Interface NetworkClient

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface NetworkClient
    A NetworkClient provides a method for sending a list of requests to one or more destinations, and receiving responses for sent requests.
    • Method Detail

      • sendAndPoll

        java.util.List<ResponseInfo> sendAndPoll​(java.util.List<RequestInfo> requestsToSend,
                                                 java.util.Set<java.lang.Integer> requestsToDrop,
                                                 int pollTimeoutMs)
        Attempt to send the given requests and poll for responses from the network. Any requests that cannot be sent out are added to a queue. Every time this method is called, it will first attempt sending the requests in the queue (or time them out) and then attempt sending the newly added requests.
        requestsToSend - the list of RequestInfo representing the requests that need to be sent out. This could be empty.
        requestsToDrop - the list of correlation IDs representing the requests that can be dropped by closing the connection.
        pollTimeoutMs - the poll timeout.
        a list of ResponseInfo representing the responses received for any requests that were sent out so far.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the NetworkClient is closed.
      • warmUpConnections

        int warmUpConnections​(java.util.List<DataNodeId> dataNodeIds,
                              int connectionWarmUpPercentagePerDataNode,
                              long timeForWarmUp,
                              java.util.List<ResponseInfo> responseInfoList)
        Warm up connections to dataNodes in a specified time window.
        dataNodeIds - warm up target nodes.
        connectionWarmUpPercentagePerDataNode - percentage of max connections would like to establish in the warmup.
        timeForWarmUp - max time to wait for connections' establish in milliseconds.
        responseInfoList - records responses from disconnected connections.
        number of connections established successfully.
      • close

        void close()
        Specified by:
        close in interface java.lang.AutoCloseable
        Specified by:
        close in interface