
sealed abstract class ProducerRecord[+K, +V]

ProducerRecord represents a record which can be produced to Kafka. At the very least, this includes a key of type K, a value of type V, and to which topic the record should be produced. The partition, timestamp, and headers can be set by using the withPartition, withTimestamp, and withHeaders functions, respectively.<br> <br> To create a new instance, use ProducerRecord#apply.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

The record headers.

The record headers.

def key: K

The record key.

The record key.

def partition: Option[Int]

The partition to which the record should be produced.

The partition to which the record should be produced.

def timestamp: Option[Long]

The timestamp for when the record was produced.

The timestamp for when the record was produced.

def topic: String

The topic to which the record should be produced.

The topic to which the record should be produced.

def value: V

The record value.

The record value.

def withHeaders(headers: Headers): ProducerRecord[K, V]

Creates a new ProducerRecord instance with the specified headers as the headers for the record.

Creates a new ProducerRecord instance with the specified headers as the headers for the record.

def withPartition(partition: Int): ProducerRecord[K, V]

Creates a new ProducerRecord instance with the specified partition as the partition to which the record should be produced.

Creates a new ProducerRecord instance with the specified partition as the partition to which the record should be produced.

def withTimestamp(timestamp: Long): ProducerRecord[K, V]

Creates a new ProducerRecord instance with the specified timestamp as the timestamp for when the record was produced.

Creates a new ProducerRecord instance with the specified timestamp as the timestamp for when the record was produced.