



package finch

This is a root package of the Finch library, which provides an immutable layer of functions and types atop of Finagle for writing lightweight HTTP services.

Linear Supertypes
EndpointMappers, ValidationRules, Outputs, Endpoints, FileUploadsAndAttributes, Cookies, ParamAndParams, Headers, Paths, Bodies, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. finch
  2. EndpointMappers
  3. ValidationRules
  4. Outputs
  5. Endpoints
  6. FileUploadsAndAttributes
  7. Cookies
  8. ParamAndParams
  9. Headers
  10. Paths
  11. Bodies
  12. AnyRef
  13. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class Bootstrap[ES <: HList, CTS <: HList] extends AnyRef

    Bootstraps a Finagle HTTP service out of the collection of Finch endpoints.

    Bootstraps a Finagle HTTP service out of the collection of Finch endpoints.

    val api: Service[Request, Response] = Bootstrap
     .serve[Application.Json](getUser :+: postUser)

    This API is experimental/unstable. Use with caution.

  2. trait Decode[A] extends AnyRef

    Decodes an HTTP payload represented as Buf (encoded with Charset) into an arbitrary type A.

  3. trait DecodeEntity[A] extends AnyRef

    Decodes an HTTP entity (eg: header, query-string param) represented as UTF-8 String into an arbitrary type A.

  4. trait DecodePath[A] extends AnyRef

    Decodes an HTTP path (eg: /foo/bar/baz) represented as UTF-8 String into an arbitrary type A.

  5. trait Encode[A] extends AnyRef

    Encodes an HTTP payload (represented as an arbitrary type A) with a given Charset.

  6. trait Endpoint[A] extends AnyRef

    An Endpoint represents the HTTP endpoint.

    An Endpoint represents the HTTP endpoint.

    It is well known and widely adopted in Finagle that "Your Server is a Function" (i.e., Request => Future[Response]). In a REST/HTTP API setting this function may be viewed as Request =1=> (A =2=> Future[B]) =3=> Future[Response], where transformation 1 is a request decoding (deserialization), transformation 2 - is a business logic and transformation 3 is - a response encoding (serialization). The only interesting part here is transformation 2 (i.e., A => Future[B]), which represents an application business.

    An Endpoint transformation (map, mapAsync, etc.) encodes the business logic, while the rest of Finch ecosystem takes care about both serialization and deserialization.

    A typical way to transform (or map) the Endpoint is to use io.finch.syntax.Mapper:

    import io.finch._
    case class Foo(i: Int)
    case class Bar(s: String)
    val foo: Endpoint[Foo] = get("foo") { Ok(Foo(42)) }
    val bar: Endpoint[Bar] = get("bar" :: path[String]) { s: String => Ok(Bar(s)) }

    Endpoints are also composable in terms of or-else combinator (known as a "space invader" operator :+:) that takes two Endpoints and returns a coproduct Endpoint.

    import io.finch._
    val foobar: Endpoint[Foo :+: Bar :+: CNil] = foo :+: bar

    An Endpoint might be converted into a Finagle Service with Endpoint.toService method so it can be served within Finagle HTTP.

    import com.twitter.finagle.Http
  7. sealed abstract class EndpointResult[+A] extends AnyRef

    A result returned from an Endpoint.

    A result returned from an Endpoint. This models Option[(Input, Future[Output])] and represents two cases:

    • Endpoint is matched so both remainder and output is returned.
    • Endpoint is skipped so None is returned.

    API methods exposed on this type are mostly introduced for testing.

    This class also provides various of awaitX methods useful for testing and experimenting.

  8. trait Endpoints extends Bodies with Paths with Headers with ParamAndParams with Cookies with FileUploadsAndAttributes

    A collection of Endpoint combinators.

  9. sealed abstract class Error extends Exception with NoStackTrace

    A single error from an Endpoint.

    A single error from an Endpoint.

