Class DeprecatedContainerCloudSyncTask

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DeprecatedContainerCloudSyncTask
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements org.apache.helix.task.Task
    Helix task to get the deprecated containers information from AccountService and update it to cloud.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DeprecatedContainerCloudSyncTask

        public DeprecatedContainerCloudSyncTask​(com.github.ambry.account.AccountService accountService,
                                                long containerDeletionRetentionDays,
                                                CloudDestination cloudDestination,
                                                VcrMetrics vcrMetrics)
        accountService - AccountService object.
        containerDeletionRetentionDays - retention days for a deprecated container.
        cloudDestination - the CloudDestination object where deprecated container information will be updated.
    • Method Detail

      • run

        public org.apache.helix.task.TaskResult run()
        Specified by:
        run in interface org.apache.helix.task.Task
      • cancel

        public void cancel()
        Specified by:
        cancel in interface org.apache.helix.task.Task