
trait KafkaTopics[F[_]]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class KafkaConsumer[F, K, V]

Value members

Abstract methods

def beginningOffsets(partitions: Set[TopicPartition]): F[Map[TopicPartition, Long]]

Returns the first offset for the specified partitions.<br> <br> Timeout is determined by default.api.timeout.ms, which is set using ConsumerSettings#withDefaultApiTimeout.

Returns the first offset for the specified partitions.<br> <br> Timeout is determined by default.api.timeout.ms, which is set using ConsumerSettings#withDefaultApiTimeout.

def beginningOffsets(partitions: Set[TopicPartition], timeout: FiniteDuration): F[Map[TopicPartition, Long]]

Returns the first offset for the specified partitions.

Returns the first offset for the specified partitions.

def endOffsets(partitions: Set[TopicPartition]): F[Map[TopicPartition, Long]]

Returns the last offset for the specified partitions.<br> <br> Timeout is determined by request.timeout.ms, which is set using ConsumerSettings#withRequestTimeout.

Returns the last offset for the specified partitions.<br> <br> Timeout is determined by request.timeout.ms, which is set using ConsumerSettings#withRequestTimeout.

def endOffsets(partitions: Set[TopicPartition], timeout: FiniteDuration): F[Map[TopicPartition, Long]]

Returns the last offset for the specified partitions.

Returns the last offset for the specified partitions.

def partitionsFor(topic: String): F[List[PartitionInfo]]

Returns the partitions for the specified topic.

Returns the partitions for the specified topic.

Timeout is determined by default.api.timeout.ms, which is set using ConsumerSettings#withDefaultApiTimeout.

def partitionsFor(topic: String, timeout: FiniteDuration): F[List[PartitionInfo]]

Returns the partitions for the specified topic.

Returns the partitions for the specified topic.