    This indicates that one of the Finch's built-in components failed. This includes, but not limited by:

    - reading a required param, body, header, etc. - parsing a string-based endpoint with .as[T] combinator - validating an endpoint with .should or shouldNot combinators

  10. case class Errors(errors: NonEmptyList[Error]) extends Exception with NoStackTrace with Product with Serializable

    Multiple errors from an Endpoint.

    Multiple errors from an Endpoint.

    This type of error indicates that an endpoint is able to accumulate multiple Errors into a single instance of Errors that embeds a non-empty list.

    Error accumulation happens as part of the .product (or adjoin, ::) combinator.

  11. trait HighPriorityEncodeInstances extends LowPriorityEncodeInstances
  12. trait HighPriorityToResponseInstances extends LowPriorityToResponseInstances
  13. final case class Input(request: Request, route: Seq[String]) extends Product with Serializable

    An input for Endpoint that glues two individual pieces together:

    An input for Endpoint that glues two individual pieces together:

    - Finagle's Request needed for evaluating (e.g., body, param) - Finch's route (represented as Seq[String]) needed for matching (e.g., path)

  14. trait LowPriorityEncodeInstances extends AnyRef
  15. trait LowPriorityToResponseInstances extends AnyRef
  16. sealed trait Output[+A] extends AnyRef

    An output of Endpoint.

  17. trait Outputs extends AnyRef
  18. trait ToResponse[A] extends AnyRef

    Represents a conversion from A to Response.

  19. trait ToService[ES <: HList, CTS <: HList] extends AnyRef

    Wraps a given list of Endpoints and their content-types with a Finagle Service.

    Wraps a given list of Endpoints and their content-types with a Finagle Service.

    Guarantees to:

    - handle Finch's own errors (i.e., Error and Error) as 400s - copy requests's HTTP version onto a response - respond with 404 when en endpoint is not matched

    - include the date header on each response (unless disabled) - include the server header on each response (unless disabled)

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  20. trait ValidationRule[A] extends AnyRef

    A ValidationRule enables a reusable way of defining a validation rules in the application domain.

    A ValidationRule enables a reusable way of defining a validation rules in the application domain. It might be composed with Endpoints using either should or shouldNot methods and with other ValidationRules using logical methods and and or.

    case class User(name: String, age: Int)
    val user: Endpoint[User] = (
      param("name").should(beLongerThan(3)) ::
      param("age").as[Int].should(beGreaterThan(0) and beLessThan(120))
  21. trait ValidationRules extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. def Accepted[A]: Output[A]
    Definition Classes
  2. def BadGateway(cause: Exception): Output[Nothing]
    Definition Classes
  3. def BadRequest(cause: Exception): Output[Nothing]
    Definition Classes
  4. def Conflict(cause: Exception): Output[Nothing]
    Definition Classes
  5. def Created[A](a: A): Output[A]
    Definition Classes
  6. def EnhanceYourCalm(cause: Exception): Output[Nothing]
    Definition Classes
  7. def Forbidden(cause: Exception): Output[Nothing]
    Definition Classes
  8. def GatewayTimeout(cause: Exception): Output[Nothing]
    Definition Classes
  9. def Gone(cause: Exception): Output[Nothing]
    Definition Classes
  10. def InsufficientStorage(cause: Exception): Output[Nothing]
    Definition Classes
  11. def InternalServerError(cause: Exception): Output[Nothing]
    Definition Classes
  12. def LengthRequired(cause: Exception): Output[Nothing]
    Definition Classes
  13. def MethodNotAllowed(cause: Exception): Output[Nothing]
    Definition Classes
  14. def NoContent[A]: Output[A]
    Definition Classes
  15. def NotAcceptable(cause: Exception): Output[Nothing]
    Definition Classes
  16. def NotFound(cause: Exception): Output[Nothing]
    Definition Classes
  17. def NotImplemented(cause: Exception): Output[Nothing]
    Definition Classes
  18. def Ok[A](a: A): Output[A]
    Definition Classes
  19. def PaymentRequired(cause: Exception): Output[Nothing]
    Definition Classes
  20. def PreconditionFailed(cause: Exception): Output[Nothing]
    Definition Classes
  21. def RequestEntityTooLarge(cause: Exception): Output[Nothing]
    Definition Classes
  22. def RequestTimeout(cause: Exception): Output[Nothing]
    Definition Classes
  23. def RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable(cause: Exception): Output[Nothing]
    Definition Classes
  24. def ServiceUnavailable(cause: Exception): Output[Nothing]
    Definition Classes
  25. def TooManyRequests(cause: Exception): Output[Nothing]
    Definition Classes
  26. def Unauthorized(cause: Exception): Output[Nothing]
    Definition Classes
  27. def UnprocessableEntity(cause: Exception): Output[Nothing]
    Definition Classes
  28. val asyncBody: Endpoint[AsyncStream[Buf]]

