
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class KafkaConsumer[F, K, V]

Value members

Concrete methods

def awaitTermination: F[Unit]

Wait for consumer to shut down. Note that awaitTermination is guaranteed to complete after consumer shutdown, even when the consumer is cancelled with terminate.

Wait for consumer to shut down. Note that awaitTermination is guaranteed to complete after consumer shutdown, even when the consumer is cancelled with terminate.

This method will not initiate shutdown. To initiate shutdown and wait for it to complete, you can use terminate >> awaitTermination.

def terminate: F[Unit]

Whenever terminate is invoked, an attempt will be made to stop the underlying consumer. The terminate operation will not wait for the consumer to shutdown. If you also want to wait for the shutdown to complete, you can use terminate >> awaitTermination.

Whenever terminate is invoked, an attempt will be made to stop the underlying consumer. The terminate operation will not wait for the consumer to shutdown. If you also want to wait for the shutdown to complete, you can use terminate >> awaitTermination.

Deprecated methods

@deprecated("Use terminate/awaitTermination instead", since = "1.4.0")
def fiber: Fiber[F, Unit]

A Fiber that can be used to cancel the underlying consumer, or wait for it to complete. If you're using KafkaConsumer.stream, or any other provided stream in KafkaConsumer, these will be automatically interrupted when the underlying consumer has been cancelled or when it finishes with an exception.

Whenever cancel is invoked, an attempt will be made to stop the underlying consumer. The cancel operation will not wait for the consumer to shutdown. If you also want to wait for the shutdown to complete, you can use join. Note that join is guaranteed to complete after consumer shutdown, even when the consumer is cancelled with cancel.

This Fiber instance is usually only required if the consumer needs to be cancelled due to some external condition, or when an external process needs to be cancelled whenever the consumer has shut down. Most of the time, when you're only using the streams provided by KafkaConsumer, there is no need to use this.

A Fiber that can be used to cancel the underlying consumer, or wait for it to complete. If you're using KafkaConsumer.stream, or any other provided stream in KafkaConsumer, these will be automatically interrupted when the underlying consumer has been cancelled or when it finishes with an exception.

Whenever cancel is invoked, an attempt will be made to stop the underlying consumer. The cancel operation will not wait for the consumer to shutdown. If you also want to wait for the shutdown to complete, you can use join. Note that join is guaranteed to complete after consumer shutdown, even when the consumer is cancelled with cancel.

This Fiber instance is usually only required if the consumer needs to be cancelled due to some external condition, or when an external process needs to be cancelled whenever the consumer has shut down. Most of the time, when you're only using the streams provided by KafkaConsumer, there is no need to use this.

[Since version 1.4.0]