

package spells

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. trait AnsiModule extends AnyRef

    Provides utilities, which help encoding anything with Ansi Styles.

    Provides utilities, which help encoding anything with Ansi Styles.

    See also


  2. trait AnyOpsModule extends AnyRef

    Provides utility methods for everything.

    Provides utility methods for everything.

    class `Encoded + Fancy` {
    def show(): Unit = {
    println(getClass.getName)      // Encoded$u0020$plus$u0020Fancy
    println(this.decodedClassName) // Encoded + Fancy
  3. trait CalendarOpsModule extends AnyRef

    Provides utility methods for java.util.Calendar.

  4. trait ClearPrintModule extends AnyRef

    Provides utility methods for rendering information while remaining on the same line

    Provides utility methods for rendering information while remaining on the same line

    import scala.concurrent._
    object SpinningWheel {
    private var on: Boolean = false
    private def off = !on
    def hide(): Unit = on = false
    def show()(implicit ec: ExecutionContext = ExecutionContext.Implicits.global): Unit = {
    if (off) {
    on = true
    Future {
    while (on) {
    clearPrint('/'); Thread sleep 500
    clearPrint('-'); Thread sleep 500
    clearPrint('\\'); Thread sleep 500
  5. trait ClipboardModule extends AnyRef

    Contains the Clipboard object, which provides an API to write and read from the operating systems' clipboard.

  6. trait CustomRenderingModule extends AnyRef

    This module provides the CustomRendering trait, which is used throughout the whole library, especially in the XrayModule.

  7. trait DateOpsModule extends AnyRef

    Provides utility methods for java.util.Date.

  8. trait DurationOpsModule extends AnyRef

    Provides utility methods for scala.concurrent.duration.Duration.

  9. trait FunctionNOpsModule extends AnyRef

    Provides custom rendering for the FunctionN traits.

  10. trait HumanRenderingModule extends AnyRef

    Provides human readable renderings for numeric types.

  11. trait IterableOpsModule extends AnyRef

    Provides utilities for all kinds of Iterables including Java collections and Arrays.

  12. trait LazyListOpsModule extends AnyRef

    Provides utilities for LazyLists

  13. trait MiscModule extends AnyRef

    Provides miscellaneous utility methods, which were too small for a distinctive module.

  14. trait Spells extends AnsiModule with AnyOpsModule with CalendarOpsModule with ClearPrintModule with ClipboardModule with CustomRenderingModule with DateOpsModule with DurationOpsModule with FunctionNOpsModule with HumanRenderingModule with IterableOpsModule with LazyListOpsModule with MiscModule with SpellsConfigModule with StackTraceElementModule with StringOpsModule with StylePrintModule with ThrowableOpsModule with Tuple2OpsModule with XrayModule

    The main spells module.

    The main spells module. Mix it into the highest level package object you can afford, in order to gain the most benefit from spells.

  15. trait SpellsConfigModule extends LocationAwareConfigModule with LocationAwarePropertyModule

    Provides access to the SpellsConfig object.

    Provides access to the SpellsConfig object. Access values from the config like so: SpellsConfig.terminal.WidthInCharacters.value. If Scala can infer the type you might drop the .value call, thanks to the respective implicit conversions in scope.

  16. trait StackTraceElementModule extends AnyRef

    Contains custom rendering for StackTraceElement.

  17. trait StringOpsModule extends AnyRef

    Provides utilities for Strings

  18. trait StylePrintModule extends AnyRef

    Contains deep (already existing styles will be preserved) styling methods.

  19. trait ThrowableOpsModule extends AnyRef

    Contains utility methods for Throwables.

  20. trait Tuple2OpsModule extends AnyRef

    Provides utility methods for Tuple2[Key, Value].

  21. trait XrayModule extends AnyRef

    Provides the xrayed as well as xrayedWeak methods respectively, which analyse an expression and return an instance of the XrayReport.

    Provides the xrayed as well as xrayedWeak methods respectively, which analyse an expression and return an instance of the XrayReport.

    It also provides the xray as well as xrayIf method respectively as well as their "weak" counterparts, which is a DSL for creating XrayReports without interrupting the code flow.

    List(1,2,3).map(_ + 1)           // compiles and has same semantics
    List(1,2,3).xray.map(_ + 1)      // compiles and has same semantics
    List(1,2,3).xray.map(_ + 1).xray // compiles and has same semantics

Value Members

  1. object LazyListOpsModule
  2. case object SpellsBuildInfo extends Product with Serializable

    This object was generated by sbt-buildinfo.
