
abstract class PathStore[F[_], BlobType]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class FileStore[F]

Value members

Abstract methods

def copy[A, B](src: Path[A], dst: Path[B]): F[Unit]

Copies bytes from srcPath to dstPath. Stores should optimize to use native copy functions to avoid data transfer.

Copies bytes from srcPath to dstPath. Stores should optimize to use native copy functions to avoid data transfer.

Value parameters:






def get[A](path: Path[A], chunkSize: Int): Stream[F, Byte]

Get bytes for the given Path.

Get bytes for the given Path.

Value parameters:

bytes to read in each chunk.


to get


stream of bytes

def getContents[A](path: Path[A], chunkSize: Int): F[String]
def lift(g: Plain => Validated[Throwable, Plain]): Store[F, BlobType]

Lifts this FileStore to a Store accepting URLs and exposing blobs of type BlobType. You may provide a function g for controlling input paths to this store.

Lifts this FileStore to a Store accepting URLs and exposing blobs of type BlobType. You may provide a function g for controlling input paths to this store.

Input URLs to the returned store are validated against this Store's authority before the path is extracted and passed to this store.

def list[A](path: Path[A], recursive: Boolean): Stream[F, Path[BlobType]]

List paths.

List paths.

Value parameters:

to list


when true returned list would contain files at given path and all sub-folders but no folders, otherwise – return files and folder at given path.


stream of Paths. Implementing stores must guarantee that returned Paths have correct values for size, isDir and lastModified.


Given Path pointing at folder: folder/a folder/b folder/c folder/sub-folder/d folder/sub-folder/sub-sub-folder/e list(folder, recursive = true) -> [a, b, c, d, e] list(folder, recursive = false) -> [a, b, c, sub-folder]

def move[A, B](src: Path[A], dst: Path[B]): F[Unit]

Moves bytes from srcPath to dstPath. Stores should optimize to use native move functions to avoid data transfer.

Moves bytes from srcPath to dstPath. Stores should optimize to use native move functions to avoid data transfer.

Value parameters:






def put[A](path: Path[A], overwrite: Boolean, size: Option[Long]): (F, Byte) => Unit

Provides a Sink that writes bytes into the provided path.

Provides a Sink that writes bytes into the provided path.

Value parameters:

when true putting to path with pre-existing file would overwrite the content, otherwise – fail with error.


to put


sink of bytes

def putRotate[A](computePath: F[Path[A]], limit: Long): (F, Byte) => Unit

Writes all data to a sequence of blobs/files, each limited in size to limit.

Writes all data to a sequence of blobs/files, each limited in size to limit.

The computeUrl operation is used to compute the path of the first file and every subsequent file. Typically, the next file should be determined by analyzing the current state of the filesystem -- e.g., by looking at all files in a directory and generating a unique name.

Value parameters:

operation to compute the path of the first file and all subsequent files.


maximum size in bytes for each file.


sink of bytes


Put of all files uses overwrite semantic, i.e. if path returned by computeUrl already exists content will be overwritten. If that doesn't suit your use case use computeUrl to guard against overwriting existing files.

def remove[A](path: Path[A], recursive: Boolean): F[Unit]

Remove bytes for given path. Call should succeed even if there is nothing stored at that path.

Remove bytes for given path. Call should succeed even if there is nothing stored at that path.

Value parameters:

to remove



def stat[A](path: Path[A]): F[Option[Path[BlobType]]]
def transferTo[B, P, A](dstStore: Store[F, B], srcPath: Path[P], dstUrl: Url[A])(implicit ev: B <:< FsObject): F[Int]

Concrete methods

def lift: Store[F, BlobType]
def put[A](contents: String, path: Path[A], overwrite: Boolean): Stream[F, Unit]