Class BeanPropertyMap

  extended by com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.impl.BeanPropertyMap

public final class BeanPropertyMap
extends Object

Helper class used for storing mapping from property name to SettableBeanProperty instances.

Note that this class is used instead of generic HashMap for bit of performance gain (and some memory savings): although default implementation is very good for generic use cases, it can be streamlined a bit for specific use case we have. Even relatively small improvements matter since this is directly on the critical path during deserialization, as it is done for each and every POJO property deserialized.

Constructor Summary
BeanPropertyMap(Collection<SettableBeanProperty> properties)
Method Summary
 Iterator<SettableBeanProperty> allProperties()
          Accessor for traversing over all contained properties.
 BeanPropertyMap assignIndexes()
 SettableBeanProperty find(String key)
 void remove(SettableBeanProperty property)
          Specialized method for removing specified existing entry.
 BeanPropertyMap renameAll(NameTransformer transformer)
          Factory method for constructing a map where all entries use given prefix
 void replace(SettableBeanProperty property)
          Specialized method that can be used to replace an existing entry (note: entry MUST exist; otherwise exception is thrown) with specified replacement.
 int size()
 BeanPropertyMap withProperty(SettableBeanProperty newProperty)
          Fluent copy method that creates a new instance that is a copy of this instance except for one additional property that is passed as the argument.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public BeanPropertyMap(Collection<SettableBeanProperty> properties)
Method Detail


public BeanPropertyMap withProperty(SettableBeanProperty newProperty)
Fluent copy method that creates a new instance that is a copy of this instance except for one additional property that is passed as the argument. Note that method does not modify this instance but constructs and returns a new one.



public BeanPropertyMap renameAll(NameTransformer transformer)
Factory method for constructing a map where all entries use given prefix


public BeanPropertyMap assignIndexes()


public int size()


public Iterator<SettableBeanProperty> allProperties()
Accessor for traversing over all contained properties.


public SettableBeanProperty find(String key)


public void replace(SettableBeanProperty property)
Specialized method that can be used to replace an existing entry (note: entry MUST exist; otherwise exception is thrown) with specified replacement.


public void remove(SettableBeanProperty property)
Specialized method for removing specified existing entry. NOTE: entry MUST exist, otherwise an exception is thrown.

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