    An evaluating Endpoint that reads a required chunked streaming binary body, interpreted as an AsyncStream[Buf].

    An evaluating Endpoint that reads a required chunked streaming binary body, interpreted as an AsyncStream[Buf]. The returned Endpoint only matches chunked (streamed) requests.

    Definition Classes
  29. def beGreaterThan[A](n: A)(implicit ev: Numeric[A]): ValidationRule[A]

    A ValidationRule that makes sure the numeric value is greater than given n.

    A ValidationRule that makes sure the numeric value is greater than given n.

    Definition Classes
  30. def beLessThan[A](n: A)(implicit ev: Numeric[A]): ValidationRule[A]

    A ValidationRule that makes sure the numeric value is less than given n.

    A ValidationRule that makes sure the numeric value is less than given n.

    Definition Classes
  31. def beLongerThan(n: Int): ValidationRule[String]

    A ValidationRule that makes sure the string value is longer than n symbols.

    A ValidationRule that makes sure the string value is longer than n symbols.

    Definition Classes
  32. def beShorterThan(n: Int): ValidationRule[String]

    A ValidationRule that makes sure the string value is shorter than n symbols.

    A ValidationRule that makes sure the string value is shorter than n symbols.

    Definition Classes
  33. val binaryBody: Endpoint[Array[Byte]]

    An evaluating Endpoint that reads a required binary request body, interpreted as an Array[Byte], or throws a Error.NotPresent exception.

    An evaluating Endpoint that reads a required binary request body, interpreted as an Array[Byte], or throws a Error.NotPresent exception. The returned Endpoint only matches non-chunked (non-streamed) requests.

    Definition Classes
  34. val binaryBodyOption: Endpoint[Option[Array[Byte]]]

    An evaluating Endpoint that reads a binary request body, interpreted as a Array[Byte], into an Option.

    An evaluating Endpoint that reads a binary request body, interpreted as a Array[Byte], into an Option. The returned Endpoint only matches non-chunked (non-streamed) requests.

    Definition Classes
  35. def body[A, CT <: String](implicit d: Aux[A, CT], ct: ClassTag[A]): Endpoint[A]

    An Endpoint that reads the required request body represented as CT (ContentType) and interpreted as A, or throws an Error.NotPresent exception.

    An Endpoint that reads the required request body represented as CT (ContentType) and interpreted as A, or throws an Error.NotPresent exception. The returned Endpoint only matches non-chunked (non-streamed) requests.

    Definition Classes
  36. def bodyOption[A, CT <: String](implicit d: Aux[A, CT], ct: ClassTag[A]): Endpoint[Option[A]]

    An Endpoint that reads an optional request body represented as CT (ContentType) and interpreted as A, into an Option.

    An Endpoint that reads an optional request body represented as CT (ContentType) and interpreted as A, into an Option. The returned Endpoint only matches non-chunked (non-streamed) requests.

    Definition Classes
  37. implicit def booleanToPath(b: Boolean): Endpoint[HNil]
    Definition Classes
  38. def connect[A](e: Endpoint[A]): EndpointMapper[A]

    A combinator that wraps the given Endpoint with additional check of the HTTP method.

