Uses of Class

Packages that use ParticleDisplay 
Package Description
  • Uses of ParticleDisplay in com.cryptomorin.xseries.particles

    Methods in com.cryptomorin.xseries.particles that return ParticleDisplay 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    ParticleDisplay ParticleDisplay.clone()
    Clones this particle settings.
    ParticleDisplay ParticleDisplay.cloneWithLocation​(double x, double y, double z)
    Clones this particle settings and adds xyz to its location.
    static ParticleDisplay ParticleDisplay.colored​(org.bukkit.Location location, int r, int g, int b, float size)
    Builds a simple ParticleDisplay object with cross-version compatible Particle.DustOptions properties.
    static ParticleDisplay ParticleDisplay.colored​(org.bukkit.Location location, Color color, float size)
    Builds a simple ParticleDisplay object with cross-version compatible Particle.DustOptions properties.
    ParticleDisplay ParticleDisplay.directional()
    When a particle is set to be directional it'll only spawn one particle and the xyz offset values are used for the direction of the particle.
    static ParticleDisplay ParticleDisplay.display​(org.bukkit.Location location, org.bukkit.Particle particle)
    A quick access method to display a simple particle.
    ParticleDisplay ParticleDisplay.faceEntity​(org.bukkit.entity.Entity entity)
    Adjusts the rotation settings to face the entitys direction.
    static ParticleDisplay ParticleDisplay.fromConfig​(org.bukkit.Location location, org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection config)
    Builds particle settings from a configuration section.
    ParticleDisplay ParticleDisplay.offset​(double x, double y, double z)
    Set the xyz offset of the particle settings.
    ParticleDisplay ParticleDisplay.rotate​(double x, double y, double z)
    Rotates the particle position based on the xyz radians.
    ParticleDisplay ParticleDisplay.rotate​(org.bukkit.util.Vector vector)
    Rotates the particle position based on this vector.
    static ParticleDisplay ParticleDisplay.simple​(org.bukkit.Location location, org.bukkit.Particle particle)
    Builds a simple ParticleDisplay object.
    ParticleDisplay ParticleDisplay.withColor​(Color color, float size)
    Adds color properties to the particle settings.
    ParticleDisplay ParticleDisplay.withCount​(int count)
    Changes the particle count of the particle settings.
    ParticleDisplay ParticleDisplay.withExtra​(double extra)
    In most cases extra is the speed of the particles.
    Methods in com.cryptomorin.xseries.particles with parameters of type ParticleDisplay 
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    static void XParticle.atom​(int orbits, double radius, double rate, ParticleDisplay orbit, ParticleDisplay nucleus)
    Spawns an atom with orbits and a nucleus.
    static void XParticle.atomic​( plugin, int orbits, double radius, double rate, ParticleDisplay orbit)
    Spawns multiple animated atomic-like circles rotating around in their orbit.
    static void XParticle.blackhole​( plugin, int points, double radius, double rate, int mode, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawn a blackhole.
    static void XParticle.blackSun​(double radius, double radiusRate, double rate, double rateChange, ParticleDisplay display)
    Creates a blacksun-like increasing circles.
    static void XParticle.cage​(org.bukkit.Location start, org.bukkit.Location end, double rate, double barRate, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns a cage.
    static org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask XParticle.chaoticDoublePendulum​( plugin, double radius, double gravity, double length, double length2, double mass1, double mass2, boolean Dimension3, int speed, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns a double pendulum with chaotic movement.
    static void​(double radius, double radius2, double extension, double rate, double limit, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns a circle.
    static void​(double radius, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawn a circle.
    static org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask XParticle.circularBeam​( plugin, double maxRadius, double rate, double radiusRate, double extend, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns connected 3D ellipses.
    static org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask​( plugin, ParticleDisplay cloud, ParticleDisplay rain)
    A simple method to spawn animated clouds effect.
    static void XParticle.cone​(double height, double radius, double rate, double circleRate, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawn a cone.
    static void XParticle.crescent​(double radius, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns a crescent.
    static void XParticle.cube​(org.bukkit.Location start, org.bukkit.Location end, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns a cube with the inner space empty.
    static void XParticle.cylinder​(double height, double radius, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
    Not really a cylinder.
    static void XParticle.diamond​(double radiusRate, double rate, double height, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns a diamond-shaped rhombus.
    static void XParticle.dna​(double radius, double rate, double extension, int height, int hydrogenBondDist, ParticleDisplay display, ParticleDisplay hydrogenBondDisplay)
    Spawn a DNA double helix string with nucleotides.
    static org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask XParticle.dnaReplication​( plugin, double radius, double rate, int speed, double extension, int height, int hydrogenBondDist, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawn an animated DNA replication with colored bonds.
    static void XParticle.drawLine​(org.bukkit.entity.Player player, double length, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
    Draws a line from the player's looking direction.
    static void XParticle.ellipse​(double radius, double otherRadius, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawn an ellipse.
