
case class AvroAsJsonSerializer(client: SchemaRegistryClient, properties: Map[String, Any], isKey: Boolean, namespace: String) extends Serializer[Any, Json]
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
trait Serializer[Any, Json]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

override def serialize(topic: String, headers: Headers, value: Json): RIO[Any, Array[Byte]]
Definition Classes

Inherited methods

def asOption[U <: Json](implicit ev: Null <:< Json): Serializer[Any, Option[U]]

Returns a new serializer that handles optional values and serializes them as nulls.

Returns a new serializer that handles optional values and serializes them as nulls.

Inherited from:
def blocking: Serializer[Any, Json]

Returns a new serializer that executes its serialization function on the blocking threadpool.

Returns a new serializer that executes its serialization function on the blocking threadpool.

Inherited from:
def contramap[U](f: U => Json): Serializer[Any, U]

Create a serializer for a type U based on the serializer for type T and a mapping function

Create a serializer for a type U based on the serializer for type T and a mapping function

Inherited from:
def contramapM[R1, U](f: U => RIO[R1, Json]): Serializer[R1, U]

Create a serializer for a type U based on the serializer for type T and an effectful mapping function

Create a serializer for a type U based on the serializer for type T and an effectful mapping function

Inherited from:
Inherited from: