Class ConfigurationStep<M extends Message,​R,​W>

  • Type Parameters:
    M - The message class
    R - Generic type for the reader output/transformer input
    W - Generic type for the transformer output/writer input

    public class ConfigurationStep<M extends Message,​R,​W>
    extends Object
    Set configuration for the new flow and build it.
    • Method Detail

      • metrics

        public ConfigurationStep<M,​R,​W> metrics​(Consumer<FlowInfo> m)
        Sets a process metrics monitor that consumes a FlowInfo instance every time a message has been processed. builder step.
        m - the process metrics monitor
        the next step (setting configuration or build the flow)
      • cleanup

        public ConfigurationStep<M,​R,​W> cleanup​(Runnable c)
        Sets a cleanup task process monitor that consumes a FlowInfo instance every time a message has been processed. builder step.
        c - the cleanup task
        the next step (setting configuration or build the flow)
      • build

        public FlowSpec build()
        Build the new flow.
        the new flow