Class MessageInfo

  • public class MessageInfo
    extends java.lang.Object
    A message info class that contains basic info about a message
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      MessageInfo​(StoreKey key, long size, boolean deleted, boolean ttlUpdated, boolean undeleted, long expirationTimeInMs, java.lang.Long crc, short accountId, short containerId, long operationTimeMs, short lifeVersion)
      Construct an instance of MessageInfo.
      MessageInfo​(StoreKey key, long size, boolean deleted, boolean ttlUpdated, boolean undeleted, short accountId, short containerId, long operationTimeMs, short lifeVersion)
      Construct an instance of MessageInfo.
      MessageInfo​(StoreKey key, long size, boolean deleted, boolean ttlUpdated, long expirationTimeInMs, short accountId, short containerId, long operationTimeMs)
      Construct an instance of MessageInfo.
      MessageInfo​(StoreKey key, long size, boolean deleted, boolean ttlUpdated, long expirationTimeInMs, java.lang.Long crc, short accountId, short containerId, long operationTimeMs)
      Construct an instance of MessageInfo.
      MessageInfo​(StoreKey key, long size, boolean deleted, boolean ttlUpdated, short accountId, short containerId, long operationTimeMs)
      Construct an instance of MessageInfo.
      MessageInfo​(StoreKey key, long size, long expirationTimeInMs, short accountId, short containerId, long operationTimeMs)
      Construct an instance of MessageInfo.
      MessageInfo​(StoreKey key, long size, short accountId, short containerId, long operationTimeMs)
      Construct an instance of MessageInfo.
      MessageInfo​(StoreKey key, long size, short accountId, short containerId, long operationTimeMs, short lifeVersion)
      Construct an instance of MessageInfo.
    • Field Detail


        public static final short LIFE_VERSION_FROM_FRONTEND
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • MessageInfo

        public MessageInfo​(StoreKey key,
                           long size,
                           long expirationTimeInMs,
                           short accountId,
                           short containerId,
                           long operationTimeMs)
        Construct an instance of MessageInfo.
        key - the StoreKey associated with this message.
        size - the size of this message in bytes.
        expirationTimeInMs - the time at which the message will expire. A value of -1 means no expiration.
        accountId - accountId of the blob
        containerId - containerId of the blob
        operationTimeMs - operation time in ms
      • MessageInfo

        public MessageInfo​(StoreKey key,
                           long size,
                           short accountId,
                           short containerId,
                           long operationTimeMs,
                           short lifeVersion)
        Construct an instance of MessageInfo.
        key - the StoreKey associated with this message.
        size - the size of this message in bytes.
        accountId - accountId of the blob
        containerId - containerId of the blob
        operationTimeMs - operation time in ms
        lifeVersion - update version of update
      • MessageInfo

        public MessageInfo​(StoreKey key,
                           long size,
                           boolean deleted,
                           boolean ttlUpdated,
                           short accountId,
                           short containerId,
                           long operationTimeMs)
        Construct an instance of MessageInfo.
        key - the StoreKey associated with this message.
        size - the size of this message in bytes.
        deleted - true if the message is deleted, false otherwise
        ttlUpdated - true if the message's ttl has been updated, false otherwise
        accountId - accountId of the blob
        containerId - containerId of the blob
        operationTimeMs - operation time in ms
      • MessageInfo

        public MessageInfo​(StoreKey key,
                           long size,
                           boolean deleted,
                           boolean ttlUpdated,
                           boolean undeleted,
                           short accountId,
                           short containerId,
                           long operationTimeMs,
                           short lifeVersion)
        Construct an instance of MessageInfo.
        key - the StoreKey associated with this message.
        size - the size of this message in bytes.
        deleted - true if the message is deleted, false otherwise
        ttlUpdated - true if the message's ttl has been updated, false otherwise
        undeleted - true if the message is undeleted, false otherwise
        accountId - accountId of the blob
        containerId - containerId of the blob
        operationTimeMs - operation time in ms
        lifeVersion - update version of update
      • MessageInfo

        public MessageInfo​(StoreKey key,
                           long size,
                           boolean deleted,
                           boolean ttlUpdated,
                           long expirationTimeInMs,
                           short accountId,
                           short containerId,
                           long operationTimeMs)
        Construct an instance of MessageInfo.
        key - the StoreKey associated with this message.
        size - the size of this message in bytes.
        deleted - true if the message is deleted, false otherwise
        ttlUpdated - true if the message's ttl has been updated, false otherwise
        expirationTimeInMs - the time at which the message will expire. A value of -1 means no expiration.
        accountId - accountId of the blob
        containerId - containerId of the blob
        operationTimeMs - operation time in ms
      • MessageInfo

        public MessageInfo​(StoreKey key,
                           long size,
                           short accountId,
                           short containerId,
                           long operationTimeMs)
        Construct an instance of MessageInfo.
        key - the StoreKey associated with this message.
        size - the size of this message in bytes.
        accountId - accountId of the blob
        containerId - containerId of the blob
        operationTimeMs - operation time in ms
      • MessageInfo

        public MessageInfo​(StoreKey key,
                           long size,
                           boolean deleted,
                           boolean ttlUpdated,
                           long expirationTimeInMs,
                           java.lang.Long crc,
                           short accountId,
                           short containerId,
                           long operationTimeMs)
        Construct an instance of MessageInfo.
        key - the StoreKey associated with this message.
        size - the size of this message in bytes.
        deleted - true if the message is deleted, false otherwise
        ttlUpdated - true if the message's ttl has been updated, false otherwise
        expirationTimeInMs - the time at which the message will expire. A value of -1 means no expiration.
        crc - the crc associated with this message. If unavailable, pass in null.
        accountId - accountId of the blob
        containerId - containerId of the blob
        operationTimeMs - operation time in ms
      • MessageInfo

        public MessageInfo​(StoreKey key,
                           long size,
                           boolean deleted,
                           boolean ttlUpdated,
                           boolean undeleted,
                           long expirationTimeInMs,
                           java.lang.Long crc,
                           short accountId,
                           short containerId,
                           long operationTimeMs,
                           short lifeVersion)
        Construct an instance of MessageInfo.
        key - the StoreKey associated with this message.
        size - the size of this message in bytes.
        deleted - true if the message is deleted, false otherwise
        ttlUpdated - true if the message's ttl has been updated, false otherwise
        expirationTimeInMs - the time at which the message will expire. A value of -1 means no expiration.
        crc - the crc associated with this message. If unavailable, pass in null.
        accountId - accountId of the blob
        containerId - containerId of the blob
        operationTimeMs - operation time in ms
        lifeVersion - update version of update
    • Method Detail

      • getStoreKey

        public StoreKey getStoreKey()
      • getSize

        public long getSize()
        Get size of message in bytes
        size in bytes
      • getExpirationTimeInMs

        public long getExpirationTimeInMs()
      • isDeleted

        public boolean isDeleted()
      • isTtlUpdated

        public boolean isTtlUpdated()
        true if the message's ttl has been updated, false otherwise
      • isUndeleted

        public boolean isUndeleted()
      • isExpired

        public boolean isExpired()
      • getCrc

        public java.lang.Long getCrc()
        the crc associated with this message, if there is one; null otherwise.
      • getAccountId

        public short getAccountId()
      • getContainerId

        public short getContainerId()
      • getOperationTimeMs

        public long getOperationTimeMs()
      • getLifeVersion

        public short getLifeVersion()
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)
        equals in class java.lang.Object
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object