Module whatsapp4j

Class Chat


public class Chat extends Object
A model class that represents a Chat. A chat can be of two types: a conversation with a contact or a group. To check if this chat is a group use isGroup() or WhatsappUtils.isGroup(String). This class is only a model, this means that changing its values will have no real effect on WhatsappWeb's servers. Instead, methods inside WhatsappAPI should be used. This class also offers a builder, accessible using builder().
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static class 
  • Constructor Summary

    Chat​(@NonNull String jid, @NonNull String displayName, @NonNull Messages messages, @NonNull Map<Contact,​ContactStatus> presences, @NonNull ChatMute mute, String newJid, long timestamp, int unreadMessages, long pinned, long ephemeralMessageDuration, long ephemeralMessagesToggleTime, boolean isArchived, boolean isReadOnly, boolean isSpam)
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected boolean
    canEqual​(Object other)
    @NonNull String
    The non null display name of this chat
    displayName​(@NonNull String displayName)
    The non null display name of this chat
    Returns an optional value containing the time in seconds before a message is automatically deleted from this chat both locally and from WhatsappWeb's servers
    ephemeralMessageDuration​(long ephemeralMessageDuration)
    The time in seconds before a message is automatically deleted from this chat both locally and from WhatsappWeb's servers.
    Returns an optional value containing the time in seconds since Instant.EPOCH when ephemeral messages were turned on
    ephemeralMessagesToggleTime​(long ephemeralMessagesToggleTime)
    The time in seconds since Instant.EPOCH when ephemeral messages were turned on.
    equals​(Object o)
    Returns an optional value containing the first message in chronological terms for this chat
    static @NonNull Chat
    fromAttributes​(@NonNull Map<String,​String> attrs)
    Constructs a new Chat from a map of attributes.
    Returns a boolean to represent whether this chat has a new ji
    This field is used to determine whether a chat is archived or not.
    isArchived​(boolean isArchived)
    This field is used to determine whether a chat is archived or not.
    Returns a boolean to represent whether ephemeral messages are enabled for this chat
    Returns a boolean to represent whether this chat is a group or not
    Returns a boolean to represent whether this chat is pinned or not
    This field is used to determine whether a chat is read only or not.
    isReadOnly​(boolean isReadOnly)
    This field is used to determine whether a chat is read only or not.
    This field is used to determine whether a chat was marked as being spam or not.
    isSpam​(boolean isSpam)
    This field is used to determine whether a chat was marked as being spam or not.
    @NonNull String
    The non null unique jid used to identify this chat
    jid​(@NonNull String jid)
    The non null unique jid used to identify this chat
    Returns an optional value containing the latest message in chronological terms for this chat
    @NonNull Messages
    A non null arrayList of messages in this chat sorted chronologically
    messages​(@NonNull Messages messages)
    A non null arrayList of messages in this chat sorted chronologically
    @NonNull ChatMute
    The non null mute of this chat
    mute​(@NonNull ChatMute mute)
    The non null mute of this chat
    @NonNull Optional<String>
    Returns an optional value containing the new jid of this chat
    newJid​(String newJid)
    The nullable new unique jid for this Chat.
    Returns an optional value containing the time this chat was pinned
    pinned​(long pinned)
    The time in seconds since Instant.EPOCH when this chat was pinned to the top.
    A map that holds the status of each participant, excluding yourself, for this chat.
    presences​(@NonNull Map<Contact,​ContactStatus> presences)
    A map that holds the status of each participant, excluding yourself, for this chat.
    The time in seconds since Instant.EPOCH for the latest message in messages
    timestamp​(long timestamp)
    The time in seconds since Instant.EPOCH for the latest message in messages
    The number of unread messages in this chat.
    unreadMessages​(int unreadMessages)
    The number of unread messages in this chat.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • Chat

