Class DeviceSentMessage

All Implemented Interfaces:
it.auties.protobuf.base.ProtobufMessage, Message, ServerMessage

public final class DeviceSentMessage extends Object implements ServerMessage
A model class that represents a message that refers to a message sent by the device paired with the active WhatsappWeb session.
  • Field Details

    • destinationJid

      private String destinationJid
      The unique identifier that this message update regards.
    • message

      private MessageContainer message
      The message container that this object wraps.
    • phash

      private String phash
      The hash of the destination chat
  • Constructor Details

    • DeviceSentMessage

      public DeviceSentMessage(String destinationJid, MessageContainer message, String phash)
    • DeviceSentMessage

      public DeviceSentMessage()
  • Method Details