    A combinator that wraps the given Endpoint with additional check of the HTTP method. The resulting Endpoint succeeds on the request only if its method is CONNECT and the underlying endpoint succeeds on it.

    Definition Classes
  39. def cookie(name: String): Endpoint[Cookie]

    An evaluating Endpoint that reads a required cookie from the request or raises an Error.NotPresent exception when the cookie is missing.

    An evaluating Endpoint that reads a required cookie from the request or raises an Error.NotPresent exception when the cookie is missing.

    Definition Classes
  40. def cookieOption(name: String): Endpoint[Option[Cookie]]

    An evaluating Endpoint that reads an optional HTTP cookie from the request into an Option.

    An evaluating Endpoint that reads an optional HTTP cookie from the request into an Option.

    Definition Classes
  41. def delete[A](e: Endpoint[A]): EndpointMapper[A]

    A combinator that wraps the given Endpoint with additional check of the HTTP method.

    A combinator that wraps the given Endpoint with additional check of the HTTP method. The resulting Endpoint succeeds on the request only if its method is DELETE and the underlying endpoint succeeds on it.

    Definition Classes
  42. def get[A](e: Endpoint[A]): EndpointMapper[A]

    A combinator that wraps the given Endpoint with additional check of the HTTP method.

    A combinator that wraps the given Endpoint with additional check of the HTTP method. The resulting Endpoint succeeds on the request only if its method is GET and the underlying endpoint succeeds on it.

    Definition Classes
  43. def head[A](e: Endpoint[A]): EndpointMapper[A]

    A combinator that wraps the given Endpoint with additional check of the HTTP method.

    A combinator that wraps the given Endpoint with additional check of the HTTP method. The resulting Endpoint succeeds on the request only if its method is HEAD and the underlying endpoint succeeds on it.

    Definition Classes
  44. def header(name: String): Endpoint[String]

    An evaluating Endpoint that reads a required HTTP header name from the request or raises an Error.NotPresent exception when the header is missing.

    An evaluating Endpoint that reads a required HTTP header name from the request or raises an Error.NotPresent exception when the header is missing.

    Definition Classes
  45. def headerExists(name: String): Endpoint[String]

    A matching Endpoint that only matches the requests that contain a given header name.

    A matching Endpoint that only matches the requests that contain a given header name.

    Definition Classes
  46. def headerOption(name: String): Endpoint[Option[String]]

    An evaluating Endpoint that reads an optional HTTP header name from the request into an Option.

    An evaluating Endpoint that reads an optional HTTP header name from the request into an Option.

    Definition Classes
  47. implicit def intToPath(i: Int): Endpoint[HNil]
    Definition Classes
  48. def jsonBody[A](implicit arg0: Json[A], arg1: ClassTag[A]): Endpoint[A]

    Alias for body[A, Application.Json].

    Alias for body[A, Application.Json].

    Definition Classes
  49. def jsonBodyOption[A](implicit arg0: Json[A], arg1: ClassTag[A]): Endpoint[Option[A]]

    Alias for bodyOption[A, Application.Json].

    Alias for bodyOption[A, Application.Json].

    Definition Classes
  50. def multipartAttribute(name: String): Endpoint[String]

    An evaluating Endpoint that reads a required attribute from a multipart/form-data request.

    An evaluating Endpoint that reads a required attribute from a multipart/form-data request.

    Definition Classes
  51. def multipartAttributeOption(name: String): Endpoint[Option[String]]

    An evaluating Endpoint that reads an optional attribute from a multipart/form-data request.

    An evaluating Endpoint that reads an optional attribute from a multipart/form-data request.

    Definition Classes
  52. def multipartFileUpload(name: String): Endpoint[FileUpload]

    An evaluating Endpoint that reads a required file upload from a multipart/form-data request.

    An evaluating Endpoint that reads a required file upload from a multipart/form-data request.