      public Chat(@NonNull @NonNull String jid, @NonNull @NonNull String displayName, @NonNull @NonNull Messages messages, @NonNull @NonNull Map<Contact,​ContactStatus> presences, @NonNull @NonNull ChatMute mute, String newJid, long timestamp, int unreadMessages, long pinned, long ephemeralMessageDuration, long ephemeralMessagesToggleTime, boolean isArchived, boolean isReadOnly, boolean isSpam)
    • Chat

      public Chat()
  • Method Details

    • fromAttributes

      @NonNull public static @NonNull Chat fromAttributes(@NonNull @NonNull Map<String,​String> attrs)
      Constructs a new Chat from a map of attributes. This method is usually used to deserialize a Chat from the attributes of a Node.
      a new instance of Chat
    • isGroup

      public boolean isGroup()
      Returns a boolean to represent whether this chat is a group or not
      true if this chat is a group
    • isPinned

      public boolean isPinned()
      Returns a boolean to represent whether this chat is pinned or not
      true if this chat is pinned
    • isEphemeral

      public boolean isEphemeral()
      Returns a boolean to represent whether ephemeral messages are enabled for this chat
      true if ephemeral messages are enabled for this chat
    • hasNewJid

      public boolean hasNewJid()
      Returns a boolean to represent whether this chat has a new ji
      true if this chat has a new jid
    • newJid

      @NonNull public @NonNull Optional<String> newJid()
      Returns an optional value containing the new jid of this chat
      a non empty optional if the new jid is not null, otherwise an empty optional
    • pinned

      @NonNull public @NonNull Optional<ZonedDateTime> pinned()
      Returns an optional value containing the time this chat was pinned
      a non empty optional if the chat is pinned, otherwise an empty optional
    • ephemeralMessageDuration

      @NonNull public @NonNull Optional<ZonedDateTime> ephemeralMessageDuration()
      Returns an optional value containing the time in seconds before a message is automatically deleted from this chat both locally and from WhatsappWeb's servers
      a non empty optional if ephemeral messages are enabled for this chat, otherwise an empty optional
    • ephemeralMessagesToggleTime

      @NonNull public @NonNull Optional<ZonedDateTime> ephemeralMessagesToggleTime()
      Returns an optional value containing the time in seconds since Instant.EPOCH when ephemeral messages were turned on
      a non empty optional if ephemeral messages are enabled for this chat, otherwise an empty optional
    • lastMessage

      @NonNull public @NonNull Optional<MessageInfo> lastMessage()
      Returns an optional value containing the latest message in chronological terms for this chat
      a non empty optional if messages isn't empty, otherwise an empty optional
    • firstMessage

      @NonNull public @NonNull Optional<MessageInfo> firstMessage()
      Returns an optional value containing the first message in chronological terms for this chat
      a non empty optional if messages isn't empty, otherwise an empty optional
    • builder

      public static Chat.ChatBuilder builder()
    • jid

      @NonNull public @NonNull String jid()
      The non null unique jid used to identify this chat
    • displayName

      @NonNull public @NonNull String displayName()
      The non null display name of this chat
    • messages

      @NonNull public @NonNull Messages messages()
      A non null arrayList of messages in this chat sorted chronologically
    • presences

      @NonNull public @NonNull Map<Contact,​ContactStatus> presences()
      A map that holds the status of each participant, excluding yourself, for this chat. If the chat is not a group, this map's size will range from 0 to 1. Otherwise, it will range from 0 to the number of participants - 1. It is important to remember that is not guaranteed that every participant will be present as a key. In this case, if this chat is a group, it can be safely assumed that the user is not available. Otherwise, it's recommended to use WhatsappAPI.subscribeToContactPresence(Contact) to force Whatsapp to send updates regarding the status of the other participant. It's also possible to listen for updates to a contact's presence in a group or in a conversation by implementing WhatsappListener.onContactPresenceUpdate(, The presence that this map indicates might not line up with Contact.lastKnownPresence() if the contact is composing, recording or paused. This is because a contact can be online on Whatsapp and composing, recording or paused in a specific chat.
    • mute

