will construct and return a new configuration object instance with specified features enabled.
 DeserializationConfig with(DeserializationFeature first, DeserializationFeature... features)
          Fluent factory method that will construct and return a new configuration object instance with specified features enabled.
 DeserializationConfig with(MapperFeature... features)
          Method for constructing and returning a new instance with specified mapper features enabled.
 DeserializationConfig withAnnotationIntrospector(AnnotationIntrospector ai)
          Method for constructing and returning a new instance with different AnnotationIntrospector to use (replacing old one).
 DeserializationConfig withAppendedAnnotationIntrospector(AnnotationIntrospector ai)
          Method for constructing and returning a new instance with additional AnnotationIntrospector appended (as the lowest priority one)
 DeserializationConfig withClassIntrospector(ClassIntrospector ci)
          Method for constructing and returning a new instance with different ClassIntrospector to use.
 DeserializationConfig withDateFormat(DateFormat df)
          Method for constructing and returning a new instance with different DateFormat to use.
 DeserializationConfig withFeatures(DeserializationFeature... features)
          Fluent factory method that will construct and return a new configuration object instance with specified features enabled.
 DeserializationConfig withHandler(DeserializationProblemHandler h)
          Method that can be used to add a handler that can (try to) resolve non-fatal deserialization problems.
 DeserializationConfig withHandlerInstantiator(HandlerInstantiator hi)
          Method for constructing and returning a new instance with different HandlerInstantiator to use.
 DeserializationConfig withInsertedAnnotationIntrospector(AnnotationIntrospector ai)
          Method for constructing and returning a new instance with additional AnnotationIntrospector inserted (as the highest priority one)
 DeserializationConfig withNodeFactory(JsonNodeFactory f)
          Fluent factory method that will construct a new instance with specified JsonNodeFactory
 DeserializationConfig withNoProblemHandlers()
          Method for removing all configured problem handlers; usually done to replace existing handler(s) with different one(s)
 DeserializationConfig without(DeserializationFeature feature)
          Fluent factory method that will construct and return a new configuration object instance with specified feature disabled.
 DeserializationConfig without(DeserializationFeature first, DeserializationFeature... features)
          Fluent factory method that will construct and return a new configuration object instance with specified features disabled.
 DeserializationConfig without(MapperFeature... features)
          Method for constructing and returning a new instance with specified mapper features disabled.
 DeserializationConfig withoutFeatures(DeserializationFeature... features)
          Fluent factory method that will construct and return a new configuration object instance with specified features disabled.
 DeserializationConfig withPropertyNamingStrategy(PropertyNamingStrategy pns)
          Method for constructing and returning a new instance with different PropertyNamingStrategy to use.
 DeserializationConfig withRootName(String rootName)
          Method for constructing and returning a new instance with different root name to use (none, if null).
 DeserializationConfig withSubtypeResolver(SubtypeResolver str)
          Method for constructing and returning a new instance with different SubtypeResolver to use.
 DeserializationConfig withTypeFactory(TypeFactory tf)
          Method for constructing and returning a new instance with different TypeFactory to use.
 DeserializationConfig withTypeResolverBuilder(TypeResolverBuilder<?> trb)
          Method for constructing and returning a new instance with different TypeResolverBuilder to use.
 DeserializationConfig withView(Class<?> view)
          Method for constructing and returning a new instance with different view to use.
 DeserializationConfig withVisibility(com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.PropertyAccessor forMethod, com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAutoDetect.Visibility visibility)
          Method for constructing and returning a new instance with different minimal visibility level for specified property type
 DeserializationConfig withVisibilityChecker(VisibilityChecker<?> vc)
          Method for constructing and returning a new instance with different VisibilityChecker to use.
Methods inherited from class com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.cfg.MapperConfigBase
findMixInClassFor, getActiveView, getRootName, getSubtypeResolver, mixInCount
Methods inherited from class com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.cfg.MapperConfig
canOverrideAccessModifiers, collectFeatureDefaults, constructSpecializedType, constructType, constructType, getClassIntrospector, getDateFormat, getDefaultTyper, getHandlerInstantiator, getPropertyNamingStrategy, getTypeFactory, introspectClassAnnotations, introspectDirectClassAnnotations, isAnnotationProcessingEnabled, isEnabled, shouldSortPropertiesAlphabetically, typeIdResolverInstance, typeResolverBuilderInstance
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final int _deserFeatures
Set of features enabled; actual type (kind of features) depends on sub-classes.


protected final LinkedNode<DeserializationProblemHandler> _problemHandlers
Linked list that contains all registered problem handlers. Implementation as front-added linked list allows for sharing of the list (tail) without copying the list.


protected final JsonNodeFactory _nodeFactory
Factory used for constructing com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonNode instances.

