
trait BinaryStore[F[_]]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def computeAttr(id: BinaryId, hint: Hint): ComputeAttr[F]

Retrieves a selected set of attributes of a binary.

Retrieves a selected set of attributes of a binary.

def delete(id: BinaryId): F[Unit]

Deletes all data associated to the given id.

Deletes all data associated to the given id.

def exists(id: BinaryId): F[Boolean]

Check if a file exists. Same as findBinary().isDefined, but usually more efficiently implemented.

Check if a file exists. Same as findBinary().isDefined, but usually more efficiently implemented.

def findBinary(id: BinaryId, range: ByteRange): OptionT[F, Binary[F]]

Finds a binary by its id. The range argument controls which part to return.

Finds a binary by its id. The range argument controls which part to return.

def insert: (F, Byte) => BinaryId

Insert the given bytes creating a new id.

Insert the given bytes creating a new id.

def insertWith(id: BinaryId): (F, Byte) => Nothing

Insert the given bytes to the given id. If some file already exists by this id, the behavior depends on the implementation.

Insert the given bytes to the given id. If some file already exists by this id, the behavior depends on the implementation.

def listIds(prefix: Option[String], chunkSize: Int): Stream[F, BinaryId]

Returns a set of ids currently available in this store.

Returns a set of ids currently available in this store.