      @NonNull public @NonNull ChatMute mute()
      The non null mute of this chat
    • timestamp

      public long timestamp()
      The time in seconds since Instant.EPOCH for the latest message in messages
    • unreadMessages

      public int unreadMessages()
      The number of unread messages in this chat. To set all the messages as read it's advised to use WhatsappAPI.markAsRead(Chat).
    • isArchived

      public boolean isArchived()
      This field is used to determine whether a chat is archived or not.
    • isReadOnly

      public boolean isReadOnly()
      This field is used to determine whether a chat is read only or not. If true, it means that it's not possible to send messages here. This is the case, for example, for groups where only admins can send messages.
    • isSpam

      public boolean isSpam()
      This field is used to determine whether a chat was marked as being spam or not.
    • jid

      public Chat jid(@NonNull @NonNull String jid)
      The non null unique jid used to identify this chat
    • displayName

      public Chat displayName(@NonNull @NonNull String displayName)
      The non null display name of this chat
    • messages

      public Chat messages(@NonNull @NonNull Messages messages)
      A non null arrayList of messages in this chat sorted chronologically
    • presences

      public Chat presences(@NonNull @NonNull Map<Contact,​ContactStatus> presences)
      A map that holds the status of each participant, excluding yourself, for this chat. If the chat is not a group, this map's size will range from 0 to 1. Otherwise, it will range from 0 to the number of participants - 1. It is important to remember that is not guaranteed that every participant will be present as a key. In this case, if this chat is a group, it can be safely assumed that the user is not available. Otherwise, it's recommended to use WhatsappAPI.subscribeToContactPresence(Contact) to force Whatsapp to send updates regarding the status of the other participant. It's also possible to listen for updates to a contact's presence in a group or in a conversation by implementing WhatsappListener.onContactPresenceUpdate(, The presence that this map indicates might not line up with Contact.lastKnownPresence() if the contact is composing, recording or paused. This is because a contact can be online on Whatsapp and composing, recording or paused in a specific chat.
    • mute

      public Chat mute(@NonNull @NonNull ChatMute mute)
      The non null mute of this chat
    • newJid

      public Chat newJid(String newJid)
      The nullable new unique jid for this Chat. This field is not null when a contact changes phone number and connects their new phone number with Whatsapp.
    • timestamp

      public Chat timestamp(long timestamp)
      The time in seconds since Instant.EPOCH for the latest message in messages
    • unreadMessages

      public Chat unreadMessages(int unreadMessages)
      The number of unread messages in this chat. To set all the messages as read it's advised to use WhatsappAPI.markAsRead(Chat).
    • pinned

      public Chat pinned(long pinned)
      The time in seconds since Instant.EPOCH when this chat was pinned to the top. If the chat isn't pinned, this field has a value of 0.
    • ephemeralMessageDuration

      public Chat ephemeralMessageDuration(long ephemeralMessageDuration)
      The time in seconds before a message is automatically deleted from this chat both locally and from WhatsappWeb's servers. If ephemeral messages aren't enabled, this field has a value of 0
    • ephemeralMessagesToggleTime

      public Chat ephemeralMessagesToggleTime(long ephemeralMessagesToggleTime)
      The time in seconds since Instant.EPOCH when ephemeral messages were turned on. If ephemeral messages aren't enabled, this field has a value of 0.
    • isArchived

      public Chat isArchived(boolean isArchived)
      This field is used to determine whether a chat is archived or not.
    • isReadOnly

      public Chat isReadOnly(boolean isReadOnly)
      This field is used to determine whether a chat is read only or not. If true, it means that it's not possible to send messages here. This is the case, for example, for groups where only admins can send messages.
    • isSpam

      public Chat isSpam(boolean isSpam)
      This field is used to determine whether a chat was marked as being spam or not.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • canEqual

      protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object