package bam

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AutoGenerateReadGroupsByName extends FgBioTool with LazyLogging
  2. case class BaseCounts (a: Int, c: Int, g: Int, t: Int, n: Int) extends Product with Serializable

    Utility class to count the number of observation of each kind of base.

  3. case class BaseEntry (rec: SamRecord, offset: Int) extends PileupEntry with Product with Serializable

    Pileup entry representing a match or mismatch.

  4. class ClipBam extends FgBioTool with LazyLogging
  5. case class ClippingMetrics (read_type: ReadType, reads: Long = 0, reads_unmapped: Long = 0, reads_clipped_pre: Long = 0, reads_clipped_post: Long = 0, reads_clipped_five_prime: Long = 0, reads_clipped_three_prime: Long = 0, reads_clipped_overlapping: Long = 0, bases: Long = 0, bases_clipped_pre: Long = 0, bases_clipped_post: Long = 0, bases_clipped_five_prime: Long = 0, bases_clipped_three_prime: Long = 0, bases_clipped_overlapping: Long = 0) extends Metric with Product with Serializable

    Metrics produced by ClipBam that detail how many reads and bases are clipped respectively.

    Metrics produced by ClipBam that detail how many reads and bases are clipped respectively.


    The type of read (i.e. Fragment, ReadOne, ReadTwo).


    The number of reads examined.


    The number of reads that became unmapped due to clipping.


    The number of reads with any type of clipping prior to clipping with ClipBam.


    The number of reads with any type of clipping after clipping with ClipBam, including reads that became unmapped.


    The number of reads with the 5' end clipped.


    The number of reads with the 3' end clipped.


    The number of reads clipped due to overlapping reads.


    The number of aligned bases after clipping.


    The number of bases clipped prior to clipping with ClipBam.


    The number of bases clipped after clipping with ClipBam, including bases from reads that became unmapped.


    The number of bases clipped on the 5' end of the read.


    The number of bases clipped on the 3 end of the read.


    The number of bases clipped due to overlapping reads.

  6. sealed trait ClippingMode extends EnumEntry

    The base trait for all clipping modes.

  7. case class DeletionEntry (rec: SamRecord, offset: Int) extends PileupEntry with Product with Serializable

    Pileup entry representing a deletion.

  8. class ErrorRateByReadPosition extends FgBioTool with LazyLogging
  9. case class ErrorRateByReadPositionMetric (read_number: Int, position: Int, bases_total: Count, errors: Count, error_rate: Double, a_to_c_error_rate: Double, a_to_g_error_rate: Double, a_to_t_error_rate: Double, c_to_a_error_rate: Double, c_to_g_error_rate: Double, c_to_t_error_rate: Double) extends Metric with Product with Serializable

    Metrics produced by ErrorRateByReadPosition describing the number of base observations and substitution errors at each position within each sequencing read.

    Metrics produced by ErrorRateByReadPosition describing the number of base observations and substitution errors at each position within each sequencing read. Error rates are given for the overall substitution error rate and also for each kind of substitution separately. Instead of reporting 12 substitution rates, 6 are reported where complementary substitutions are grouped together, e.g. T>G substitutions are reported as A>C.


    The read number (0 for fragments, 1 for first of pair, 2 for second of pair).


    The position or cycle within the read (1-based).


    The total number of bases observed at this position.


    The total number of errors or non-reference basecalls observed at this position.


    The overall error rate at position.


    The rate of A>C (and T>G) errors at the position.


    The rate of A>G (and T>C) errors at the position.


    The rate of A>T (and T>A) errors at the position.


    The rate of C>A (and G>T) errors at the position.


    The rate of C>G (and G>C) errors at the position.


    The rate of C>T (and G>A) errors at the position.

  10. class EstimatePoolingFractions extends FgBioTool with LazyLogging
  11. class FilterBam extends FgBioTool with LazyLogging

    Program which takes in a BAM file and filters out all reads for templates that match one or more criteria.

    Program which takes in a BAM file and filters out all reads for templates that match one or more criteria. Designed to be used to filter out reads that might confuse variant callers and lead to false positive variant calls.

