
object Glob

Globbing pathnames.

Globbing pathnames.

Wildcard pattern matcher implementing the same rules as

Note that wildcard patterns are not regular expressions, although they are a bit similar. First of all, they match filenames, rather than text, and secondly, the conventions are not the same: for example, in a regular expression '*' means zero or more copies of the preceding thing.

Pattern syntax:

A string is a wildcard pattern if it contains one of the characters '?', '*' or '['. Globbing is the operation that expands a wildcard pattern into the list of pathnames matching the pattern. Matching is defined by:

A '?' (not between brackets) matches any single character.

A '*' (not between brackets) matches any string, including the empty string.

A '/' in a pathname cannot be matched by a '?' or '*' wildcard, or by a range like "[.-0]". A range containing an explicit '/' character is syntactically incorrect.

An expression "[...]" where the first character after the leading '[' is not an '!' matches a single character, namely any of the characters enclosed by the brackets. The string enclosed by the brackets cannot be empty; therefore ']' can be allowed between the brackets, provided that it is the first character. (Thus, "[][!]" matches the three characters '[', ']' and '!'.)

There is one special convention: two characters separated by '-' denote a range. (Thus, "[A-Fa-f0-9]" is equivalent to "[ABCDEFabcdef0123456789]".) One may include '-' in its literal meaning by making it the first or last character between the brackets. (Thus, "[]-]" matches just the two characters ']' and '-', and "[--0]" matches the three characters '-', '.', '0', since '/' cannot be matched.)

Now that regular expressions have bracket expressions where the negation is indicated by a '^', POSIX has declared the effect of a wildcard pattern "[^...]" to be undefined.

An expression "[!...]" matches a single character, namely any character that is not matched by the expression obtained by removing the first '!' from it. (Thus, "[!]a-]" matches any single character except ']', 'a' and '-'.)

One can remove the special meaning of '?', '' and '[' by preceding them by a backslash, or, in case this is part of a shell command line, enclosing them in quotes. Between brackets these characters stand for themselves. Thus, "[[?]" matches the four characters '[', '?', '*' and ''.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


A wildcard pattern matching any single character except path separator '/' character.

A wildcard pattern matching any single character except path separator '/' character.

case object AnyStringPattern extends Pattern with WildcardPattern

A wildcard pattern matching anything but path separator '/' character.

A wildcard pattern matching anything but path separator '/' character.

case object AnythingPattern extends Pattern with WildcardPattern

A wildcard pattern matching anything, inluding path separator.

A wildcard pattern matching anything, inluding path separator.

final case class BracketPattern(pattern: String) extends Pattern with SingleCharacterPattern

A wildcard pattern matching either class or range of characters.

A wildcard pattern matching either class or range of characters.

sealed trait CharacterCheck

Character check defined between brackets, either class or range.

Character check defined between brackets, either class or range.


Support for character classes and ranges.

Support for character classes and ranges.

final case class CharacterClassCheck(characters: String) extends CharacterCheck

Checks if the character is of any of the provided characters.

Checks if the character is of any of the provided characters.

The string cannot be empty; therefore ']' can be allowed, provided that it is the first character. (Thus, "][!" matches the three characters '[', ']' and '!'.)

final case class CharacterRangeCheck(from: Char, to: Char) extends CharacterCheck

Checks if the character is between provided range.

Checks if the character is between provided range.

There is one special convention: two characters separated by '-' denote a range. (Thus, "[A-Fa-f0-9]" is equivalent to "[ABCDEFabcdef0123456789]".) One may include '-' in its literal meaning by making it the first or last character between the brackets. (Thus, "[]-]" matches just the two characters ']' and '-', and "[--0]" matches the three characters '-', '.', '0', since '/' cannot be matched.)

final case class CompositeCharacterCheck(checks: List[CharacterCheck]) extends CharacterCheck

Composite check nesting a sequence of positive checks.

Composite check nesting a sequence of positive checks.

final case class CompositePattern(patterns: List[Pattern]) extends Pattern

A pattern consisting of a sequence of nested patterns.

A pattern consisting of a sequence of nested patterns.

final case class LiteralPattern(pattern: String) extends Pattern

A pattern matching literally, without any wildcards.

A pattern matching literally, without any wildcards.

sealed trait Matcher

An engine that performs match operations on a character sequence by interpreting a Pattern.

An engine that performs match operations on a character sequence by interpreting a Pattern.

object Matcher
final case class NegatedCompositeCharacterCheck(checks: List[CharacterCheck]) extends CharacterCheck

Composite check nesting a sequence of negative checks.

Composite check nesting a sequence of negative checks.

sealed trait Pattern

A compiled representation of a glob pattern.

A compiled representation of a glob pattern.

A type of pattern matching single character only.

A type of pattern matching single character only.

sealed trait WildcardPattern extends Pattern

A type of pattern with variable match length, which can possibly consume nothing or all the remaining input.

A type of pattern with variable match length, which can possibly consume nothing or all the remaining input.

Value members

Concrete methods

final def compile(pattern: String): Pattern

Compile pattern expression as re-usable Pattern instance.

Compile pattern expression as re-usable Pattern instance.

final def isWildcardPattern(pattern: String): Boolean