
@implicitNotFound("Cannot find an ArgEncoder for type ${A}.\n \nCaliban needs it to know how to encode arguments of type ${A}.\n") trait ArgEncoder[-A]

Typeclass that defines how to encode an argument of type A into a valid caliban.client.__Value. Every type that can be passed as an argument needs an instance of ArgEncoder.

Typeclass that defines how to encode an argument of type A into a valid caliban.client.__Value. Every type that can be passed as an argument needs an instance of ArgEncoder.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def encode(value: A): __Value
Implicitly added by option
def encode(value: A): __Value
Implicitly added by list
def encode(value: A): __Value
def typeName: String
Implicitly added by option
def typeName: String
Implicitly added by list
def typeName: String

Concrete methods

def formatTypeName: String
Implicitly added by option
def formatTypeName: String
Implicitly added by list
def formatTypeName: String
def optional: Boolean
Implicitly added by option
def optional: Boolean
Implicitly added by list
def optional: Boolean