


package protocol

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. protocol
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AllBListProtocol extends BListProtocol with BListProtocolExtra
  2. trait AllHashProtocol extends HashProtocol with HashProtocolExtra
  3. trait AllHyperLogLogProtocol extends HyperLogLogProtocol with HyperLogLogProtocolExtra
  4. trait AllKeyProtocol extends KeyProtocol with KeyProtocolExtra
  5. trait AllListProtocol extends ListProtocol with ListProtocolExtra
  6. trait AllSetProtocol extends SetProtocol with SetProtocolExtra
  7. trait AllSortedSetProtocol extends SortedSetProtocol with SortedSetProtocolExtra
  8. trait AllStringProtocol extends StringProtocol with StringProtocolExtra
  9. sealed trait Array extends RESP

    RESP Arrays

    RESP Arrays

    There can be 2 cases:

    • nil arrays, where the length is -1 and no array element is present
    • actual (non-nil) arrays, where the length is >= 0

    Non-nil Arrays can be constructed using the RESPBuilders#arr(xs: Seq[RESP]) method.

    1. import laserdisc.protocol.RESP._
      val nonNilArray: NonNilArray             = arr(Vector(str("hello"), str("world")))
      val guaranteedNonEmptyArray: NonNilArray = arr(str("hello"), str("world"))
      val emptyArray: NonNilArray              = arr(Vector.empty)
      val nilArray: NilArray                   = nilArray

    A forwarder for nil is present too and represented using the final vals RESPBuilders.nilArray


    RESPBuilders#arr(one: RESP, rest: RESP*) is an overload which supports the creation of guaranteed non-empty sequences only. This is achieved through the usage of one fixed parameter followed by a var-arg of the same

  10. sealed trait AtLeastN[L <: HList, N <: Nat, A] extends DepFn0 with Serializable

    This type-class serves two purposes:

    This type-class serves two purposes:

    • as a witness of the requirement for a HList L to only contain repeated (N or more) types that are subtypes of some given type A
    • as a higher-ranked no-args function that allows the caller to retrieve the effective length of the HList at the value level.

    The HList that will be verified to contain only types that are subtypes of A


    The minimum number of types (subtypes of A) that are needed to be present in L


    The supertype of all types present in L

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  11. trait BListProtocol extends AnyRef
  12. trait BListProtocolExtra extends AnyRef
  13. sealed trait BulkString extends RESP

    RESP Bulk Strings

    RESP Bulk Strings

    There can be 2 cases:

    • null bulk strings, where the length is -1 and no actual underlying string is present
    • actual (non-null) bulk strings, where the length is >= 0

    Non-null BulkStrings can be constructed using the RESPBuilders#bulk method

    1. import laserdisc.protocol.RESP._
      val nonNullBulkString: NonNullBulkString = bulk("some string")
      val nullBulkString: NullBulkString       = nullBulk

    A forwarder for null BulkStrings is present too and represented using the final vals RESPBuilders.nullBulk

    See also


  14. final type ConnectionName = Refined[String, And[NonEmpty, Forall[Not[Whitespace]]]]
  15. trait ConnectionProtocol extends AnyRef
  16. final type DbIndex = Refined[Int, Closed[_0, shapeless.Nat._15]]
  17. final type Double = Refined[scala.Double, NonNaN]
  18. sealed abstract class Error extends LaserDiscRuntimeError with RESP

    RESP Errors

    RESP Errors

    RESP Errors are also scala.RuntimeExceptions, although where possible they will not contain stacktrace data

    These can be constructed by using the RESPBuilders#err method

    1. import laserdisc.protocol.RESP._
      val error: Error = err("some error message")
  19. final type GlobPattern = Refined[String, MatchesRegex[String("(\\[?[\\w\\*\\?]+\\]?)+")]]
  20. trait HashProtocol extends AnyRef
  21. trait HashProtocolExtra extends AnyRef
  22. trait HyperLogLogProtocol extends AnyRef
  23. trait HyperLogLogProtocolExtra extends AnyRef
  24. final type Index = Refined[Long, True]
  25. sealed abstract class Integer extends RESP

    RESP Integers

    RESP Integers

    These can be constructed by using the RESPBuilders#int method

    1. import laserdisc.protocol.RESP._
      val integer: Integer = int(42)

    Sometimes the values 0 and 1 are used to represent boolean values. In this case 0 corresponds to False while 1 to True, respectively. These are represented using the final vals RESPBuilders.falseI and RESPBuilders.trueI, respectively

  26. trait KeyProtocol extends AnyRef
  27. trait KeyProtocolExtra extends AnyRef
  28. final case class KeyValue[A, B](key: A, value: B) extends Product2[A, B] with Product with Serializable
  29. trait ListProtocol extends AnyRef
  30. trait ListProtocolExtra extends AnyRef
  31. trait LowPriorityRESPParamWrite extends LowestPriorityRESPParamWrite
  32. trait LowPriorityReadInstances extends AnyRef
  33. trait LowPriorityShowInstances extends AnyRef
  34. sealed trait LowestPriorityRESPParamWrite extends AnyRef
  35. final case class NaN() extends Product with Serializable
  36. sealed trait NilArray extends Array
  37. final type NonEmptyString = Refined[String, NonEmpty]
  38. final type NonNegInt = Refined[Int, Greater[Int(-1)]]
  39. final type NonNegLong = Refined[Long, Greater[Long(-1L)]]
  40. sealed abstract class NonNilArray extends Array

    This is the special case of a non-nil RESP Array

    This is the special case of a non-nil RESP Array

    These can be constructed by using the RESPBuilders#arr(xs: Seq[RESP]) method


    by resorting to the overloaded RESPBuilders#arr(one: RESP, rest: RESP*) method which expects one parameter to be supplied followed by a (possibly empty) sequence of RESPs (vararg).

  41. sealed abstract class NonNullBulkString extends BulkString

    This is the special case of a non-null RESP BulkString

    This is the special case of a non-null RESP BulkString

    These can be constructed by using the RESPBuilders#bulk method

  42. final type NonZeroDouble = Refined[scala.Double, And[NonNaN, NonZero]]
  43. final type NonZeroInt = Refined[Int, NonZero]
  44. final type NonZeroLong = Refined[Long, NonZero]
  45. sealed trait NullBulkString extends BulkString
  46. sealed trait OK extends AnyRef
  47. final type PosInt = Refined[Int, Greater[Int(0)]]
  48. final type PosLong = Refined[Long, Greater[Long(0L)]]
  49. sealed trait Protocol extends Request with Response
  50. sealed trait ProtocolCodec[A] extends Any
  51. trait PublishProtocol extends AnyRef
  52. sealed trait RESP extends Serializable

    Redis Protocol Specification

    Redis Protocol Specification

    This sealed trait represents the entire Redis Serialization Protocol algebra

    Concrete instances of this trait must be created using this trait's companion object's methods, were scodec.Codecs for each are also defined

    See also



  53. trait RESPBuilders extends AnyRef
  54. trait RESPCodecs extends AnyRef
  55. trait RESPParamWrite[A] extends AnyRef
    @implicitNotFound( ... ) @inductive()
  56. trait RESPRead[A] extends AnyRef
    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  57. final type RangeOffset = Refined[Int, Closed[_0, Int(536870911)]]
  58. trait Read[A, B] extends AnyRef
    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  59. sealed trait Request extends AnyRef
  60. sealed trait Response extends AnyRef
  61. final case class Scan[A](cursor: NonNegLong, values: Option[Seq[A]]) extends Product with Serializable
  62. final case class ScanKV(cursor: NonNegLong, maybeValues: Option[Seq[KeyValue[NonEmptyString, String]]]) extends Product with Serializable
  63. trait ServerProtocol extends AnyRef
  64. trait SetProtocol extends AnyRef
  65. trait SetProtocolExtra extends AnyRef
  66. trait Show[A] extends AnyRef
    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  67. sealed abstract class SimpleString extends RESP

    RESP Simple Strings

    RESP Simple Strings

    These can be constructed by using the RESPBuilders#str method

    1. import laserdisc.protocol.RESP._
      val simpleString: SimpleString = str("some string")

    Sometimes the value "OK" is used to represent a successful acknowledgement/processing of a command. This is represented using the final val RESPBuilders.ok

  68. trait SortedSetProtocol extends AnyRef
  69. trait SortedSetProtocolExtra extends AnyRef
  70. final type StringLength = Refined[Long, Closed[_0, Long(4294967295L)]]
  71. trait StringProtocol extends AnyRef
  72. trait StringProtocolExtra extends AnyRef
  73. final case class Time(timestamp: NonNegLong, elapsedMicroseconds: NonNegLong) extends Product with Serializable
  74. sealed trait UnzipAndInsert[L <: HList, A] extends DepFn2[L, A] with Serializable

    This type-class serves two purposes:

    This type-class serves two purposes:

    • as a witness of the ability for a HList to be unzipped (iff made of Tuple2/pairs)
    • as a higher-ranked function that allows the caller to invoke it (using an instance of the HList and an instance of some type A that needs to be inserted) to unzip the HList into exactly two HList and then concatenate these two after having inserted between them that instance of A.

    The HList that will be unzipped iff it contains Tuple2


    The type we want to insert before concatenation

    @implicitNotFound( ... )

Value Members

  1. final val NonEmptyString: eu.timepit.refined.types.string.NonEmptyString.type
  2. implicit final val nanValidator: Plain[scala.Double, NaN]
  3. object AtLeastN extends Serializable
  4. object ConnectionName extends RefinedTypeOps[ConnectionName, String]
  5. object ConnectionProtocol
  6. object DbIndex extends RefinedTypeOps[DbIndex, Int]
  7. object Double extends RefinedTypeOps[Double, scala.Double]
  8. object Error extends Serializable
  9. object GlobPattern extends RefinedTypeOps[GlobPattern, String]
  10. object Index extends RefinedTypeOps[Index, Long]
  11. object Integer extends Serializable
  12. object KeyProtocol
  13. object ListProtocol
  14. object NilArray extends NilArray with Product with Serializable
  15. object NonNegInt extends RefinedTypeOps[NonNegInt, Int]
  16. object NonNegLong extends RefinedTypeOps[NonNegLong, Long]
  17. object NonNilArray extends Serializable
  18. object NonNullBulkString extends Serializable
  19. object NonZeroDouble extends RefinedTypeOps[NonZeroDouble, scala.Double]
  20. object NonZeroInt extends RefinedTypeOps[NonZeroInt, Int]
  21. object NonZeroLong extends RefinedTypeOps[NonZeroLong, Long]
  22. object NullBulkString extends NullBulkString with Product with Serializable
  23. object OK extends OK with Product with Serializable
  24. object PosInt extends RefinedTypeOps[PosInt, Int]
  25. object PosLong extends RefinedTypeOps[PosLong, Long]
  26. object Protocol
  27. object RESP extends RESPBuilders with RESPCodecs with Serializable
  28. object RESPParamWrite extends LowPriorityRESPParamWrite
  29. object RESPRead
  30. object RangeOffset extends RefinedTypeOps[RangeOffset, Int]
  31. object Read extends LowPriorityReadInstances
  32. object SafeDouble
  33. object SafeInt
  34. object SafeLong
  35. object ServerProtocol
  36. object Show extends LowPriorityShowInstances
  37. object SimpleString extends Serializable
  38. object SortedSetProtocol
  39. object StringLength extends RefinedTypeOps[StringLength, Long]
  40. object StringProtocol
  41. object UnzipAndInsert extends Serializable
  42. object syntax

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