  12. class FindTechnicalReads extends FgBioTool with LazyLogging
  13. case class InsertionEntry (rec: SamRecord, offset: Int) extends PileupEntry with Product with Serializable

    Pileup entry representing an insertion.

  14. case class Pileup [A <: PileupEntry](refName: String, refIndex: Int, pos: Int, pile: Seq[A]) extends Iterable[A] with Product with Serializable

    Represents a pileup of reads/bases at a single genomic location.

  15. class PileupBuilder extends AnyRef

    Class that provides methods to build and filter Pileups.

  16. sealed trait PileupEntry extends AnyRef

    Base trait for pileup entries that exposes the com.fulcrumgenomics.bam.api.SamRecord and the 0-based offset into the record's bases and qualities that is relevant to the pileup.

  17. case class PoolingFractionMetric (sample: String, variant_sites: Count, singletons: Count, estimated_fraction: Proportion, standard_error: Double, ci99_low: Proportion, ci99_high: Proportion) extends Metric with Product with Serializable

    Metrics produced by EstimatePoolingFractions to quantify the estimated proportion of a sample mixture that is attributable to a specific sample with a known set of genotypes.

    Metrics produced by EstimatePoolingFractions to quantify the estimated proportion of a sample mixture that is attributable to a specific sample with a known set of genotypes.


    The name of the sample within the pool being reported on.


    How many sites were examined at which the reported sample is known to be variant.


    How many of the variant sites were sites at which only this sample was variant.


    The estimated fraction of the pool that comes from this sample.


    The standard error of the estimated fraction.


    The lower bound of the 99% confidence interval for the estimated fraction.


    The upper bound of the 99% confidence interval for the estimated fraction.

  18. class RandomizeBam extends FgBioTool with LazyLogging
  19. sealed trait ReadType extends EnumEntry
  20. class RemoveSamTags extends FgBioTool
  21. class SamRecordClipper extends AnyRef

    Provides a suite of methods for clipping (soft- and hard-) bases from the beginnings and ends of reads in various ways.

    Provides a suite of methods for clipping (soft- and hard-) bases from the beginnings and ends of reads in various ways. Cigar strings, bases, qualities and alignment positions are all correctly adjusted post-clipping.

    Note that there are several "flavours" of method:

    • Ones that work on the start and end of the read in whatever orientation the read is in, vs. working on the 5' or 3' end of the read
    • Ones that attempt to clip an additional N bases beyond any clipping already provided (clip[Start|End|5PrimeEnd|3PrimeEnd]OfAlignment) and ones that attempt to make it so that the read has N bases clipped, including any existing clipping (clip[Start|End|5PrimeEnd|3PrimeEnd]OfRead)
  22. class SetMateInformation extends FgBioTool with LazyLogging
  23. class SortBam extends FgBioTool with LazyLogging
  24. class SplitBam extends FgBioTool with LazyLogging
  25. sealed trait SplitType extends EnumEntry
  26. case class Template (r1: Option[SamRecord], r2: Option[SamRecord], r1Supplementals: Seq[SamRecord] = Nil, r2Supplementals: Seq[SamRecord] = Nil, r1Secondaries: Seq[SamRecord] = Nil, r2Secondaries: Seq[SamRecord] = Nil) extends Product with Serializable

    Class that represents all reads from a template within a BAM file.

  27. class TrimPrimers extends FgBioTool with LazyLogging
  28. class UpdateReadGroups extends FgBioTool with LazyLogging

    Updates one or more read groups.

    Updates one or more read groups.


Value Members

  1. object Bams extends LazyLogging

    Utility methods for working with BAMs.

  2. object BaseCounts extends Serializable
  3. object ClippingMode extends FgBioEnum[ClippingMode]

    An enumeration representing the various ways to clip bases within a read.

  4. object ErrorRateByReadPositionMetric extends Serializable
  5. object ReadType extends FgBioEnum[ReadType]
  6. object SamRecordClipper

    Holds types and constants related to SamRecord clipping.

  7. object SplitType extends FgBioEnum[SplitType]
  8. object Template extends Serializable
  9. object TrimPrimers
