Class EmptyRestrictedDatatype<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - kind of element
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    DataRange<T>, RestrictedDatatype<T>

    public class EmptyRestrictedDatatype<T>
    extends EmptyDataRange<T>
    implements RestrictedDatatype<T>

    Title: Empty Iterator

    Description: Re-usable empty restricted _datatype implementation. Cannot be static so that parameterization is handled correctly.

    Copyright: Copyright (c) 2009

    Company: Clark & Parsia, LLC.

    Mike Smith
    • Constructor Detail

      • EmptyRestrictedDatatype

        public EmptyRestrictedDatatype​(Datatype<? extends T> datatype)
    • Method Detail

      • applyConstrainingFacet

        public RestrictedDatatype<T> applyConstrainingFacet​(openllet.aterm.ATermAppl facet,
                                                            java.lang.Object value)
        Description copied from interface: RestrictedDatatype
        Apply a constraining facet to further restrict the value space
        Specified by:
        applyConstrainingFacet in interface RestrictedDatatype<T>
        facet - the constraining facet name (typically a URI)
        value - the value for the constraining facet. This is not necessarily in the value space of the base datatype (e.g., length facet values on string types are not)
        the further restricted value space
      • exclude

        public RestrictedDatatype<T> exclude​(java.util.Collection<?> values)
        Description copied from interface: RestrictedDatatype
        Exclude specific elements from the _data range. Used when a restricted _data range is in a conjunction with a negative enumeration. Elements in values that are not contained in the restriction are ignored.
        Specified by:
        exclude in interface RestrictedDatatype<T>
        values - The values to exclude
        A new RestrictedDatatype
      • getDatatype

        public Datatype<? extends T> getDatatype()
        Description copied from interface: RestrictedDatatype
        Query for the base datatype of a restricted datatype. This is not necessarily a primitive datatype.
        Specified by:
        getDatatype in interface RestrictedDatatype<T>
        the base datatype
      • intersect

        public RestrictedDatatype<T> intersect​(RestrictedDatatype<?> other,
                                               boolean negated)
        Description copied from interface: RestrictedDatatype
        Intersect this range with another range. It must be the case that getDatatype().getPrimitiveDatatype().equals( other.getDatatype.getPrimiveDatatype()
        Specified by:
        intersect in interface RestrictedDatatype<T>
        other - restricted datatype to merge into this
        negated - true if other is negated, false else
        a new RestrictedDatatype, representing the intersection of this and other