



package internal

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. internal
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package ops

Type Members

  1. class AccessGimapImpl[F[_]] extends AccessImapImpl[F] with AccessImap[F, JavaMailConnectionGeneric[GmailStore, Transport, GmailFolder]]
  2. class AccessImapImpl[F[_]] extends AccessImpl[F] with AccessImap[F, JavaMailImapConnection]
  3. class AccessImpl[F[_]] extends Access[F, JavaMailConnection]
  4. case class GlobalProperties(props: Map[String, String]) extends Product with Serializable

    JavaMail uses various system properties to configure internals.

    JavaMail uses various system properties to configure internals. Those properties are often read at class loading time and then cached in a static variable. Thus, it must be set as a system property to be surely existent before any class loading happens.

    But the defaults are not good enough and it is tedious to always run the apps with a correctly configured command line. So this class holds certain system properties related to java mail that are set programmatically at a point where no javamail classes should have been loaded yet (when using emil only).

    This class collects some javamail related system properties. They are applied early enough (wrt to emil library). By default the lenient' set is applied. Properties are only set, if the current value is absent. Thus, any system properties applied before are retained and not overwritten by this class. To skip this, specify the system property emil.javamail.globalproperties=empty'. In this case nothing is applied.

  5. case class GmailLabel(value: String) extends Product with Serializable
  6. sealed trait InternalId extends AnyRef
  7. type JavaMailConnection = JavaMailConnectionGeneric[Store, Transport, Folder]
  8. final case class JavaMailConnectionGeneric[+Str <: Store, +Trns <: Transport, +Fldr <: Folder](config: MailConfig, session: Session, mailStore: Option[Str], mailTransport: Option[Trns]) extends Connection with Product with Serializable
  9. type JavaMailImapConnection = JavaMailConnectionGeneric[IMAPStore, Transport, IMAPFolder]
  10. trait Logger extends AnyRef
  11. final class SendImpl[F[_]] extends Send[F, JavaMailConnection]

Value Members

  1. object ConnectionResource
  2. object EmilMimeMessage
  3. object EnumerationConverter
  4. object GlobalProperties extends Serializable
  5. object InternalId
  6. object Logger
  7. object ThreadClassLoader
  8. object Using
  9. object Util

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