    Definition Classes
  53. def multipartFileUploadOption(name: String): Endpoint[Option[FileUpload]]

    An evaluating Endpoint that reads an optional file upload from a multipart/form-data request into an Option.

    An evaluating Endpoint that reads an optional file upload from a multipart/form-data request into an Option.

    Definition Classes
  54. def options[A](e: Endpoint[A]): EndpointMapper[A]

    A combinator that wraps the given Endpoint with additional check of the HTTP method.

    A combinator that wraps the given Endpoint with additional check of the HTTP method. The resulting Endpoint succeeds on the request only if its method is OPTIONS and the underlying endpoint succeeds on it.

    Definition Classes
  55. def param(name: String): Endpoint[String]

    An evaluating Endpoint that reads a required query-string param name from the request or raises an Error.NotPresent exception when the param is missing; an Error.NotValid exception is the param is empty.

    An evaluating Endpoint that reads a required query-string param name from the request or raises an Error.NotPresent exception when the param is missing; an Error.NotValid exception is the param is empty.

    Definition Classes
  56. def paramExists(name: String): Endpoint[String]

    A matching Endpoint that only matches the requests that contain a given query-string param name.

    A matching Endpoint that only matches the requests that contain a given query-string param name.

    Definition Classes
  57. def paramOption(name: String): Endpoint[Option[String]]

    An evaluating Endpoint that reads an optional query-string param name from the request into an Option.

    An evaluating Endpoint that reads an optional query-string param name from the request into an Option.

    Definition Classes
  58. def params(name: String): Endpoint[Seq[String]]

    An evaluating Endpoint that reads an optional (in a meaning that a resulting Seq may be empty) multi-value query-string param name from the request into a Seq.

    An evaluating Endpoint that reads an optional (in a meaning that a resulting Seq may be empty) multi-value query-string param name from the request into a Seq.

    Definition Classes
  59. def paramsNel(name: String): Endpoint[NonEmptyList[String]]

    An evaluating Endpoint that reads a required multi-value query-string param name from the request into a NonEmptyList or raises a Error.NotPresent exception when the params are missing or empty.

    An evaluating Endpoint that reads a required multi-value query-string param name from the request into a NonEmptyList or raises a Error.NotPresent exception when the params are missing or empty.

    Definition Classes
  60. def patch[A](e: Endpoint[A]): EndpointMapper[A]

    A combinator that wraps the given Endpoint with additional check of the HTTP method.

    A combinator that wraps the given Endpoint with additional check of the HTTP method. The resulting Endpoint succeeds on the request only if its method is PATCH and the underlying endpoint succeeds on it.

    Definition Classes
  61. def path(s: String): Endpoint[HNil]

    An Endpoint that matches a given string.

    An Endpoint that matches a given string.

    Definition Classes
  62. def path[A](implicit arg0: DecodePath[A], arg1: ClassTag[A]): Endpoint[A]

    A matching Endpoint that reads a value of type A (using the implicit DecodePath instances defined for A) from the current path segment.

    A matching Endpoint that reads a value of type A (using the implicit DecodePath instances defined for A) from the current path segment.

    Definition Classes
  63. def paths[A](implicit arg0: DecodePath[A], arg1: ClassTag[A]): Endpoint[Seq[A]]

    A matching Endpoint that reads a tail value A (using the implicit DecodePath instances defined for A) from the entire path.

    A matching Endpoint that reads a tail value A (using the implicit DecodePath instances defined for A) from the entire path.

    Definition Classes
  64. def post[A](e: Endpoint[A]): EndpointMapper[A]

    A combinator that wraps the given Endpoint with additional check of the HTTP method.

    A combinator that wraps the given Endpoint with additional check of the HTTP method. The resulting Endpoint succeeds on the request only if its method is POST and the underlying endpoint succeeds on it.

    Definition Classes
  65. def put[A](e: Endpoint[A]): EndpointMapper[A]

    A combinator that wraps the given Endpoint with additional check of the HTTP method.