Constructor Detail


public DeserializationConfig(BaseSettings base,
                             SubtypeResolver str,
                             Map<ClassKey,Class<?>> mixins)
Constructor used by ObjectMapper to create default configuration object instance.

Method Detail


public DeserializationConfig with(MapperFeature... features)
Description copied from class: MapperConfig
Method for constructing and returning a new instance with specified mapper features enabled.

Specified by:
with in class MapperConfig<DeserializationConfig>


public DeserializationConfig without(MapperFeature... features)
Description copied from class: MapperConfig
Method for constructing and returning a new instance with specified mapper features disabled.

Specified by:
without in class MapperConfig<DeserializationConfig>


public DeserializationConfig withClassIntrospector(ClassIntrospector ci)
Description copied from class: MapperConfigBase
Method for constructing and returning a new instance with different ClassIntrospector to use.

NOTE: make sure to register new instance with ObjectMapper if directly calling this method.

Specified by:
withClassIntrospector in class MapperConfigBase<DeserializationFeature,DeserializationConfig>


public DeserializationConfig withAnnotationIntrospector(AnnotationIntrospector ai)
Description copied from class: MapperConfigBase
Method for constructing and returning a new instance with different AnnotationIntrospector to use (replacing old one).

NOTE: make sure to register new instance with ObjectMapper if directly calling this method.

Specified by:
withAnnotationIntrospector in class MapperConfigBase<DeserializationFeature,DeserializationConfig>


public DeserializationConfig withVisibilityChecker(VisibilityChecker<?> vc)
Description copied from class: MapperConfigBase
Method for constructing and returning a new instance with different VisibilityChecker to use.

Specified by:
withVisibilityChecker in class MapperConfigBase<DeserializationFeature,DeserializationConfig>


public DeserializationConfig withVisibility(com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.PropertyAccessor forMethod,
                                            com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAutoDetect.Visibility visibility)
Description copied from class: MapperConfigBase
Method for constructing and returning a new instance with different minimal visibility level for specified property type

Specified by:
withVisibility in class MapperConfigBase<DeserializationFeature,DeserializationConfig>


public DeserializationConfig withTypeResolverBuilder(TypeResolverBuilder<?> trb)
Description copied from class: MapperConfigBase
Method for constructing and returning a new instance with different TypeResolverBuilder to use.

Specified by:
withTypeResolverBuilder in class MapperConfigBase<DeserializationFeature,DeserializationConfig>


public DeserializationConfig withSubtypeResolver(SubtypeResolver str)
Description copied from class: MapperConfigBase
Method for constructing and returning a new instance with different SubtypeResolver to use.

NOTE: make sure to register new instance with ObjectMapper if directly calling this method.

Specified by:
withSubtypeResolver in class MapperConfigBase<DeserializationFeature,DeserializationConfig>


public DeserializationConfig withPropertyNamingStrategy(PropertyNamingStrategy pns)
Description copied from class: MapperConfigBase
Method for constructing and returning a new instance with different PropertyNamingStrategy to use.

NOTE: make sure to register new instance with ObjectMapper if directly calling this method.

Specified by:
withPropertyNamingStrategy in class MapperConfigBase<DeserializationFeature,DeserializationConfig>


public DeserializationConfig withRootName(String rootName)
Description copied from class: MapperConfigBase
Method for constructing and returning a new instance with different root name to use (none, if null).

Note that when a root name is set to a non-Empty String, this will automatically force use of root element wrapping with given name. If empty String passed, will disable root name wrapping; and if null used, will instead use SerializationFeature to determine if to use wrapping, and annotation (or default name) for actual root name to use.

Specified by:
withRootName in class MapperConfigBase<DeserializationFeature,DeserializationConfig>
rootName - to use: if null, means "use default" (clear setting); if empty String ("") means that no root name wrapping is used; otherwise defines root name to use.


public DeserializationConfig withTypeFactory(TypeFactory tf)
Description copied from class: MapperConfigBase
Method for constructing and returning a new instance with different TypeFactory to use.

Specified by:
withTypeFactory in class MapperConfigBase<DeserializationFeature,DeserializationConfig>


public DeserializationConfig withDateFormat(DateFormat df)
Description copied from class: MapperConfigBase
Method for constructing and returning a new instance with different DateFormat to use.

NOTE: make sure to register new instance with ObjectMapper if directly calling this method.

Specified by:
withDateFormat in class MapperConfigBase<DeserializationFeature,DeserializationConfig>


public DeserializationConfig withHandlerInstantiator(HandlerInstantiator hi)
Description copied from class: MapperConfigBase
Method for constructing and returning a new instance with different HandlerInstantiator to use.

NOTE: make sure to register new instance with ObjectMapper if directly calling this method.

Specified by:
withHandlerInstantiator in class MapperConfigBase<DeserializationFeature,DeserializationConfig>


public DeserializationConfig withInsertedAnnotationIntrospector(AnnotationIntrospector ai)
Description copied from class: MapperConfigBase
Method for constructing and returning a new instance with additional AnnotationIntrospector inserted (as the highest priority one)

Specified by:
withInsertedAnnotationIntrospector in class MapperConfigBase<DeserializationFeature,DeserializationConfig>


public DeserializationConfig withAppendedAnnotationIntrospector(AnnotationIntrospector ai)
Description copied from class: MapperConfigBase
Method for constructing and returning a new instance with additional AnnotationIntrospector appended (as the lowest priority one)

Specified by:
withAppendedAnnotationIntrospector in class MapperConfigBase<DeserializationFeature,DeserializationConfig>


public DeserializationConfig withView(Class<?> view)
Description copied from class: MapperConfigBase
Method for constructing and returning a new instance with different view to use.

Specified by:
withView in class MapperConfigBase<DeserializationFeature,DeserializationConfig>


public DeserializationConfig withNodeFactory(JsonNodeFactory f)
Fluent factory method that will construct a new instance with specified JsonNodeFactory


public DeserializationConfig withHandler(DeserializationProblemHandler h)
Method that can be used to add a handler that can (try to) resolve non-fatal deserialization problems.


public DeserializationConfig withNoProblemHandlers()
Method for removing all configured problem handlers; usually done to replace existing handler(s) with different one(s)


public DeserializationConfig with(DeserializationFeature feature)
Fluent factory method that will construct and return a new configuration object instance with specified features enabled.


public DeserializationConfig with(DeserializationFeature first,
                                  DeserializationFeature... features)
Fluent factory method that will construct and return a new configuration object instance with specified features enabled.


public DeserializationConfig withFeatures(DeserializationFeature... features)
Fluent factory method that will construct and return a new configuration object instance with specified features enabled.


public DeserializationConfig without(DeserializationFeature feature)
Fluent factory method that will construct and return a new configuration object instance with specified feature disabled.


public DeserializationConfig without(DeserializationFeature first,
                                     DeserializationFeature... features)
Fluent factory method that will construct and return a new configuration object instance with specified features disabled.


public DeserializationConfig withoutFeatures(DeserializationFeature... features)
Fluent factory method that will construct and return a new configuration object instance with specified features disabled.


public AnnotationIntrospector getAnnotationIntrospector()
Method for getting AnnotationIntrospector configured to introspect annotation values used for configuration.

getAnnotationIntrospector in class MapperConfig<DeserializationConfig>


public boolean useRootWrapping()
Description copied from class: MapperConfig
Accessor for checking whether configuration indicates that "root wrapping" (use of an extra property/name pair at root level) is expected or not.

Specified by:
useRootWrapping in class MapperConfig<DeserializationConfig>


public BeanDescription introspectClassAnnotations(JavaType type)
Accessor for getting bean description that only contains class annotations: useful if no getter/setter/creator information is needed.

Specified by:
introspectClassAnnotations in class MapperConfig<DeserializationConfig>


public BeanDescription introspectDirectClassAnnotations(JavaType type)
Accessor for getting bean description that only contains immediate class annotations: ones from the class, and its direct mix-in, if any, but not from super types.

Specified by:
introspectDirectClassAnnotations in class MapperConfig<DeserializationConfig>


public VisibilityChecker<?> getDefaultVisibilityChecker()
Description copied from class: MapperConfig
Accessor for object used for determining whether specific property elements (method, constructors, fields) can be auto-detected based on their visibility (access modifiers). Can be changed to allow different minimum visibility levels for auto-detection. Note that this is the global handler; individual types (classes) can further override active checker used (using JsonAutoDetect annotation)

getDefaultVisibilityChecker in class MapperConfig<DeserializationConfig>


public final boolean isEnabled(DeserializationFeature f)


public final int getDeserializationFeatures()


public LinkedNode<DeserializationProblemHandler> getProblemHandlers()
Method for getting head of the problem handler chain. May be null, if no handlers have been added.


public com.fasterxml.jackson.core.Base64Variant getBase64Variant()
Method called during deserialization if Base64 encoded content needs to be decoded. Default version just returns default Jackson uses, which is modified-mime which does not add linefeeds (because those would have to be escaped in JSON strings).


public final JsonNodeFactory getNodeFactory()


public <T extends BeanDescription> T introspect(JavaType type)
Method that will introspect full bean properties for the purpose of building a bean deserializer

type - Type of class to be introspected


public <T extends BeanDescription> T introspectForCreation(JavaType type)
Method that will introspect subset of bean properties needed to construct bean instance.


public <T extends BeanDescription> T introspectForBuilder(JavaType type)

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