


package lazyseq

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final class BufferedLazySeq[A] extends LazySeq[A] with Closeable
  2. trait IteratorLazySeq[A] extends LazySeq[A]

    LazySeq Implementation using the Iterator interface (hasNext/next) instead of Traversable's (foreach)

  3. final class JavaIterableLazySeq[A] extends LazySeq[A]

    LazySeq Implementation using the Java Iterable interface

  4. final class JavaIteratorLazySeq[A] extends LazySeq[A]

    LazySeq Implementation using the Java Iterator interface

  5. trait LazySeq[+A] extends TraversableOnce[A] with FilterMonadic[A, LazySeq[A]]

    A Non-Strict Traversable meant to be used for reading resources (Files, InputStreams, etc...) that might not fit into memory and may or may not be re-readable.

  6. final class LazySeqBuilder[A] extends Builder[A, LazySeq[A]] with Closeable with Logging

    A LazySeq producer/consumer pair that uses a BlockingQueue

    A LazySeq producer/consumer pair that uses a BlockingQueue

    I think this is Thread-Safe

  7. trait LazySeqIterator[+A] extends BufferedIterator[A] with Closeable
  8. trait ResourceLazySeq[A, R] extends LazySeq[A]

    Helper class that takes a Resource and handles using the resource

  9. final case class SerializerReader[A](resource: Resource[DataInput], serializer: Serializer[A]) extends LazySeq[A] with Logging with Product with Serializable
  10. final class SortedLazySeqBuilder[V, K] extends Builder[V, LazySeq[V]] with Logging

    Keeps an in-memory buffer gets sorted once a size threshold is passed and written to a temp file.

    Keeps an in-memory buffer gets sorted once a size threshold is passed and written to a temp file. This is repeated until result() is called. Data is then read back from the temp files in sorted order.

    This should be thread-safe

  11. final class TmpFileLazySeq[A] extends LazySeq[A]
  12. final class TmpFileLazySeqBuilder[A] extends Builder[A, LazySeq[A]]

    A builder that lets us build up a temp file that can be read back as a LazySeq.

    A builder that lets us build up a temp file that can be read back as a LazySeq. Useful for methods like groupBy, grouped, partition, etc...

    Methods are synchronized so this should be thread-safe now

Value Members

  1. object Implicits
  2. object LazySeq
  3. object LazySeqBuilder
  4. object SerializerReader extends Serializable
  5. object SortedLazySeqBuilder