    A combinator that wraps the given Endpoint with additional check of the HTTP method. The resulting Endpoint succeeds on the request only if its method is PUT and the underlying endpoint succeeds on it.

    Definition Classes
  66. val stringBody: Endpoint[String]

    An evaluating Endpoint that reads the required request body, interpreted as a String, or throws an Error.NotPresent exception.

    An evaluating Endpoint that reads the required request body, interpreted as a String, or throws an Error.NotPresent exception. The returned Endpoint only matches non-chunked (non-streamed) requests.

    Definition Classes
  67. val stringBodyOption: Endpoint[Option[String]]

    An evaluating Endpoint that reads an optional request body, interpreted as a String, into an Option.

    An evaluating Endpoint that reads an optional request body, interpreted as a String, into an Option. The returned Endpoint only matches non-chunked (non-streamed) requests.

    Definition Classes
  68. implicit def stringToPath(s: String): Endpoint[HNil]
    Definition Classes
  69. def textBody[A](implicit arg0: Text[A], arg1: ClassTag[A]): Endpoint[A]

    Alias for body[A, Text.Plain]

    Alias for body[A, Text.Plain]

    Definition Classes
  70. def textBodyOption[A](implicit arg0: Text[A], arg1: ClassTag[A]): Endpoint[Option[A]]

    Alias for bodyOption[A, Text.Plain]

    Alias for bodyOption[A, Text.Plain]

    Definition Classes
  71. implicit def toOptionalInlineRule[A](fn: (A) ⇒ Boolean): (Option[A]) ⇒ Boolean

    Implicit conversion that allows the same inline rules to be used for required and optional values.

    Implicit conversion that allows the same inline rules to be used for required and optional values. If the optional value is non-empty, it gets validated (and validation may fail, producing error), but if it is empty, it is always treated as valid.

    In order to help the compiler determine the case when inline rule should be converted, the type of the validated value should be specified explicitly.

    paramOption("foo").should("be greater than 50") { i: Int => i > 50 }

    the underlying function to convert

    Definition Classes
  72. def trace[A](e: Endpoint[A]): EndpointMapper[A]

    A combinator that wraps the given Endpoint with additional check of the HTTP method.

    A combinator that wraps the given Endpoint with additional check of the HTTP method. The resulting Endpoint succeeds on the request only if its method is TRACE and the underlying router endpoint on it.

    Definition Classes
  73. object Application
  74. object Bootstrap extends Bootstrap[HNil, HNil]
  75. object Decode
  76. object DecodeEntity
  77. object DecodePath
  78. object Encode extends HighPriorityEncodeInstances
  79. object Endpoint

    Provides extension methods for Endpoint to support coproduct and path syntax.

  80. object EndpointResult
  81. object * extends Endpoint[HNil]

    An Endpoint that skips all path segments.

    An Endpoint that skips all path segments.

    Definition Classes
  82. object / extends Endpoint[HNil]

    An identity Endpoint.

    An identity Endpoint.

    Definition Classes
  83. object root extends Endpoint[Request]

    A root Endpoint that always matches and extracts the current request.

    A root Endpoint that always matches and extracts the current request.

    Definition Classes
  84. object Error extends Serializable
  85. object Input extends Serializable

    Creates an input for Endpoint from Request.

  86. object Output
  87. object Text
  88. object ToResponse extends HighPriorityToResponseInstances
  89. object ToService

    Wraps a given Endpoint with a Finagle Service.

    Wraps a given Endpoint with a Finagle Service.

    Guarantees to:

    - handle Finch's own errors (i.e., Error and Error) as 400s - copy requests's HTTP version onto a response - respond with 404 when en endpoint is not matched

  90. object ValidationRule

    Allows the creation of reusable validation rules for Endpoints.

  91. object items

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def boolean(name: String): Endpoint[Boolean]

    A matching Endpoint that reads a boolean value from the current path segment.

    A matching Endpoint that reads a boolean value from the current path segment.

