
case class SchemaReportingRef[-A](bootId: UUID, graphRef: String, coreSchema: ZRef[Nothing, Nothing, A, String], platform: Option[String], serverId: Option[String], userVersion: Option[String], runtimeVersion: Option[String], libraryVersion: Option[String])
Value parameters:

A randomly generated UUID that's unique for each instance of your edge server. Set this value on server startup (a given value should not persist across restarts).


The full schema SDL of the graph that is being reported. Represented as a ZRef with a transform from A to the rendered schema.


Indicates which Apollo Studio graph and variant the server is reporting its schema to (e.g., my-graph-id@my-variant)


The name and version of the server and/or reporting agent your edge server is using, such as apollo-server-2.8 or graphql-java-3.1.


The infrastructure environment that your edge server is running in (localhost, kubernetes/deployment, aws lambda, google cloud run, google cloud function, AWS ECS, etc.)


The runtime that your edge server is running, such as node 12.03.


An ID that's unique for each instance of your edge server. Unlike bootId, this value should persist across an instance's restarts. In a Kubernetes cluster, this might be the pod name, whereas the container can restart.


An arbitrary string you can set to distinguish data sent by different versions of your edge server. For example, this can be the SHA of the Git commit for your deployed server code. We plan to make this value visible in Apollo Studio.

trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def setSchema(a: A): UIO[Unit]

Inherited methods

def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from:
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from: