

root package

package root

Package Members

  1. package org

Type Members

  1. trait FullBackend extends Abs with Acos with Acosh with Add with And with ArgMax with ArgMin with ArrayFeatureExtractor with Asin with Asinh with Atan with AveragePool with BatchNormalization with Binarizer with BitShift with Cast with CastMap with CategoryMapper with Ceil with Clip with Compress with Concat with ConcatFromSequence with Constant with ConstantOfShape with Conv with ConvInteger with ConvTranspose with Cos with Cosh with CumSum with DepthToSpace with DequantizeLinear with Det with DictVectorizer with Div with Dropout with DynamicQuantizeLinear with Elu with Equal with Erf with Exp with Expand with EyeLike with Flatten with Floor with GRU with Gather with GatherElements with GatherND with Gemm with GlobalAveragePool with GlobalLpPool with GlobalMaxPool with Greater with HardSigmoid with Hardmax with Identity with If with Imputer with InstanceNormalization with IsInf with IsNaN with LRN with LSTM with LabelEncoder with LeakyRelu with Less with LinearClassifier with LinearRegressor with Log with LogSoftmax with Loop with LpNormalization with LpPool with MatMul with MatMulInteger with Max with MaxPool with MaxRoiPool with MaxUnpool with Mean with MeanVarianceNormalization with Min with Mod with Mul with Multinomial with Neg with NonMaxSuppression with NonZero with Normalizer with Not with OneHot with OneHotEncoder with Or with PRelu with Pad with Pow with QLinearConv with QLinearMatMul with QuantizeLinear with RNN with RandomNormal with RandomNormalLike with RandomUniform with RandomUniformLike with Range with Reciprocal with ReduceL1 with ReduceL2 with ReduceLogSum with ReduceLogSumExp with ReduceMax with ReduceMean with ReduceMin with ReduceProd with ReduceSum with ReduceSumSquare with Relu with Reshape with Resize with ReverseSequence with RoiAlign with Round with SVMClassifier with SVMRegressor with Scaler with Scan with Scatter with ScatterElements with ScatterND with Selu with SequenceAt with SequenceConstruct with SequenceEmpty with SequenceErase with SequenceInsert with SequenceLength with Shape with Shrink with Sigmoid with Sign with Sin with Sinh with Size with Slice with Softmax with Softplus with Softsign with SpaceToDepth with Split with SplitToSequence with Sqrt with Squeeze with StringNormalizer with Sub with Sum with Tan with Tanh with TfIdfVectorizer with ThresholdedRelu with Tile with TopK with Transpose with TreeEnsembleClassifier with TreeEnsembleRegressor with Unique with Unsqueeze with Upsample with Where with Xor with ZipMap
