


package scalacache

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. scalacache
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package logging
  2. package memoization

    Utilities for memoizing the results of method calls in a cache.

    Utilities for memoizing the results of method calls in a cache. The cache key is generated from the method arguments using a macro, so that you don't have to bother passing them manually.

  3. package serialization

Type Members

  1. trait AbstractCache[F[_], V] extends Cache[F, V] with LoggingSupport[F]

    An abstract implementation of CacheAlg that takes care of some things that are common across all concrete implementations.

    An abstract implementation of CacheAlg that takes care of some things that are common across all concrete implementations.

    If you are writing a cache implementation, you probably want to extend this trait rather than extending CacheAlg directly.


    The value of types stored in the cache.

  2. trait Cache[F[_], V] extends CacheAlg[F, V]
  3. trait CacheAlg[F[_], V] extends AnyRef

    Abstract algebra describing the operations a cache can perform

    Abstract algebra describing the operations a cache can perform


    The effect monad in which all cache operations will be performed.


    The value of types stored in the cache.

  4. case class CacheConfig(cacheKeyBuilder: CacheKeyBuilder = DefaultCacheKeyBuilder(), memoization: MemoizationConfig = MemoizationConfig()) extends Product with Serializable
  5. trait CacheKeyBuilder extends AnyRef
  6. case class DefaultCacheKeyBuilder(keyPrefix: Option[String] = None, separator: String = ":") extends CacheKeyBuilder with Product with Serializable
  7. case class Entry[+A](value: A, expiresAt: Option[Instant]) extends Product with Serializable

    A cache entry with an optional expiry time

  8. case class Flags(readsEnabled: Boolean = true, writesEnabled: Boolean = true) extends Product with Serializable

    Configuration flags for conditionally altering the behaviour of ScalaCache.

    Configuration flags for conditionally altering the behaviour of ScalaCache.


    if false, cache GETs will be skipped (and will return None)


    if false, cache PUTs will be skipped

  9. sealed trait HashingAlgorithm extends AnyRef

    Sealed HashingAlgorithm trait to prevent users from shooting themselves in the foot at runtime by specifying a crappy/unsupported algorithm name

    Sealed HashingAlgorithm trait to prevent users from shooting themselves in the foot at runtime by specifying a crappy/unsupported algorithm name

    The name should be a valid MessageDigest algorithm name.Implementing child classes/objects should refer to this list for proper names:

  10. trait LoggingSupport[F[_]] extends AnyRef

    Helper methods for logging

  11. final class RemoveAll[V] extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. def caching[F[_], V](keyParts: Any*)(ttl: Option[Duration])(f: => V)(implicit cache: Cache[F, V], flags: Flags): F[V]

    Wrap the given block with a caching decorator.

    Wrap the given block with a caching decorator. First look in the cache. If the value is found, then return it immediately. Otherwise run the block and save the result in the cache before returning it.

    Note: If ttl is set to None, the result will be stored in the cache indefinitely.


    The type of container in which the result will be wrapped. This is decided by the mode.


    the type of the block's result


    Data to be used to generate the cache key. This could be as simple as just a single String. See CacheKeyBuilder.


    The time-to-live to use when inserting into the cache. If specified, the cache entry will expire after this time has elapsed.


    The block to run


    The cache


    Flags used to conditionally alter the behaviour of ScalaCache


    The result, either retrived from the cache or returned by the block

  2. def cachingF[F[_], V](keyParts: Any*)(ttl: Option[Duration])(f: => F[V])(implicit cache: Cache[F, V], flags: Flags): F[V]

    Wrap the given block with a caching decorator.

    Wrap the given block with a caching decorator. First look in the cache. If the value is found, then return it immediately. Otherwise run the block and save the result in the cache before returning it.

    Note: If ttl is set to None, the result will be stored in the cache indefinitely.


    The type of container in which the result will be wrapped. This is decided by the mode.


    the type of the block's result


    Data to be used to generate the cache key. This could be as simple as just a single String. See CacheKeyBuilder.


    The time-to-live to use when inserting into the cache. If specified, the cache entry will expire after this time has elapsed.


    The block to run


    The cache


    Flags used to conditionally alter the behaviour of ScalaCache


    The result, either retrived from the cache or returned by the block

  3. def get[F[_], V](keyParts: Any*)(implicit cache: Cache[F, V], flags: Flags): F[Option[V]]

    Get the value corresponding to the given key from the cache.

    Get the value corresponding to the given key from the cache.


    The type of container in which the result will be wrapped. This is decided by the mode.


    The type of the corresponding value


    Data to be used to generate the cache key. This could be as simple as just a single String. See CacheKeyBuilder.


    The cache


    Flags used to conditionally alter the behaviour of ScalaCache


    the value, if there is one

  4. def put[F[_], V](keyParts: Any*)(value: V, ttl: Option[Duration] = None)(implicit cache: Cache[F, V], flags: Flags): F[Unit]

    Insert the given key-value pair into the cache, with an optional Time To Live.

    Insert the given key-value pair into the cache, with an optional Time To Live.

    Depending on the cache implementation, this may be done synchronously or asynchronously, so it returns a Future.


    The type of container in which the result will be wrapped. This is decided by the mode.


    The type of the corresponding value


    Data to be used to generate the cache key. This could be as simple as just a single String. See CacheKeyBuilder.


    the value to be cached


    Time To Live (optional, if not specified then the entry will be cached indefinitely)


    The cache


    Flags used to conditionally alter the behaviour of ScalaCache

  5. def remove[F[_], V](keyParts: Any*)(implicit cache: Cache[F, V]): F[Unit]

    Remove the given key and its associated value from the cache, if it exists.

    Remove the given key and its associated value from the cache, if it exists. If the key is not in the cache, do nothing.

    Depending on the cache implementation, this may be done synchronously or asynchronously, so it returns a Future.


    The type of container in which the result will be wrapped. This is decided by the mode.


    The type of the value to be removed


    Data to be used to generate the cache key. This could be as simple as just a single String. See CacheKeyBuilder.


    The cache

  6. def removeAll[V]: RemoveAll[V]

    Remove all values from the cache.

    Remove all values from the cache.


    The type of values to be removed

  7. object CacheConfig extends Serializable
  8. object Entry extends Serializable
  9. object Flags extends Serializable
  10. object MD5 extends HashingAlgorithm with Product with Serializable

    MD5 returns 32 character long hexadecimal hash strings

  11. object SHA1 extends HashingAlgorithm with Product with Serializable

    SHA1 returns 40 character long hexadecimal hash strings

  12. object SHA256 extends HashingAlgorithm with Product with Serializable

    SHA256 returns 64 character long hexadecimal hash strings

  13. object SHA512 extends HashingAlgorithm with Product with Serializable

    SHA512 returns 128 character long hexadecimal hash strings

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