    static void XParticle.explosionWave​( plugin, double rate, ParticleDisplay display, ParticleDisplay secDisplay)
    A sin/cos based smoothly animated explosion wave.
    static void XParticle.eye​(double radius, double radius2, double rate, double extension, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns an eye-shaped circle.
    static void XParticle.filledCircle​(double radius, double rate, double radiusRate, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns a filled cirlce using circles.
    static void XParticle.filledCube​(org.bukkit.Location start, org.bukkit.Location end, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawn a cube with all the space filled with particles inside.
    static void XParticle.flower​(int count, double radius, ParticleDisplay display, Runnable runnable)
    Spawns the given shape(s) in the runnable in a circular form.
    static org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask XParticle.guard​( plugin, long update, double rate, double offsetx, double offsety, double offsetz, Runnable runnable, ParticleDisplay... displays)
    This will move the particle around in an area randomly.
    static void XParticle.heart​(double cut, double cutAngle, double depth, double compressHeight, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns a circle with heart shaped circles sticking out.
    static org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask XParticle.helix​( plugin, int strings, double radius, double rate, double extension, int height, int speed, boolean fadeUp, boolean fadeDown, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns animated helix shapes.
    static void XParticle.hypercube​(org.bukkit.Location startOrigin, org.bukkit.Location endOrigin, double rate, double sizeRate, int cubes, ParticleDisplay display)
    Inaccurate representation of hypercubes.
    static void XParticle.illuminati​(double size, double extension, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns an illuminati shape.
    static void XParticle.infinity​(double radius, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawn a 3D infinity sign.
    static void XParticle.julia​(double size, double zoom, int colorScheme, double moveX, double moveY, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns a julia set.
    static void XParticle.lightning​(org.bukkit.Location start, org.bukkit.util.Vector direction, int entries, int branches, double radius, double offset, double offsetRate, double length, double lengthRate, double branch, double branchRate, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns a broken line that creates more and extended branches as it gets closer to the end length.
    static void XParticle.line​(org.bukkit.Location start, org.bukkit.Location end, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns a line from a location to another.
    static org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask XParticle.magicCircles​( plugin, double radius, double rate, double radiusRate, double distance, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns circles increasing their radius.
    static void XParticle.mandelbrot​(double size, double zoom, double rate, double x0, double y0, int color, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns a mandelbrot set.
    static void XParticle.meguminExplosion​( plugin, double size, ParticleDisplay display)
    This is supposed to be something similar to this: The numbers on this shape are really sensitive.
    static org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask XParticle.moveAround​( plugin, long update, double rate, double endRate, double offsetx, double offsety, double offsetz, Runnable runnable, ParticleDisplay... displays)
    This will move the particle around in an area randomly.
    static org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask XParticle.moveRotatingAround​( plugin, long update, double rate, double offsetx, double offsety, double offsetz, Runnable runnable, ParticleDisplay... displays)
    This will move the shape around in an area randomly while rotating them.
    static void XParticle.neopaganPentagram​(double size, double rate, double extend, ParticleDisplay star, ParticleDisplay circle)
    static void XParticle.polygon​(int points, int connection, double size, double rate, double extend, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns a connected 2D polygon.
    static void XParticle.rainbow​(double radius, double rate, double curve, double layers, double compact, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns a rainbow.
    static void XParticle.rectangle​(org.bukkit.Location start, org.bukkit.Location end, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns a rectangle.
    static void XParticle.ring​(double rate, double radius, double tubeRadius, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns a donut-shaped ring.
    static org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask XParticle.rotateAround​( plugin, long update, double rate, double offsetx, double offsety, double offsetz, Runnable runnable, ParticleDisplay... displays)
    This will rotate the shape around in an area randomly.
    static void XParticle.sphere​(double radius, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawn a sphere.
    static void XParticle.spikeSphere​(double radius, double rate, int chance, double minRandomDistance, double maxRandomDistance, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns a sphere with spikes coming out from the center.
    static void XParticle.spread​( plugin, int amount, int rate, org.bukkit.Location start, org.bukkit.Location originEnd, double offsetx, double offsety, double offsetz, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns animated spikes randomly spreading at the end location.
    static void​( plugin, int points, int spikes, double rate, double spikeLength, double coreRadius, double neuron, boolean prototype, int speed, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawn 3D spiked circles.
    static void XParticle.structuredCube​(org.bukkit.Location start, org.bukkit.Location end, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
    spawn a cube with the inner space and walls empty, leaving only the edges visible.
    static org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask XParticle.tesseract​( plugin, double size, double rate, double speed, long ticks, ParticleDisplay display)
    Animated 4D tesseract using matrix motion.
    static org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask XParticle.vortex​( plugin, int points, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
    Spawns a galaxy-like vortex.
    static void XParticle.waveFunction​(double extend, double heightRange, double size, double rate, ParticleDisplay display)
    Something similar to Quantum Wave function