
abstract class CommitRecovery

CommitRecovery describes how to recover from exceptions raised while trying to commit offsets. See CommitRecovery#Default for the default recovery strategy. If you do not wish to recover from any exceptions, you can use CommitRecovery#None.

To create a new CommitRecovery, simply create a new instance and implement the recoverCommitWith function with the wanted recovery strategy. To use the CommitRecovery, you can simply set it with ConsumerSettings#withCommitRecovery.

CommitRecovery describes how to recover from exceptions raised while trying to commit offsets. See CommitRecovery#Default for the default recovery strategy. If you do not wish to recover from any exceptions, you can use CommitRecovery#None.

To create a new CommitRecovery, simply create a new instance and implement the recoverCommitWith function with the wanted recovery strategy. To use the CommitRecovery, you can simply set it with ConsumerSettings#withCommitRecovery.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def recoverCommitWith[F[_]](offsets: Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata], commit: F[Unit])(F: Temporal[F], jitter: Jitter[F]): Throwable => F[Unit]

Describes recovery from offset commit exceptions. The commit parameter can be used to retry the commit. Note that if more than one retry is desirable, errors from commit will need to be handled and recovered.

The offsets we are trying to commit are available via the offsets parameter. Waiting before retrying again can be done via the provided Timer instance, and jitter can be applied using the Jitter instance.

Describes recovery from offset commit exceptions. The commit parameter can be used to retry the commit. Note that if more than one retry is desirable, errors from commit will need to be handled and recovered.

The offsets we are trying to commit are available via the offsets parameter. Waiting before retrying again can be done via the provided Timer instance, and jitter can be applied using the Jitter instance.