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 0.16) Use path[Boolean].withToString(String) instead

  2. val boolean: Endpoint[Boolean]

    A matching Endpoint that reads a boolean value from the current path segment.

    A matching Endpoint that reads a boolean value from the current path segment.

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 0.16) Use path[Boolean] instead

  3. val booleans: Endpoint[Seq[Boolean]]

    A matching Endpoint that reads a boolean tail from the current path segment.

    A matching Endpoint that reads a boolean tail from the current path segment.

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 0.16) Use paths[Boolean] instead

  4. def fileUpload(name: String): Endpoint[FileUpload]

    An evaluating Endpoint that reads a required file upload from a multipart/form-data request.

    An evaluating Endpoint that reads a required file upload from a multipart/form-data request.

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 0.16) Use multipartFileUpload instead

  5. def fileUploadOption(name: String): Endpoint[Option[FileUpload]]

    An evaluating Endpoint that reads an optional file upload from a multipart/form-data request into an Option.

    An evaluating Endpoint that reads an optional file upload from a multipart/form-data request into an Option.

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 0.16) Use multipartFileUploadOption instead

  6. def int(name: String): Endpoint[Int]

    A matching Endpoint that reads an integer value from the current path segment.

    A matching Endpoint that reads an integer value from the current path segment.

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 0.16) Use path[Int].withToString(String) instead

  7. val int: Endpoint[Int]

    A matching Endpoint that reads an integer value from the current path segment.

    A matching Endpoint that reads an integer value from the current path segment.

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 0.16) Use path[Int] instead

  8. val ints: Endpoint[Seq[Int]]

    A matching Endpoint that reads a string tail from the current path segment.

    A matching Endpoint that reads a string tail from the current path segment.

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 0.16) Use paths[Int] instead

  9. def long(name: String): Endpoint[Long]

    A matching Endpoint that reads a long value from the current path segment.

    A matching Endpoint that reads a long value from the current path segment.

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 0.16) Use path[Long].withToString(String) instead

  10. val long: Endpoint[Long]

    A matching Endpoint that reads a long value from the current path segment.

    A matching Endpoint that reads a long value from the current path segment.

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 0.16) Use path[Long] instead

  11. val longs: Endpoint[Seq[Long]]

    A matching Endpoint that reads a long tail from the current path segment.

    A matching Endpoint that reads a long tail from the current path segment.

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 0.16) Use paths[Long] instead

  12. def string(name: String): Endpoint[String]

    A matching Endpoint that reads a string value from the current path segment.

    A matching Endpoint that reads a string value from the current path segment.

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 0.16) Use path[String].withToString(String) instead

  13. val string: Endpoint[String]

    A matching Endpoint that reads a string value from the current path segment.

    A matching Endpoint that reads a string value from the current path segment.

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 0.16) Use path[String] instead

  14. val strings: Endpoint[Seq[String]]

    A matching Endpoint that reads a string tail from the current path segment.

    A matching Endpoint that reads a string tail from the current path segment.

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 0.16) Use paths[String] instead

  15. def uuid(name: String): Endpoint[UUID]

    A matching Endpoint that reads a UUID value from the current path segment.

    A matching Endpoint that reads a UUID value from the current path segment.

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 0.16) Use path[UUID].withToString(String) instead

  16. val uuid: Endpoint[UUID]

    A matching Endpoint that reads an UUID value from the current path segment.

    A matching Endpoint that reads an UUID value from the current path segment.

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 0.16) Use path[UUID] instead

  17. val uuids: Endpoint[Seq[UUID]]

    A matching Endpoint that reads a UUID tail from the current path segment.

    A matching Endpoint that reads a UUID tail from the current path segment.

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 0.16) Use paths[UUID] instead

Inherited from EndpointMappers

Inherited from ValidationRules

Inherited from Outputs

Inherited from Endpoints

Inherited from FileUploadsAndAttributes

Inherited from Cookies

Inherited from ParamAndParams

Inherited from Headers

Inherited from Paths

Inherited from Bodies

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
